RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (Full Version)

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LadyPact -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 10:45:02 AM)

Really good post, stripped warrior.  Thank you for serving.

As for folks not needing mentors or people who might be able to teach them as another poster said, I think that isn't the smartest recommendation in the world.  There are a lot of things connected with kink that could have serious complications if you decide that you want to learn by trial and error.  How about we just recommend that folks run out, buy a violet wand, and then not bother to ask the guy they've seen play with one month after month about safety practices?  Yeah, it's so much better to shock people to death with electricity rather than for them to have a mentor.  [8|]

AquaticSub -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 10:57:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterMartinIndy

Have you really been alive long enough to know this is what you want. [sm=confused.gif]

Does that imply that teens are to ignore any and all desires, whims, dreams, hopes, and make no plans until they are in their mid-twenties?

You have to start figuring out what you want somewhere. Being on CM, playing a few scenes, interacting with kinky folks doesn't brand you a kinkster for the rest of your life.

As for me, I've been on this site since I was about 19 or 20. At this point it would be simply amusing for someone to tell me that I don't know what I want but back then, no one did either. The stupidity that came along with being new was tolerated and ignored rather gracefully by the more experienced (both young and young at heart) but I see that same newness in a 55 year old woman who is coming here for the first time. Having paid off a house doesn't prepare you for the variety of paths within our community.

leadership527 -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:02:17 AM)


Why not? Why cant they know what they want for THIS TIME IN THEIR LIVES?
First answer and a great one Greedy!

DomYngBlk -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:19:20 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterMartinIndy

Have you really been alive long enough to know this is what you want. [sm=confused.gif]

Of course they haven't...!

What they are is "Generation ME".

Selfish, self-entitled ego-paths full of their own personal rights while not giving a rat's clacker for anyone else not in their immediate social group. Between the "me first" attitude and technological advances, it's not surprising they've infiltrated all the adult world offers.

But I dunno about the "rise" of them here. Frankly, I miss the 19yo "Masters" coming in seeking a few pointers.... <shrugs>


Oh yeah, your generation left us with such a utopia right? I think I am hearing mott the hoople singing all the young dudes for you man. Its all good though no one is worrying that you sucked up all the good stuff in the 80's and 90's. Relax, its the Me generation that is the problem.

SubNight -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:26:49 AM)

First time on the forums but i couldn't help but notice this on the sidebar after browsing many of "Money Dommes" that happen to be 19/20.

Personally to me it seems the Young are only following in the footsteps of the Old and carrying on this proud lifestyle.  Yet, a majority of those are the "Pouting, Self Righteous, Gimme Gimme"  types.

I'd rather be into Kink than doing what other 19+ are doing these days,  or "said" to be doing.

Yet, i may be still learning about what i want from my submission,  i'm confident that i indeed want something to fill the time i have in my life while i have the opportunity..

daddysprop247 -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:31:46 AM)

i became a slave at 19. 10 years later i remain owned by the same man. 10 yrs ago i knew myself well enough to know that i was absolutely incapable of being fulfilled or content in a relationship in which i was not completely controlled, guided, protected, disciplined, in addition to being loved. at 18 yrs old i was not looking to experiment and have kinky fun. i was not into games and roleplay. i didn't have a clue what BDSM meant, and wouldn't have been interested in it if i had. but i knew i was very different, had always been different. the way i couldn't say no to people, couldn't stand up for myself, had great difficulty making decisions for others no matter how small, the way i was constantly being taken advantage of and abused and just generally stomped upon by the world at large. i would wonder, what's wrong with me? why can't i be like everyone else, and get people to respect me? or even just keep myself safe?

if it were not for the internet, and the online acquaintance i had there who helped me to understand that there was a word for what i was...submissive...i would have continued on with a miserable, painful, pathetic excuse for a life until i managed to get myself killed one day. and i would have died blaming myself, fully believing that i suffered from some severe mental disorder.

but i have to admit, i have a difficult time relating to most of the younger people who come to places like collarme...because for them it seems it is not so serious, it is not about finding themselves and accepting themselves, but about fun and experimentation. nothing's wrong with that of course, but that just wasn't my journey. slavery at 19 was my path to salvation and peace, not erotic fun.

RapierFugue -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:34:08 AM)



Thank you for serving.

Why do people say that? He does something he wants to do, likes doing, and he gets paid for doing it. That's fine by me, and all the recognition the position warrants, unless the individual does something above and beyond the call of duty. In which case they break out the medal chest.

People don't say it to firemen, or policemen ... or nurses for that matter.

RapierFugue -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:36:00 AM)


Its all good though no one is worrying that you sucked up all the good stuff in the 80's and 90's.

On behalf of my generation, I'd like to apologise wholeheartedly and unreservedly for Flock Of Seagulls.

