RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (Full Version)

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Lucylastic -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:35:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

The man is stating the obvious... The left will finally come to understand that they will NEVER PREVAIL in controlling this nation... NEVER.... what ever price it takes...whatever the consequences... this nation will never be a socialist nation.... We learned much from the methods of the Viet Cong, and those lessons apply here as well....the will to be governed comes from the CONSENT of the people, and we will NEVER CONSENT to Obama's views or the views of the left.... if you want insurrection, then keep thinking you will prevail and you will get just what you fear...and that is the violent uprising of the people across the land... we will NOT allow the left to rule this nation...NOT NOW....NOT EVER..... Freedom will prevail....whatever the price it might take....that is not just a promise....its a certainity..... the delusional leftest think they are sooo clever...but once the people have had enough, the hounds of hell will be unleased, and once in motion it will lead to final rejection of socialist leftest idology here and perhaps across the world.... the left is DONE.... November 2nd is just the start....

LMAO oh he didnt disapoint did he

DomYngBlk -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:35:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

The man is stating the obvious... The left will finally come to understand that they will NEVER PREVAIL in controlling this nation... NEVER.... what ever price it takes...whatever the consequences... this nation will never be a socialist nation.... We learned much from the methods of the Viet Cong, and those lessons apply here as well....the will to be governed comes from the CONSENT of the people, and we will NEVER CONSENT to Obama's views or the views of the left.... if you want insurrection, then keep thinking you will prevail and you will get just what you fear...and that is the violent uprising of the people across the land... we will NOT allow the left to rule this nation...NOT NOW....NOT EVER..... Freedom will prevail....whatever the price it might take....that is not just a promise....its a certainity..... the delusional leftest think they are sooo clever...but once the people have had enough, the hounds of hell will be unleased, and once in motion it will lead to final rejection of socialist leftest idology here and perhaps across the world.... the left is DONE.... November 2nd is just the start....

On cue cucked......I rest my case. If it isn't taken in hand and squashed there will be hell to pay

mnottertail -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:36:01 AM)

Hey cucky, your mindless jingles and sophomoric rantings are being spelled way better than in times past, I think the Doc has your meds adjusted just about right!!!!!!!! 

Moonhead -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:36:14 AM)

Weren't the viet cong supposed to be a bit lefty?
I fear you're contradicting yourself there again.

Lucylastic -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:36:53 AM)

the right must be sooooo proud

flcouple2009 -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:45:47 AM)




Which amendment guarantees the right to revolt?

What people are referring to is in "The Declaration of Independence"..Which of course is a fairly important document on it's own.

Where exactly in the "Declaration of Independence" does it guarantee you the right to revolt? 

I tell you what.  You grab a group of your friends, arm yourself, head down and take over your state government and tell them the "Declaration of Independence" says you can take over.  See how far that gets you.

Moonhead -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:47:31 AM)

Maybe somebody doesn't grasp that the declaration of independence was legally ratifying a revolt that had already happened?

mnottertail -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:48:05 AM)

Didn't the Provost Commitatus or something just use that little known legal factoid to unseat all the governors?

stef -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:50:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

The man is stating the obvious... The left will finally come to understand that they will NEVER PREVAIL in controlling this nation... NEVER.... what ever price it takes...whatever the consequences... this nation will never be a socialist nation.... We learned much from the methods of the Viet Cong, and those lessons apply here as well....the will to be governed comes from the CONSENT of the people, and we will NEVER CONSENT to Obama's views or the views of the left.... if you want insurrection, then keep thinking you will prevail and you will get just what you fear...and that is the violent uprising of the people across the land... we will NOT allow the left to rule this nation...NOT NOW....NOT EVER..... Freedom will prevail....whatever the price it might take....that is not just a promise....its a certainity..... the delusional leftest think they are sooo clever...but once the people have had enough, the hounds of hell will be unleased, and once in motion it will lead to final rejection of socialist leftest idology here and perhaps across the world.... the left is DONE.... November 2nd is just the start....

As if on cue, here comes the first of the "vote from the rooftops" loonies.


