RE: The need to be rude?!? (Full Version)

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WyldHrt -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/7/2010 8:33:44 PM)


To be perfectly blunt, I'm highly successful at using this site in meeting people.

Nah, that can't be true.... [;)]
*ducks and runs*

LadyPact -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/7/2010 8:37:02 PM)

I'm going to interpret that as Wyldhrt speak for "you haven't been up to visit recently enough".

WyldHrt -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/7/2010 8:41:08 PM)


I'm going to interpret that as Wyldhrt speak for "you haven't been up to visit recently enough".
You know me too well [:D]

LadyPact -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/7/2010 8:44:20 PM)

I couldn't love you if I didn't. [:)]

WyldHrt -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/7/2010 9:29:57 PM)

Back on topic (sort of), before we get modspanked. [;)]


Let me define polite email, since there seems to be some confusion on this point. A polite email involves reading someones profile, figuring out some common interests, and discussing them with the recipient and perhaps making a suggestion for further interaction.

Definitions of polite email vary, but ok.

My comment is that these polite emails are now going unanswered. This reduces the utility of the site as a whole since the ability to meet like minded people for sex/romance/one night stands is diminishing. A site such as this needs a critical mass to function. Loss of that critical mass means that the site will no longer be viable.

Not everyone here is looking for sex/romance/one night stands (or necessarily looking at all), and 'polite' emails go unanswered for a number of reasons. Does said 'critical mass' include staying in touch with friends, flirting with fellow forum members, or any of the several other ways people use this site?

There are two reasons I've heard for why polite emails are going unanswered:
1) some women are so overwhelmed that they simply can't find the time to respond.
2) some women are scared of potential responses which are threatening/aggressive.

As LP noted, you missed some; and as I noted, being 'scared' has nothing to do with it. That said, I fail to understand how women sending out a plethora of 'Thanks but no thanks' cmails will improve the utility of this site.

N.B. I've focused on women's responses here, since it's clear that men initiate most email contacts outside forum discussion.


Relating to these points are:
1) Spam- defined as mail unmatched to the recipient and sent out randomly. Length or content irrelevant.
2) The nonexistent suggestion to send polite responses to spam.
3) That some men may send aggressive emails if rejected.
4) That aggressive emails may be linked to rejections of men who make advances without reading profiles.

Change that one to any rejections.

Why rudeness thrives on this site? Attempts to solve this problem have been rebuffed.

You seem to define 'rudeness' as a female not replying to whatever email you send with 'Thanks but no thanks'. I find this odd. Of course, I also find it odd that you spend 15mins to 1/2 hour (depending on which of your posts is accurate) 'crafting' an email which you know perfectly well may be filtered to the recipient's bulk folder, depending on her mail controls. My last R/L relationship from this site started when he sent me a 2 line note about something in my profile that made me laugh.

Let me reiterate some possible steps that can be taken:

1) Limit the number of emails that can be sent to new contacts in one day.

The spam filter does this, depending on the number of reports.

2) Provide a more visible tutorial on the tools on this site to block and delete spam and report unwelcome emails.

I'll give you that one

3) Develop a set of community guidelines or suggestions for both men and women. I think this thread clearly shows the problem is not the sole responsibility of either women or men on this site- it's due to the lack of responsibility that anonymity brings. Focusing on men or women as root causes leads to bathos and no progress.

If you say so. That said, where will these guidelines be posted? Most of the issues are with those not on the forums, and you should know by now that a pop-up when creating an account will often be clicked and ignored.

4) Allow users more latitude to select what types of emails they wish to receive- perhaps based on MPAA ratings. For people that like sending cock shots, this would make sure that their recipients don't mind receiving them.

You don't get it... again. Many of those who send cock shots know perfectly well that their recipients do NOT want to receive them. They get off on sending those pics.

5) Perhaps block emails from senders who have not first read the profile of the intended recipient.

As LP noted, that would block mails from forum participants who don't perv profiles. That said, many senders do click the profile... to get to the pictures. Clicking a button does not mean that the profile was actually read.

