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0ldhen -> Primal Power Exchange (2/23/2011 7:45:56 PM)

I've read a couple of threads today that lead me to make this post. Below are parts of quotes made by myself and two other posters.

Each is describing that primal exchange of energy that occurs when an s type and a D type encounter each other and mesh.

I'd like you, fellow posters, to read all three then answer, if you will, these questions; Have any of you experienced this? Can you describe what it felt like to you? My own description is bolded below.


Having had that, felt the reverbations of this primal male force rend through me until I no longer existed as myself, until I was but the female compliment to this burgeoning, overwhelming state of being


Some lil sumthin kicks in your primal fukin monster and it is on like donkey kong. You are the fire and the /s', natural born and hard wired to it, are drawn to the flame

what really kicks the monster into monster mode is CONTROL! YOU'RE MINE! YOU TURN TO JELLO AT MY FEET WHEN I WANT IT, NOT WHEN YOU WANT IT

Having the power, that effect on another person is intoxicating. Knowing that every feeling, sensation, thought and emotion is directed by you, the mad man at the helm of the pleasure cruise is the STUFF

turning you into a quivering puddle of gush cuz I grabbed your hair and pulled you in tight... priceless


ran into Dominance in it's purest form. The moment I was in his presence I began to feel his energy. It was as though he was a tuning fork and I could not help but feel the vibrations emanating from him. Then I heard the noise,low and gutteral. Surely no one else could hear it for it was not a sound he was conciously making. But I could. Like the bass from a subwoofer it reverberated through me. It has taken me to a place that is more raw and primal than any I have ever known

FukinTroll -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/23/2011 8:08:27 PM)

Ya know darlin, it is a strange thing for me. I would love to say it is a simple D/s M/s thing but I cannot go through a store without a lil flock of girly's following me. Hell, I bought an upholstery machine years ago and the red head that sold it to me came with it.

You are correct, it is primal, it is perceptible and it is an energetic exchange. Bottom girls, yep this is going to sound very egocentric, respond cuz I'm kinda cute, however it is the hard wired /s girls that switch into a primal mode around me. It makes for awkward munches and events, guess that was the biggest reason I stopped going to them.

It does become a pain in the ass, particularly when I am dating a nilla girl. Women respond to me, walk right up to me out of the blue to engage me and it does not shut down, switch off, go away... believe me I have looked for the magic button that turns it off. Would I want to be able to turn it off or be rid of it all together... 3 months ago I would have said hell yes, however I was and would be making very bad choices for me. I have to learn to accept it and find someone that can accept, not tolerate, and preferably someone that was being fulfilled by it.


*Troll enterprises cannot be held responsible for the fog cloud your /s type may or may not be walking around in while in the presence of the troll. Void where prohibited, coming to a bridge near you.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/23/2011 9:33:33 PM)

this is the way it was for me when i met M. i was responding to something that i really didn't understand, and i didn't understand why i was responding to it either. but it felt very basic. something deep about him that drew out something deep in me. and for me, it was weird because i'd spent a lot of time being cerebral and rejecting submission, even though i got so much fulfillment from the few times i let myself go to it -- but when i met him -- i dunno, it's hard to explain. well, we connected on an intellectual level really well, but initially, it was the reptile brain that got going.
suddenelipse's tuning fork metaphor really resounds with me because it was like everything suddenly fell into harmony and made sense when i was with him. it sounds so obnoxiously romantic but i never felt more myself than when i was with M.
allowing myself to be absorbed into the absolute force of who and what he was -- it was like flying. THAT was freedom.

myotherself -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 1:31:46 AM)!!! [:D]

I've been doing this thing called bdsm for about 10 years now. The first few years were spent trying out new stuff to see what I wanted/needed/hated.

I tried the D/s side, and although it was quite fun I realised I wasn't looking for a D/s relationship. I also figured out that I'm a serious masochist, and needed a sadist.

And then I met Master. Talk about a bolt of lightning! I knew immediately that we clicked on a social level...we have similar interests, sense of humour, that sort of thing. He's a complete sadist who absolutely revels in what he does.

But it was the other feeling that completely threw me. I have NEVER wanted to be a slave. It was something I actively avoided because the few times I'd tried it, I just felt stupid and like I was play-acting a role. With Master, it feels sooo natural it's scary. I told him right at the start I wanted to be his sub, and no more. Within a month or so I confessed that I wanted to be his slave, and he just laughed and said he already knew [:D]

He makes me laugh, he makes me cry (in a good way), he's uncompromising in his standards and he can be totally evil. But most of all, he's the only man I've ever met who makes me want to kneel in front of him and kiss his feet [:)]

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 4:10:39 AM)



i was responding to something that i really didn't understand

but it felt very basic. something deep about him that drew out something deep in me

it was the reptile brain that got going.

i never felt more myself than when i was with M
allowing myself to be absorbed into the absolute force of who and what he was -- it was like flying. THAT was freedom.

