RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (Full Version)

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BananaNutz -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:16:44 PM)

I'm not cheating on my wife. I haven't done anything.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:17:43 PM)

Havent done anything....yet?

JanahX -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:21:04 PM)


I'm not cheating on my wife. I haven't done anything.

who the fuck cares? go do whatever you want to. And if your WIFE cares .. go tell HER ABOUT IT !!!

LookieNoNookie -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:21:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

JJ, you know I have the Big Love for you, but honestly? REALLY? We women don't care about men in bad marriages who are looking to cheat. Because they are starting their relationship with us with a big giant hurtful lie. So yes, there might be a lot to this story. She really might be in a coma, or bedridden, or something or other.

He didn't come out with that, though, did he? No. He wants us to toss our standards to the wind so he can get his rocks off.

I do not care. WOMEN HAVE SEX DRIVES TOO. Oftentimes, we leave you men in the dust. Testosterone stops being an excuse pretty much as soon as y'all discover masturbation.


Hannah was right on with her thread. Men do suck, and often not in that good way we like.

Well, as I indicated....(without having actually said the words)....he's probably full of shit based on the 9 kabillion lying sacks before him.....but....he also could be in a horrible situation where there is no correct answer.

With the exception of one:

Regardless of whether or not his wife understands him or even reviles him.....he needs to get that resolved before he does something....with something....that doesn't belong to him.

His fidelity.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:23:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

JJ, you know I have the Big Love for you, but honestly? REALLY? We women don't care about men in bad marriages who are looking to cheat. Because they are starting their relationship with us with a big giant hurtful lie. So yes, there might be a lot to this story. She really might be in a coma, or bedridden, or something or other.

He didn't come out with that, though, did he? No. He wants us to toss our standards to the wind so he can get his rocks off.

I do not care. WOMEN HAVE SEX DRIVES TOO. Oftentimes, we leave you men in the dust. Testosterone stops being an excuse pretty much as soon as y'all discover masturbation.


Hannah was right on with her thread. Men do suck, and often not in that good way we like.

I just want to tell everyone.....I discovered masturbation about 7 weeks ago.....and I'm having a motherfucking GREAT time!!!!!!!

lizi -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:25:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: BananaNutz

There are a lot of other problems besides that. It is just the tip of the iceberg. We did almost get divorced two years ago. I couldn't leave her because I was afraid of what she was going to do to herself. Is that a good reason to stay, no, but that is how it turned out. Now, I am at that road again, not knowing how it will go.

Think about it, we're not a crowd that is big on passing the buck. Things here require by their nature a sense of personal responsibility. We've all been through this kind of trial by fire at some point when we decided to partake in BDSM. Whiners and cheaters don't tend to get easy treatment, what we do requires trust and honesty. Do you get that?

If you're drawn to the activities that people do in this lifestyle now understand that they take a huge amount of trust - therefore cheaters aren't big on the list to play with. On the other hand, I've rarely seen a more supportive group of people if you enter with a topic that you'd like to talk about or need help with and are willing to bare your soul a bit to get there. The choice is yours.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:28:31 PM)



I know you're usually a lighthearted guy LNN, but your post really inspired a big wtf from me. I may have misinterpreted your writing, if I did I'm sorry. I decided to go ahead and post my answer anyway since it addresses the topic.

You know I do get that there are mismatches out there with the wife truly not understanding. Then the situation needs to be evaluated as workable or not, and a solution reached. I may have a deep need to be a prima ballerina, if my husband prevents me from achieving this do I stay with him or not?

It's up to the couple to be fully aware of what each other needs and to have the opportunity to work at things....or not. Plus, in a lot of these cases the guy goes ahead and marries the woman knowing that BDSM is off the table from the start - what about that?
Lack of responsibility for one's self and one's situation does not equate being entitled to what you consider is the solution, unless you take your wife along for the ride on that decision.

There are a lot of things in life that we won't be able to fully understand about another, but me not being able to fully appreciate the effects of testosterone doesn't mean I should have a cheating husband. Does testosterone mean you get special loopholes? What about when women are pregnant, having a period, or they get special dispension then? There's a thing called being an adult and learning to suck up whatever your issue is. I'm not personally acquainted with the efforts of testosterone, but I have no issue saying if it causes you issues, learn to deal with it. How is it that millions of men worldwide find ways to deal with their unique hormonal problem? The few that use something as a crutch, or an excuse, get nothing but disdain from me because we've all got something on our plate to deal with.

