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Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why cant the government?

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Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why cant ... - 4/13/2011 5:23:38 PM   

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whats so hard to get here?

this young kid gets it!

why doesnt the world governments?

why dont you?


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/13/2011 5:40:46 PM   

Posts: 6121
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From: Tamaris
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For the very same reason Tesla was discouraged, for Tesla was a humanitarian amongst other things and he sought to give his technology away for free, for the good of mankind. Unfortunately that displeased those that sought to make money out of others and quite possibly the reason why governments are so dumb, for they will only pursue that which pleases their masters, the corporations that direct them to enrich the corporation coffers.

But for such a thing as transmitted energy to be of use, it will take many governments with a common aim in mind to create the energy grid to realise what this kid is talking about. But whilst we war amongst ourselves, there is really no hope for what might be a fantastic benefit for mankind as a whole.

Perhaps a world approaching a socialist ideal might be a way for this thing to happen, for whilst there are capitalists a worldwide enery grid is unsustainable.

Perhaps also it will take the near running out of oil for the world to start talking, that is if the world has not anihilated itself throught petty squabbles first, as is common with  countries running out of resources, they make war on others to take what they have for themselves to ease their country's collective mind.


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/13/2011 7:11:19 PM   

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well if I remember my physics and science correctly the voltage near the ionosphere is roughly about 300 million volts as a result of the rotation of the earth.  

What tesla essentially did was to it into the earth and all you would need to do is put a small tuned antenna on your car to power your car and a 50 horse electric car will stomp a 400 horse ice into the ground on the track.

That and I forget if he said you could get due to the nature of the way the device works, that you could get 10,000 horse for every one put into it, or was it 100,000 times the horsepower out?

Many people erroneously think that its a perpetual motion machine but its not its just super high efficiency.

It works like a giant vacuum cleaner sucking that voltage down from the upper atmosphere and putting it to real use.

With gas nearing 5 bucks a gallon you would think people would have a huge interest in this.

You have a really good point though!

That would be one worldwide socialist thing that even I would go along with.  First of all because it would be a buy once deal and finally there would be little to no maintenance involved once its built.

no power transmission wires to deal with, just about a 2.5 foot antenna to power your car boat whatever....

and you can transmit television and internet and phone calls right through the center of the earth rather than using antique satellites and radio waves that require line of site to be effective.

funny this was working before 1900.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 4/13/2011 7:17:48 PM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/14/2011 4:51:14 AM   

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From: Tamaris
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What I believe one has to examine, is in which century was capitalism at it's most potent, if that century was the twentieth, then one might see why so many good ideas have been shelved or simply buried, for if there is no hefty profit to be made in proportion to the infrastructure that would be required for such a world venture, the capitalists will not be interested because they work on the principle of short term gain.

Now myself being a long time admirer of the works of Nikol Tesla, I wonder why more of his inventions have not been taken up, but looking about, they are if profit can be made, geothermal energy generation for example on a more organised scale, but with the tinkerers, there are some using Tesla's ideas for the possible good of many with little if any reward to themselves ;

Tesla generator

Furthermore, the places I visit on the internet, there are many who are revisiting tesla's ideas, these people usually subscribe to the permaculture and alternative living ideal, which is as you know far away from the majority of society where the oil industry holds the reins, but just you watch when something comes out that could aid us immensely, just watch the boffins swoop down on it with a mentality to scotch the claims. One just has to wonder where the boffins derive their support, because for one it is not they that are doing this research, but they are all experts at what they apparently don't know.

The problem is, I believe capitalist tendancies have kept us in the energy generation dark ages.

Now myself as sort of socialist in many respects, my belief is a level playing field for all, a situation where it is not money that rules the day, but the ability to think outside of the box.

“Electric Power is Everywhere Present In Unlimited Quantities, It Can Drive The World's Machinery Without The Need Of Coal, Oil, Gas Or Any Other Fuel” ~ Nikola Tesla

The above statement if true think of the horror that the capitalists would have felt at that, as J.P.Morgan is reputed to have said, if I can't put a meter on it.

But in all this one has to examine the twentieth century and understand what motives were at work and in particular wars, especially the wars in countries that bear oil, what was the motivation for such loss of life.