Lilly, I only quoted bits of your post so i could use it to draw a picture of exactly what I am talking about.

I want to say it was beautifully written and wonderfully descriptive, Thank You.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 4:14:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: myotherself!!! [:D]

And then I met Master. Talk about a bolt of lightning!

He makes me laugh, he makes me cry (in a good way), he's uncompromising in his standards and he can be totally evil. But most of all, he's the only man I've ever met who makes me want to kneel in front of him and kiss his feet [:)]

Dear fuzzy bunny, WOW, right back at you.

Another amazing post that tells an awesome and to me, irresistable truth. That force, that bang, when you meet that D, is out there. Those of us lucky enough to have found it, felt it, are never the same again.

Thank You so much for your post.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 4:22:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: FukinTroll

You are correct, it is primal, it is perceptible and it is an energetic exchange

it is the hard wired /s girls that switch into a primal mode around me

Women respond to me, walk right up to me out of the blue to engage me and it does not shut down, switch off, go away....

Me Darlin Troll, well......EXACTLY!

I saw this over and over with my One. It used to worry his mother to no end.

Thank You for a post describing it from the D side.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 6:28:28 AM)

sometimes it was hard to keep up; sometimes i'd switch into cerebral mode again and get bogged down with worry and fear and "is this really where i should be going?" but he could overcome that in an instant. sometimes it was a little scary just because i'd gotten so used to my analytical, worrisome brain.
but i DO think there is such thing as a "natural submissive," not in a "i'm better than you" sort of way, but in a sense that that is who you are deep down, no matter what you build up to hide it. being totally unable to resist giving in to nature was the first thing -- it was like walking to a watering hole, knowing full well there's a big bad crocodile in there and HOPING he'd jump out and get you.

and i guess that's what i mean when i say that the power exchange works best for me when it's organic -- when it grows out of this kind of exchange, when whatever this deep thing is that's inside a person is ripped out and held into the sunlight by the other. and you can't deny it.
and it's not a fight, it's not force, it's just the absolute intensity of knowing right where your place is.

OsideGirl -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 6:56:53 AM)

Master and I were friends for years, so I never thought of him that way. But, I always knew he was a natural alpha. When he kissed me for the first time, that was it for me. The energy between us is still amazing, even after 11 years together.

Allow me to add that I'm an alpha. Most dominant men would tell you I'm not submissive. For me to feel submissive I need to be with someone higher on the scale than I am.

One of the things I always find funny about Master is that vanillas will open doors for him and move out of his way...and they don't even know they're doing it. Frequently, when we go out to dinner, the waitresses will fawn over him.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 7:03:52 AM)



One of the things I always find funny about Master is that vanillas will open doors for him and move out of his way...and they don't even know they're doing it. Frequently, when we go out to dinner, the waitresses will fawn over him.

i can so relate to that. =p M would end up in charge of things without really trying. he'd be a supervisor at a job in a short time, or the person people went to for guidance. he stuck with people even if they only met him once or twice. it's cool to see that, even after he's been gone off the planet, people who i don't imagine would remember him DO very vividly.
aaaaand the chicks -- yeah, lots of them. and it was weird to observe it from the outside after experiencing it internally -- i used to wonder "is that what i looked/acted like when i met him?" haha
i don't think they all understood what they were responding too, either.

physically, he was ridiculously attractive, but there are plenty of attractive men who don't affect you that way, and plenty of less-attractive men who DO. it was something much deeper down than skin.

LadyPact -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 8:27:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: 0ldhen

I've read a couple of threads today that lead me to make this post. Below are parts of quotes made by myself and two other posters.

Each is describing that primal exchange of energy that occurs when an s type and a D type encounter each other and mesh.

I'd like you, fellow posters, to read all three then answer, if you will, these questions; Have any of you experienced this? Can you describe what it felt like to you? My own description is bolded below.

I hope you don't mind another D-type butting in here.

Truthfully, I do a crap job of explaining it.  I call it a type of energy.  It's a feeling mixed with an unconscious knowledge that I can reach out and have power over someone else.  Almost like all I need to do is stretch out My hand to grasp it. 

The other side of this are the folks who are encountering Me.  We may have never met before, but in later talks, they'll tell Me that there's something about Me that hits the inner 'submit' button in them.  Almost in the same kind of instinctive way that My inner buttons are saying 'take, possess, control'. 