It really isn't my problem if sex is easier for me to find. What should I do? Handicap myself? I can't help it that men suffer, it isn't my job to fix things for them because I have rights too, and I choose not to deal with people that are losers who cheat. It's my prerogative. You and I live in a world that grants us the freedom to choose what we want for ourselves, we're not beholden to anyone except our children and those that we choose to be accountable to. Therefore I could care less if random man's wife doesn't understand him and he wants sex. I have the right to look for a relationship of the type that fulfills me and that i want for myself. If I spent my days on my back helping out the horny men of the world become satisfied and happy, I'd never get up again because as we know, its a condition that never changes or has a finishing point.

So what's the solution? Fap like crazy, find a woman who is ok with being a side item, divorce the not understanding wife and find a new relationship...that seems to be the end of the list. It just seemed to me that from your post in order to understand and take care of the issues of the men of the world the women of the world have to put aside their own choices and needs. In the end, people do what they've been doing for eons, trying to find what works for them, trying to accommodate their loved ones and work out that delicate balance of yours and mine,  and if they're in a situation that doesn't ultimately work they accept it or move on.

You're right, there is a broad brush of disdain that horny cheating guys are painted with. Because they aren't being proactive in solving their problems, and they're taking people along for a ride that they never agreed to. It's pretty easy to disdain what cheaters do, because it's weak and it's punishing to others. If some guys wife is in a coma and he is truly caught between a rock and a hard place, that's awful, but shit happens. There's also people out there that get hit by cars and never walk again. I'm sorry if the coma situation or something that terrible is your life, but once again, it's not my job to fix it for you and while it sucks that's too bad. I have sincere empathy for terrible situations, I honestly do. I learned long ago that I can't take home every stray, and I can't fix things for every abused child, and I can't help out every horny man either. Sometimes it truly is life sucks and then you die.

On that melancholy note, I'd like to say there's always a choice with whatever someone is faced with. Sometimes that choice may be as narrow as being how you choose to deal with your fate. Be the standup person, bring joy into your life however you can, settle for what you can have and not mourn what you can't. It's attitude sometimes, or do some true problem solving where the first readily available solution isn't the one you pick if it's hurtful to others. Everyone has choices, anyone can take a higher, although maybe harder route to a solution.

SPECTACULARLY well written!

Can't argue a single point (wish I could....'cause I fucking LOVE to argue a point but...) that was really fucking well written!

Wow......great suff!

Lockit -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:31:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: BananaNutz

I am a submissive man in a very vanilla and unsatisfying marriage. I am not really sure what I am looking for yet on CM. I do know that the more I do come on this site, the more my interest is grabbed at being dominates by a beautiful and strong woman.

I have always had a vey strong foot fetish and know I am meant to be at the feet of a mistress.

So whats the difference... she slices her throat because you leave or because you are at the feet of a mistress?

You're fucked man. Either get her help and get yourself out of the situation and free to be at a womans feet or don't. Its your life.

You don't like being judged right? Well guess what? We strong dominant women don't like being treated like the other woman, even if the main one is all fucked up in the head and you have a tough life. You think being at our feet only happens during certain hours? We're friggin greedy man!

LookieNoNookie -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:34:38 PM)



Gotta agree with you here lizi.
LNN was way the fuck off with his post. If I guy cant to some degree control his dick urges ... then of course the tax payers will pick up the welfare check for all the kids he "accidentally makes" cause we all know he aint gonna.

LNN what you wrote was a complete cop out and paints a lot of guys like they have no control over their own minds, decisions and what they do with their bodies. Indeed a lot of guys are ruled by their hormones, but thank god Ive met a lot of guys that ARNT.

If someone cant control their own body/mind ... get the fuck out of here, people like that are such a waste of fucking space. wasn't a cop out.  Those that know me, know I think things out fairly logically and forthrightly....sometimes I miss the mark, and several of you have shown me where I did and, I accept that.  I also, in my original post suggested that I understood that this guy could just be "one more like all the others".

I also have learned from being 53 (I have gray hair the few places I still have hair) that, I don't know all the answers and sometimes people hurt and they occasionally don't know where to go for answers.

Other than that....I don't know shit :)

BananaNutz -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:36:58 PM)

The point is, I am not cheating and do not plan to. I am at a crossroads and am trying to decide how to proceed. Believe me when I say that I will be up front and honest prior to taking any actions towards this or anything else. I don't think any of you do not have any standards. I never said that and I am not pretending to be doing anything that I am not.

lizi -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:39:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: LookieNoNookie

SPECTACULARLY well written!

Can't argue a single point (wish I could....'cause I fucking LOVE to argue a point but...) that was really fucking well written!

Wow......great suff!

Thanks! It's ok we can argue on another thread, I look forward to it!

