RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (Full Version)

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irishpatrick -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (1/21/2013 8:14:06 PM)

Igor thanks for the idea...I am interested in a homeopathic solution to this problem which I have shared in for the past 6 years. I came across a possible cure myself in the form of cannabis tincture which has been a gift from the earth. I have a very strong immune system and during the first 4and a half years I didn't have many outbreaks per year maybe 4 to 6, they were relatively mild with a half dozen small spots or so (hsv2). The worst part is that the outbreak would last a week or two. About a year and a half ago I was searching the net and came across cannabis tincture for herpes. Since I am a fan of Mama Ganja it was easy to make some tincture of my own. I will leave the simple recipe at bottom for anyone interested. Anyway this is a topical remedy meant to be applied directly to the scene of the crime. The difference was immediate and profound. When applied the sores begin to die, drying up and shrinking back to flat skin within a period of 3 to 4 days at most and usuallly within one or two days. The skin will still look different color where the sore was, resembling a fresh scar, but disappears completely in under a week from onset. Since I started using the tincture my outbreaks are also fewer and far between which is consistent with the claims about this remedy with further claims that hsv will disappear completely. I only had 2 outbreaks last year and just went through my first of this year which is the only one that is like clockwork, an anniversary gift of the worst sort. However the outbreak started yesterday and thanks to repeated applications I am currently at that flat sore free stage where the skin is discolored yet intact with no sore present. I am not a doctor and don't pretend to be one, just relating my personal experience and offering a possible solution with a readily available natural commodity. I will now be taking the oregano oil too though...I want to beat this, I am certain it is possible and I don't like to lose when it comes to something important. Good luck to all and play nice....unless otherwise agreed upon [;)]

Cannabis tincture
Simply add one gram of mothers finest to one ounce of medicinal alcohol, amounts can be scaled up from that formula. Mix together and place in a mason jar in a cool dark spot for at least two weeks, preferably a month if you have time. Shake daily for a couple of minutes. After aging strain solid material through coffee filter. To apply just dip a qtip and apply directly to affected area then discard qtip and use new one for each application. Allow to dry, reapply many times per day as often as you are comfortable with. There will be a mild pain associated with the skin shrinking back to normal but well worth the results.

In stating all of this I realize there are people out there who do not agree with cannabis in any form. I am not encouraging anyone to try this unless they are an adult and comfortable with this possibile solution. I fully respect the opinions of others and their right to express them but if you respond to this with negativity I would ask you to question yourself about the "drugs" flowing through your system before you rip me apart for my choices. Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol have all played negative roles in my life when consumed in excess by others and lets not get into the ocean of people walking around out there on prescription drugs that are moved out the door as fast as possible with limited testing and extreme risks. Your life is your own to live and I am not here to judge any of you so please do not judge me. Peace to all of you...Patrick

ccc3333 -> RE: Herpes -- Dealing with it (1/21/2013 8:33:29 PM)

I believe there is a dating site that is for herpes/warts people as well, which makes it easier to find a partner, because you both have it :)

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