RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (Full Version)

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LillyBoPeep -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 7:39:11 AM)

i have a feeling he's hoping someone will ask him to see the pictures, or it was meant to be more of a "fantasy humiliation" love fest...

if it really is blackmail, OP, you have plenty of advice on how to handle it.  you (possibly) got yourself into a silly situation, and you're just going to have to own the fallout of being silly and sending sensitive photos to someone who you don't know.  if you're reeeally afraid that she's going to leak your photos, go to the cops, go along with her blackmail plans and help them trap her.

but this only matters if any of this is real.

JanahX -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 7:39:31 AM)

You need to man up in several things here:

1. Man the fuck up so you can become the woman you want to be.

2. Man up to this person who is playing bullshit games with you---> even though you were stupid and gave an internet stranger way too much information because your dick was doing the thinking for you.

3. Man up and contact a LAWYER and or the POLICE.

4. Man up and admit to yourself that you are too stupid to be on the internet---> because I see that you still have your picture ready and available for anyone to see.

I find it hard to believe that you are in any fear of anything with you so blatently having your profile (especially the content in your profile) and picture up on this site still.

I call bullshit.

LaTigresse -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 7:40:24 AM)

I am beginning to wonder if he is trolling for people to actually DO what he is claiming victimization of...

Iamsemisweet -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 7:57:54 AM)

A really, really fun one!


Well, the get up I wore to the costume party consisted of multiple dresses, a lot of kneeling poses, gags, and me laying across a bed waiting to be spanked. I'm not sure what kind of costume party this was.

crazyml -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 8:37:02 AM)

Hello ETOX,

I've got to be honest, I smell bullshit (or jackass).

But assuming you're not a troll...

You've had some awesome advice.

Tell your would-be blackmailer that she's committing a crime that could land her in prison. If she persists call the police.

Or don't... and take the consequences, if you're TG then maybe it's time....

Lucylastic -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 9:01:34 AM)

get the police involved.
Fuck the bitch, if this happened here, report her, if another chat , report her there too.
Im guessing you havent got anything personal abotu her to use in "retaliation"
take screen snapshots of her threats, emails, ims, get thee to a cop shop pronto, being laughed at by cops may be uncomfortable at first, but much nicer than having to face your family, co workers and boss/girlfriend/boyfriend or SO.
I went thru a similar thing at your age, but from a guy who was stupidly trying to blackmail me from a top security prison, (a dumb ass).He did get to mail my folks, my folks being forwarned, passed on the mail to me n the cops without reading it. I told them what was likely to be in it, they were more concerned at the blackmail than what their daughter had been doing in her own time(thank god)
He got an extra 2 years on his sentence.
That was nearly 30 years ago.
Good luck, maybe not show your pic on a Kink site if you dont wanna be outted...Otherwise, good luck with your life my friend.

ETOX123 -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 9:10:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady



I look awfully coherent for being on a roofie. I also look way too happy. 

Ok, you know what? Lots of people here have tried to be helpful and offer you advice, most of which consists of reporting her to the police. The above is about the fourth or fifth excuse as to why you can't do that.

Being transgendered and being a pussy aren't synonomous. If you are truly worried about what this woman will do, go to the police. If you not only spoke to someone but sent multiple compromising pictures without even finding out their name, you have quite a bit of growing up to do.

Copy the emails, print out the transcript for the instant messages and go to the police. Or tell her you don't give a shit what she does. But if you aren't actually going to take action, but instead just whine and complain about not knowing what to do, then you get what you get.

You asked for advice. Two pages of good advice: report it to the police and join a TG support group. Now get going and do what needs to be done.

That eh...that wasn't an excuse, that was me trying to shed a little bit of humor on the situation. My mistake.

ETOX123 -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 9:17:21 AM)

For the rest of you who have decided to call me a troll, thank you. Thank you very much. Yes, my profile is public but my family is so vanilla and computer illiterate that they would never come across it. Did you ever stop to think that maybe I was keeping this a secret because there were already enough problems in my family? Maybe I didn't want to add to them? I know you've been screwed by a lot of people, but so have I. I'm not sitting here taking my bitterness out on you am I? Well kindly stop taking it out on me. I'm tired of this, and I'm done with this thread. Yes, I got good advice, and I'm going to follow it. I'm really, really sorry for joking around a little and trying to have a sense of humor about this whole thing. Apparently that was wrong. Anyway, for those of you who offered actual advice instead of making me feel worse, thank you.

Edit: If I'm going to be exposed anyway why bother taking my profile down? There's such a thing as being too paranoid and apparently I'm the only one that's NOT.

GreedyTop -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 9:20:08 AM)

ETOX.. seriously, go to the cops. those in your family that love you will get over it. those that get bent will probably get over it eventually. Thats assuming they ever even find out about it. Most of them will likely (like Lucy said) be more worried about the blackmail aspect than anything else.

