RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (Full Version)

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ETOX123 -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 1:20:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: SailingBum

ok i'll bit what have you done to rectify the situation?


I got some help, tracked her down, and determined that she probably wouldn't release the photos anyway. If she does, then oh well. All I wanted was some advice on how to deal with being forced to come out with something like this. Like I said, I accepted it was going to happen, and I just wanted to handle the situation with some damn tact. Since I've never come out before, I came here to see advice. Big mistake apparently. 

stellauk -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 3:38:26 AM)


Okay, so let's see the situation for what it is. She has power over you because you are letting her have that power. This is essentially how blackmail works. It's use of emotional manipulation centring around what she perceives that you are afraid of.

I can only chime in with so many others, notify the police.

Don't worry about your gender issues. It's part of you, just like someone has diabetes or freckles. That saying I can understand the fears you're experiencing right now.

Second thing - if you haven't already - is get some sort of support. I'm taking your use of the word 'transgender' means that you identify either partially or wholly with being of a different gender identity.

Maybe this is a good opportunity to work out what being transgendered means for you personally and to start to embrace it and bring it into your life. Please bear in mind that keeping it a personal secret is always going to leave you vulnerable in some way, so the first part of dealing with the stigma is you yourself accepting it, embracing it and learning to deal with it.

It depends really on whether you just want to dress and keep it as a part of your life or you want to transition and go down the route of living as a woman full time with hormones, treatment, and eventually surgery. In that case then you need to also get in touch with a medical professional and get a referral to a psychologist or a psychiatrist and also discuss your circumstances and feelings with them.

Being transgendered, to any degree, complicates your life and can make a dog's dinner of even the strongest relationships you have in your life. Partly because for some of the time it's an issue for you, and often because it's an issue for others. It's an issue far more than other things you can reveal about yourself because it relates specifically to gender and sex, and some people confuse the two. Some often lose sight of who you are as a person. It's basic social conditioning.

If you're planning the latter then you need to start working towards that direction and facing up to other people knowing that you identify with a different gender identity to that what you appear.

What you are doing in seeking such support, for the immediate situation, is removing that domme's power over you, and also everyone else like her.

You also need to embrace the stigma and the issues attached, because they're not going to go away. They will always be present or potentially present to some degree.

But you know, please also bear in mind that it's unlikely she's going to do anything.


Well if she perceives being transgendered as such a social disaster then she's probably going to be much too afraid of outing you anyway. People ask questions, and not just verbally either. If she has such photos, how come she has such photos, and what is her involvement in you dressing in women's clothing? Then there's the very act of outing you. This isn't in your interests, so therefore some people will see the ulterior motive for what it is. People draw their own conclusions.

It could well backfire on her. Furthermore, it's not just the transgendered who experience the stigma, but also some people who associate with them. That's why it's somewhat more difficult for some of those of us who are transgendered to find a relationship. Not everyone has space in their life for someone who is, and they too may have issues revealing it to others.

You can also call her bluff. You can play along. You can also ignore it, dismiss it. You can also preempt her, which removes her power completely.

There's so many things which you can do. Therefore I hope you can see that it's her who is in reality working from a position of weakness, and you who has the power in reality.

TheFireWithinMe -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 3:44:10 AM)


Would you want your family to say that because you were different then them in some way that they would totally shun you and ignore you? I know that I would be devastated. How about you?

To be honest yes I would be devastated but I would also cut off contact with them. Having to hide who someone is on a fundamental level is unhealthy and so would be continuing contact with people who would affect my mental and physical health is a toxic situation.

GreedyTop -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 4:04:05 AM)


thank you for such a great post!

(miss you)

LadyHibiscus -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 5:20:36 AM)

Thank you, Stella!! Good to see you :)

DumbassSub -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 5:39:54 AM)

Etox123 don't be so sensitive to those calling 'bullshit', those calling you a liar, those causing you to defend yourself. In making a post of a recent experience that bothered me enough to vent, i had encountered some similar tripe. I believe such is to be expected online as one opens themselves to many characters, personalities, bias and opinions. Human nature is what it is and with so many trolls, wankers, problem children online it is natural for others to have doubt or not openly accept all that is professed. What point or logic is there to debating every naysayer or every factitious comment! There is none, it simply digresses into pointless debate.

Be true to yourself, appreciate and focus on those that provide sincere advice, whether it be positive or negative. Open yourself up to their insight and perspective with open mind. Those that are factitious, sarcastic, smartass, non-helpful, etc., just ignore as they mostly are with little positive to offer. Such individuals shall always exist. Sometimes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff and that works both ways!

