RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (Full Version)

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Rule -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/26/2011 11:45:05 PM)


Medically speaking, herpes isn't a big deal. It won't shorten your life span, cause any physical impairments, or permanently deform you.

Those are four lies.

HisPet21 -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 6:03:56 AM)

Rule, I admire your dedication. Good trolling, man.

Rule -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 7:52:18 AM)

I ain't trolling. You know nothing about herpes.

hausboy -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 8:31:54 AM)

Herpes can be fatal to newborns due to the risk of secondary infections--and there are studied links between HIV transmission and HSV....and there is a risk of getting a form of herpes that affects the eye, and can lead to blindess.

However, I regularly read the MMR (morbidity and mortality reports) for certain infectious diseases, and in general, genital herpes is not considered a lethal disease in people who have healthy immune systems.  For those with HIV or autoimmune system disorders, genital herpes, like ANY infection, can cause some serious complications.

Rule: I do not know your background that makes you an expert on herpes, but if you (professionally speaking) have some information on HSV and morbidity, I would be interested in reading it.  Everything that I get regularly from the CDC and from NIAID (Natl Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease) do not indicate that herpes is a fatal STD.  (certainly challenging to live with, occasionally painful and very annoying, yes)

hausboy -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 8:40:31 AM)




Medically speaking, herpes isn't a big deal. It won't shorten your life span, cause any physical impairments, or permanently deform you.

Those are four lies.

I don't agree entirely...with either of you...
"Herpes isn't a big deal:  Well, I'll disagree on this.  I think it's a pretty big deal for the person infected, and his/her partners. 

"It won't shorten your life span."  
In normally healthy adults, this is true.  For those with immune system disorders, it can be very serious.  But that's not just herpes, many infections can lead to serious complications in people with compromised immune systems.

"won't cause any physical impairments"
Hmmm....well....a bit subjective.  Deformity?  No.  Permanent disability?  not normally....but there is a form of herpes that can affect the eye and lead to blindness....which is a pretty serious physical impairment.   Most people who have herpes do not suffer any serious physical impairments, except the blisters, pain and other issues caused during active flare-ups.  So I would say that it can cause some periodic, temporary physical impairments.

"won't permanently deform you"   I agree with this.  I have not seen any research or collected statistics that would support this otherwise.

Rule -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 8:57:26 AM)

I spent three years up to 2003 writing a book on herpes as the cause of chronic diseases. There are still some chapters I haven't finished, I haven't done much about it in eight years.

At least you do know a bit about herpes, hausboy. But what you know is merely a couple of lines in my book of hundreds of pages.

Let me just quote a part of the conversation I had with a woman yesterday at a birthday party of a friend:

Woman: I have got Meniere's disease.
Me: Have you ever had herpes?
Woman: No.
Me: Have you ever had Pfeiffer's disease?
Woman: Yes.
Me: Ah, here we at last have the truth. Pfeiffer's is caused by a herpes virus. And your Meniere's is caused by this herpes virus.
Woman: But I do not have Pfeiffer's anymore.
Me: It never goes away. You are still a carrier.
Woman: Yes, that is true.

I could do this for dozens, if not hundreds of diseases, including diseases people die from. Physicians know nothing; they merely parrot their teachers who know nothing about herpes too.

Herpes is the most deadly and atrocious cause of diseases to plague humanity. Most people who die, die from herpes, usually when they are in their fifties. Usually it takes decades before it kills people, infrequently people may die from it when at a fairly young age, say at twenty-five or thirty-five. It just goes unrecognized because it manifests as so many dozens or hundreds of other diseases - and because people have been brainwashed into believing that it is an innocuous disease. Whereas I look around me and see afflicted people's life fall apart because of it.

I really ought to finish these other chapters. But reading myself into the required biochemistry again is hard labor - and when I have done so, I will forget everything again after about a year.

And tonight I must study beginner's Latin again, for tomorrow I have a first meeting of a Latin reading group and I am not up to par.

hausboy -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 9:25:34 AM)

I see.

Herpes is an unfortunate sexually transmitted disease that affects millions globally and it opens the door to other STDs like AIDS.  It can certainly change lives....wreck marriages...hamper social/sex lives, and cause physical and emotional distress to those affected.