Of course, I'm not saying that happens with everyone.  Also, even when talking about something that feels primal, we still have to be civilized in our interactions.  That doesn't stop the feeling that I described above.  Pretty cool when it happens.

FukinTroll -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:09:34 AM)


 Almost like all I need to do is stretch out My hand to grasp it. 

Almost in the same kind of instinctive way that My inner buttons are saying 'take, possess, control'. 

Also, even when talking about something that feels primal, we still have to be civilized in our interactions.  That doesn't stop the feeling that I described above.  Pretty cool when it happens.

My gawd, thank you!

I tore your post down to the stuff that was making me go "Tilt". I get the whole hand shaking junkie stuff around the hard wired /s types. More often than not I have to stuff my hands in my armpits just to keep from reaching out and grabbing them by the hair... catering to that primal instinct... and indulging my black little heart.


LaTigresse -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:11:45 AM)

That reminds me of an encounter I had at the Y last week.

Y as in, YM/WCA!

suddeneclipse -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:14:57 AM)

Wow! Thank you for this thread and all who have responded to it. THIS is exactly what I was trying to get from the thread I started yesterday. Unfortunately many automatically assumed infidelity (which there has not nor will not be) or poor communication, which is also untrue. The encounter I described was innocent and unplanned. I did not go off to meet a new Dom. I don't see him as greener grass and have no intention of pursuing that further. What happened was a soul awakening and eye opening experience. I did not write it in a way intended to be flowery or romantic, I wrote it exactly the way it actually felt to me when it occured. Reading this thread I now know there are others who do understand through their own similar, albeit slightly different experiences. Again, I thank you all for sharing.

catize -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:20:55 AM)

An excerpt from my journal:

He put me in the spreader bar hours ago; I have long since gotten over the fact I feel ridiculous in this position. He removes it and places himself above me. He lowers his mouth until there is only an infinitesimal space between his lips and mine. He is so very close but does not touch me. He begins to whisper. As his soft words sink into my brain, he is so close I can feel the vibrations of his mouth and throat, his words puff hotly against the skin of my face. All I can do is focus on him, his words. He reminds me of all that he has just done to me, tells me he will do it again. I know in this instant he could stop my heart, my breath and I would not struggle. All of him vibrates with power, a hum of potency I have never experienced before. He rips me open and takes my screams into his mouth, inhales my helplessness, consumes my passion and owns it.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:28:41 AM)



I hope you don't mind another D-type butting in here.

I call it a type of energy.  It's a feeling mixed with an unconscious knowledge that I can reach out and have power over someone else.  Almost like all I need to do is stretch out My hand to grasp it. 

LP, your wisdom and words are always welcome.

Thank you for giving your experiences, they are valuable to this thread as a D's perspective of just what happens.

For the record, I think you did a wonderful job of explaining something that is for many inexplicable.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:30:10 AM)



The energy between us is still amazing, even after 11 years together.

Aw.......that is so heartening to hear. And thank you as well for sharing here.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:32:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: catize

An excerpt from my journal:

. All of him vibrates with power, a hum of potency I have never experienced before. He rips me open and takes my screams into his mouth, inhales my helplessness, consumes my passion and owns it.

Whew....towels anyone?

Awesome post, yet another fellow poster who understands/has experienced this phenomana, Thank you.

sexyred1 -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:33:46 AM)

Some of the quotes you quoted are very romantic, but these days, I am not feeling the romance at all. In fact, I doubt romance will ever be part of this again. And believe me, I did feel those romantic D/s feelings for a very long time, but it was not the same for the other party, even though they thought they were.

So I am going to have to go with FuckinTroll's bit about grabbing hair and taking control.

For me, when I am involved, it is all about giving in to those primal instincts and going down into them as intensely as possible while expecting to be brought up again into the light.

Since I was most recently in something where I had to bring myself up out of the dark, I cannot possibly relate to the romanticized aspect that others are discussing.

0ldhen -> RE: Primal Power Exchange (2/24/2011 9:45:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

Some of the quotes you quoted are very romantic, but these days, I am not feeling the romance at all. In fact, I doubt romance will ever be part of this again

For me, when I am involved, it is all about giving in to those primal instincts and going down into them as intensely as possible while expecting to be brought up again into the light.

SR, I am so sorry to hear how you seemed to have been hurt. I do understand and greatly sympathize.

I can see where some of what I quoted could seem to pertain to romance, yet that is not what I was trying to capture or express. As I stated when responding to LP, it is almost impossible to find the exact words to express what I was trying to give voice to.

Lol, though if the Troll is grabbing hair, I'm in, but you'll be first, the whole red headed troll kyrptonite thing, you know.

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