RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (Full Version)

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reekon -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 6:52:05 AM)

I also said not in a bully way, lean on them means see where they mind set is. See if they have a kinky side, see if they show signs of sub. What is wrong with that??




ORIGINAL: reekon

you need to watch yourself, I can see you getting tied up and butt fucked by some weirdo. You are eager and unguided and the wrong person will find you. My advice find a dorkier person than you and lean on him/her in a dominate way, not a bully but dominate way. Once you see them bend just go from there. You can start a lil journal on here so we can read and give you advice on what to try next. I think this will be the safest for you right now.

And yet here you are advising this very inexperienced Dom to find someone and lean on them until they bend.
This sounds just like the type of thing you are saying they themselves are vulnerable to. Make up your mind.

LadyPact -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 7:01:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: reekon

No not everyone is a monster, but all it takes is one and we can all play dumb but from first impressions the masses take him/her as new and not knowing to much about the lifestyle. We all know there is more evil than good out there and he/she is prey.

I don't have alot of friends cause I never was one for being "politically correct" I say what needs to be said and most times say what other feel they can't or shouldn't say. I am very Cynical and never wrong lol

Just food for thought.  There really is a difference between not being politically correct and being downright insulting.

I'd be more worried about there being 'weirdos' who aren't willing to teach other folks by meeting in a group setting and were just trying to be slick on the internet.  Just like the joke goes.  "You can be anybody that you want to on the net."  No proof needed.

I teach people pretty regularly.  I'm not screwing any of them.  They do get to meet Me in person, along with My husband, and My sub if scheduling permits.  I'm happy to introduce them to a room full of people who know Me, know My reputation, and know that I'm a competent teacher.  Not all of us are just out to see how many new folks we can fuck.

reekon -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 7:13:05 AM)

Insulting, who did I insult? And once again you have to remember what one in this world will consider a insult another will consider a compliment. I may call a op (not this one but a op in general ) a cum drinking whore slut and he/she might send me a Bouquet of flower and a thank you card. Where another might breakdown and cry. So tell me what is a insult?

LadyPact -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 7:39:28 AM)

How about your assumption that people in this lifestyle who are willing to teach are just looking to screw someone up the ass?  Are you telling Me that is how you learned your topping skills?  Maybe just your approach to those you are willing to teach.

reekon -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 9:32:09 AM)

once again we all know there is more bad than good out here and he/she needs to be carefull, the but fuck was really a joke that i see some ran with. and there is a better chance that he/she will run into dozens of pretenders and assholes lol, No pun than he/she will folks really wanting to tech the young lad something?

Anyone wanna take bets on this???

LadyPact -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 2:15:36 PM)

I'll take that bet.  What are you basing your evidence on?  Did you have bad experiences with the folks who were teaching you?  Out of the number of folks who have taught you on lifestyle or topping techniques, either one on one or at demos, how many of them have screwed you over in some way or had an ulterior motive other than what they were teaching? 

In contrast, I just busted My tail over the last month putting together the two presentations that I was involved with over the weekend.  Between both, there were about eighty people.  Sure, I played at both of the parties afterward, but I'd have been doing that whether I was the presenter or not. 

If the OP and his pet lived near Me, I'd be more than happy to teach them anything that I was able.  That's how I learned.  Other people who were willing to teach Me.  For the record, none of them screwed Me over, either.

leadership527 -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 2:25:39 PM)

Ladypact managed to give me a really nice lesson on hot wax without fucking me in the ass... I think... We WERE pretty drunk that night so who knows?

I am pretty sure I remember her missing out on the chance to flog me though ~laughs~

LaTigresse -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 2:29:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: reekon
and never wrong lol

Except when you are soooooooooooo not correct.

LadyPact -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 2:35:05 PM)

If I had, I'm pretty sure you'd have remembered.  I'd have made sure there were pics of that one.  [sm=LMAO.gif]

reekon -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 2:38:46 PM)

@ LadyPact

Who taught me?? No one taught me. who can teach me to be me? well I guess I was taught in a indirect way and taught by many things cause everyday you learn something. Just by conversing on these boards I have learned a lot. Not just about my self but others. I feel if you are a Dom or "top" as you say by nature not much needs to be taught. I may need to learn some BDSM type stuff like better ways to tie someone up as in how to make it look better photogenic, ( i'm into photography) and other BDSM relate stuff but you can't teach me how to be a Dom.

LadyPact sounds like you are established and know your way around a whip, of course you will not run into more assholes as him/her hell you have over 15,000 post for gosh sakes. Most predators go after the weak in this case the folks just getting into this, the noobs, the people who post on here " I am looking for a teacher".

Am I against teacher student relations? no, I just think there is a better way he/she could have done this. If I felt i needed a teacher in this line of work lol I would be active on the boards and see whos who to see where there mind set is and see if they are into taking on pupils to teach. Then send them a private note asking if they could teach me.

I would not throw out a big fish net then have to throw back all the bad just to find the few good.

LadyPact I like you and now have to learn more about you. off to your page I go.

reekon -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 2:57:58 PM)

LadyPact, I like your profile and no I don't think you would fuck someone in the ass, unless they wanted it lol

Like I said that part was a joke. You are one of the true good ones but lets not sit back and pretend that there are not more bad than goodout there. And me warning him/her no matter how i did it should not be looked at as a bad thing on this board.