6) Limit emails to forum participants.

Optional setting or mandatory? If you are thinking mandatory, it's a no-go.

Clearly the site administration has a challenging problem to solve. First- are these suggestions merely the result of an unhappy vocal minority and that the average user is content? Also-if FetLife is the competition (and from a business sense, it certainly appears this way)- then people who are happier sharing a community but are not actively seeking companionship may be happier on that site since it does not have the search features of this site. Implementing suggestions of people not actively seeking companionship might be counterproductive.

LP answered this, and I feel no need to expand on what she said.

samboct -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 7:10:38 AM)

Like Peon, I too am surprised and disheartened by the comments that a polite rejection to an email carries greater risk than silence. It also explains a great deal- why women change their profile for what is apparently no visible reason (it's generally pretty easy to figure out that it's the same person) and why polite emails are going unanswered.

" have really become confused regarding your sense of entitlement about responding to emails. Why is it that you think someone owes you a debt of a return email just because you write one? Might I point out to you that you didn't answer My question from earlier? When you get emails demanding tribute or the other examples you mentioned, do you write them polite email back? "

I think the primary difference between us (and it seems like Wyld Hrt as well) is that I view online interactions to be subject to similar forces and constraints as real life interactions and you are focusing on the differences.

Let me try an analogy to answer your first question.... If I'm at a party and I walk up to a woman and ask, "Can I get you a drink?" I do expect a response. These responses generally fall into 3 categories.
1) Yes, please
2) No thank you, I've got one.
3) Thanks, but I'm waiting for someone.

All of them fall into a polite response and are pretty much as expected. What I'd characterize as rude- is utterly ignoring my question, and looking the other way. In terms of personal choice- does she have to respond to my query? No- it's her choice not to. But it is rude behavior. Consider that another guy sees this response and decides that if she's being so rude- he's got nothing to lose. So he strolls over and asks- Hey baby- wanna screw? Again, has he done anything illegal? Nope- it's a free country- there's free speech, and he's just been rude. My sense in watching this little scenario- She got what she deserves..... And there's the rub. Anger breeds anger, and rudeness begets rudeness. That's what I've been trying to point out. So that while no one is required to respond to an email they receive, not doing so breeds anger. If you view that the rules for online interactions are different than face to face, I can see why you'd be puzzled as to where I'm coming from. But I view that that the rules for face to face interactions evolved for a reason, and that you throw them out at your own peril. Unfortunately, as I have found out to my dismay on this thread- answering polite emails comes with risks that are far greater online than in the real world.

In terms of your query- do I respond to emails asking for tribute? First question- do they comply with the definition of polite email I posted earlier? Haven't gotten one yet that doesn't fit your definition of spam. I might come back with a snarky comeback, but these days- I'd probably just report it- gotta do my part to keep the spam down.

In response to your comments concerning my viewpoint on how this site should be used- You're misunderstanding my perspective. My comments are from the viewpoint of the owners of this site and seeing how it operates as a business. As a business its critical to understand where your "bread and butter" are and how you distinguish yourself from the competition. I suspect that the threads on "would you like to join CM" or "How can we improve this site" are financially motivated, i.e. the owners are concerned that advertisers may be thinking about moving to Fetlife. Hence, any improvements/suggestions to this site should be viewed through that glass.

While I enjoy this site, I certainly have no agenda telling people what they should be doing here-whether they need to be searching for partners rather than hanging out in the forums. My comments in this thread have been two fold- to answer the OPs question (and obviously, I've learned something along the way as has Peon) and to make suggestions for how to improve the place.



Icarys -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 7:20:56 AM)

Makes perfect sense to me. Very well put.