It may of course all be another conspiracy theory, but in every conspiracy theory, there is always proveable truth. The way it seems at the moment, is big oil controls, it is the government and whilst that exists nothing new will stand a chance, so forget the masses, do what is right for yourself and your own family, for there are many seeking better ways out there, why not join them.


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone

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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/14/2011 10:32:06 AM   

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Conspiracy and more so "conspiracy *theory*" with the implication never proven is the latest buzzword to everything and anything as a means to get people to discount without thought and disregard the target issue subjectively without taking time to crack the cover and look into it.  after all "Oh the horror of horrors" and gawd help it that someone might label you an out cast "conspiracy theorist" because you disagree with the news media!  LOL

That sort of approach lends itself well to fools who never made it past elementary school and its always refreshing to hear from people whose education levels are above it.

Teslas power generator/transmitter however is proven technology both then and today.

Kids can make them and get them to work,

Professor Meyl the German physicist set them up in his labs in Germany in glauskow and several other universities that he teaches at with efficiencies from 300 - 1000% over input tested by the students.

Even if we discount windmills and solar, a couple nuke reactors after running it through teslas power multiplier could supply a whole nation the size of the US with power and wireless no less!

We could stick a 2.5 foot tall antenna in the ground and get internet television and at the same time the power for the laptop, or car, house whatever anywhere! 

AND I do mean ANYWHERE!  including russia china and vice versa all from one lousy accessorized transmitting device with NO LOSSES like we have with wires and in air hertzian transmissions!

imagine the time people would have to devote themselves to the sciences and HIGHER education!

No more "can you hear me now" bullshit and dropped calls and all the crap we deal with today's so called "modern technology".


Classic borderland labs video from 1987.

Eric Dollard gives a demonstration of the two sides of electricity, the decaying electromagnetic side and the growing dielectric side, and shows his singing Tesla coil burning Golden Ratio patterns into wood.

Peter Lindemann demonstrates his Rotating Parametric Transformer operating at 108% efficiency. Shows an Alternating Current N-Machine provciding the researcher with AC waveforms directly extracted from space.

Amazing science from the golden days of borderland research!

Everything business has done is centered on providing waste products to society.

By that I mean anything that decays, dies or does not last very long in efforts to promote commercial exchange since taxation is based on rates of exchange.  If you are the "sole" recipient of your own efforts without anyone else generally you are not taxed.   As soon as someone else purchases what you do now you are deemed operating commercially and are taxed.  That was once only done to corporations but they got around that and the constitution in America and hit you up directly.

Likewise with products.  Its well known and even admitted in the industry that the new front load washing machines for instance are designed to last 10 years roughly to force you to buy another as the typical failure modes are such that its not worth repairing them and they last till they break then you may as well throw them away. Worse people accept this shit as the norm!  Mine on the other hand will last easily over 100 generations.  I do not accept shit.  LOL

What the general public is unaware of is that these business people like oil and the banks understand what the beliefs are out here and play their cards accordingly.  

They deal the public losing hands based on 1/2 truths, just like the monetary system as a kick in the teeth example and tell everyone to save and work harder to earn more waste.  UNLIKE my 5.5 cu ft completely stainless front load wash machine was a 1 time buy for 50 bucks plus about 400 bucks for electronics I designed to control it and it will last for all intents and purposes forever with little to no maintenance if at all and can be passed down generation after generation.   

Thats not the way things work in a wasteland however where all money flows up and is dependent on waste to support that style of economy.

Enjoy that video, if you have not seen it you will find it very educational because as you most likely already know electricity taught in schools today dont even touch the mechanics of it as these guys do.

Its simply been omitted!  One person thought to be an authority on the matter or government themselves extracts the 1/2 of the truth that will produce the largest commercial profit for big industry ,NOT YOU NOT IN YOUR BEST LONG TERM BENEFIT and toss the rest out and that is what gets taught in schools.

Only takes a few years before the knowledge is lost and people simply accept anything and everything that is thrown at them like rats in a cage that can never see beyond the walls of the little box because you cannot demand something you dont even know can be a reality.

its a nice sleight of hand frankly.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 4/14/2011 11:07:17 AM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/14/2011 8:56:30 PM   

Posts: 6121
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From: Tamaris
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I notice on this thread only me and thee are on it, I wonder why that is, could it be perchance that our past performance has marred our status as worthwhile contributors, or is it no one wants to now about anything other than what the world is currently conning them with.

