RE: Mental Health (Full Version)

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needlesandpins -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 3:39:17 AM)

Hannah, it's what we live by, you disagreeing with it doesn't mean that it's wrong. if the taking away of liberty is wrong in the first place you are saying murderers can do what the fack they like and should be left to rome free unless we kill them in vengence.

your put up or shut up in this instance is a crock of crap because you know damn well that can't happen.

like i said, swing on yourself and see that it still doesn't work.

there is no sence to what you are saying at all and actually SR is right.

i'm not making excues, nothing i've said is empty. what i've stated is fact. there is no law here for the death penalty, if there was i would gladly do it. if you think law is wrong you are a fool.


Rule -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 4:01:06 AM)

I am not sympathetic to either.

The eater had best be dumped where she has to forage herself for her food. The other one had best be sequestered so that he does not repeat his offense.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 4:48:36 AM)


you know damn well that can't happen.
why not?

and to the rest, i simply do not recognize the right of the state or society to do anything. they have no authority, society is an imaginary mental construct and thus nonexistent, and government is by definition immoral. so laws, social standards, government actions, and judicial rulings and all the other trappings of such are irrelevant.

if the revenge killing you wish to visit upon these people is morally right, then do it yourself, but to hide behind the state to absolve yourself of guilt is, as i said, simply cowardice and moral bankruptcy.

so tell me, why can't it happen? explain that.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 4:58:47 AM)


if you think law is wrong you are a fool.
the law isn't wrong, it is void. it is based on the false assumption that we, as a collective, have the right to restrict the rights and liberty of the individual. there is no such right. the collective has only those rights inherent in the individual that make it up. i do not have the right to kill somebody no matter what they did unless i am actively defending myself or another person. therefore, the collective "us" doesn't either. the death penalty is not used to defend anybody, the crime has been done, so it is purely for vengeance. and thus not covered by the above limitation to the prohibition on killing.

you are free to disagree, however i am free to see you for what you are. and you are as i see you, despite all your protestations to the contrary.

there, i have excised out all the swear words so nothing distracts from my point.

if you can live with yourself with your beliefs, then power to you, but like i said before, you are morally bankrupt.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 5:10:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather

i do not have the right to kill somebody no matter what they did unless i am actively defending myself or another person. therefore, the collective "us" doesn't either. the death penalty is not used to defend anybody, the crime has been done, so it is purely for vengeance. and thus not covered by the above limitation to the prohibition on killing.

That's basically most of my issue with capital punishment, if there are laws that say killing is wrong, then it is wrong, no matter how much somebody does deserve to be killed. Now killing somebody because that person has killed, that makes the executioner (the state in this case) as morally bankrupt as the person who committed the crimes. A legal execution is still murder, no matter how much the person deserves it, I understand the desire to see such a person dead, I'd possibly would feel the same way if a family member or a friend would get killed, still doesn't make it right.

Apart from the fact that capital punishment seems to be a lot milder than being locked up for the rest of your life. If I had the choice between sitting in a small cell for the rest of my life or getting a quick end, the quick end seems to be preferable.

What floors me is, most countries are dead set against assisted suicide and will persecute the people who assisted - even though somebody might be terminally ill and in pain and wish to die - yet executions are acceptable? That's some fucked up logic.

SpiritedRadiance -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 6:07:30 AM)

Except capital punishment in most cases is a form of self defense.

Do you believe serial rapists and murderers just wake up one day and decide. "You know what? Killing is so wrong, I no longer get any enjoyment out of this... I think ill just stop doing it" No. They dont they continue on until they are stopped, put them in jail and they then start victimizing other inmates, and theres always escape or release for "good" behavior..... Kill them your 100% sure they will not harm another hair on another persons head.

In your world I can break into your house, cut off your hands sew your fucking mouth shut, and there would be no consequences. Im sorry but i dont know what your on but id like that type of release from reality.

Laws are something that the majority of humans agreed on, they agreed killing someone was wrong. That the crime for killing someone in most cases should be death. If you TAKE a life you dont deserve to have a life. As we evolved laws changed but still something remained the same, the majority of humans agreed upon it. those that didnt can, have, and will file appeals on them to get them revoked.