Pfeiffer's Disease (most of you know it as "mono") is caused by a form of herpes.  Menieres is an inner ear disease. No link specifically to herpes but can resemble symptoms of other STDs. 

Herpes is not a death sentence, and does not even come close to the other diseases that "plague humanity." To post that in a forum as fact in a "health & safety" is highly misleading and could be very emotional harmful to those directly affected by herpes who may click on this thread looking for information or support, like our OP.(and I'm glad she's found support here btw)

I work regularly with physicians, epidemiologists, outbreak investigators who deal with STD and communicable disease outbreaks on a daily basis.  There are FAR scarier things out there than herpes.

xxblushesxx -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 9:34:47 AM)

Rule, might I ask what level of formal medical training you have obtained?

Have you had an offer from a publisher for your book?

igor2003 -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 9:42:34 AM)

-- FR--
First, I am writing this simply “for what it’s worth”. You can take it or leave it. I won’t get into any long, drawn out arguments about it.

I won’t go so far as to say this is a “cure”, but it may possibly give at least some physical relief to anyone that has herpes. Your mileage may vary, as they say.

In the mid 90s I got herpes. The doctors gave me some ointment that did help relieve the outbreaks and shorten them somewhat, but like herpes does, it came back again and again.

In the late 90s I started doing some research on the Internet. To keep the story as short as possible I’ll just say that I found some very interesting information about oil of oregano and its use in the treatment of various forms of the herpes virus. So I thought, “What the hell, it has to at least be worth a try.” The alternative was to just sit back and do nothing.

So I bought a small bottle of the stuff…at the time I think it was about $13 per ounce…and started using it daily. No, not topically. You put 2 or 3 drops under your tongue daily. The stuff is extremely bitter, but you do kind of get used to it after a while.

It took a long time before it started having much effect. At the time I started I was having breakouts about every month to six weeks, and it usually took at least a week for each breakout to go away. Eventually I went through a span of several months with no breakout, so I stopped taking the oil of oregano, but after another couple of months I had another breakout and I started taking it again. The time span between breakouts slowly got farther and farther apart, and the breakouts themselves got less and less severe and lasted less time, and from time to time I would try doing without the oil of oregano.

The last time I used the stuff was probably at least 8 years ago, and no breakouts since then.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I’m NOT saying it is a cure!
When I meet someone new and things start to look serious I STILL sit down and have “the talk” with them and let them decide whether we take things further. But if nothing else, at least I am not having to put up with the outbreaks.

So, take it or leave it. Give it a try or don’t. Do your own research and decide whether it is at least worth a try.

tj444 -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 9:57:14 AM)


Ummm... if you get coldsores you have herpes.. almost the entire population gets those but no one freaks out about that.. Imo, to be safe (from all STDs) people shouldnt engage in sex until they can come to the table with their recent test results.. and they should still take all the precautions they can.. I know its not romantic and some people would say you dont trust them but when it comes to my health, that is what matters most to me.. If a guy cant/wont do that then he's gettin shown the door.. there is a certain ewwww factor with guys that wont do that.. jmo...

”There are 2 types of sexually transmitted herpes: herpes type 1 and herpes type 2. Both types cause painful cold sores. It used to be that we (doctors and researchers) thought of herpes 1 as primarily infecting the mouth (“above the belt”) and herpes 2 as primarily infecting the genitals (“below the belt”), but we know now that is just not the case. Fifty percent of new cases of genital herpes are actually herpes type 1.

More than 90% of the population is positive for herpes 1 and about 16% is positive for herpes 2, but many people don’t know they are positive, because most people with herpes do not have outbreaks.”

Rule -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 11:10:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx
Rule, might I ask what level of formal medical training you have obtained?

Have you had an offer from a publisher for your book?

I have been trained at university level as a molecular biologist with some specialization in biophysics and immunology and with a lot of (now forgotten) specialization in chemistry. Far more importantly is that I am a scientist by nature and a super-genius. Some of my beyond expert level specializations are in immunology and chronic diseases as caused by herpes viruses. (Often chronic diseases, such as headaches and arthritis, can have dozens of different causes, but usually, if not nearly always, a herpes virus is among them. But yes, other viruses may also cause one or more chronic diseases; for example, quite a lot of different viruses have been associated with diabetes type I.)

