RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (Full Version)

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tweakabelle -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/6/2011 4:29:51 AM)

Bin Laden's death is a stunning triumph for the US. Is it the final nail in the coffin of Al Quada? In a military sense it's too early to say, but in a political sense .....?

OBL's lasting legacy in the Muslim world has been paraded publicly in the streets from Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria through to Yemen and Iraq. for months now.

The Arab Spring is revolutionising the Arab/Muslim world and Al Quada's brand of religious fanaticism and violence is conspicuously absent. Not even a spectator. About as influential as a single snowflake in the Arctic. Has anyone heard of a single significant demonstration of solidarity with him in his 'martyrdom' anywhere in the Arab world?*

Secular civil rights (eg democracy, freedom, the rule of law, jobs, careers, futures) are the demands of the Arab Spring. That's what ordinary Arabs want, demands that any Westerner can relate to. Their chosen route to freedom is non-violent street demonstrations, denial of consent to the dictators. His own target audience have declared him persona non grata, an anachronism and an irrelevance.

It's a good thing that the world is free of the monster bin Laden. In the longer term, the rejection of the AQ brand means and message by the Arab 'street' is of far more consequence and a far more desirable outcome for people everywhere.

It may well be the case that his death will mark not only the demise of bin Laden and AQ, but will also mark as the moment when the Arab world confirmed its choice of modernity. This is surely the ultimate victory over bin Laden and his hue.

* While trying to find independent confirmation of this claim, I came across this piece advancing the same argument from an Arab/Muslim perspective. It's well worth a read:

NorthernGent -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/6/2011 11:46:42 AM)



america has lost her soul and england never had one.

Except England has always had a strong non-conformist conscience: parliamentary democracy, Voltaire learing everything he knew from England at a time when France was governed by superstition, women's rights (John Stuart Mill a hundred years ahead of the feminist movements), trade unionism etc. It's a long list.

Today, we have the church, politicians and parents of dead soldiers asking whether or not this really is justice, and standing by the principle of the rule of law.

Given a choice, Bin Laden would have preferred to die a martyr than face Western justice.

Daddysredhead -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/7/2011 5:05:56 PM)




ORIGINAL: Politesub53



only thugs order assassinations.

ordered societies have bona-fide trials.

we have plunged to the depths of criminal enterprise and called it government.

america has lost her soul and england never had one.

One of my first ever posts was in reply to one of your posts stating 9/11 was a conspiracy. Over the years since, your posts have become more paranoid and delusional. You are a sad little man in your own little world...Enjoy.

I could block you but you are cheap entertainment. [8|]

for fuck sake get a clue or get a good CLEAR video (like I have) of those towers coming down.   they were blown all to hell and only a complete fucking demolition retard cant see it.  No different than any other demolition.  duh

I actually enjoy it when certain people and you would be one of them, block me.  Its a compliment!

Nice use of the word "retard"... classy.

Rule -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/7/2011 6:04:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daddysredhead
Nice use of the word "retard"... classy.

Unfortunately RO is rather obsessive compulsory disordered about that word. [:(]

However, it is good that he sometimes applies it in a creative combination. Creativity is good.

Rhodes85 -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/7/2011 9:27:50 PM)


Bin Laden's death is a stunning triumph for the US. Is it the final nail in the coffin of Al Quada?

No, not by a long shot. Its a bad idea to assassinate a person like him for the same reason Rommel protested against assassinating Hitler - to kill him would be to make a martyr of him ( this case I guess that means literally...) if anything it will only give them an excuse to keep attacking the US and as a result give the US a reason to keep this bs war on terror going.

That being said am I the only one that considers it odd that so close to the election, when Obamas approval rating is very low, that they should just happen to find bin laden and be able to kill him so easily, following that with not providing any convincing evidence that they did so and dumping the body where it could never be recovered...? Not trying to sound like a conspiracy nut here but if nobody finds that suspicious they've got to be high. Either that or it was a *VERY* stupid thing to do on the part of the US government.

Rule -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/8/2011 4:00:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Rhodes85
am I the only one that considers it odd that so close to the election, when Obamas approval rating is very low, that they should just happen to find bin laden and be able to kill him so easily

No, you are not the only one. By murdering their loyal agent the USA attained two goals that they deemed more important than the life of their tool: re-election favor for the contemporary president and the removal of the one person who could have denied accountability for 911. Maybe OBL had been protesting too much and implying that he wanted to come out and tell his truth instead of the lies they required of him, and if so thereby he was about to become a liability instead of an asset. Liabilities, unlike assets, are liquidated; ask any economist.

rulemylife -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/8/2011 4:11:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: Rhodes85


Bin Laden's death is a stunning triumph for the US. Is it the final nail in the coffin of Al Quada?

