RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (Full Version)

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BlackTigerDragon -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 12:41:34 AM)


MistressDarkArt -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 1:02:36 AM)



ORIGINAL: SomoneReal

Look around and see what a mess feminism has made of the female gender.  

Fifty years ago a woman was happy to stay at home and cook a meal for their husband as if he were their king, and afterward she would ride his dick until HE said they were done.

It's about time that we return to the original order of things and live life the way that nature intended it.

Dude, you are freakin' hilarious. 50 years ago my mother worked in private practice making nearly twice as much as my father in the same medical field. My dad worshipped her. It was definitely a FLR though to my knowledge such a term hadn't been coined yet. When they married in the 40s the paradigm wasn't accepted and that made him conflicted. He suffered for decades trying to reconcile his public and private images in an era where it went against the grain.

The irony? Before he met my mother he seriously dated a June Cleaver-type who would have been content to stay home providing for every little one of his wants and needs. It was the accepted model of that era yet he chose to be true to himself, marry a powerhouse and devote himself to serving her and our family. She gave him focus, excitement and purpose. He gave her stability, loyalty and a handsome dance partner. They gave each other plenty o' fun in private and I know for a fact they didn't wait until the swingin' 60s to get kinky. They had been married 65 years when she died. Her death absolutely broke him; he didn't last much longer. As HisPet21 reminded us, the women's movement liberated men as well. The shift eventually took a lot of pressure off my dad and he could finally relax into his lifestyle choice.

OP, do you make enough to keep June Cleaver at home? Or do you expect her to work her ass off too outside the home as well as iron your socks, prepare a 5-course meal and slob your nob on command in the 3.5 minutes she has left in the day? You're almost 30; grow up or be content with your right or left hand for company.

DeviantlyD -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 1:24:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: MistressDarkArt

They had been married 65 years when she died. Her death absolutely broke him; he didn't last much longer.

Oh my gosh. That sounds so sad! He obviously loved her very much. I'm reminded of my grandfather who seemed to lose his will to live after my grandmother died. It was heartbreaking.

As for the OP, since you weren't around 50 years ago, you can only go on some oft reported stereotypes in terms of relationships that are perpetuated by t.v. shows popular during that time. As for women of today being too masculine? How so?

Ninebelowzero -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 1:37:34 AM)

That sounds like fun. Although what's the point of a ball gag in a chick cave?

Ninebelowzero -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 1:39:06 AM)

Sounds like fun to me. But what's the point of a ball gag when one is in a chick cave?



ORIGINAL: Politesub53

I think dominant women should only be dominant when I tell them it is okay [8D]

Hits Polite over the head with my club, drags him to my chick cave and ball gags him. There's a good boy! [:D]

Awareness -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 3:38:29 AM)


Oh please. This is such a stretch it's laughable and makes you look really foolish. People responding to a thread aren't following anyone in particular, how ridiculous. I thought she had a valid point actually.
This is the bit where I explain to you just how wrong you are and how you now look foolish to anyone with a clue.

I made a perfectly clear, perfectly valid point - which was that the OP posted something controversial and then took no further part in the topic, waiting for the regulars to perform their usual game and fall to fighting amongst themselves.

LockIt tried to get in on the action using the same form I put forward.  When I mocked her "me too" copying, she copied me again.  It's simple.  I lead, she follows.  That much should be crystal clear to anyone with a clue.  I'm surprised at her, because she's usually demonstrated more restraint and strength than this, so I can only presume there's some strain going on in her personal life.

It's also at this point that we can see the fruit of my prediction.  Namely, that the regulars have started squabbling amongst themselves while the OP is probably laughing themselves silly at how easily you're manipulated.

I realise that perspectives differ and not everyone is gifted with perception, but you'd do well to keep your ego in check when you clearly don't have a brain that can match it.

PeonForHer -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 3:44:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: BlackTigerDragon


Eh? What have I failed at? Or was that addressed to the OP?

Lucylastic -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 3:50:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Ninebelowzero

Sounds like fun to me. But what's the point of a ball gag when one is in a chick cave?



ORIGINAL: Politesub53

I think dominant women should only be dominant when I tell them it is okay [8D]

Hits Polite over the head with my club, drags him to my chick cave and ball gags him. There's a good boy! [:D]

The muffled screams dont scare the bats!!!!!

ChatteParfaitt -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 5:11:45 AM)

Though I was born with a rather masculine brain, I've yet to encounter the male who thought I was "too masculine." I LOVE being a strong alpha female who adores perfume and jewelry and matching my nail color with my lip color. I can cook a great meal, treat my man like a king, and still have the brain power (and education) to follow that meal up with an intellectual discussion.

I lived through the changes of the 60s and 70s, when both genders were freed from societal straightjackets, from the idea that, to be female you must be like this, to be male you must be like this. We now have the freedom (and legal right) to be who we are, even if that goes against the grain of the "natural order."

This going against the grain is not a new concept in history. An example would be a Contrary, a member of the Native American tribes who:

adopted behavior that was deliberately the opposite of other tribal members. . . . The Contraries of the Plains Indians were individuals committed to an extraordinary life-style in which they consistently and continually did the opposite of what others normally do. They thus turned all social conventions into their opposites. On a certain level, the Contrary acted as an antagonist to his own people.

What a wise society, to understand that proscribed roles need a "Contrary"  balance.

