Dog bite... (Full Version)

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LadyConstanze -> Dog bite... (12/2/2010 2:07:18 PM)

Got bitten by a dog due to an accident (strange dog went for my dog and I tried to push the other dog back), not deep but rather painful, I think I might have cracked a finger bone and it took a fairly broad strip of skin and some flesh off, washed it at home, disinfected it, it's throbbing and stinging like hell, I can now appreciate how difficult it is for some guys to type with one hand ;)

I had a tetanus shot about 2 years ago so I think I'm alright, I just don't want to go to the doc because they will have to report the bite, and since it was an accident and the owner is really worried (I would be too if my dog's life would be in danger), I told him I won't report it. Does anybody know what else I have to do to avoid an infection or anything like that?

DaddysInkedSlut -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 2:12:41 PM)

Make sure the dogs shots are up to dates. Do NOT take the owners word for it, require to see the paper work. Once you see that paperwork, you wont require rabies shots ect so I would then go to the doctor and simply tell the doctor that you do not want to report the dog and that the dogs shots are up to date.

angelikaJ -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 2:19:11 PM)

I can't help you with the laws.
I can tell you that dog bites are prone to infection.
If you think you might have cracked the bone, it seems to me that cracked bone + dog bite could be very, VERY, nasty.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 2:24:52 PM)

I walked away, didn't take the owner's name or anything, I just wanted to go home as I had a doberman eager to defend me against the staffie on the lead in the left hand and a right hand dripping with blood...

Rabies is not a thing you need to worry about in the UK, the thing is they'll have to report dog bites to the police, who then would talk to me... It was just a dog that took a dislike to my dog, the other dog was off the lead, mine was on the lead so I tried to yank her back and push the other dog back and he caught me, let go immediately when he realized he bit a human, so not a nasty dog and thankfully I was wearing gloves due to the cold, otherwise I might only have 9 or 8 fingers...

I put it down to "shit happens" and don't want the other dog being put down, I stuck my hand in there, my fault and if it would be the other way round, I would also be glad if somebody would be nice about it.

DaddysInkedSlut -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 2:29:39 PM)

As a dog owner, if my dog was not on a leash and bit someone. I would not expect them NOT to get medical attention because that meant reporting the dog bite. The reality is as a dog owner, it is my responsibility to be in control of my animal at all times. If I am not I know there might very well be consequences. If you don't go to the doctor and a bone is broken and it gets infected and goes untreated that can be deadly. Say you don't report the dog attacking you or your dog, and say a child is walking a dog and this same dog chooses not to take a liking to that dog. But next time its not a grown woman that gets inbetween but a child. Just something to think about.

subkatslut -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 2:29:42 PM)

I could be wrong but I think they are required to report a dog bite by law. Just going off a prior occurrence where I was told that at the ER.

I would for sure want to see actual proof of the rabies being up to date though. That's not something to mess around with.

I can't think of anything else I would think I'd be worrying about. As long as it's been disinfected, dry and covered and you keep it maintained it should heal. I'm a fan of neosporin or something along those lines. But make sure to keep it clean. Obviously there is still always potential for infection but I wouldn't worry unless it becomes an issue. Splint the finger if it's broke and let ibuprofen be your friend unless you've got something better.

ETA: Since you don't know who the owner was you could theoretically and honestly tell them you don't know the dog. No one gets into trouble. I am more with you though. Freak things happen and are sometimes provoked by something out of the ordinary and I would hate for someone to lose their beloved pet over something that wasn't overly serious or life threatening to myself. Our dog bit my daughter who had her face in front of her fresh bone and there were other dogs around and my daughter knew better. We assume she thought my daughter was another dog trying to get her dang bone. We thought she needed stitches being on the face but the admittance nurse was honest and told me the dog will be put down and that stitches would likely leave more of a scar and letting it heal naturally would actually be better. No infection and it did heal very nicely. Years later the dog has never done anything like that much less even show aggression. It's not about an owner being irresponsible somethings...shit happens and dogs are dogs. Life threatening or serious enough...yes. Potentially dangerous animal...yes. Freak occurrence I'm just too nice to do that to someone especially if I could have done something to provoke it.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 3:15:23 PM)

I had my dog reported by an idiot who kept on hurting her until she lightly nipped him, despite having witnesses and the police being sympathetic (the guy was known as a compensation seeker and drunk as a skunk) I was so terrified and worried about her.

It's a shit happens thing, the dog let go the moment he realized I'm a human, usually my dog dislikes staffies as she has been attacked by them in the past, we just walked into the pub after a stiff walk, to warm up and have a cup of tea, the other dog defended his territory or what he saw as that. Yeah, I don't want the dog being endangered in any way, one of those things that happen.