Our bad. Mea culpa.

AquaticSub -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:39:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue

People don't say it to firemen, or policemen ... or nurses for that matter.

Some of us do.

RapierFugue -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:42:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue

People don't say it to firemen, or policemen ... or nurses for that matter.

Some of us do.

But they don't require additional recognition either ... which is not to say I don't appreciate what all of them do, including the military, coz I do. I just think the veneration of people for doing certain jobs is a bit ... not sure what word I'd use actually ... "silly" maybe? No, that's not right ... "unthinking"? No, that's not it either ... oh arse; just forget I spoke :)

AquaticSub -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:48:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue

People don't say it to firemen, or policemen ... or nurses for that matter.

Some of us do.

But they don't require additional recognition either ... which is not to say I don't appreciate what all of them do, including the military, coz I do. I just think the veneration of people for doing certain jobs is a bit ... not sure what word I'd use actually ... "silly" maybe? No, that's not right ... "unthinking"? No, that's not it either ... oh arse; just forget I spoke :)

I, personally, feel that when people are called to preform jobs that routinely have them risking lives in gunfire, fire or giving up a lot of their family lives - as frequently happens in the medical profession - that some extra thanks is warrented. These are jobs that are not easy to do, the people working them are exposed first-hand to more death than most of us will ever - thankfully - have to deal with. I met a former police officer once who told me about arriving to a car wreck to find a mother holding her dead child, pleading with the officer to do something about it. Growing up, I always knew when my father had seen a young person or child die in the ER because he would come home and just hold me for a long time. When I worked in treatment clinic, it ripped my heart to up see women coming in with their kids - knowing they wouldn't be there to see their daughters off to prom. And I wasn't even the person trying to save them.

I don't think most people could handle these situations and those that can... well we need them and I feel they should be thanked.

nancygirl34652 -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 11:50:37 AM)

Coming back to the original topic......i did not learn of this lifestyle till i was 48 years old...i knew of my submissive nature, i knew of the fantasies that i used to have that made me think there was something unnatural about me....ah, but then i found all these other lovely people who felt as i did....and one of my first thoughts was....oh my, all the years i wasted.

i say good for those in their late teens, early 20s who know what they want, understand their inner feelings and have found a way to express them so they can have many decades of fulfillment. And please note, i am not talking about the kids on vacation who come on here to drool and giggle....i am talking of those who truly understand that this is a need inside of them....i would rather sit and talk to them than the so-called mature Masters who just want to posture and try to get as much whanking material from you in the form of answers to the ridiculous questions they ask right up front.

my best wishes to everyone, no matter what age, who know themselves and know what they need and desire.

strippedwarrior -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 12:18:09 PM)

Thankyou GreedyTop and LadyPact.
RapierFugue, I think people say it to show thier appreciation. The same reason they buy "Help for Heroes" wrist bands and similar. I have to admit, I was standing at an SLC airport when someone first said it to me and would you believe I turned bright red? It had been the first time a stranger had said that to me personally (because "Welcome Home" Parades aren't personal). I'd be the first to agree that venerating soldiers would be a trifle silly, if it was done in a zombified unthinking manner. After all, I agree with some pacifists that having a world were soldiers aren't needed would be nice, after all, I would like to try being a male escort and the way my job carries on at times that idea becomes a more and more remote possibility. Funnily enough, I show my appreciation to the person behind the counter at my favourite sandwich store by looking them in the eye and smiling when I say thanks, rather than the typical 'look at change, mumble, leave' routine many have. It's just differant strokes for differant folks.

But to divert back onto the thread topic.

One of the points raised by SubNight is more than valid, specifically the "Gimme Gimme" type of personality that tends to crop up all over the place, in play clubs and in modern society in general. We are living in a world where instant self-gratification is possible, and many people younger and older, have become accustomed to it. I had a brief conversation on this topic with a group of individuals (mid-thirties to mid-fourties), when I was attending a fetish club recently that had a few area's for scening. I was talking to them about the "Do-Me!" types who were clustered around the Dominant so closely half of them nearly caught the cane in thier teeth (un-intentially).  Later I realised that they were looking down thier collective noses at them which made me feel like an ass. But they were looking down on them because they were acting how curious younger (they looked around 18-19)  people often do. Which is get up close and have a look, have a try and see if you like it. Older people tend to take the other approach of standing off at a distance to see if they like it.

I'm using broad generalisations but it's just a differant way of approaching the same thing, which is seeing if you like it.

As for doing what you want do to because you want to do it SubNight, your right on target. It might sound hedonistic, but if you do something you enjoy, then it's good for you. Life's too short to do something you don't enjoy.

