RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (Full Version)

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Iamsemisweet -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 7:33:57 PM)

OUCH. But kind of hot, too

ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


Oh , I am sorry. I was just responding to the OP. You know how when you just go straight to FR it says you are responding to the previous poster? I would have thought you knew that..

I do know that but it's generally a good idea to add FR first so there's no mixup. <slaps semisweet with a Gloria Steinem book>

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 7:38:29 PM)

<grins> the irony was to good to resist.

Aileen1968 -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 7:43:12 PM)

I find the idea kinda hot and what I strive for in our relationship.
Granted...I work from home so that helps in paying the bills.
But, is what he's saying really anything so bizarre from the viewpoint of a slave?
He hasn't mentioned a thing about her being degraded or unappreciated.

For me...I know it's been a great day when I've cooked him a great meal, treated him like a king, AND fucked until he's said that we were done.

Lockit -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 7:54:37 PM)

Aileen, I do believe it is his projection that this way is the natural way for it all to go and the tone of his post. Then add the assumption that women were ruined by the feminist movement, which is a bit of an insult towards any woman that isn't within the natural order of things. (His belief that this is the natural order of a woman's place.)

I don't take him personally, but he is rather outrageous in his tone and implications. Even a dominant woman can enjoy cooking and cleaning and treating her submissive like a king... however... we may not appreciate the expectation that we do so. [:D]

Hisprettybaby -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 8:11:07 PM)

hahahaha Oh, I see now, OP. You poor thing, you've lost your way. Go to the main forum page and the one you should look for is the Gorean Lifestyles Forum. I think you will find what you're looking for over there.

ORIGINAL: SomoneReal
Fifty years ago a woman was happy to stay at home and cook a meal for their husband as if he were their king,
How would you know? You haven't been around for thirty years, let alone fifty. Plus, it's not that they were all happy to do it, the truth is women had no choices back then.
and afterward she would ride his dick until HE said they were done.
hahaha So? What's your point? I have a male sub who I can peg until I say he is done. Not only that, but he cooks for me and cleans my apartment and gives me massages and does quite a few additional things for me. The difference is, he had a choice in whether to be my submissive or not, unlike the women of the 50s who had no choice.

It's about time that we return to the original order of things and live life the way that nature intended it.
What's the matter? Did your hand let you down again, and no woman will have you? It's going to take a lot more than bringing back the 50s to fix that. hahahahaha [:D]


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968
is what he's saying really anything so bizarre from the viewpoint of a slave?
He hasn't mentioned a thing about her being degraded or unappreciated.
You're right, it's not bizzare from the viewpoint of a female slave. But, the OP expects that all females should be just as subservient. I'm not saying I don't like cooking and cleaning. As a matter of fact, I do really enjoy both. But I don't like some fool coming in and saying all women should more or less be slaves. Not gonna happen.

JanahX -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 8:53:47 PM)

I wish to god I could cook for the OP ...

I would put a little bit of this in the pot just to add that bit of spice to make him a happy man.


xXsoumisXx -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 9:04:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

I find the idea kinda hot and what I strive for in our relationship.
Granted...I work from home so that helps in paying the bills.
But, is what he's saying really anything so bizarre from the viewpoint of a slave?
He hasn't mentioned a thing about her being degraded or unappreciated.

For me...I know it's been a great day when I've cooked him a great meal, treated him like a king, AND fucked until he's said that we were done.

I agree.

And as young as 18, this was what i wanted. i never understood why everyone hated on June Clever! lol.

xxblushesxx -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 9:10:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: xXsoumisXx


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

I find the idea kinda hot and what I strive for in our relationship.
Granted...I work from home so that helps in paying the bills.
But, is what he's saying really anything so bizarre from the viewpoint of a slave?
He hasn't mentioned a thing about her being degraded or unappreciated.

For me...I know it's been a great day when I've cooked him a great meal, treated him like a king, AND fucked until he's said that we were done.

I agree.

And as young as 18, this was what i wanted. i never understood why everyone hated on June Clever! lol.

It's what I do as well, but feminism is  (or should be) all about choice. Women like us who love to do that, we should, but not every woman should. We were all cut out of different cloth, and it's odd to think that every person of a certain sex should want the same things and think the same way.

uncertainlyizzy -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 9:15:48 PM)

I haven't read anything about feminism and I'll admit it. All I know is the women in my family who wouldn't quit fighting despite their lot in life earlier in history and then what they and my mother tried to teach me. The main point was always about choice. That a woman was a woman and feminism was about supporting whatever lifestyle and choices that allowed her to flourish. That the point of the feminist movement was to establish our options but did not necessarily force any one path upon us. To establish that as women we could do anything and fulfill any role just as adequately as a man could. Whether or not we chose to? Well, that was our own business. The older women in my family have done everything in their power to give me the option of getting a law degree and busting ass in a court room or an mba and eating people for lunch in a corporate boardroom. But they wouldn't be upset if I decided to be a stay at home mom and housewife if it was what made me happy. Because the point is that I had the choice that they didn't have. IMO that's what true feminism is. The belief that a woman is capable and feminine in all her guises and wearing any outfit. Additionally, it's not so cut and dried. There are tons of women who bust ass in the corporate world then come home put dinner on the table and help with  kiddo's homework and do their husbands wash. Feminism doesn't automatically turn us all into these stereotypical crazy unshaven bra-less monsters that some men like to imagine.

xXsoumisXx -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 9:16:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Firebirdseeking

OP and Girlieslut: you both show a stunning ignorance of history, as pointed out here by Lockit. In the 50's women were without options. They had no choices. I AM old enough to remember: for a woman of intellect, being told she will achieve satisfaction in life by having her floor shine and her toilets glisten is mind numbing at the least. Millions of women were prescribed valium for the depression that resulted in the post world war II propaganda that wanted us back in the kitchen and OUT of the workforce. Girlieslut, you sound like a child on a rant. Gloria is a brilliant woman; she took care of a mentally ill mother, and she was instrumental in advancing women as a sex. Also, in the 70's, there was a recession that made it very difficult to live on only one income. So those of us who had educated ourselves went into the workforce to help out our families. I am tired of the villification of women because we had to step up to the plate, and we did.