I mean this forum as an example, everyone is moaning and questioning the things that affect their lives, the government, industry, corporations,the banks, conflicts elsewhere, politics and the game of obfuscation to keep the sheeple interested but in truth, unknowing. But don't people realise they dont have to continually buy into crap they dont believe in, for there are other ways to live other than that, which has been designed for us. But I suppose it all comes down to a choice, do you take the red pill or the blue pill.

So conspiracy theory, or put another way alternative theory, theories are just that, theories, but in every theory there is at least some truth and of anything what theory is deduced is only based upon what data is available or made available to construct a theory. Every theory is a possibility, but which possibility that is taken is dependant on many factors, one of which that seems prevalent at the present, is how qualified a person is and how well they are supported by their peers as we know those that make the most noise or impact tend to rule the day. But how many times have those that have come to rule the day later been found out to be half assed in comparison to a quieter theory.

Take products for example, for sure there are many products that fail to live upto their expectations, Termyn8or will know much about this, given his repair experience, but much of what we are saddled with is crap, the product of effective marketing, a situation where more money was put into promotion rather than design, a situation designed to ensure the consumer is never satisfied and if they are, the crap will break down just outside of warranty thus making the most ardent easily pleased dig deep into their pockets to buy the latest crap again and repeat the cycle.

Me, I buck the system in my own way, my products all are preowned, salvaged and repaired where necessary, I possess the skills to repair, not just replacing part for part, but also the more strucural elements for I have taken the time to learn the methods of construction of most things myself and there I repair where necessary. I have just found a car for me to use, a car that is 17 years old and totally devoid of any electronic brain, so it is just pure mechanics, the old way and of that machine, the motor is monitored by guages of which I know how to use and read, so apart from the engine's obvious use, I can see what if anything is going wrong long before it becomes a failed part to replace. This car I intend it to be like my last cars of a similar nature, but at least a bit more practical than a 1955 Land-Rover or a 1977 VW Combi. Ah so, my current rolling project is French, but so far I am impressed, it is constructred well and designed to be repaired by the majority, not the minority,it will last me a goodly while yet and if any of my older vehicles were anything to go by, on average I kept them ten years and all of them were better in the end than when I bought them, I have never scrapped any vehicle yet.

But of the subject in hand, Teslas and other's theories dumbed down, I now there are many who are actively engaged in a quiet revolution, they exist for their own needs and that of their kind and keep big business out of it, because big business will seek to as always as ever control and modify for their own ends not the end user, even to the point of building in some form of obsolescence to keep the profits deep.

I live in quiet confirmation that bit by bit, slowly by slowly many will come over to alternative theories as they realise the truth they are told is not quite what it is cracked up to be, for the internet age has cracked the control the authorities once had and now people I believe are in a confusion, their old world destroyed., lookin for where to o next now they have the freedom from the past mind control.


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/14/2011 11:15:00 PM   

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The thing here is that it is not going to be free to bring this into practicality. In fact if I know anything, it will be quite expensive. The concept of this thing is not so different than a VanDeGraff generator really. It' just AC. So they have a proper frequency the can be transmitted without wires, at quite high power levels, but at a frequency that "THEY SAY" will not harm life or other important things in the world. Assuming that is true, which hasn't even been proven conclusively for all the radio waves being used today, the whole thing will not be free.

Who will pay for it ? Let's take this down to a more personal type level, for example a cooperative in a region decides to build it. Well everyone who has a stake in it should get the electricity, but there's the word stake. For example a thousand people who are doing well enough to finence the bulding of this thing, and the antennae should be the ones who get the power from it.

How do you keep people from stealing it ? Right now you can see wires, and they look for that. What now they have to check everyone's basement or whatever ? What's to keep people from building near the "generator" and just get the free power without having had to chip in to build the thing ?

What's more everything breaks. There will undoubtedly be some form of maintainence. Who would pay for that ? Of course the people who get the power right ? So now what, meters ?