LadyPact -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 5:23:50 PM)

It is a bad thing if you're exaggerating.  Are you really telling Me that you feel that the majority of folks at your local munch group would only be willing to teach new folks things if they were attempting to be predatory?  If that's really the case, I'd suggest that you find another munch group.  The same as I'd tell you if you were in any social environment where you felt there were more bad people than good. 

What I'm questioning you on is are you basing your opinion on knowledge or assumptions?  At the last munch/function you attended, you really looked around the room and knew that most of the folks sitting in those chairs weren't decent people?

People interested in kink are just like any other group of people who have something in common.  We have both our good and our bad.  At the same time, the idea that there are more bad folks than good sitting at a munch is a pretty big leap.  I'm really sorry if that's the case in your city, but I can promise you it's not the case everywhere.

sweetsub1957 -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 7:52:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse


ORIGINAL: reekon
and never wrong lol

Except when you are soooooooooooo not correct.

Agreed. I've followed this thread w/ interest before I poked my nose into it.

I don't know about the people in reekon's local community, but the people in my local bdsm community are not predatory with one or two exceptions. And we all know who they are. Also, whenever new people show up, they are quickly given a heads up as to who the predators are. I would much rather take a chance on finding a teacher/mentor in my local community, rather than finding one on the internet. One can get to know the local people as who they really are, where a person can be anyone or anything they want to be on the internet. After you get to know local people and their reputations among their peer community, then work out a teacher/mentor relationship w/ someone. I think a person is more likely to "get fucked in the ass" by someone they don't know except through the internet when they show up at your doorstep or wherever.


~edited to add the red sentence~

reekon -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 8:29:45 PM)

@ LadyPact

most times if there is a group that you brlong to like a BDSM munch people will be on there best behavior cause their peers will most times speak up and say hey no, we dont do that here or hey, that is not allowed. And i do think for the most part he/she would be some what safe but just like sweetsub1957said even within a group evil lurks.

What i was saying is he went about it IMO the wrong way. putting a add on here looking for a Trainer to me was just like posting a add on craigslist

reekon -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 8:40:35 PM)

case in point I refered someone here and in less than 2 hours she deleted her account

written about 11 hours ago:
if you are new check out as welkl. they have a good message board that is active 24/7 with lots of good reading
.Gwenna 40F
Syracuse, New York
new message written 1 minute ago:
Hi Sir,

I did check out Collarme. I was getting too many strange messages, so I deleted the page. Thanks for the welcome. :-)

.reekon 32M
Austin, Texas
new message written less than a minute ago:
lol, that quick?

sweetsub1957 -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 8:58:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: reekon
just like sweetsub1957said even within a group evil lurks.

But I wasn't being so dramatic about it, so don't think I agree w/ everything you say, because I don't. In a local group, where people know each other, I really don't think there will be near as big a chance of freaks and weirdos. Most of the time, the freaks and weirdos are made decidedly unwelcome by the non-freaky, non-weirdo people. At our local munches in my area, there are usually anywhere from 30 to 50 people in attendance each month and about half that at our invitation-only play parties we have. (Yes, even out in the boonies where I live there are quite a few kinksters.) The freaks and weirdos have been made to feel very unwelcome so they tend not to participate....or aren't invited. Period. That's not to say that all kink communities are 100% safe 100% of the time. NO PLACE, kink or vanilla, is safe 100% of the time. But I'd take my chances in a local bdsm community over an internet one ANYTIME. Learned my lesson about internet relationships and such the hard way. More than once. Plus, as far as the physical skills go like handling a whip/tying rope and anything else, HOW would a person learn that on the internet ANYWAY?


sweetsub1957 -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 9:08:38 PM)

never mind

LadyPact -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 9:08:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: reekon

@ LadyPact

most times if there is a group that you brlong to like a BDSM munch people will be on there best behavior cause their peers will most times speak up and say hey no, we dont do that here or hey, that is not allowed. And i do think for the most part he/she would be some what safe but just like sweetsub1957said even within a group evil lurks.

When you find any group of people that it's not possible for bad apples to exist, please let Me know.  I'd love to live in such a utopia.  Truth is, you and sweetsub just made My case.  Your first suggestion to the OP was to put up a journal for folks (somebody "dorkier" in your words) on the net. 


You can start a lil journal on here so we can read and give you advice on what to try next.

So, tell Me exactly why you would send the OP to the same folks who are on the net to advise him on a journal?  Sorry, but it still makes no sense to Me.


What i was saying is he went about it IMO the wrong way. putting a add on here looking for a Trainer to me was just like posting a add on craigslist

Not really.  Seems to Me he did get some advice about finding his local community, which he wasn't aware of before.  A heck of a lot better than somebody who just checks the "Dom" box, but their whole BDSM experience is on the net.

reekon -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 9:19:09 PM)

please read my first post again, I said instead of finding a one on one trainer just be you and find someone you can lean on and see what happens. What i am saying is trust and test the Dom you say you have. find someone that has sub in them and see how far you can take them. If you need a few pointers post what you are doing in a journal and folks here can give you a few tips on what to try next or if X did not work try z. tell me what is wrong with the advice I gave him/her?

sweetsub1957 -> RE: Looking for a Master to Mentor and lern from (2/22/2011 9:30:49 PM)


sweetsub just made My case.

Thank You Ma'am. [:D]

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