RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (Full Version)

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hausboy -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/4/2011 8:54:48 PM)

I'll just add my 2 cents (never did look at his profile...)
when I was going through my divorce, the rage and anger thing was horrible.  I didn't like myself very much going through all that--and if you had known me then, it would not have been a good or true reflection of me as a person.  If you've never been down that road (trust me, it SUCKS) the anger that a divorce brings out is really off the charts.  Fortunately... it does eventually pass.

Duskypearls -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/4/2011 9:18:46 PM)



I don't like what we've done here :(

Then let us get busy, shall we? There is much undoing to be done.

JanahX -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/4/2011 11:40:41 PM)


Not so much. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The tone of your post basically renders everything you've said inconsequential. I'm not even going to read what you write. As I've seen written here, I'm not the only person who has a problem with you. Enough said.

No, no, no, no .. not calling the kettle black, .. just calling you out on your bullshit.
Of course you didnt read it. And of course it inconsequential. When someone is as arrogant as you are... reading a truth can be quite inconsequential.

Also ... it seems to me, that after I mentioned that anyone "helping you" with your profile is actually doing an injustice to people that will be reading/responding to it, what I saw was that it pretty much turned the tide in thought as to what was really going on. As for anyone here having a problem with me .. im sure the ones who have and do--> have put me on hide lonnggg before this little quip.


And the funny thing that no one has noticed or commented on is the fact that I came here for help and from some of the people here have given me a real beating. If I were as rage filled as some of you suggest, would I have come asking help? Would I have listened? Have I been "rage filled" in my responses? I think I've been temperate. JanahX wrote "If I didnt judge people every fucking single day, I guess it would be allright to hang out and shoot the shit with every peice of shit that passed by. You may do that .. but not I. Never have, never will. And Ill judge people alllll dayyy lonngg as long as there is a breath inside me" and no one batted an eye. That's rage filled. I never wrote anything half as bad but it seems most of you are ok with that. Oh and janah, I didn't "have someone" write my new profile. What I got was unsolicited.

LOLOLOL ----> Thanks for the laugh.

No === no of course you didnt have someone write your new profile .... you just used it anyways.

OBTW ... I checked what everyone else has been googling about you. That was some funny shit for sure. Make sure someone helps you on all of your other dating site profiles as well. But .. maybe the objectification and contract shit should be left out ... wouldnt want to freak out all those 'nillies now would ya? Since as you have previously stated that you arnt looking for "just pussy" LOLOLOL!! whatever dood.

You fine sir, get a standing ovation for the EXCELLENCE in all that you do.


BoxwineForBrunch -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/4/2011 11:47:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Unshriven

I have to ask, I know CM has a lot of flakes but many of the emails I send get deleted unread or not looked at.  I'm starting to think I have electronic BO....I know there's going to be a fair amount of loss but when I send an message, I'm polite (not whimpy), I read their profiles and include something they've said so they know I'm not doing a cut and paste, I include a pic and I mention that I actually put an effort into my profile.  Now, granted, I'm not George Clooney but I don't think I'm fugly.  I've been in the life 20 years, ex-military, college educated, a vice president at a global company etc should say that at least I'm not a flake or a poser.  I swear, there could be a profile out there saying they only want a Dom from my city, my height, my experience and my age and the fucker would still get deleted....can someone take a look at my profile and let me know if I've got a booger hanging out of my nose I don't know about? Seriously, any constructive criticism would be appreciated.


^^^^ entitled white dude syndrome. textbook case. somebody alert the medical journals!

tj444 -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 12:08:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: Unshriven
Now, granted, I'm not George Clooney but I don't think I'm fugly.

well,.. thats the funny thing about people's opinions of themselves.. there is a term for that..
its called "illusory superiority"..
"Research by Sedikides & Strube (1997) has found that people are more self-serving (the effect of illusory superiority is stronger) when the event in question is more open to interpretation,[41] for example social constructs such as popularity and attractiveness are more interpretable than characteristics such as intelligence and physical ability"

tj444 -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 12:17:54 AM)



That's what I mean. Hypothetically, if the OP did have "issues" we've collectively helped mask those :P

exactly.. that is why i dont help anyone re-write their profiles.. it helps them dupe women into thinking he is someone that he is not... [>:]

BoxwineForBrunch -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 12:46:33 AM)


You know, I agonized over using the term "bred" for a while. I decided to go with it because I have a tendency to go for more intense people.  My supposition was that the more intense/more intelligent would see it for what it was.

you're absolutely correct about this, bro. you just may not be pleased with what they see ;)

JanahX -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 1:07:48 AM)

see post below...

JanahX -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 1:24:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: BoxwineForBrunch


You know, I agonized over using the term "bred" for a while. I decided to go with it because I have a tendency to go for more intense people.  My supposition was that the more intense/more intelligent would see it for what it was.

you're absolutely correct about this, bro. you just may not be pleased with what they see ;)

Agreed ... and anyone who really thinks that by using the word bred is going to attract more intense people ... LOL!
I think Id rather be shot in the head than ever have children with someone that uses the word breed or bred.