No, not by a long shot. Its a bad idea to assassinate a person like him for the same reason Rommel protested against assassinating Hitler - to kill him would be to make a martyr of him ( this case I guess that means literally...) if anything it will only give them an excuse to keep attacking the US and as a result give the US a reason to keep this bs war on terror going.

That being said am I the only one that considers it odd that so close to the election, when Obamas approval rating is very low, that they should just happen to find bin laden and be able to kill him so easily, following that with not providing any convincing evidence that they did so and dumping the body where it could never be recovered...? Not trying to sound like a conspiracy nut here but if nobody finds that suspicious they've got to be high. Either that or it was a *VERY* stupid thing to do on the part of the US government.

His approval ratings are not low, they have been consistently in the 45-55% range, which by no coincidence matches closely to his election numbers.

As far as not sounding like a conspiracy nut you are doing a pretty damn good imitation.

DarkSteven -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/8/2011 5:02:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

His approval ratings are not low, they have been consistently in the 45-55% range, which by no coincidence matches closely to his election numbers.

Interesting.  If I take that as face value, it indicates that his actions have little consequence on his supporters' and detractors' stands.

I sure hope that's wrong.  Democracy is based on a President serving his people through his actions.  If the feedback part is broken, that ain't good.

Real0ne -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/8/2011 5:30:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife
As far as not sounding like a conspiracy nut you are doing a pretty damn good imitation.

Thou shalt not utter the words conspiracy lest thou be damned!  (unless its about the other guy)

Rule -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/8/2011 5:58:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven
Interesting.  If I take that as face value, it indicates that his actions have little consequence on his supporters' and detractors' stands.

I sure hope that's wrong.  Democracy is based on a President serving his people through his actions.  If the feedback part is broken, that ain't good.


Musicmystery -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/8/2011 6:08:10 AM)


Interesting. If I take that as face value, it indicates that his actions have little consequence on his supporters' and detractors' stands.

I sure hope that's wrong.

Welcome to the effects of blind polarization. It's been largely that way since 2000, and started in earnest around 1992-1994.

It will continue until people return to thinking for themselves. There are signs of that, but not in encouraging mass.

Real0ne -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/8/2011 6:20:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


Interesting. If I take that as face value, it indicates that his actions have little consequence on his supporters' and detractors' stands.

I sure hope that's wrong.

Welcome to the effects of blind polarization. It's been largely that way since 2000, and started in earnest around 1992-1994.

It will continue until people return to thinking for themselves. There are signs of that, but not in encouraging mass.

return?  I beg to differ. not as long as everyone continues view politicians and guv agencies leaders.

SexyBossyBBW -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/8/2011 2:17:15 PM)

Hey Real, it's true! Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you. I don't know why I didn't think of this song, as the shortcut reply, you may want to use on political threads henceforth.

KRS One, KRS One/BoogieDownProductions - illegal business controls America.

Cuffkinks -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/9/2011 9:06:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist
Happy Obama got Osama day!.
Can I get a "yes we can"... lol

I'll give you a USA - USA - USA

I'll chant that with you!  "USA - USA - USA"

I'm in...

"USA! - USA! - USA!"

Rule -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/10/2011 5:05:41 AM)


I consider it to be irrelevant whether obl is dead or not. His role ended in 2001 when he implied that he had been responsible for 911, thereby furbishing the USA with the necessary pretext to attack Afghanistan. Thereafter he kinda disappeared from the stage, having served his purpose. He never provided any inside information about 911, presumably because he did not have any.

There were no crashing planes and the two towers were blown up.

Moonhead -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/10/2011 5:10:19 AM)

And the face on Mars is actually a bas relief of Elvis' face, made out of melted down Elvis records...

Hillwilliam -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/10/2011 8:02:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

And the face on Mars is actually a bas relief of Elvis' face, made out of melted down Elvis records...

I heard it was equal parts BeeGees, Michael Jackson and Tommy Dorsey.

Real0ne -> RE: Bin Laden..........DEAD (5/10/2011 8:26:46 AM)




I consider it to be irrelevant whether obl is dead or not. His role ended in 2001 when he implied that he had been responsible for 911, thereby furbishing the USA with the necessary pretext to attack Afghanistan. Thereafter he kinda disappeared from the stage, having served his purpose. He never provided any inside information about 911, presumably because he did not have any.

There were no crashing planes and the two towers were blown up.

shhhh you will wake up the planers!  lol

yeh he was not even wanted in connection to 911 lol

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