I don't think there is a danger of an infection, I took the glove off right after took a few seconds and then it started bleeding heavily, which should have washed out most, I walked home held it under cold water, then poured iodine over it and applied Savlon (antiseptic cream like neosporin) and a bandage. Not worried about about rabies, again not a thing you have to worry about in the UK.

It might be just that the bone got dented through the compression, the finger swelled to twice its size and it seems to be the bone, so if it is not getting better tomorrow I'll see a doctor and claim it was in the park at night, I don't know anything about the dog and the owner...

Actually more worried about my dog now as she seems to be limping and licking her paw.... It's off to the vets tomorrow.

bemyslut -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 3:20:32 PM)

the advice you have received thus far is rather lame...if rabies is not an issue, infection and osteomyelitis is limb threatening.  Simply washing the area with soap and water will not penetrate below the surface. Neosporin is a topical medication, it can not and will not penetrate the tissue.  If the skin was broken during the bite ( I am going to assume this occurred, especially since you think the bone is broken), pathogens in the dogs mouth (p.multicloda) can set up a nasty infection deeper within the tissue; no amount of soap and water or neosporin will eradicate it.  If the finger has increased in size, redness or swelling, it would be prudent to seek the counsel of a physician and get a course of antibiotics...afraid of having to report the dog? then you must certainly be afraid of losing a digit to osteomyelitis!!!

angelikaJ -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 3:22:19 PM)

A few years ago, I was bitten by the dog belonging to a friend's landlord. )I tried scooping her up when I saw the little thing running loose in the street. (She was generally in or in the gated garden.)
I washed it, did the anti-biotic ointment ointment thing and made a call to my doctor who wanted to see me right away.
One of the bites was a puncture, the ointment was less than ideal actually, it turns out, as that could actually seal in bacteria.
She put me on a moderately strong antibiotitc with instructions to keep it clean and dry.
The next morning I had to call her again as the puncture was quite red and angry despite the antibiotic.

She switched me to a high dose of something else.

They are nothing to mess with.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 3:23:01 PM)

Eep!! A staffie? Dumb owner should have had him on a lead!

Go have your hand looked at, if your finger is broken you want the right treatment!

LadyConstanze -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 3:57:26 PM)

I don't think the finger is broken, though it might be cracked or have a compression dent, though I would think the bleeding would wash most of the bacteria out before it can take root, if it's not better tomorrow I see a doctor and make up a story about a dog in the park I couldn't see in the dark.

The guy didn't know that another dog was coming to the pub, the dog seemed alright with people, possibly was shocked when a big other dog walked in, I can't have a chevalier attitude about a beloved pet being put down, sorry, pet owner myself, wouldn't want to do that to anybody unless it was a dangerous dog that attacks humans. Part of it is my own fault, you don't stick your hand in the middle of a dog fight.

I had a hell lot of cat scratches, and cats have worse bacteria in their claws than dogs in their mouths, the swelling seems less tissue related and more the bone. I also want to avoid oral antibiotics, I am allergic to most of them and the few I can take, I rather not build up much of a resistance if not absolutely needed.

I actually just went and changed the bandage, the bite itself doesn't look infected (and it's been a few hours) but there is a lump there where the teeth haven't punctured skin or tissue, I think it comes from the compression.

I'll take an ibuprofen and try to sleep and see how it looks tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I won't lose my finger over night, I had breaks before, doesn't feel like one, but I had a compression injury on my shin a few years ago and I think it feels similar.

Lots of people get bitten by dogs, my dog once got me by mistake when we were playing with a stick and I moved my hand and she was jumping up to take it, it also broke the skin, I treated it with iodine, nothing happened. It is just a surface wound, thanks for all the warnings but I think it is jumping the gun a bit to assume that I'll be losing digits. This whole policy of the dog automatically being blamed is just so stupid and I heartily dislike it, most of all bites are human mistakes, yet the dog always gets blamed, I stuck my hand in there and because I was stupid the other dog should really not be put down. It didn't attack me, I got in its way, my mistake, the owners mistake was not having the dog on the lead, but should the dog suffer for that?

LadyConstanze -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 4:24:48 PM)

PS: Just cleaned it up again and stuck the hand into a bag of ice cubes, the throbbing is actually not where the bite has broken skin but between the bite and the finger knuckle where there is now a raised bit on the bone, vaguely the size of a pea, I think that is where the dog got me first and by me pulling the hand back I scraped it along a tooth, which led to the skin being broken. Judging from size, area and throbbing, it seems to be a compression of the bone and tomorrow my finger might be a lovely blueish colour.