LookieNoNookie -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:39:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: BananaNutz

The point is, I am not cheating and do not plan to. I am at a crossroads and am trying to decide how to proceed. Believe me when I say that I will be up front and honest prior to taking any actions towards this or anything else. I don't think any of you do not have any standards. I never said that and I am not pretending to be doing anything that I am not.

Bannana....just some helpful advice:

Now would be a really great time to listen.

(i.e, shut the fuck up and turn your ears on).

JanahX -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:39:55 PM)

TOSSES ya some of the oh so famous hair dye. Pick a color .. any color.

Lockit -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:41:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: BananaNutz

The point is, I am not cheating and do not plan to. I am at a crossroads and am trying to decide how to proceed. Believe me when I say that I will be up front and honest prior to taking any actions towards this or anything else. I don't think any of you do not have any standards. I never said that and I am not pretending to be doing anything that I am not.

If this is true, then you have learned to clearly state that you are not looking, but are having a difficult time in life and just don't know what to do with yourself. You stated that you know you need to be at the feet of a dominant woman.

What it looks like you're doing is testing the waters before you jump in. Just your being here and saying you belong at a mistress's feet... suggests you are looking, even if you are unsure of what you are looking for... you want to be by those feet.

Clean house before you find another house.

We are women. Many of us had cheating spouses and some of us had ill spouses or are ill ourselves. Life happens. You deal with it however you must, but you don't complicate it and bring others into your messy house. There is no excuse. I recommend a support site for those with emotionally ill spouses... rather than a mistress to play footsie with.

BananaNutz -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:42:31 PM)

Believe me when I say that I am listening.

BananaNutz -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:50:21 PM)

I'm not looking for a mistress to play footsie with, although I realize how it must have looked. I can see that with all the anger coming out in all of the posts. My wife is very messed up mentally, which makes leaving being that much of a bigger decision. The truth is, I don't know how much more I can take but am really afraid that she will try to hurt herself if I did. She did try when we almost divorced two years ago and was hospitalized for a time after. Since then, things really haven't gotten any better and I feel that I may lose it myself at times.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:53:41 PM)

Well, not to hijack but....I got 2 new cats 5 days ago....and today I finally figured out where both of them live. was a good day....have to move a few things (they're like women....they gotta have what they fucking gotta have....right when they fucking want to have know? I gotta make way for them and move some shirts and other such).

Fucking cats.

Just like wimmens.

lizi -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:56:50 PM)

It's cool that you came back, I respect that. It's also cool that you say you're listening.

I hope you understand why the warm welcome has eluded you here and I also hope you see that people here are fair and they can be pretty damned decent at times. No one has patience with BS though and if you try to put some forth it'll implode on you fast and get ugly.

Your situation sounds pretty tough, I'm sorry it's like that. You still have an obligation to try to solve it before moving on to sexual game playing. Please don't argue that it's not cheating or that you weren't looking to cheat, the test is how would she feel if she knew what you were on here for? Even if it's not sex would she be hurt? Would you be ok if she were looking for a man to serve even if it was online? Can you picture her on her knees before someone letting them spank her even if they weren't going to have sex? Try that on for size and see why being here even if it's not going to lead to physical sex, it still leads to gratification by others outside your marriage, and still has those emotional danger zones attached to  intimate acts. Kissing a woman's feet is pretty damned intimate, it might not be penis-vagina penetration, but it's not the same as having a conversation either.

Lockit -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:57:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: BananaNutz

I'm not looking for a mistress to play footsie with, although I realize how it must have looked. I can see that with all the anger coming out in all of the posts. My wife is very messed up mentally, which makes leaving being that much of a bigger decision. The truth is, I don't know how much more I can take but am really afraid that she will try to hurt herself if I did. She did try when we almost divorced two years ago and was hospitalized for a time after. Since then, things really haven't gotten any better and I feel that I may lose it myself at times.

Please don't think that our straight talk is anger. I know for a fact mine wasn't, however I don't mince words when I speak on certain topics. Please get both of you some help. Start there in making a better life for yourself. Stop wasting time here or on sites like this one and get your house in order.

You need support... find support sites... we can also be rather kind and compassionate around here too... but not when we see a problem, someone appearing to disrespect women and off track in how he is handling his life.

As a former crisis worker... I hope you will listen and get help for you both. Suicide is nothing to mess around with. Believe me... I know first hand. I live with it every single day of my life in the form of a brain damaged son, they brought back to life. While you try to figure out how to do it or how to escape it or stuck in limbo... that clock is ticking. Go get help.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: A submissive man needs to be under foot (11/20/2011 7:58:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Havent done anything....yet?

Hahahahahaha (that was actually pretty fucking funny :) )

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