LadyPact -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 7:47:23 AM)

Again, there's something wrong with your analogy.  Internet email exchanges are not like being in the physical world.  The third party doesn't see that the woman doesn't respond to you, prompting them to be rude.  The "hey, wanna fuck" guy doesn't show up after you offer to get someone a drink.  He, and a few other just like him with various one liners, showed up long before you did.  "Wanna fuck" is actually pretty tame compared to some of what comes through.  You come way later in the line up with your polite question and many women just get sick of hearing from males after what she's already received.

As to advertising, let Me explain something to you that Alt and other venues has been aware of for a very long time.  It's really the women that you are more concerned with having on the site.  As long as you have women, the men will follow.  For every woman who joins up here, there are a multiple of men.  It's the very same concept of holding Ladies Night at the local bar.  Get the women in with no cover charge or reduced price on drinks and the men will follow because that's where the women are.  Same thing for kink clubs that offer discounts to single women.  Doing so actually gets more men in your door.  If there are no women, the men will go somewhere else.

On revenue, yes, the men are the ones who are spending the majority of the money that the advertisers are making on this site.  No argument there from Me.  The ads here are designed for their target audience.  However, they won't reach the target audience if that demographic isn't on the site for the lack of women.

LadyRian -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 7:58:07 AM)

I guess I've been fortunate so far. Perhaps it's just that I haven't been here long enough. Nobody's been nasty to me, even when I explain I'm not looking.  

I return most emails, politely, wishing the sender well in his continued search, because I'm not seeking what they are offering. Many times I get a reply thanking me for responding, even though I'm not accepting. Then I never hear from them again.
I receive no antagonism, nor hostility, they just thank me for responding, and off they go.

I do try to respond to everyone, if I can, but many times there's so many that  I'll miss seeing them because the inbox page has turned. I'm surprised by the sheer volume of mail I receive sometimes. 

thatsub -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 7:58:32 AM)

samboct, I could not have said it better myself!

Granted I don't get as many bad/rude mails as women on this site, I still respond to all mails politely, no matter how ridiculous they are. Although the single exception is spam/scam out-of-the-country emails -- I just ignore them. I respond politely "no" to male Doms, to emails demanding a tribute out of the blue, and even to emails that have whole message as just "grrr". You never know if you that new person will become your new best friend.

Rudeness indeed only begets rudeness, and being silent is not a polite response.

Icarys -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 8:10:34 AM)

I think it has at least a little to do with the particular people that are getting the bad emails as well. I mean if they are the same snarky self's in emails as they are on this forum..Well it's no wonder they are getting shitty responses back. They are probably being shitty to start with.

LadyPact -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 8:23:33 AM)



I think it has at least a little to do with the particular people that are getting the bad emails as well. I mean if they are the same snarky self's in emails as they are on this forum..Well it's no wonder they are getting shitty responses back. They are probably being shitty to start with.

I can't say I agree with this.  From My personal perspective, I don't initiate emails to anyone from the collar chat side.  If I start a conversation with anyone, it's someone from the forum side.  So, it's not so much a response situation.  (I really haven't has any issues with people being rude in response to an email that I've sent regarding something they've written on the forums.)  It's other people that initiate most of the communication that I have here.

samboct -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 8:51:13 AM)


I suggest that we table the discussion on rudeness/politeness. I find I cannot respond without sounding condescending and I have no wish to go there. Therefore- can we agree to disagree on this point and move on?

In terms of your comments on advertising- I'm largely in agreement with you. One of my grumbles about Alt was that the number of women they claimed were in my area before I signed up, and what I found once I could nose around a bit more, were rather different. So some of these sites may advertise that they have larger numbers of women present than they actually do. Nevertheless, the idea that men go to where they think the women are- couldn't agree more.



Icarys -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 9:19:02 AM)


(I really haven't has any issues with people being rude in response to an email that I've sent regarding something they've written on the forums.)

I wasn't referring to that. What I was talking about was an all around shitty attitude that may be spilling over into emails when pursued by a "potential mate". Someone that may have a chip on their shoulder usually isn't aware of it and how they might be perceived by the mailer.