Sounds like OUTSTANDING father material right there. [8|]

This just might be the image I envision of the person who uses the word "bred" when they are talking about bring live CHILDREN into the world.


babygirl4daddie -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 3:13:02 AM)

Everybody has an ideal of what they seek. Ive lost quite a bit of weight this year , and whether im ok for some or not i don't worry about too much. Everyone has an ideal of a look they all honesty. I think and know that UnShriven is a good guy, He has encouraged me along the way and has a great sense of humour. Me personally , i could never be with someone with bad teeth, Its a personal thing, and im fine with how i feel about that. Unshriven i know personally is ok with someone with a little extra padding, we've talked on numerous occasions on the phone , so i know he is a "normal" guy, with a good personality and attitude. What he is not seeing is alot of the game players we all come across on this sight that are online hiding from a bigger picture. Not everyone on here has good intentions, and lives in a pretend online world.
Back to the weight thing..... When i was overweight , i never felt bad if someone didn't want me , It was their choice. I was always active even heavier. Now im fit and healthy. Its never been my future Dominants role to incourage me to get off my butt and lose weight, I did it for me. Why is it always someone elses job to encourage people to be healthy???? Why not do it for yourself if you want to.
Just smile and wave positive , and keep looking .....

TheFireWithinMe -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:19:38 AM)





That's what I mean. Hypothetically, if the OP did have "issues" we've collectively helped mask those :P

exactly.. that is why i dont help anyone re-write their profiles.. it helps them dupe women into thinking he is someone that he is not... [>:]

The thing is that even without that stuff his profile still isn't telling us about him; it's now someone else's words and therefore not an accurate description of him. The great thing about someone writing their own profile is that even if that person doesn't write well what makes them them shines through. That is now lacking in his profile because he's not the one who wrote/put it together. Not only is that why I won't help someone rewrite their profile it's why I wouldn't let someone rewrite mine.

FrostedFlake -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 5:47:12 AM)

I have learned from this sad thing.

The most effective lie is just so much of the truth followed by silence.



There is nothing more terrifying than someone who sees you as you truly are. There is nothing more fulfilling than someone who sees you as you truly are and still wants to be with you.

babygirl4daddie -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 2:13:22 PM)

there are about 4,000 profiles on CM that say much less than the op. He clearly states what he is seeking and isn't it also the resposibility of the person looking for a new relationship to find out as much as possible about a potential mate? I don't weigh a profile to heavily.

TheFireWithinMe -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 2:29:59 PM)




There is nothing more terrifying than someone who sees you as you truly are. There is nothing more fulfilling than someone who sees you as you truly are and still wants to be with you.

I just had to comment on this because I feel the completely opposite way. I think it's awesome when someone sees who I really am - not that I hide a lot of me in the first place. Personally I would think it's the person with something to hide who would be terrified when someone sees the real person. So I find the quote above really revealing.

fragilepieces -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 2:56:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: babygirl4daddie

there are about 4,000 profiles on CM that say much less than the op. He clearly states what he is seeking and isn't it also the resposibility of the person looking for a new relationship to find out as much as possible about a potential mate? I don't weigh a profile to heavily.
Then why did he not ask you to begin with.  He ASKED for it.....".can someone take a look at my profile and let me know if I've got a booger hanging out of my nose I don't know about? Seriously, any constructive criticism would be appreciated"   I think everyone that responded did just as he asked.  

Unshriven -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 3:25:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: fragilepieces


ORIGINAL: babygirl4daddie

there are about 4,000 profiles on CM that say much less than the op. He clearly states what he is seeking and isn't it also the resposibility of the person looking for a new relationship to find out as much as possible about a potential mate? I don't weigh a profile to heavily.
Then why did he not ask you to begin with.  He ASKED for it.....".can someone take a look at my profile and let me know if I've got a booger hanging out of my nose I don't know about? Seriously, any constructive criticism would be appreciated"   I think everyone that responded did just as he asked.  

How is any of this constructive:

With any luck, any prospective sub will look at his past forum posts and come across this thread (and be forewarned)
-really?  because I asked for some help?

well,.. thats the funny thing about people's opinions of themselves.. there is a term for that..
its called "illusory superiority".. - "I don't think I'm fugly" is illusory superiority? 

it's now someone else's words and therefore not an accurate description of him
yes, actually it was my words, it was edited down and re-arranged

no to mention how most of what I was said was completely twisted
I cannot stand profiles from men who pontificate on what Dominance is and what submission is. Yawn.
- I didn't pontificate, I offered my opinion and said it was my opinion. Pontification means that you know the truth, you should look up big words before you use them

I also think if you're going to demand a sub be healthy he needs to be healthy too, and I don't know if his weight his healthy for him or not, I'm not his dr, but he looks like he has a beer belly, and I'd find that a total turn off, from someone insisting that his sub be healthy.
- What I said was "everybody is fighting 20 or 30 lbs and I'm ok with that".  I was clear that I don't want to get involved with someone who can't walk up a flight of stairs. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect to play with someone who's going to have a heart attack or can't spend the day out somewhere because they can't walk. Once again completely not what I said.