Thanks for all the help and sorry about being a bit in panic, I guess when it happens first you're still under a bit of shock. Should have stuck my finger into a bag full of ice cubes straight away...

servantforuse -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 4:30:47 PM)

You were attacked by a dangerous dog that does bite humans. The authorities should have been called. You have no way of knowing if this dog hasn't bitten others. Rabies is always an issue. Go to a doctor.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 4:40:18 PM)

Have it xrayed anyway, so you'll know if you need to splint it.

Dogs are dogs. I blame the owner for not having the dog on a leash! He deserves some fear.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 4:58:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

You were attacked by a dangerous dog that does bite humans. The authorities should have been called. You have no way of knowing if this dog hasn't bitten others. Rabies is always an issue. Go to a doctor.

For those of us that can't read or hate dogs, I WAS NOT ATTACKED, I could repeat it again but I'm fairly sure you wouldn't understand. People like you cause most of the problems, and for those of us who don't know their arse from their heads, rabies is not an issue in the UK, the UK never had rabies.

I think authorities should be called for idiots, but apparently they let them roam free...

LadyConstanze -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 5:11:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Have it xrayed anyway, so you'll know if you need to splint it.

Dogs are dogs. I blame the owner for not having the dog on a leash! He deserves some fear.

I doubt it needs a splint and from having broken fingers and toes before in martial arts or accidents, they just tend to tape them to the other fingers.

The owner had a lot of fear, seriously, I felt sorry for him. I usually let my dog roam around in that pub as the landlord loves her and we call in at the end of our evening walk regularly, yesterday some idiot grabbed her from behind and lifted her up by the hind legs and held on when she tried to scamper away, I wouldn't have blamed her if she would have nipped him, but she didn't, too good natured (though I am sure some idiot would claim then that a dog isn't allowed to defend itself and she's a dangerous animal that would need to be reported), I told him off, he came back with "I was just having some fun", I suggested I kick him in the nuts because I want to have a bit of fun... Drunk idiots, grabbing a strange doberman from behind and causing it pain for "fun" tends to get me, the landlord barred the bloke, said he won't have people who are cruel to animals or cause problems in his pub.

It's a dog friendly pub and I love the place for it, run by really friendly people, the other dog seemed nice enough, as I said, when he realized that he got me he let go straight away and backed off and whimpered at me, not the actions of an aggressive or dangerous dog, it was just one of the "shit happens" situations, and as a dog owner I should know better than to stick my hand between fighting dogs. Maybe he had bad experiences with a big black dog before (other half blames it on the coat my dog wore, which I made for her) or he felt threatened by another dog coming in. I'll take her to the vet tomorrow as she is limping a bit (got a bite on her left front leg) and I am sure the guy will agree to pay the vet, I think the landlord might know him. But I did promise him to not report the dog, too many idiots treat dogs wrong and then report them, in the end it's always the dog who gets put down.

secretsubnova -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 5:23:36 PM)

Why not seek medical care and just tell them you were bitten by a stray dog.  If they ask for a description and the area it happened tell them wherever you would like to say and explain that you can't describe the dog at all.  Problem of protecting the dog is solved and your hand doesn't fall off! Win-Win.

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 7:44:11 PM)

I hope that drunk grabbing your doggy's legs didn't help add to your dog's limp.  Couldn't that give them a strain?  Glad the guy was banned from the pub, and glad that you threatened to kick him in the nuts.  [:D]
I looked at the pic you posted.  Ouch.  Looked like the cuticle was injured too.  I've been bitten several times by injured or very upset animals (one time mom had me break up a cat fight too), and each time I disinfected the wounds and it turned out fine.  I had my tetanus up to date. 
I also forgot to put ice on mine, lol.  You have come up with reasonable choices to make that would protect you from further harm, take care of your own dog's injuries, and ensure that the other dog doesn't have to die for making one little mistake. 
This incident might also scare the other owner into keeping his dog on a leash.  If it ever happens again, the next person might not be so understanding or forgiving as you are.
Glad to hear that the other dog owner will likely pay your dog's vet bill. 

subinlife -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 7:54:26 PM)

As a fellow dog lover and owner, I first want  to say that I hope you and your dog are soon back in good health.
I'm glad the guy was banned from the pub, but I might have kicked him anyway, lol.
I hate that the animals are always the ones who pay the price for something a human does.
Make up some story and please get your hand checked, I for one would miss your posts on these boards.
Take care of you and your sweet girl. Let us know how it turns out.

hlen5 -> RE: Dog bite... (12/2/2010 8:28:11 PM)

One question I have is what did the owner do immediately after his dog got you? Did he correct/reprimand the dog (and I don't mean striking it, just correcting)? If he did not, I would worry about the owner being able to handle such a dog (a staffie is a Staffordshire terrier?).

If he didn't and or made excuses for the dog, you have an owner with a powerful dog not under his control (and off the leash, no less). The dog injured your dog.You don't know if it had bitten before, do you? It might be a tragedy waiting to happen.

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