Lucylastic -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 9:36:35 AM)



For the rest of you who have decided to call me a troll, thank you. Thank you very much. Yes, my profile is public but my family is so vanilla and computer illiterate that they would never come across it. Did you ever stop to think that maybe I was keeping this a secret because there were already enough problems in my family? Maybe I didn't want to add to them? I know you've been screwed by a lot of people, but so have I. I'm not sitting here taking my bitterness out on you am I? Well kindly stop taking it out on me. I'm tired of this, and I'm done with this thread. Yes, I got good advice, and I'm going to follow it. I'm really, really sorry for joking around a little and trying to have a sense of humor about this whole thing. Apparently that was wrong. Anyway, for those of you who offered actual advice instead of making me feel worse, thank you.

Edit: If I'm going to be exposed anyway why bother taking my profile down? There's such a thing as being too paranoid and apparently I'm the only one that's NOT.

wrong, I dont have pics up on my profile, for specific reasons. Not paranoia, my kids my family my business is out there for all to see, but my reasons for not having a pic are mine, fuck the group think.
I seriously hope you tell this dumb bitch where to get off.

Lockit -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 9:41:51 AM)


You are coming from a place that many do in a situation like this and that is a place of feeling the victim. You are the victim, but I can assure you, you are not the only one that has gone through this with this woman. One thing that helps those that have been victimized is rearing up and not acting like a victim, getting mad and getting busy protecting yourself, learning all you can about your victimizer and taking action. Please trust me on that. It will do wonders for you. You take the power of the victimizer and give it back to yourself.

I do know that from the information on your messenger, that I could most often get your family names. If I wanted to pay I could get more than that, most often from outdated data banks, but still, the chances are that I could find your family. It is funny what you can find simply by knowing someone's email address if they have been lacking in online self protective measures... some of which I would like to teach you.

I won't give them here as I don't want some to know how to hide their activities easier because they are the bad guys.

With a bit of research, I would bet you would stand a good chance of knowing a bit about this blackmailer and then you go to the police and take different actions that will protect you. All legal and all worth the time to investigate because of what you can provide to legal agencies.

Let's look at some things to prepare you to fight. It is quite often when someone comes out to family... that the family already suspected or knew something. It isn't always a surprise. Coming out can be bad or good depending on the responses... but right now... your fear and this blackmailer are working together. As long as you are so afraid... think your life will be ruined... which it may not be... it could be challenging for a while, but not ruined... she and your fear will ruin your life. Either way, you have a challenge. Meet that challenge! You will be all the stronger for it.

If you are interested in some information that will help you besides doing what others said in getting in touch with the support systems... do please email me. I won't reach out other than this as I won't force myself on you and need to see your interest in protecting yourself and willingness to fight back. From there, I will tell you things many already know, but that you don't know and a few other little tricks that I have found doing researches coming from where I come from in life. I may even assist if I have some time today and you really want to stop this.

You don't have anything that suggests to me on your profile that would warrant your wanting this as a kink. Whether you are on the up and up or not... I guess we will know when you have successfully fought this off or continue the drama of it. Get busy fighting back or remain a victim or willing victim... but I can help you with some tools if you want them.

oneluckysub -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 9:56:04 AM)

If you are TG, you need to get thick skin as the world is not an easy place for anyone who deviates from the norm. Tell the blackmailer to stuff it and move on. Is she rats you out to your family, you can take that opportunity to tell them the truth or use the mariad of stories that others have offered as a cover up.

I have a question though: Your profile says you are a sub male looking for a Domme. If you are transgender (female in a male body) and looking for a woman, are you a lesbian Transgender?

If so, you need REALLY thick skin to survive this world.

ScotSubC -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 10:26:23 AM)

Tell her to f**k off, if she doesn't the cops will be tracking her through her ip address (easily done).  Bullies scare easily.

I do wonder myself why you post a face pic if your so scared of being outed, your parents might be computer illiterate but are your friends and coworkers? Your neighbours? I detect a whiff of bullshit too.

Sashareign -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 11:22:59 AM)

Good advice ZenRiverOtter.

Best of luck to OP.

Be brave.


Lockit -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 11:24:22 AM)

I am not going to go into details... but I highly suspect this is a scammer that is very effective in what she does. He is working with me and being honest and I do have her number so to speak.

Give the guy a break for the moment, please.

hangemhigh1953 -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 11:24:59 AM)

If the blackmail is not consensual then it's not play, it's a crime. Same with most of the stuff we do, really, the key is consent.

Lucylastic -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 11:35:07 AM)



I am not going to go into details... but I highly suspect this is a scammer that is very effective in what she does. He is working with me and being honest and I do have her number so to speak.

Give the guy a break for the moment, please.

winks, excellent:)

JanahX -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 11:47:49 AM)

He has completely changed the content of his original profile. Well at least he smartened up that much.

Lockit -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 11:53:11 AM)

She is a full blown scammer and police cannot help with this. Before you go there... he did take precautions and simply got taken in by someone that actually presented better than most scammers. To his credit... he really didn't do much wrong except be too vulnerable. He won't do that again. lol

Lucylastic -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/8/2011 12:05:49 PM)

I wish him luck, I hope the bitch gets chapped genitalia that drop off and rot thru to her arse

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