This energy cannot be infinite, each device can serve so many people's needs. One is not going to do the whole planet. What happens if you move ? And just how much of this power does each household use ? Should it cost the same for one who uses 4,000 KWH a year as one who uses 400,000 ?

They actually sell free energy. From Niagra Falls of course. OK, they have to charge for mainaitence, under normal conditions you would think the original cost of building that plant would be amortized by now, but hell aren't we still paying interest on WW1 ? 

This could work to make electircity cheaper (maybe) and reduce distribution costs greatly. But in the end someone will profiteer off of it. Whenever Man is involved, taking is involved and we can all do this once the details are worked out, but in the end it will end up being the same.

They should develop the technology, but I don't think it would work so well in urban areas. But there are places in the world, even in this country where they are so far from a generating plant that getting electricity to them costs more that the electricity.

One of the reasons for that is loss. No matter how much they step up the voltage, when you are talking miles it adds up. Fatter wire costs more money. No matter what the frequency, there will be loss in a wireless system as well. How much ? The worse the loss the more (or more powerful) generators required. Perhaps with enough of them the whole planet could be a grid.

Who pays for that. Surely you wouldn't suggest taxpayers ? Even if they can make these things maintainence free (not likely in this day and age), who pays the initial cost ?


(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/14/2011 11:41:07 PM   

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"a 50 horse electric car will stomp a 400 horse ice into the ground on the track. "

Not of equal weight. One major reason is the weight, but 50 HP at equal weight with an internal combustion engine can be faster than most think. What it takes is a properly designed transmission and the correct gears and tire size to keep the engine in it's optimal torque range. Some small bock 400CI that some teenager put a race cam in driving a 1975 Chevy Caprice isn't going to cut it.

Electric not only wins because of the weight factor, but that it has a much wider torque range. One year Corvettes were built with two 350HP 350CI engines, but one was faster and cost more. You have to look at the peak torque specs at the RPMs, the lower the better. The higher the RPMs that produce peak HP the better. All four figures are needed to evaluate just how quick the sled is.

Since the peak torque of an electric motor can be near or at 0RPM, it has a huge weight advantage because it doesn't need as many (heavy) gears. Plus every moving part has inertia. If all else was equal, that is another real advantage of electric.

But still, if I were able to financially build a 400HP car, I think I could get it to beat an 50HP electric. But I would have to choose everything from the cam to the heads, valves, every ratio in the transmission as well as the torque convertor stall characterisics. All I have to do is keep that engine running in it's peak torque range.

Admittedly not easy and not cheap, and you did say ice, not "gasoline" or "deisel". That means any fuel I want. Using any material I want for the ice, I could use an acetylene NO2 mixture with an oxygenator for fuel, or something esoteric like that. It wouldn't have to be a "Ford" engine for example. Chrome moly alloys, ceramics even, I could use fuels that would blow any other ice up right at startup.

But it would cost a hell of alot of money.


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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/15/2011 3:41:49 PM   

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I wont deny that you cant crank and twist and tweek everything to the hilt to beat a 50hp electric but the average joe just wanted to get to the grocery store and visit relatives a state or 2 away.

Next look at the difference, you are talking 400 hp souped to the gills compared to a nearly off the shelf electric motor.

You can run those motors in series or shunt and get them off the line to produce double their rated torque, drop to 150% for 2 minutes then to 100% forever with a 1.25 form factor.

Thats a real biatch to beat.  Then the real kicker is look at how much gas you will dump into that 400hp guzzler...

If that aint bad enough with tesla towers you have your 2.5 ft tall antenna on top your car and you receive the power wireless and can drive around the world nonstop if you like.

Imagine building a tower that sucks up neutrino energy, converts and distribtes itu!  Now that would rock.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/15/2011 4:16:41 PM   

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From: Tamaris
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Tesla had theories that might have worked if the  research had gone into it after the fact, but as history knows, he was dumbed down and ridiculed, so what we are discovering now in embryonic to what it could have been. That being, sure there will be problems and dissapointments, but what does one expect given the fact that Tesla was almost erased from the history and science  books.


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/15/2011 8:20:45 PM   

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Teslas power generator/transmitter however is proven technology both then and today.