If you dont like a law fight it, but dont say all laws are pointless, they have a point, if you cant comprehend that point its not my problem....

LadyConstanze -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 6:14:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpiritedRadiance

Laws are something that the majority of humans agreed on, they agreed killing someone was wrong. That the crime for killing someone in most cases should be death. If you TAKE a life you dont deserve to have a life. As we evolved laws changed but still something remained the same, the majority of humans agreed upon it. those that didnt can, have, and will file appeals on them to get them revoked.

Actually the majority of humans are not pro capital punishment, and killing and killer is still killing, so 2 wrongs don't make a right. Isn't that like "stealing is wrong" but then "oh well but if you steal from a thief that is right" - doesn't work. Nobody said that they should go free, and capital punishment as a form of self defense? How does that work? We don't have prisons anymore?

Capital punishment doesn't stop people from killing others, or else Texas would have a very low crime rate, which it doesn't, it's barbaric and it's violating the moral code that the law should protect.

SpiritedRadiance -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 6:20:23 AM)

Im Pro CapP. If you are not Pro CapP... You should work on changing it because you disagree with it.

The only way to stop someone who regularly, brutally murders others, raped degrades then tortures their victims to death is not giving them three squares a day with tv the internet and a library. Im sorry but the people in prison whove broken laws shouldnt live better then I do, should regularly eat better then I do, and sure as hell shouldnt have better health care then me.

If theyve stolen they should be required to live in poverty. If theyve taken a life on purpose their life should be taken in return on purpose..

barelynangel -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 6:38:20 AM)

Ummm ya might want to get your definitions straight Hannah if you are going to be using words for emotional effect.

Murder is the UNLAWFUL killing of a human being.   Capital punishment is legal in the states it occurs.  I know it sounds great for emotional effect but it's not accurate as there is a huge difference between legal killing and unlawful.

The person who is being executed and was convicted is a murderer, the State and those involved in the execution of same are in fact killers.  But there are differences legally and morally with regard to both concepts murder and killing.

MOST people have never encountered or had their life effected by a case that would include the death penalty.  They are not easy cases, they are very emotional and very hard on all parties including the families, and the prosecution.  I know people think its an easy concept within the legal field but it is not. 


LadyConstanze -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 6:38:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpiritedRadiance

Im Pro CapP. If you are not Pro CapP... You should work on changing it because you disagree with it.

Don't need to, I live in a civilized country where there is no capital punishment...


The only way to stop someone who regularly, brutally murders others, raped degrades then tortures their victims to death is not giving them three squares a day with tv the internet and a library. Im sorry but the people in prison whove broken laws shouldnt live better then I do, should regularly eat better then I do, and sure as hell shouldnt have better health care then me.

So it's because your life is apparently shit? Because seriously, if I'd think somebody who's in a cell for the rest of his life having a better life than I do, I'd possibly top myself because that's not life, that is existing in very bad conditions.
Maybe time to get a better job where you can get better food, bigger accommodation and fight for good health care? That would be productive.


If theyve stolen they should be required to live in poverty. If theyve taken a life on purpose their life should be taken in return on purpose..

My mistake, thought that since you use a computer that you're glad that the dark ages are gone. You know, have you ever considered to live in a Muslim extremist state where they practise the eye for an eye policy and cut the hands off of thieves? I would think this kind of justice would suit you.

barelynangel -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 6:51:17 AM)

I have no issue with utilizing the death penalty in state's where it is legal -- i know some people have problems with it. Part of my issues could be i have SEEN first hand (yes dead bodies on scene etc) of murdered victims and i have seen (yes first hand) the people who have committed such crimes.  There is NO guilt trip in the world or emotional blackmail many people try and use in discussions like this to say how bad the capital punishment is to sway my belief. 

There is justice that at times needs to be done and to me, many times the death penalty is it. Yes, i believe that and i don't believe that our system should be. 

NOW, that being said, i do wish our society had a better concept of making sure one is guilty of the crime that is sending them to death and think we are getting there slowly but surely.  Do i think its better not to have the death penalty --- i don't know.  I am not saying i am absolutely sure.  I believe there is a place in our system for the death penalty.