The subject of what exactly makes us masculine or feminine is a fascinating one to me. So I have to thank Mr. Awareness for hijacking and derailing what could have been a useful discussion my making sure we understand how very put upon he is by the females on this board.


zephyroftheNorth -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 5:14:29 AM)


To those of you who think the OP sounds like a cool idea let me remind you of a few things. If we were to go back to the time he wrote about. 1) you would lose the right to vote among other rights 2) you probably wouldn't be online because learning to use a computer for anything other than perhaps a nice job as a secretary would be considered man's work.3) the opinions you are so free to espouse wouldn't be taken seriously and would be dismissed as silly. OH and Aileen you probably wouldn't be living on your own and you and Shorey living together would be scandalous.

Our version of that kind of relationship is what some like but it isn't really going back to that time which is what the OP is talking about despite his miscalculation of the era. Do you REALLY want to go back to that time, or is what you want our version of that time? Think carefully before you answer yes because a lot of the rights we all take for granted would be gone.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 5:24:33 AM)

i agree with those who said that women's liberation also liberated men. not all men are dominant (i think few people of either gender really are), and many of them were living in unhappy arrangements because they were "supposed" to be the provider and leader, even if it wasn't their nature.
there were a heck of a lot of things wrong in the 50s -- i have no desire whatsoever to go back there, even if i do want a relationship where my male partner leads.
i don't think of the 1950s as all june cleaver aprons and "what can i fix you for dinner, dear" -- there were ideologies and value systems that were atrocious by today's standards, and, to me, that's all part of the package. so no thanks.
people are generally picking and choosing little snippets of an idealized version of the past, and idealizations rarely, if ever, actually even existed.

Aileen1968 -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 5:53:38 AM)



Aileen, I do believe it is his projection that this way is the natural way for it all to go and the tone of his post. Then add the assumption that women were ruined by the feminist movement, which is a bit of an insult towards any woman that isn't within the natural order of things. (His belief that this is the natural order of a woman's place.)

I don't take him personally, but he is rather outrageous in his tone and implications. Even a dominant woman can enjoy cooking and cleaning and treating her submissive like a king... however... we may not appreciate the expectation that we do so. [:D]

Eh. I really couldn't care if that's his viewpoint and am amazed that others care at all either. Anyone can believe anything they want.
Whether it is based in reality and will be successful in helping them, him in particular, to establish a relationship based on his guidelines is only his business.
He's either gonna find someone that agrees and they hit it off. Or he won't.
But his believing what he wrote doesn't really affect any of our worlds at all. It's just fun to watch how snippy people get.

Personally, I still love the idea. Worshipping Shorey is probably the biggest priority in my life.
Does it matter that the OP thinks that all women should do it? Nope. Not one bit.

Aileen1968 -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 6:01:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


To those of you who think the OP sounds like a cool idea let me remind you of a few things. If we were to go back to the time he wrote about. 1) you would lose the right to vote among other rights 2) you probably wouldn't be online because learning to use a computer for anything other than perhaps a nice job as a secretary would be considered man's work.3) the opinions you are so free to espouse wouldn't be taken seriously and would be dismissed as silly. OH and Aileen you probably wouldn't be living on your own and you and Shorey living together would be scandalous.

Our version of that kind of relationship is what some like but it isn't really going back to that time which is what the OP is talking about despite his miscalculation of the era. Do you REALLY want to go back to that time, or is what you want our version of that time? Think carefully before you answer yes because a lot of the rights we all take for granted would be gone.

50 years ago...1. women voted in the 60's. Yup. Pretty sure. 2. I'm also pretty sure that computers weren't mainstream. I don't think the men were even using them. 3. women in the 60's were pretty outspoken. 4. We probably would be living together...that whole free love thing and all.

Perhaps if you were talking about the early 1900's.... and even then, there is a lot of documentation of sex and enjoyment between men and women. They certainly weren't as prudish as people would like to believe.

PeonForHer -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 6:01:31 AM)



i agree with those who said that women's liberation also liberated men. not all men are dominant (i think few people of either gender really are), and many of them were living in unhappy arrangements because they were "supposed" to be the provider and leader, even if it wasn't their nature.

Not to mention the small detail (though important, to coarse and rough men utterly unlike myself, naturally) that before women's lib it was harder to get a woman into the sack and even if you could manage it, they generally weren't as good in there.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 6:05:49 AM)

Aileen, if you look carefully you will see that I mentioned his miscalculation so most of what you wrote doesn't apply. Further I was applying present time technology to the way things were at the time he wants to go back to. I agree I messed up on the voting thing but the rest applies to his OP.

paulmcuk -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 6:08:48 AM)

Not sure why everyone is feeding this troll.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 6:11:54 AM)

Probably because it led to a real discussion.

Ninebelowzero -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 6:50:46 AM)

Lockit has bat's in her cave? ooooer missus!!!
Lockit never struck me that way.

ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: Ninebelowzero

Sounds like fun to me. But what's the point of a ball gag when one is in a chick cave?



ORIGINAL: Politesub53

I think dominant women should only be dominant when I tell them it is okay [8D]

Hits Polite over the head with my club, drags him to my chick cave and ball gags him. There's a good boy! [:D]

The muffled screams dont scare the bats!!!!!

VaguelyCurious -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 7:20:41 AM)


I thought this thread was going to be about masculine women.

(It wasn't.

Sad times.)

I like masculine women! Masculine women are hot. Gimme a woman in boots and dungarees any day. [:D]

GreedyTop -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/25/2011 7:21:19 AM)

*hugs VC*

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