Kids can make them and get them to work,

Professor Meyl the German physicist set them up in his labs in Germany in glauskow and several other universities that he teaches at with efficiencies from 300 - 1000% over input tested by the students.

Even if we discount windmills and solar, a couple nuke reactors after running it through teslas power multiplier could supply a whole nation the size of the US with power and wireless no less!

We could stick a 2.5 foot tall antenna in the ground and get internet television and at the same time the power for the laptop, or car, house whatever anywhere! 

Oh bullshit.  Everyone would've done it already.  But that's not as sexy as saying the big corporations are suppressing all this arcane knowledge.

Do you have a source for Professor Myl?

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/15/2011 8:26:38 PM   

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ORIGINAL: outhere69



Teslas power generator/transmitter however is proven technology both then and today.

Kids can make them and get them to work,

Professor Meyl the German physicist set them up in his labs in Germany in glauskow and several other universities that he teaches at with efficiencies from 300 - 1000% over input tested by the students.

Even if we discount windmills and solar, a couple nuke reactors after running it through teslas power multiplier could supply a whole nation the size of the US with power and wireless no less!

We could stick a 2.5 foot tall antenna in the ground and get internet television and at the same time the power for the laptop, or car, house whatever anywhere! 

Oh bullshit.  Everyone would've done it already.  But that's not as sexy as saying the big corporations are suppressing all this arcane knowledge.

Do you have a source for Professor Myl?

I thought no one would ever ask!

hows your german? 

more goodies!


Documents own publications: The missing numbers are in the german paper list. Look at / Primärliteratur

[38] K. Meyl: Scalar Waves: Theory and Experiments, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 15, No.2, June 2001, ISSN 0892-3310, pp.199-205

[40] K. Meyl: Advanced Conzepts for Wireless Energy Transfer, High efficient Power Engineering with Scalar Waves, International Congress-Publications, Weinfelden, 23.+24.06.2001, Jupiter-Verlag, Page 41-49 and:

[55] K. Meyl: Faraday vs. Maxwell, Nikola Tesla Energy Science Conference, Washington DC 08.11.2003, IRI

[58] K. Meyl: Scalar wave technology, 2003, documentation and manual to the demonstration-kit and to the experimental-kit, INDEL Verlagsabteilung Villingen-Schwenningen (English Edition).

[60] K. Meyl: Scalar Waves, From an extended vortex and field theory to a technical, biological and historical use of longitudinal waves. Edition belonging to the lecture and seminar „Electromagnetic Environmental Compatibility“,INDEL Verlagsabteilung Villingen-Schwenningen, 1st Edition 2003, ISBN 3-9802 542-4-0.
Description: 2004 Kinokuniya Company, LTD

[70] K. Meyl: Neutrinolysis, the alternative splitting of water, the natural source of energy, Fuel Cell Departement, invited by the Argonne National Laboratory, July 26th 2004 [71] K. Meyl: Neutrino Power and the Existence of Scalar waves, 2004 Extra Ordinary Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT July 29-Aug.1, Conference Program, page 7

[80] K. Meyl: Reproduction of the Scalar Wave Effects of Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, Intern. Scientific and prof. Meeting June 28, 2006 Zagreb, Croatia, IEEE+Croatian Academy of Engineering, Zbornik Radova Proceedings, page 95,
conference programm:

[81] K. Meyl: Wireless Tesla Transponder Field-physical basis for electrically coupled bidirectional far range transponders according to the invention of Nikola Tesla, SoftCOM 2006, 14th intern. Conference, 29.09.2006, IEEE and Univ. Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ISBN 953-6114-89-5, page 67-78

[87] K. Meyl: Far Range Transponder, Field-physical basis for electrically coupled bidirectional far range transponders, Proceedings of the 1st RFID Eurasia Conference Istanbul 2007, ISBN 978-975-01566-0-1, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1725, page 78-89  about Meyl:

The missing numbers are in the german paper list. Look at / Sekundärliteratur

[71] A. Schneider: Introduction of the author Prof. Dr. K. Meyl: Advanced Concepts for Wireless Energy Transfer, International Congress-Publications, Weinfelden, 23.+24.6.2001, Jupiter-Verlag, page 23-24

