RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (Full Version)

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JanahX -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:47:01 PM)


No what bothers me about you is that you're rude, abrasive, off base, delusional and are one of those types of people who thrive on drama and discord. You have no self worth and can feel better about yourself by putting others down. And no, I'm not the only one who has a problem with it. I've gotten several messages from people on the forum apologizing for having to deal with you. The only valid thing that you've said is that it's your truth. You haven't said anything particularly clever, insightful, helpful or anyway contributory to the conversation. You're one of those people that has so little self esteem that you don't care what people say about you so long as you get attention. It's probably one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. You really had me torqued for a while but now I just feel sad for you.

JanahX Sings: [sm=banana.gif][sm=ubanana.gif][sm=banana.gif]THIS IS HOW WE DO IT !!! [sm=banana.gif][sm=ubanana.gif][sm=banana.gif]

bwaaa hahahahahhahahha

dood that was truly .. no, no really .. truly awesome!!

fragilepieces -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:52:03 PM)


I've gotten several messages from people on the forum apologizing for having to deal with you.
  LOL that's funny because I just sent JanahX a message telling her how much I loved her posts.    She is permitted to post them if she likes.   [:)]

fragilepieces -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:54:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheFireWithinMe

Then why do you keep giving her attention?
He can lift her out of a harness and she won't get winded walking up a flight of stairs and she doesn't have a missing tooth.  

Fornica -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:56:14 PM)

I always doubt ppl when they say they have lots of anonymous folks backing them up.

TheFireWithinMe -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:59:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: fragilepieces


ORIGINAL: TheFireWithinMe

Then why do you keep giving her attention?
He can lift her out of a harness and she won't get winded walking up a flight of stairs and she doesn't have a missing tooth.  

cheeky bitch <grins>

Unshriven -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:59:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: fragilepieces

I truly think you got what you asked for.   You made some very rotten remarks in your journal and the one that stands out the most was the one where some sub rejected you and you called her fat and made a comment about her missing tooth.   IF THAT BOTHERED YOU YOU SHOULD HAVE NICELY REJECTED HER TO BEGIN WITH OR SIMPLY CLICKED IGNORE BLOCK.   But no you carry on a conversation with her and when you are rejected you write mean things about her in your journal.  

I watch these boards a lot and you got off easy REAL EASY.   

If that's real easy, that's a very sad commentary on the community here. I've been involved in a lot of D/s communities throughout the country and I generally find them to be extremely tolerant.  There's a lot more to the story more to the story than that I put in my journal.  Yes I did block her.  In fact, I was talking to her on the phone for a while.  When I told her that I didn't think we weren't a good fit, she lost it and started calling me at all hours, swearing, using horrible language etc etc.  It got so bad, I had to file a restraining order.  This was all over the fact that she was several hundred miles from me and didn't want to relocate. So, I said that it probably wouldn't work. Since that she stalked me with hate, angst and just pure nastiness (was still more charming than janahx though).  I didn't go back and alter my journal, update it or delete it.  Should I have posted what I did? No, I shouldn't and I'll own that.  As I said, I'll take criticism when it's valid.  I should have acted differently.  Contrary to what some people SAY I am, I'm not arrogant. I've listened to a lot of the advice listed here. All of which were "coming from a submissive female that isnt kneeling before you" go figure, I guess that shows how valid that was.

The fact of the matter is most of what I said was distorted and blown out of proportion. Did I do stuff that was wrong, sure I did. Was some of it ill considered or showed irritation or angst? Yes, it was.  Did I make a few mistakes, yes I did.
Am I anger filled, no, not even close.  Do I have a temper, no actually, but like everyone else there is a point where I get tired of being pushed.

The majority of this thread has been people delighting in beating up on someone.  There are a few here that are feeding on each other just to gang up.  It's gotten to the point where it's not even about what I've posted, it's like high school.

tj444 -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:01:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Unshriven
well,.. thats the funny thing about people's opinions of themselves.. there is a term for that..
its called "illusory superiority".. - "I don't think I'm fugly" is illusory superiority? 

to me it is.. as i would do exactly what you find happening, i would hover over your email, see your pic and the first bit of your email and i would delete unread..
It means you think you are more attractive than you actually are so imo you are emailing women way out of your league.. i suggest you email women that are more in your league but its up to you.. btw, changing your profile doesnt do much if the women dont even click on your post, read it, like it and your photo enough to make it to even looking at your profile..

JanahX -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:01:40 PM)

Holy shit .. Im still laughing !!!! [sm=rofl.gif]

Unshriven -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:02:29 PM)



I always doubt ppl when they say they have lots of anonymous folks backing them up.