I have not offered my book to publishers as there are still some unfinished chapters. Besides, though far in advance of contemporary medicine, and though it might be used as a college level textbook, it is not quite up to formal science journal standards. Science publishers for that reason reject my work (often without having seen it), whereas lay publishers reject it because the contents are way beyond the grasp of ordinary people.

Rule -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 11:12:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: igor2003
I found some very interesting information about oil of oregano and its use in the treatment of various forms of the herpes virus. So I thought, “What the hell, it has to at least be worth a try.” The alternative was to just sit back and do nothing.

started using it daily. No, not topically. You put 2 or 3 drops under your tongue daily.

Interesting. I may try it. Thank you, Igor.

HisPet21 -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 1:33:25 PM)


Physicians know nothing; they merely parrot their teachers who know nothing about herpes too.

Can't tell if moron (whose university level "training" was a 2.0 average bachelors in molecular biology) or just a very dedicated troll. Really, Rule, after reading your profile I am 99% sure you just hang out here for kicks. And with 7486 posts, damn that's dedication. But seriously, I highly doubt that an individual without the funding or research to back up his claims knows a damn thing about the disease. Yes, HIV is more easily transmitted to those with herpes. Yes, it can have devastating consequences if a baby contracts it. Yes, if your immune system is shot, it's big deal, but so is any opportunistic disease, including the common cold. But for the average person, herpes isn't a big deal on the physical level; though it could be emotionally traumatizing, especially due to all the social stigma people like you spread around.

There are still people who believe that HIV doesn't cause AIDs. Then there are people like Rule, who have a limited education and think that herpes is the cause of all other diseases. I have been entertained.

hausboy -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 1:39:59 PM)

After reading his profile.....  it explains a lot.   Not to mention, the whole issue of herpes is a personal one for him so I can understand his strong feelings on the subject, even if I dispute his so-called facts..  [no secret--it's right on his profile]

Rule -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 2:09:14 PM)


I highly doubt that an individual without the funding or research to back up his claims knows a damn thing about the disease.


LafayetteLady -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 5:05:19 PM)

Of course not. Everything he posts is based on his own conjecture and hatred of the medical community. I don't think I have seen him post one thing regarding people's health that is backed up by any kind of medical study. Typically, anyone who needs to refer to themselves as a "super genius" has far more troubling issues than an STD.

Kaliko -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 5:13:29 PM)

I did read something recently that attributed the existence of the herpes virus early in life to another seemingly unrelated disease. I can't remember where I read it.

In the same book/article/whatever it was, I also read that exposure to the flu was also coming to light as a possible link to this disease which crops up later in life.

I don't necessarily doubt that the herpes virus could cause complications later in life. It's certainly possible and it wouldn't surprise me. But it's not just the herpes virus that could possibly be doing this. It's everything. There is so much we don't know about how everything ultimately intertwines, nothing would surprise me anymore and if Rule is finding links in his own research, I don't know that I would necessarily doubt him just for the sake of doubting him. Sometimes those people on the fringe of thought actually have the right idea.

ETA - Oh, I meant to say - when I was pregnant, I got bloody noses. There is actually a connection to pregnancy and bloody noses that I would have never thought existed. If someone had told me their pregnancy caused bloody noses, I would have told them they were wrong. I learned my lesson, and that is how I have come to not necessarily doubt a link between one affliction and another. I don't take it as truth, of course, either. But I would certainly be willing to hear the case without automatically judging it as false.

Tantriqu -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 5:28:35 PM)

Women can also get herpes from 'spooning' after sex, i.e., after the condom has been removed, but while everyone's still moist and warm after the act; a perfect breeding ground.
And insist on getting your partners tested for *everything*; if they have one std, likely they have another, and as above, most have no symptoms.

Rule -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 5:32:03 PM)

Oops: someone with an open mind! [sm=cheering.gif][sm=cheerleader.gif][sm=cute.gif][sm=pompom.gif][sm=yourock.gif][sm=welcomewave.gif]

I have got to watch that one. [:)]

JanahX -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (11/27/2011 5:37:39 PM)


Far more importantly is that I am a scientist by nature and a super-genius.

LMFAO----> thats fucking awesome.


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