[93] English Description about K. Meyl: Scalar Waves, From an extended vortex and field theory to a technical, biological and historical use of longitudinal waves, INDEL Verlagsabteilung Villingen-Schwenningen, 1st Ed. 2003, ISBN 3-9802 542-4-0

[94] Japan description about the book of K. Meyl: Scalar Waves, From an extended vortex and field theory to a technical, biological and historical use of longitudinal waves, INDEL Verlagsabteilung Villingen-Schwenningen, 1st Ed. 2003, ISBN 3-9802 542-4-0. 2004 Kinokuniya Company, LTD

[95] Nederlandse bouwprojekten:

[102] Dr. Valone, Integrity Research Institute: Nikola Tesla Energy Science Conference, Washington DC November 8th.+9th.2003, Conference publications, speakers biographies and abstracts

[115] Dr. K. Lenger: Homeopathic Potencies Identified by a new Magnetic Resonance Method (with tesla coils of Meyl’s experimental-Kit), Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine Journal, Volume 15, Number 3, 2004

[126] D. S. Alexander (NASA): Advanced Energetics for Aeronautical Applications, Vol.II, 3.1.3 Scalar waves, p.42 and 3.4.3 Dr. Konstantin Meyl’s Teachings on Scalar Waves, p. 57-62, NASA/CR-2005-213749, April 2005

[127] M. Schreurs, R. Ross: Scalar waves for wireless or single wire energy transmission, KEMA Power, Arnhem, Nederland, 7.July 2005

[174] Esa Ruoho (Finland): Dr. Konstantin Meyl: Transmission of Power without Wires (Scalar Waves), submitted April 6, 2007

they dont really suppress, they just omit.

you will not find anything significant about tesla in the books here in america even though he is the one who invented the polyphase electrical system that powers the whole country!


You will find that he was holding flourescent bulbs in his hands in the late 1800s lit up and ge claims patents for them 10 years after his death.


You will find schools still teach that Marconi is till credited with radio when the supreme court ruled it was Tesla.


That is omission that I would definitely classify suppression.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 4/15/2011 8:46:10 PM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to outhere69)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/15/2011 8:53:11 PM   

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Here is more!

Tesla by remote control both powered and remotely controlled model boats in new york harbor around 1913 to demonstrate to the armed services that he would be able to power submarines out at sea with his towers and planes in the air anywhere in the world.

A demonstration of Nikola Tesla's transmission of power without the use of wires using EM 'Scalar Waves'. Demonstration by Professor Dr. Konstantin Meyl of Germany.
Transmission of Power Without Wires (Scalar Waves)

oh and be sure to take notice of the TIN FOIL capacitive tuning HAT to fine tune the antenna!!!  gawd I love this! 

More fun than I deserve!

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 4/15/2011 8:56:25 PM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/15/2011 9:12:45 PM   

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Tesla had theories that might have worked if the  research had gone into it after the fact, but as history knows, he was dumbed down and ridiculed, so what we are discovering now in embryonic to what it could have been. That being, sure there will be problems and dissapointments, but what does one expect given the fact that Tesla was almost erased from the history and science  books.

It just was not "fully" taught in schools.

Only the lossy side of electricity was taught because that is what was invested in by the huge financial powers.  

Tesla always went for "ludicrous" efficiency in his work.  He was a genius then and still today he is a genius by todays standards.

In fact people still have not completely digested his shield or death ray, but the guv has

Guv and banks were in bed together since the beginning of time.

Education became guv managed right about the same time tesla came out with all these goodies.

Just another amazing coincidence LOL

All of teslas stuff works!


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/16/2011 11:44:59 AM   

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His conjecture that because his "resonance" is greater than the "Schumann resonance" means that his exceeds the speed of light is bogus - there are several Schumann resonances.  The fundamental is at 7.8 Hz, and the last overtone around 32.5 Hz.

He also believes that the earth's about twice as big as it used to be - which is why the continents are where they are (instead of believing plate tectonics).  He even believes that further continental drift is due to neutrino absorption, which is increasing the size of the earth.

So yeah, I don't hold a lot of store in his all-so-typical "free energy" theories.  If "free energy" theories and devices were so simple and effective, it would already be out there.  People could do it in their garages and sell power back to the utilities, just like folks with photovoltaic and wind power.  We'd crank those puppies up in the engineering labs and have drag races.