A thought after reading daddysprop247's post. Slavery, submission, marriage. Is there anything wrong with doing any of these things from the point you are allowed to? Is there anything bad about giving your whole life to just one person? Maybe bad is a bit too strong. If you feel your best when you are bonded to one person for life, then there is no need to look for anything else. If you feel strongly about someone there is no reason, none at all, to do anything else but exist in that relationship. It doesn't matter if your a slave, a submissive or married. Sometimes things just turn out that way.

Edit- sorry for the wall of text.

RapierFugue -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 12:35:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: strippedwarrior

Thankyou GreedyTop and LadyPact.
RapierFugue, I think people say it to show thier appreciation.

I guess it's just a difference of opinion. I believe that no-one, regardless of what job they do, from the president down, should get any extra thanks, merely for doing their job.

If someone does something extra, and worthwhile, then by all means venerate and thank them, but in my mind there's no difference between a soldier, a fireman, a nurse, or someone who does an "average" job, but does it well, and compassionately. Interestingly, I've friends who're policemen (including a traffic cop who clears up more dead bodies than most people would see in 3 lifetimes, and who holds no fewer than 9 citations for bravery [1]), a fireman, and a couple of mates serving with the Royal Marines in Afghanistan, and to a man they all think the same way I do. It's a job to them; a job they take pride in, and do well, but it they don't think it makes them any more worthy of merit than anyone else, and to be fair you didn't say as much yourself, so fair play to you.

[1] to be fair, he is a special case. Or a head case. Or both [:D]

DesFIP -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 12:36:24 PM)



Of course they haven't...!

What they are is "Generation ME".

Selfish, self-entitled ego-paths full of their own personal rights while not giving a rat's clacker for anyone else not in their immediate social group. Between the "me first" attitude and technological advances, it's not surprising they've infiltrated all the adult world offers.


Minus the comment about technological advances, this describes everyone I know. We are all concerned with our own happiness and that of our loved ones. It is damned difficult to care about people you don't know. Moreover we are hard wired to care for a village or tribe of about 150 people. It's how we developed  into people, in groups of that size, needing to depend upon each other to survive.

AquaticSub -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 12:46:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: strippedwarrior

Thankyou GreedyTop and LadyPact.
RapierFugue, I think people say it to show thier appreciation.

I guess it's just a difference of opinion. I believe that no-one, regardless of what job they do, from the president down, should get any extra thanks, merely for doing their job.

I guess so. For me, I truly can't fathom it as being extra thanks. Someone selected to do a job that could get them killed instead of working in an office and it's job that has to be done. I can't comprehend not being thankful to the people who are willing to do that.


LadyHibiscus -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 12:46:36 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterMartinIndy

Have you really been alive long enough to know this is what you want. [sm=confused.gif]

Why not?  I was just into my teens when I knew this was what I wanted.  Have some oatmeal and chill, Wilford.


If I ever move to Massachusetts, would you marry me? Just saying. [;)]

strippedwarrior -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 12:48:43 PM)

I agree that people shouldn't get extra thanks for doing thier job, but thanking someone for doing a good job is a kindness. Someone saying thankyou, and meaning it, makes me feel good. Be it after I've cooked up a good meal, or someone thanking me for doing my job.

And I agree, he's probably a mix of both!

RapierFugue -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 12:51:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: strippedwarrior

Thankyou GreedyTop and LadyPact.
RapierFugue, I think people say it to show thier appreciation.

I guess it's just a difference of opinion. I believe that no-one, regardless of what job they do, from the president down, should get any extra thanks, merely for doing their job.

I guess so. For me, I truly can't fathom it as being extra thanks. Someone selected to do a job that could get them killed instead of working in an office and it's job that has to be done. I can't comprehend not being thankful to the people who are willing to do that.

Because they enjoy it ... it's not actually a sacrifice for them. My friends in the military, police and fire services can't imagine why anyone would ever do a "normal" job - they adore what they do. And "office jobs" aren't necessarily "easy" either - the stress involved in some of them is on a par with anything more "physical". I for one couldn't, for example, ever do a call-centre job, same as I wouldn't feel especially sanguine about shooting at people. But just because I can't or don't want to do a job doesn't make it worthy of additional merit.

But, as I say, it's just a difference of opinion, and not worth arguing over.

RapierFugue -> RE: The rise of teens and 20 something on here (10/18/2010 12:54:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: strippedwarrior

I agree that people shouldn't get extra thanks for doing thier job, but thanking someone for doing a good job is a kindness.

And in that, sir, I agree 100% - I always thank people who've gone the extra mile for me, regardless of their job description.

BTW, you're not being anywhere near immature and unthinking enough for the OP's tastes. Do try to chuck a few teddies out of the pram, there's a good chap [;)]

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