Yeah, fair enough, but I'm not throwing someone under the bus just for support. 

xxblushesxx -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:02:33 PM)

OP...we tend to be hard on the newbs. I did not see your profile before you changed it so I cannot comment on that.
If I were you, and I did want to change others' perception of me, I'd participate in the forums and let people see the real you.

fragilepieces -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:03:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Unshriven


ORIGINAL: fragilepieces

I truly think you got what you asked for.   You made some very rotten remarks in your journal and the one that stands out the most was the one where some sub rejected you and you called her fat and made a comment about her missing tooth.   IF THAT BOTHERED YOU YOU SHOULD HAVE NICELY REJECTED HER TO BEGIN WITH OR SIMPLY CLICKED IGNORE BLOCK.   But no you carry on a conversation with her and when you are rejected you write mean things about her in your journal.  

I watch these boards a lot and you got off easy REAL EASY.   

If that's real easy, that's a very sad commentary on the community here. I've been involved in a lot of D/s communities throughout the country and I generally find them to be extremely tolerant.  There's a lot more to the story more to the story than that I put in my journal.  Yes I did block her.  In fact, I was talking to her on the phone for a while.  When I told her that I didn't think we weren't a good fit, she lost it and started calling me at all hours, swearing, using horrible language etc etc.  It got so bad, I had to file a restraining order.  This was all over the fact that she was several hundred miles from me and didn't want to relocate. So, I said that it probably wouldn't work. Since that she stalked me with hate, angst and just pure nastiness (was still more charming than janahx though).  I didn't go back and alter my journal, update it or delete it.  Should I have posted what I did? No, I shouldn't and I'll own that.  As I said, I'll take criticism when it's valid.  I should have acted differently.  Contrary to what some people SAY I am, I'm not arrogant. I've listened to a lot of the advice listed here. All of which were "coming from a submissive female that isnt kneeling before you" go figure, I guess that shows how valid that was.

The fact of the matter is most of what I said was distorted and blown out of proportion. Did I do stuff that was wrong, sure I did. Was some of it ill considered or showed irritation or angst? Yes, it was.  Did I make a few mistakes, yes I did.
Am I anger filled, no, not even close.  Do I have a temper, no actually, but like everyone else there is a point where I get tired of being pushed.

The majority of this thread has been people delighting in beating up on someone.  There are a few here that are feeding on each other just to gang up.  It's gotten to the point where it's not even about what I've posted, it's like high school.

And who did you say thrived on drama?  

Fornica -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:07:18 PM)

Yup. Get involved, let time pass from your divorce, etc. Just scale it back, and tread slowly, and let who you are come out on it's own.

ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx

I'd participate in the forums and let people see the real you.

Unshriven -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:09:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx

OP...we tend to be hard on the newbs. I did not see your profile before you changed it so I cannot comment on that.
If I were you, and I did want to change others' perception of me, I'd participate in the forums and let people see the real you.

Thanks, I'm glad someone admitted that this is a tough crowd. I don't even think they have a perception of me, I think they're delighting in ganging up on someone.  A friend of mine (someone I talk to on the phone often) posted on here and said how I was a normal, decent guy.  It got ignored.  Why? Because it didn't fit in with the feeding frenzy that was going on.  Anyway, honestly, I really shouldn't care.  I really don't have any vested interest.  I've fallen into that trap of getting so caught up in what's being said that I lost a little perspective.  I will participate a little more and get to know people a bit. 

fragilepieces -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:09:30 PM)

JanahX should consider it---it takes skill and talent to kneel and hold a beer belly up with your head while giving a blow job.   Having that  on a submissive list of achievements is the bomb.   

TheFireWithinMe -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:10:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Unshriven



I always doubt ppl when they say they have lots of anonymous folks backing them up.

Yeah, fair enough, but I'm not throwing someone under the bus just for support. 

In case you ever do, we have a saying here "pics or it didn't happen" so don't forget your camera.

Unshriven -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:10:51 PM)

I will, I'm not in the same place I was 4 months ago.  I know it will be a while before I'm where I want to be.

TheFireWithinMe -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:11:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Unshriven

I will, I'm not in the same place I was 4 months ago.  I know it will be a while before I'm where I want to be.

Baby steps, it won't happen overnight.

Unshriven -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:12:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheFireWithinMe


ORIGINAL: Unshriven



I always doubt ppl when they say they have lots of anonymous folks backing them up.

Yeah, fair enough, but I'm not throwing someone under the bus just for support. 

In case you ever do, we have a saying here "pics or it didn't happen" so don't forget your camera.

Sorry, I don't get what you're saying...if I ever do what?   Also, 'pics or it didn't happen' is a 4chan thing.

searching4mysir -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:15:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Unshriven


ORIGINAL: TheFireWithinMe


ORIGINAL: Unshriven



I always doubt ppl when they say they have lots of anonymous folks backing them up.

Yeah, fair enough, but I'm not throwing someone under the bus just for support. 

In case you ever do, we have a saying here "pics or it didn't happen" so don't forget your camera.

Sorry, I don't get what you're saying...if I ever do what?   Also, 'pics or it didn't happen' is a 4chan thing.

She is saying she wants pics if you throw someone under the bus.

TheFireWithinMe -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:16:36 PM)

Throw someone under....

never mind it sounded funny in my head.

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