I don't care that he's evidently done a lot of work with eddy currents, he be off his rocker on the free energy side.

However, I could've just pissed into the wind and saved my time.  Although that would've raised the ire of my neighbors, since the front doorstep faces the prevailing wind.

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/16/2011 1:32:29 PM   

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Maybe a few of us who understand science and know free energy is impossible should work out a rotation so we know whose turn it is to smack down this nonsense when another of these threads gets posted.

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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/16/2011 1:52:28 PM   

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So Ken,

You are arguing that the sun does not supply jigawatts of "free" energy every day?

How can you say such a thing?

They have not figured out how to tax the sun.  (yet)


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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/16/2011 2:27:41 PM   

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RealO, it is not free technically. If the generators could work the way they were intended they would be using something. You could put solar panels all over 3,000 acres of cornfield, but it costs corn.

If this is anything like what I think, what is it using ? It would be using the electrical charge between the Earth and it's atmosphere. Maybe there would be no more thunder and lighning ?

There is always a cost. And no matter how revered Tesla may be, there is no way in hell that one such device could power the entire world. And it would have an impact, it's just not known right now. There was a time when people thought nothing of burning massive amounts of fossil fuel, but that has changed. Our fish tank is dirty.

And not to forget, the best money is in selling waste products. Gasoline is a perfect example.



(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/16/2011 2:30:49 PM   

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ORIGINAL: outhere69

His conjecture that because his "resonance" is greater than the "Schumann resonance" means that his exceeds the speed of light is bogus - there are several Schumann resonances.  The fundamental is at 7.8 Hz, and the last overtone around 32.5 Hz.

That does not compute.  I can review it and detail it out but I think its better if you do.  Meantime I will tel you what to look for in how he proves that teslas scalar wave is 1.5 times the speed of light....

He demonstrated by changing the frequency to match the wavelength of the hertzian wave, then back to the wave length of the scalar wave.

Obviously he knew where the max amplitude was on both settings which is determined resonance and max output of the high Q circuit.

He was in far field so there was no chance of mutual inductance.  that pretty much wraps it up because we know that if there were a 3rd harmonic you would never see it in terms of power transfer in the far field, at enough power to light an LED with an 80 milliwatt input signal.

It was close enough however that the hertzian wave would very dimly light the led showing the huge loss of TEM waves compared to LEM waves and that peak resonance and output proves the difference in the speed of the wave.

He also believes that the earth's about twice as big as it used to be - which is why the continents are where they are (instead of believing plate tectonics).  He even believes that further continental drift is due to neutrino absorption, which is increasing the size of the earth.

I dont see where his version is contrary or in opposition to plate tectonics?

So yeah, I don't hold a lot of store in his all-so-typical "free energy" theories.  If "free energy" theories and devices were so simple and effective, it would already be out there.  People could do it in their garages and sell power back to the utilities, just like folks with photovoltaic and wind power.  We'd crank those puppies up in the engineering labs and have drag races.

Well people are doing just that with solar and wind power everyday.  Granted the hardware is not free but the source of the energy is free.  I personally do not like that terms as like somany other words it has many meanings and is easily misused and no one misuses worse than people promoting "free" energy.  My version is that you must still invest in hardware and regardless how infinitesimally small that investment may be over 10,000 years it will forever be a number greater than zero hence not really free.

I don't care that he's evidently done a lot of work with eddy currents, he be off his rocker on the free energy side.

I will give you that IF you can support it.... he made these little tower kits for schools, or if you are mechanically inclined you can build your own with household and radio shack stuff and prove it to yourself that you do get more energy, to the tune of 1000% more energy out then you put in it.

However, I could've just pissed into the wind and saved my time.  Although that would've raised the ire of my neighbors, since the front doorstep faces the prevailing wind.

well your initial conclusion about the earths resonance and how he applied it is incorrect.

You need to first correct that misconception and then take a second look.   


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

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(in reply to outhere69)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: Young kid gets it! Solves world energy issues why c... - 4/16/2011 3:23:24 PM   

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Wish someone would just build a Z.P.M. and get it over with!


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