But in the end, our system while one of the best, is not at all perfect -- human's run it.  There is a difference between murder and killing.  We are a huge country, we aren't a country that is the size of a couple of our states.  I don't think we can really compare our system and circumstances with other countries unless all of the concepts such as population etc is compared.


KMsAngel -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 7:16:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze
That's basically most of my issue with capital punishment, if there are laws that say killing is wrong, then it is wrong, no matter how much somebody does deserve to be killed. Now killing somebody because that person has killed, that makes the executioner (the state in this case) as morally bankrupt as the person who committed the crimes. A legal execution is still murder, no matter how much the person deserves it, I understand the desire to see such a person dead, I'd possibly would feel the same way if a family member or a friend would get killed, still doesn't make it right.

agreed - i've even put in a reference for sr. [8D]

conditions for an opinion of morality:

a. impartiality: outside my own sense of self interest in finding a decision on morality, not biased or prejudiced towards myself

b. universalisability: a moral judgement can be applied to everyone, not just oneself or specific group

c. justifiability: must be able to be defended with reasons (eliminates bias and preferences), not based on emotions

d. overridingness: moral opinion takes precedence over other opinions (points to what one SHOULD do, not necessarily what one WILL do)

d. non negotiability: binding with reason, not easily or appropriate to consider it against a non moral reason (i.e. human rights are not negotiable - all humans should have the same human rights regardless of race, not because of poltics or popular opinion); moral beliefs are not subject to being altered or negotiate on the alter of public opinion only

e. action/guidance: practice what you preach

*Cohen, S. 2004, ‘What is Ethics?’, in The Nature of Moral Reasoning. The Framework and Activities of Ethical Deliberation, Argument and Decision-Making, Oxford University Press, pp. 12–34.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 7:46:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

But in the end, our system while one of the best, is not at all perfect -- human's run it.  There is a difference between murder and killing.  We are a huge country, we aren't a country that is the size of a couple of our states.  I don't think we can really compare our system and circumstances with other countries unless all of the concepts such as population etc is compared.

That is not even remotely logic, your system is one of the best? Compared to what and how well do you know other systems? What has the population to do with capital punishment? So you're basically saying if you are having a population that bigger than <random number> the capital punishment makes sense? That doesn't make sense to me.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but to the best of my knowledge the US is the only civilized country that still has the death penalty, you mean it has to do with the size of it? Now how come then that you got different states and some states decided they don't want the death penalty?

If the US system is one of the best, then how come that you're the country with all those law suits that are considered frivolous in other countries? The US is the country with the most law suits on the planet, that doesn't say effective or best...

My take is that if I say killing is wrong, it's wrong, for everybody. The state executing something is violating it's own principles on the feeble excuse of making it legal, that's a "Don't do as I do but do as I say" case, no matter which way you turn and twist it. It's hypocritical.

What you talk about "emotional blackmail" is exactly what you are doing about talking that you have seen dead bodies, tell you what, most of us have seen dead bodies, most of us know somebody who was the victim of a crime, so you are the one trying the emotional blackmail here.

Death penalty is not justice, it pays lip service to being justice but it is an action that the state actually condemns when done by an individual. And yes, there have been lots of instances when years later it turned out that somebody who was not guilty was executed. You may say "it happens" - now I just would wonder how you would feel if it would happen to you or yours?

To be honest, I don't want to sway your belief, because you simply don't want to hear it, but if you leave all noise aside and you ask yourself a simple question "If something is fundamentally wrong, then is it wrong for everybody?" you might actually think about it.

Do I personally feel that the world would be a better place without murderers? Absolutely! Would I feel sorry if the guy who killed the little boy would be executed? Absolutely not! Can I understand parents who kill the murderer of their child? Yes, absolutely... Am I angry that child molesters and killers cost a lot of money to protect them from the wrath of other prisoners? Oh hell, yes. In short I am human, but I am also a human who lives in a society, now whoever makes the laws should be better, should not be swayed by feelings like revenge (that's what death penalty is about because there is no justice, you don't bring back the lives that were taken, you don't make it better for the people left behind, they aren't getting their loved one back). Now if I would have a child and somebody would kill my child, would I be a revengeful bitch? You wanna bet, and for that reason I wouldn't want the bastard executed, I would want him to live in a small cell for the rest of his life, being isolated from the world, all on his own, worried that if he leaves the cell that another prisoner would maim him, that's a much much worse punishment than getting it done and over with. Vegetating in a small cell like an animal in a cage - fitting punishment, being reminded every day that what he did brought it on...