Moonhead -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:53:18 AM)

It's a good job he's all talk, isn't it? He'd be quite frightening if he actually owned any guns or gators, and his wife occasionally let him out of the house when she was cuckolding him...

slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 8:58:38 AM)

You think he actually has a wife?....scary thought.

Moonhead -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:01:14 AM)

He'd have trouble getting cuckolded if he was single.
Mind you, that could be the same thing as all of those Dommes knocking about the personals listing who are really middle aged guys with beards, couldn't it?

slvemike4u -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:05:14 AM)

Being cuckolded could very well be his of his more harmless ones.

Moonhead -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:07:34 AM)

It's certainly a lot less pernicious than the one where he thinks he's Chuck Norris, true enough.

Louve00 -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:12:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

The man is stating the obvious... The left will finally come to understand that they will NEVER PREVAIL in controlling this nation... NEVER.... what ever price it takes...whatever the consequences... this nation will never be a socialist nation.... We learned much from the methods of the Viet Cong, and those lessons apply here as well....the will to be governed comes from the CONSENT of the people, and we will NEVER CONSENT to Obama's views or the views of the left.... if you want insurrection, then keep thinking you will prevail and you will get just what you fear...and that is the violent uprising of the people across the land... we will NOT allow the left to rule this nation...NOT NOW....NOT EVER..... Freedom will prevail....whatever the price it might take....that is not just a promise....its a certainity..... the delusional leftest think they are sooo clever...but once the people have had enough, the hounds of hell will be unleased, and once in motion it will lead to final rejection of socialist leftest idology here and perhaps across the world.... the left is DONE.... November 2nd is just the start....

LMAO oh he didnt disapoint did he

Sure didn't Lucy.   [:D]

cuckoldmepls -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:14:19 AM)

People have been talking about a revolution for 50 years now. I remember a relative of mine telling me a story that 30 years ago an old man was telling him, "you watch, someday there's going to be a revolution in this country." Unfortunately, it will never be a violent revolution unless the electricity goes off and people are starving to death. That's reality. No one wants to be the first person to go out in the inclement weather, and get shot by the police or military in what most likely would be a lost cause.

So the next best thing is a political revolution. That's what is happening now. Obama and his comrades falsely believed that they were the next generation of leaders, but in reality, America was caught right in the middle of a major transformation back to truly conservative government. This is why McCain lost the election. Most conservatives were unwilling to vote for him, since it was obvious he was Bush's 3rd term, and true conservatives did not support Bush's unconstitutional patriot ACT, and the attempted North American Union, which by the way, Obama is still supporting.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:15:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: flcouple2009

Where exactly in the "Declaration of Independence" does it guarantee you the right to revolt? 

I tell you what.  You grab a group of your friends, arm yourself, head down and take over your state government and tell them the "Declaration of Independence" says you can take over.  See how far that gets you.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Perhaps you and your cohorts should actually ... well, ... yanno ... READ the Declaration of Independence, before making claims about what it does, or does not contain.


FirmhandKY -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:19:03 AM)




ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

He isnt calling for it... just predicting its possibility.

Huge leap from that to sedition.

Its a pattern. If it isn't taken in hand things are going to get out of hand.

Perhaps your young and tender age doesn't gift you with remembering the comments and actions of many on the left over the last several decades that concerned things that were much, much worse than this passing comment.

Hell, all you have to do is look back at some of the things said during the Bush admin to see a lot worse.


Icarys -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:19:07 AM)


Where exactly in the "Declaration of Independence" does it guarantee you the right to revolt?

I tell you what. You grab a group of your friends, arm yourself, head down and take over your state government and tell them the "Declaration of Independence" says you can take over. See how far that gets you.

Just pointing out where that probably came from and it's importance. I'm in no mood to overthrow a government. I'm making lunch.

If I were, it wouldn't matter who said what if I had gotten far enough to march down to a government office and I probably wouldn't be asking for permission. [:D]

mnottertail -> RE: Is this a threat? sedition? or just posturing? (10/22/2010 9:19:42 AM)

He is going to blast you on 'guarentee' imperative in those clauses which does not exist, nor does legal precedent and caselaw support it.

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