If you dont believe in abortion, that is your right, just stay the hell away from my rights.

I thought the recession was in the early 80's.

I think that what we got was a job outside the home added to our responsibilities. And our children got day care.

JanahX -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 9:31:31 PM)


And our children got day care.

Thats YOUR choice to have kids. If you arnt independenly wealthy and KNOW your kids are going to be raised in daycare and dont like it, you dont have to have them. This is all by CHOICE. You say it as though its forced on people.

Remember the word responsibility?

Another miracle of 1960 - the pill was made available in the U.S. So when women were forced to ride a cock until the OP said to stop, we didnt have to get pregos every year.

xXsoumisXx -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 9:39:16 PM)




And our children got day care.

Thats YOUR choice to have kids. If you arnt independenly wealthy and KNOW your kids are going to be raised in daycare and dont like it, you dont have to have them. This is all by CHOICE. You say it as though its forced on people.

Remember the word responsibility?

Another miracle of 1960 - the pill was made available in the U.S. So when women were forced to ride a cock until the OP said to stop, we didnt have to get pregos every year.

Just as it wasn't a choice then, it isn't really a choice now.
There are few jobs available that pay enough to support a family.
Most families must have 2 incomes.
Yes, we can choose to not reproduce.
I don't really see the point in that though. Certainly not a success if the population dwindles.
And yes, the pill was a very important and valuable discovery.

uncertainlyizzy -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 9:49:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: xXsoumisXx

. Certainly not a success if the population dwindles.

I'm sorry but what alternate dimension are you living in that the population of the planet Earth is in any danger of "dwindling"?

Hisprettybaby -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 9:52:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: uncertainlyizzy
I'm sorry but what alternate dimension are you living in that the population of the planet Earth is in any danger of "dwindling"?


xXsoumisXx -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 10:01:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: uncertainlyizzy


ORIGINAL: xXsoumisXx

. Certainly not a success if the population dwindles.

I'm sorry but what alternate dimension are you living in that the population of the planet Earth is in any danger of "dwindling"?

Apparently not yours..

American culture, as I was discussing.. is very different from 3rd world countries with no birth control etc, etc.

JanahX -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 10:07:47 PM)

LOL !!!! and Im sure feminism isnt a big factor in these third world countries either ....

or daycare for that matter.

uncertainlyizzy -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 10:16:57 PM)

The whole planet is overpopulated. All of it. All countries. Humans are like deer in the suburbs at this point. We're about a million people away from aliens bitching about hitting us on the Galaxy Q Parkway and their insurance not covering the damage we've done to the ship.

hangemhigh1953 -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 11:23:34 PM)

Anyone who says yes has no idea what feminism is. Unless you think women don't deserve things like independence and self-reliance, in which case you're just a run-of-the-mill chauvinist.

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 11:42:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: SomoneReal

Fifty years ago a woman was happy to stay at home and cook a meal for their husband as if he were their king, and afterward she would ride his dick until HE said they were done.

Ah, you just made me remember my dear great grandma who lived to be 97...her husband died more than twenty years before she did, and when asked if she was lonely and wanted to get married again...she said, "Heck no! My days of being some man's slop jar are OVER!"

I guess great grandpa was lousy in bed, but great grandma knew her place and serviced that dick...while mentally going over her shopping list.

My advice to you. Get a great job so you can afford to take care of a stay at home wife and all your future children with her. Read books or whatever to learn how to make her scream her head off in bed while having orgasms, and learn to be a pleasant companion. There are still women out there who want what you offeR, BUT...from...the...right...guy. Good luck with your search, and keep in mind that the real "good ole days" were not always that good. My own family was hell in a handbasket with divorces left and right...and sometimes women had to resort to using a cast iron skillet on her husband's thick skull.

Know what you want. Ensure that you have taken steps to reach and maintain your goals, and then find the right person to be "lord of your castle" with. Good luck in your search.

myotherself -> RE: Feminism Has Made Women Too Masculine (9/24/2011 11:50:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: SomoneReal

Look around and see what a mess feminism has made of the female gender.  

I'm actually going to look at what it's made of the male gender. Now that women are allowed to articulate their needs and wants we have spawned a generation of weak men who whine and bitch and moan about how great it used to be when they could get all the care and pussy they wanted without having to show themselves to be a decent, caring human being.


Fifty years ago a woman was happy to stay at home and cook a meal for their husband as if he were their king,

Fifty years ago it was the 'swinging sixties' - the sexual revolution and the beginning of female equality. My parents married then, and trust me, my dad did his fair share of housework, cooking and childcare. Both worked to support our family. Perhaps the OP needs to look a little further back in time to find his utopia.


and afterward she would ride his dick until HE said they were done.

Errrrmmmm...that whole 'swinging sixties' thing? They rode each other until the weakest one passed out! [:D]


It's about time that we return to the original order of things and live life the way that nature intended it.

If nature had wanted us to stay at home and look after hubby and babies, women would not have been given intelligence the equal of men and the determination to use it. It's not 'nature' that intended us to be subservient, it's men.

Seriously OP - if you're going to post something this ridiculous, at least do a little more research! I have a friend who can help you, if you'd like. She's a Professor of history. [8|]

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