How it tied into the forums for clarification: I think it's possible by the way some people are (My take) on the forums that the same attitude is passed onto emails. I would think it's very possible that some of those that are getting a crapload of bad emails may be seen as nasty by a wide majority of those mailers.

If you have the attitude that no response is a good response...I would think you'd have to realize that may be also causing issues because I think that a large majority of people probably think along the lines as Sam.

Icarys -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 9:24:47 AM)


Nevertheless, the idea that men go to where they think the women are- couldn't agree more.

I wonder how much of that is myth and how much is real especially these days. It sure looks that way but why would the women be coming here? I would imagine for the same thing..I don't see the genders as being all that different..some sure.

LadyPact -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 9:34:27 AM)


I wasn't referring to that. What I was talking about was an all around shitty attitude that may be spilling over into emails when pursued by a "potential mate". Someone that may have a chip on their shoulder usually isn't aware of it and how they might be perceived by the mail-ee.

That could very well be true.  I don't have a point of reference or experience with that.  It may be a whole other mindset than what I've had exposure to.  There may be different attitudes between those who are looking and those who are not looking.  If you'd like to expand on it, I'd be interested.

Icarys -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 9:46:45 AM)


That could very well be true. I don't have a point of reference or experience with that. It may be a whole other mindset than what I've had exposure to. There may be different attitudes between those who are looking and those who are not looking. If you'd like to expand on it, I'd be interested.

I think you could probably see that if a person was arrogant, depressed, happy, positive and a number of could then see how that might influence how they see things and how they interact on a personal level which would in turn possibly produce nice or not so nice responses...Take into consideration what Sam has said about people interacting as if things are the same online with people as they are offline and virtual angerfest.

samboct -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 9:57:19 AM)

"I would imagine for the same thing..I don't see the genders as being all that different..some sure. "

Interesting point- and probably true...


LadyNTrainer -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 10:01:47 AM)


Yep, I'm fine with those conditions.  Let's go ahead!

Ready.  While I was putting up the text for my profile - there is not even a photo yet - I got two emails.  One was from a gross, sexually explicit screen name.  I have not opened either.  :/

Profile name and password waiting for you on the other side.  Don't delete any of the emails; we'll leave them for posterity.  Do forward the small percentage that will actually have any goddamn thing to do with what I'm requesting in my profile to this account in case I don't feel like wading through the dreck in a timely manner.  I think our point will be proved in short order.

EDIT: I did read the initial emails, and the first two weren't actually horrible despite the explicit screen name.  But neither had read my profile or responded in any way to my request to connect with people who are into a specific vanilla hobby.  One's a generic "welcome to the site" and the other is a generic "hi I'm a single male sub seeking a domme" that has nothing to do with my profile and is nowhere near my area.

Informal poll time.  Shall I reply politely (generally in the negative) and see what happens?  Or be less polite to the ones who deserve less politeness and see what happens?

LadyNTrainer -> RE: The need to be rude?!? (10/8/2010 10:19:23 AM)

Yuck, and the propositions have already started.  No four letter words in this one, just "so what are you looking for i am a sub male visiting your area on sunday looking for domme to use me"  Nothing else in this email except a picture of a drunk-looking guy holding a giant pitcher of alcohol. 

The profile is long, well written, friendly, geeky, chatty, and specifies wanting to make friends in the lifestyle who share a specific vanilla hobby.   Lots of non kink hobbies listed, no kinky interests listed. The guys who are sending "do me" messages aren't reading it and don't care what it says.

It already depresses me, since I really have put my my friendly, sociable, pervy gamer geek self out there in this profile.  This is not an experiment I am going to want to keep up for long.  Like I said, I really do start turning into a more angry and hostile person after my friendly, chatty overtures to connect with decent people on a human level are totally ignored by hordes of men who see me as some sort of usable sex toy but don't care about getting to know me as a person or about anything I say in my profile.  I don't really enjoy being an angry and hostile person, but I think after reading what's in the profile and what's in the emails, you'll understand why women can start feeling that way in short order after being exposed to adult site dynamics.

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