RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (Full Version)

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Lucylastic -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 7:43:17 AM)

From my own personal experiences with pregnancy, never mind delivery and bringing up kids, my health was affected heavily with each one, not just temporarily
every one has taken a toll physically even 25 years later I have issues going back to pregnancy.

tazzygirl -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 7:46:37 AM)

No one wants to see that Lucy because childbirth is "natural".

If men could get pregnant, birth control would be mandatory.

Lucylastic -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:00:10 AM)

dont get me started on birthcontrol Tazzy, LOL
but you are right

domiguy -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:02:14 AM)

I believe that abortion should be mandatory in all cases of pregnancy.

tazzygirl -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:03:01 AM)

Zero population growth... hmmm

Lucylastic -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:13:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: domiguy

I believe that abortion should be mandatory in all cases of pregnancy.

Retroactive too?

GreedyTop -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:16:49 AM)

there are soem cases in which I think retroactive abortion should be legal.. *grins*

slvemike4u -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:18:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: domiguy

I believe that abortion should be mandatory in all cases of pregnancy.

Retroactive too?

I could think of some cases,right off the top of my head ,where such an action would be fruitful(pun intended)....hell I could put a list together of some regular contributors on these very pages [:)]

Lucylastic -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:24:16 AM)

And people say IM sick!!

Edwynn -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:42:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: domiguy

I believe that abortion should be mandatory in all cases of pregnancy.

Retroactive too?

I could think of some cases,right off the top of my head ,where such an action would be fruitful(pun intended)....hell I could put a list together of some regular contributors on these very pages [:)]

I wish I had better news for you mike, but longevity runs in my family.

But back to Lucy's input (and please, I am attempting to be actually serious here) there does seem to be some relation between the number of pregnancies endured and life span.

One grandmother died of stroke at 57, though having only two kids, so she doesn't count. But her mother had 7 kids and called it in at age 72. That mom herself was one of 10 pregnancies endured by her own mother, 7 of which survived to adulthood.My mom went through nine large bellies to bring to the world eight of them, and she went to rest at age 74.  My dad's mother only had five, she was born in '96 and died in '92, so she lived to age of 96.

Which means nothing of this means anything, it's all just statistics,

But I witnessed the last three from my mom firsthand, and I will tell you this folks, she was a strong woman physically, and it still knocked her for a loop, every time.


kdsub -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:53:14 AM)

As you fall deeper into addiction who will pay your medical bills?… You will no longer be able to hold a job…Am I supposed to pay your bills? How about your family will they? Do you really think you will have any money?

When you die a miserable depressed suicide or heart failure who will buy your wood box and transport and bury you in a potters field…Am I to pay for that too.

In the mean time if you are high and don’t burn down the house and kill an innocent perhaps you can kill a child on the way to or from the supplier.

You my dear need help…a perfect example of why drugs should never be made legal.


Lucylastic -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:57:14 AM)

As i said before no one gives a shit about crack victims or womens health/abortions, birth control
Just how much it affects their bottom line,
their morality or their wallet

kdsub -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 9:00:58 AM)

Their families care and pay the price... I know

thompsonx -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 6:15:35 PM)



As you fall deeper into addiction who will pay your medical bills?… You will no longer be able to hold a job…Am I supposed to pay your bills? How about your family will they? Do you really think you will have any money?

When you die a miserable depressed suicide or heart failure who will buy your wood box and transport and bury you in a potters field…Am I to pay for that too.

In the mean time if you are high and don’t burn down the house and kill an innocent perhaps you can kill a child on the way to or from the supplier.

You my dear need help…a perfect example of why drugs should never be made legal.


Damn butch have you always been this stingy?
Is money the only thing you ever think of?
For fucks sake butch take just a sip from the cup of the milk of human kindness.
BTW educate yourself about coke your mindless essay into it's effects show the depths of your ignorance of this subject.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 6:44:50 PM)


Therefore crack should be legal.
yes, but clearly not for men.

Brain -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 7:25:19 PM)

The way to make crack legal is to make suicide legal. Becoming a drug addict can be a ticket to a death trip. So first acknowledge the consequences of becoming a drug addict which could be easily death and makes suicide legal and then you can easily make crack legal.


ORIGINAL: imperatrixx

Therefore crack should be legal.


slvemike4u -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 7:33:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather


Therefore crack should be legal.
yes, but clearly not for men.
One thing is clear one making this spurious argument has the first idea of the hell brought down by the use of "crack".Now I am probably one of the most strident proponent of the decriminalization of most narcotics you will find on these pages....but crack is nothing more than manufactured misery.It worked like this.... Cocaine was a nice little suburban set drug.....used mostly by the young hip cool crowd(re:mostly white) with plenty of disposable cash.....than some bright light figured there was a lot of inner city money to be made...if we could just introduce the less affluent(re: largely black and other inner cities minorities) to the pleasures of cocaine....of course since they were less affluent the need was for something a little less expensive than the typical gram of coke purchase.So someone took the idea of freebase..the process by which cocaine is made smokable...and came up with its poorer cousin,and pale imitation,crack...sold on the streets in 3 and 5 dollar hits ....cooked in kitchens and bathrooms using as little coke as possible ,laced with speed and other sundry impurities...and wildly addictive.Insanely addictive that long term recreational drug users...those with years of dallying and weekend partying....were soon lost in a maze of street drug addiction approximating,and surpassing anything the lowest heroin junkie ever faced.
Law enforcements reaction to this new scourge of the inner cities.....penalties for the possesion of crack(seen as a black thing) much harsher than for the same weight of cocaine(mostly a white,surburban sort of thing)though ostensibly they are the same substance...though in much different forms.Crack cocaine has probably ruined more lives in a much shorter span of time than heroine addiction ever did....perhaps the sentencing guidelines had it right after all.[&o]

slvemike4u -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:06:58 PM)

My apologies for the crack rant....sort of went off on a tear there....sorry.

imperatrixx -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:39:03 PM)



The way to make crack legal is to make suicide legal. Becoming a drug addict can be a ticket to a death trip. So first acknowledge the consequences of becoming a drug addict which could be easily death and makes suicide legal and then you can easily make crack legal.

Of course suicide should be legal. More to a point, euthanasia should be as well.

What sort of fucked up mindset refuses to let a person take control over their own death?

imperatrixx -> RE: "A woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body" (4/16/2011 8:40:36 PM)



As you fall deeper into addiction who will pay your medical bills?… You will no longer be able to hold a job…Am I supposed to pay your bills? How about your family will they? Do you really think you will have any money?

When you die a miserable depressed suicide or heart failure who will buy your wood box and transport and bury you in a potters field…Am I to pay for that too.

In the mean time if you are high and don’t burn down the house and kill an innocent perhaps you can kill a child on the way to or from the supplier.

You my dear need help…a perfect example of why drugs should never be made legal.


lol I don't do crack and never have.

But if it's about the monetary cost to society maybe we should force women on welfare to have abortions? Who's going to pay for that shit? You?

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