I think you are correct... it is pointless in defending yourself as only way to change a doubting mind is to provide absolute fact and substance. That in itself is no guarantee and only serves to potentially open another can of worms. There is no need to appease every curiosity of every person that makes comment. My advice is be sincere, true to yourself, learn and accept from those who are genuine and attempting to be constructive and helpful...  especially those who are with a countering view but genuine and sincere in what they convey.

I have only experienced threat of blackmail once and via online. I absolute understand how it can happen and how easily one can gain much personal information just from general conversation. My character trait being as it is with values and respect, i called the bluff. I refused to cooperate further and decided to allow the chips to fall where they may. My reasoning was twofold. Firstly i had to take responsibility for my actions and to accept it submission was part of my persona. That made it easier to accept reality of being outed to family and friends because i had come to terms with it and resolved i would find a way to explain if need be. Also i realized society today is much more acceptive and open than in past and more so than we may suspect. I look at media, politicians, movie stars and realized my experiences perhaps are not as much as a shocker as i believed it to be. It was important and necessary to come to terms and have the confidence and conviction to be open of my non-vanilla aspects if need be. Secondly i am a absolute, diehard, strong believer once blackmail commences it never ends. It is a spiral that only goes deeper and paints one further into a corner. Only two options in my opinion. Contact authorities as many have conveyed and hope for the best or accept you have authored your own circumstance and come to terms with it. The direction i chose was risky but to me a  respect was lost and a line in the sand crossed. Thus my personal choice was clear and easy. To reach the point of the blackmailer having sufficient information also created so friendship and respect of sorts was felt... as crazy and illogical as that may appear. In deciding to not bend, neither did i desire to push buttons that would motivate person to follow through with it. I remained respectful but firm in refusal to accede to blackmail and that nothing further came of it i am thankful for. As for yourself, only you know your circumstance and situation. You have received much input and options that only you can determine as being best. Whatever you decide, it is important you are acceptive of whatever comes of it. We are all authors of our own destiny and fate for better or for worse. Good luck!

JanahX -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 5:40:02 AM)


I never said I was worried,

LMFfAO..... oh no, please forgive my misinterpretation ----> you were fine with the situation. ME BAD.


Once again, I did not say I was horribly concerned. You're putting words in my mouth. I was asking how I should address the situation because it was unfamiliar to me. You people keep attacking me over something that hasn't happened. I'm not acting like a 'tared'. I listened to the advice, I explored it, and I found that it was more complicated than that with the help of someone a bit more experience than myself. Can you please stop picking on me to make yourself feel better? All you're doing is making yourself look stupid.

REALLY???? seriously.... you obviously have more problems than trangender issues and someone blackmailing you.




ORIGINAL: SailingBum

ok i'll bit what have you done to rectify the situation?


I got some help, tracked her down, and determined that she probably wouldn't release the photos anyway. If she does, then oh well. All I wanted was some advice on how to deal with being forced to come out with something like this. Like I said, I accepted it was going to happen, and I just wanted to handle the situation with some damn tact. Since I've never come out before, I came here to see advice. Big mistake apparently.

I get real sick of people like you who dont appriciate the time and effort that people here have taken to help you. There has been PLENTY of great advice here .. and you are completely ungrateful. How old are you again? OH I forgot ====>you were entitled to everyone kissing your ass and telling you how great you are= and I on my part apologize for not telling you what you wanted to hear and didnt dry your tears on the spot for giving you the worst time on the internet ever.

kalikshama -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 6:35:36 AM)

welcome back Stella!

agirl -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 9:57:02 AM)




I never said I was worried,

LMFfAO..... oh no, please forgive my misinterpretation ----> you were fine with the situation. ME BAD.


Once again, I did not say I was horribly concerned. You're putting words in my mouth. I was asking how I should address the situation because it was unfamiliar to me. You people keep attacking me over something that hasn't happened. I'm not acting like a 'tared'. I listened to the advice, I explored it, and I found that it was more complicated than that with the help of someone a bit more experience than myself. Can you please stop picking on me to make yourself feel better? All you're doing is making yourself look stupid.

REALLY???? seriously.... you obviously have more problems than trangender issues and someone blackmailing you.




ORIGINAL: SailingBum

ok i'll bit what have you done to rectify the situation?


I got some help, tracked her down, and determined that she probably wouldn't release the photos anyway. If she does, then oh well. All I wanted was some advice on how to deal with being forced to come out with something like this. Like I said, I accepted it was going to happen, and I just wanted to handle the situation with some damn tact. Since I've never come out before, I came here to see advice. Big mistake apparently.