Him demanding someone in great shape while he's anything but is hypocrisy which is never attractive.
- oh yeah, where exactly did I say that. Exactly where in my profile or journals did I say someone had to be in great shape?  I didn't. Never even came close to it. Not what I said and another example of people putting out stuff here for their own amusement.

It really kills me. Anger issues? At most I was irritated an annoyed.  Even here after being misquoted, and having my words intentionally distorted, I still haven't said anything nasty to anyone.  I sure haven't said anything near as rage filled and angry as janax had.  You all saw what she posted and didn't even bat an eye...that is telling.

fragilepieces -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 3:40:59 PM)

I truly think you got what you asked for.   You made some very rotten remarks in your journal and the one that stands out the most was the one where some sub rejected you and you called her fat and made a comment about her missing tooth.   IF THAT BOTHERED YOU YOU SHOULD HAVE NICELY REJECTED HER TO BEGIN WITH OR SIMPLY CLICKED IGNORE BLOCK.   But no you carry on a conversation with her and when you are rejected you write mean things about her in your journal.  

I watch these boards a lot and you got off easy REAL EASY.   

JanahX -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 3:56:04 PM)


I sure haven't said anything near as rage filled and angry as janax had. You all saw what she posted and didn't even bat an eye...that is telling.

And thats the SECOND time you have stated that. Had to throw that in a second time for good measure to ensure a response from someone that will back you up, so you can get your arrogant "IM RIGHT" on and prove your dominance. lmfao ---> hows that for angry? oh, and let us not forget ....rage filled. [sm=applause.gif]

You seem to be the only one here with a problem with it. Probably because its coming from a submissive female that isnt kneeling before you, being an object for you to shit on and telling you how great you are. Also I seem to be the one that you are focusing on, even though many here have said things much more negative towards you.

The reason a lot of the board doesnt say anything, is because I may not be P.C., but I speak MY truth----> because Im not afraid of hurting your feelings or anyone elses that I feel is wayyy off mark. The best part is, most of the time I can backup what I say with logic/fact. Also, I couldnt give a shit about people like you dancing around/dodging issues and trying to blow smoke in eveyones eyes. Which is what makes me a bit different around here, and markedly contrasts people like you, who are a dime a dozen, --->and a lot of the same.

But its so easy for me, to see through someone like yourself. What bothers you about me, is what I said is probably the closest thing to being the raw truth.

Dont like it? Too bad.

Unshriven -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:42:06 PM)




I sure haven't said anything near as rage filled and angry as janax had. You all saw what she posted and didn't even bat an eye...that is telling.

And thats the SECOND time you have stated that. Had to throw that in a second time for good measure to ensure a response from someone that will back you up, so you can get your arrogant "IM RIGHT" on and prove your dominance. lmfao ---> hows that for angry? oh, and let us not forget ....rage filled. [sm=applause.gif]

You seem to be the only one here with a problem with it. Probably because its coming from a submissive female that isnt kneeling before you, being an object for you to shit on and telling you how great you are. Also I seem to be the one that you are focusing on, even though many here have said things much more negative towards you.

The reason a lot of the board doesnt say anything, is because I may not be P.C., but I speak MY truth----> because Im not afraid of hurting your feelings or anyone elses that I feel is wayyy off mark. The best part is, most of the time I can backup what I say with logic/fact. Also, I couldnt give a shit about people like you dancing around/dodging issues and trying to blow smoke in eveyones eyes. Which is what makes me a bit different around here, and markedly contrasts people like you, who are a dime a dozen, --->and a lot of the same.

But its so easy for me, to see through someone like yourself. What bothers you about me, is what I said is probably the closest thing to being the raw truth.

Dont like it? Too bad.

No what bothers me about you is that you're rude, abrasive, off base, delusional and are one of those types of people who thrive on drama and discord. You have no self worth and can feel better about yourself by putting others down.  And no, I'm not the only one who has a problem with it. I've gotten several messages from people on the forum apologizing for having to deal with you. The only valid thing that you've said is that it's your truth.  You haven't said anything particularly clever, insightful, helpful or anyway contributory to the conversation.  You're one of those people that has so little self esteem that you don't care what people say about you so long as you get attention. It's probably one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.  You really had me torqued for a while but now I just feel sad for you. 

TheFireWithinMe -> RE: ok, so I'm asking...about profiles (12/5/2011 4:46:36 PM)

Then why do you keep giving her attention?

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