Now if an action like taking a life is wrong and the moment the state sanctions this by having the capital punishment, the state itself becomes corrupt and violates his own principles.

For most Europeans the US laws are a bit of a joke, another example is the beaches, you will have people screaming that it will be the moral downfall of the world if bare breasts are allowed and the children must be protected from it, OK, then I hope that all the children that are breast fed are also blindfolded to stop them from being damaged, and how come that guys with big man breasts are allowed to be topless but not women? I would think seeing a guy with massive moobs is more traumatic for a child than seeing a pair of breasts...

Iamsemisweet -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 8:29:11 AM)

I have a friend who defends death penalty cases. A few years ago, some homeless guy raped and murdered a 14 year old girl, and my friend was appointed to defend him. My friend told me that while he could draw breath " the state was not going to stick a needle in the arm of his retard client". And they didn't, my friend negotiated a plea. If the killer truly was retarded, I would agree, the death penalty was not right.
On the other hand, the horrific Wesley Alan Dodd committed his murders in my town. I can't even stand to go by the places where he committed his crimes, and I have no problem that that sick fuck got hung, relatively quickly. In this state, there is a mandatory appeal for death penalty cases, and then countless optional appeals if the defendant wants. I think they only get a Public defender for the mandatory appeal, not the subsequent ones. Dodd refused all subsequent appeals, so in essence, the state assisted his suicide. I can live with that.
As for the fat lady, I wish stupid people wouldn't breed.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 8:29:44 AM)


Murder is the UNLAWFUL killing of a human being.
once again people are picking only one of the many meanings of a fucking word. this is getting tired! murder has many meanings. see here: see definition # 5?

to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously.
capital punishment is definitely killing, and on the scale its done in texas and florida it could even be considered slaughter, and it is barbarous, so it IS murder. as far as i'm concerned this settles the question of the meaning, this is the last word on this aspect of the topic, i'm simply going to ignore anybody stupid enough to bring it up again.

no onwards and upward to the meat.


But there are differences legally and morally with regard to both concepts murder and killing.
legal differences are of no importance whatsoever. it is a question of right and wrong, a moral question. so legality is outside of the discussion, it has no bearing as it doesn't bear on right and wrong, the law is impartial, it is morally null.

so, now that we have established that it is in fact murder, and that the facade of legality has no bearing on the question, please explain how murder is "right" when we do it as a group, but "wrong" when we do it as an individual.


Iamsemisweet -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 8:34:39 AM)

LadyC, perhaps the number of civil suits in the US is not such a bad thing. Could it be that the US courts are just more accessible than in other countries? I am not saying that is the case, but that is a possibility. If so, how is that a bad thing?

Iamsemisweet -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 8:37:07 AM)

Hannah, the difference between capital punishment and murder is that there is a lot of process involved, such as trials, appeals, etc. Your typical murder victim doesn't get those.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 8:37:47 AM)

I've seen that woman, and if it's the one I am thinking of, both her and her husband think that it'd be sexy for her to be 1 thousand pounds. And she's not just hurting herself, she's hurting her kid by being so fat she can't do normal things with her momma, and then when her momma dies or has some serious health issue, that will also hurt her kid. She's also likely warping her kids thought patterns in regards to weight, and health and proper eating.

ORIGINAL: JstAnotherSub
I am sympathetic to the person who is hurting only them self.

Just wondering how others minds see this.

gungadin09 -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 8:50:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather
so, now that we have established that it is in fact murder, and that the facade of legality has no bearing on the question, please explain how murder is "right" when we do it as a group, but "wrong" when we do it as an individual.

Murder sometimes is "right" when we do it as individuals. An example would be self defense. i see capitol punishment as society's way of killing out of self defense.


HannahLynHeather -> RE: Mental Health (7/18/2011 8:52:12 AM)

the process is what makes it so obscene, i'll get to that anon.

please answer the question posed, if you would. I want to deal with each aspect one at a time.

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