I get real sick of people like you who dont appriciate the time and effort that people here have taken to help you. There has been PLENTY of great advice here .. and you are completely ungrateful. How old are you again? OH I forgot ====>you were entitled to everyone kissing your ass and telling you how great you are= and I on my part apologize for not telling you what you wanted to hear and didnt dry your tears on the spot for giving you the worst time on the internet ever.

Firstly, he didn't have any tears. He came for varied advice and got it.

He also took some of that advice and made a decision based on it.

It's one thing being grateful for constructive advice and quite another for the sarky crap that accompanies a lot of it.

No-one is strong-arming anyone here into sitting on a pc doling out advice. It's your choice to do it and he's said *thank you* already. That is usually a sign of appreciation, wouldn't you say? I fail to see what else he's meant to do.


agirl -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 9:59:14 AM)

Nice post Stella, full of your usual wisdom and rationality. It'd be lovely to see more of you.

Regards, agirl

agirl -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:02:16 AM)

Another nice post. This especially...

As for yourself, only you know your circumstance and situation. You have received much input and options that only you can determine as being best.


agirl -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:14:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: HannahLynn


he would lose his family.
well if that's really the sort of fucking people they are, good riddance to bad rubbish i say.

Yes, you might say that Hannah, but families aren't *all good* or *all bad*.

Not everyone is gung-ho about dropping bombs in their families, even if they know they can deal with the effects on themselves. Some people actually DO hestitate and think about the best way of doing it so that they cause as little fallout as possible. It's called being considerate and thoughtful.


LadyHibiscus -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:17:11 AM)

There is a trend among the under 30 posters to get whiny when they don't get total validation...we become bad guys and "haters", they get all defensive and nasty, and the cycle continues. At least none of us are fat cows yet.

JanahX -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:31:45 AM)

And he also stated that YOU PEOPLE that means EVERYONE... not just some here and there, keep attacking me. I didnt see a lot of attacks. Sorry, I saw a lot of people that tried to help him and he just continued to whine on. I didnt see anyone picking on him. Not at all. I saw people that were questioning him on why he is bothering on how to fix a mistake, but yet is in turn setting himself up for more of the same on what his fear is based on. And then he goes on to say that by replying to him .. by his words picking on him ... all of us? some of us?.. are making OURSELVES LOOK STUPID.

... REALLY? well at least I didnt send a complete internet stranger compromised pictures with written communication on whom I am, and then come to a public forum and contradict myself every single time I posted. I read a lot of .. I am saying one thing but mean another and its everyones fault here but mine.. so thus that makes everyone here STUPID by trying to help me.

agirl -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:34:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

There is a trend among the under 30 posters to get whiny when they don't get total validation...we become bad guys and "haters", they get all defensive and nasty, and the cycle continues. At least none of us are fat cows yet.

I can't see where he fits that profile.

The only posts he took issue with were half a dozen rather sarcastic ones. I'd have addressed those too. He responded to all of the rational, constructive and informative posts in kind.

The fact that he hasn't resorted to the same level of response as some of the more unnecessarily aggressive ones commends him.


LadyHibiscus -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:37:27 AM)

I didn't catch that he was responding to specific posts...just that the story seemed rather fluid, and the excuses aplenty. Which is perhaps typical of this place. I often wonder why anyone would come here looking for ADVICE from internet strangers.

ETOX123 -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:38:20 AM)

I would apologize because JanahX is right. In my anger I pointed the finger at everyone, whether I meant to or not. There are only a few here that seem to take issue with me, and while I don't understand why, I am certain that their reasoning is sound from their point of view. That said, I apologize and if we could, I'd like to stop the drama.

ETOX123 -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:39:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I didn't catch that he was responding to specific posts...just that the story seemed rather fluid, and the excuses aplenty. Which is perhaps typical of this place. I often wonder why anyone would come here looking for ADVICE from internet strangers.

No no, they weren't excuses they were meant to be humorous responses to things like: "Say you were on roofies". I laughed and wrote that I looked a little too coherent. Just things like that. I wasn't making excuses at all, just trying to lighten the mood.

ETOX123 -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:40:55 AM)

As for why one would come here for advice, honestly, where else?

LadyHibiscus -> RE: When a Domme Blackmails you (11/9/2011 10:40:56 AM)

So I didn't misread you. :)

Honestly, OP, it's not like we aren't trying to help, in our scattershot way. Being trans is a hard path, and there are lots more resources available to you than there were in past years. Build a support system, and get your head straight. Unless you have been the genius of hiding your personality, it's possible that your family *suspects* that you are not heteronormative.

Good luck.

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