RE: new slave (Full Version)

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SaharahEve -> RE: new slave (2/28/2012 10:44:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: RumpusParable

Another Collarme thread of "your kink is not my kink so YOUR KINK IS WRONG!". Great jobs, Fornica and others.

Agreed. It's worth repeating that financial exploitation is indeed a "kink," and some people get very "hot and bothered" over it—in a good way, that is. Aside of that, some of us do practice consensual slavery, and the financial aspect by virtue of this gets taken into account, of course.


ORIGINAL: hangemhigh1953
So you admit you enjoy it. Yet you demand to be paid before you will choose to enjoy it? And you will only do it if you can freeload off your partners?

I enjoy exploiting my slaves, yes. What, you have a problem with that? Tough shit. And "partners?" LOL. Who said anything about partners? I was talking about slaves who serve and adore me. I know...slave might as well mean "hubby" to many here, but I invite exploration outside of those bounds, to say the very least.

SaharahEve -> RE: new slave (2/28/2012 10:52:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: hangemhigh1953


ORIGINAL: Privileged

And it gets wilder! See what I bolded? That line with the question mark at the end? That's a question.
"The things we all enjoy and need, the things that bring us comfort and pleasure..."-For some reason, you're reading this as "Support me" when that's not even close to what I said or meant.

A rhetorical question maybe. You know, the kind that's not really a question that you just use for emphasis.

I'm not reading it as "support me". I'm reading into the fact that you've made absolutely no indication that you are willing to spend any money on your relationships.

So what if she doesn't want to? Does this make your eye twitch? What if she even chooses to keep three malnourished males in the basement and in the morning sends each of them each off to work two jobs to support her? What if she works them to the bone? Does this offend your delicate sensibilities somehow, "hangemhigh?" Don't be such a little whining baby. [:D]

LaTigresse -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 4:14:49 AM)

I agree with Saharah in what!

I get bloody well sick of the divas that dive onto anyone, especially another female dominant, like vultures onto road kill, every time a woman is being honest and saying they expect their slave to cough up some cash. I get bloody well sick of those petty vultures making assumptions about that kink. It's ridiculous and shows far more that is negative about the vulture than their intended prey. FUCK THAT!

While demanding a wanna be slave spend money on me isn't my kink, I respect it. Especially from a clearing out the chaff point of view. Especially with men. Especially knowing the mind set some dominant women take with it. If a woman can actually make a living and pay allllllllllllll of their bills with it she's got to be living pretty sparsely. People, men especially do equate money with power. Turning over the power of the money is a big deal to some men.

Now, as for my own thoughts on the matter and how they apply to me. If a person is MY SLAVE then you damned skippy better bet that I will be controlling, either directly or indirectly, 100% of her assets. Now the vultures can swoop in and make all sorts of wrong assumptions as they have throughout this thread or they can fucking well use their brains........novel concept I am sure. The fact of the matter is, if a person wants to be MY slave, everything they have is MINE. They fucking well know that going into the dealio. They also will know ME and my ethics, my personal morals and how I conduct my life and my business. They will know that BEFORE being MY SLAVE. With all of the velcro and internet collars running around this place I know that is another novel fucking concept. You see, for SOME people, slavery is actually 100% relinquishment of control, not just a cool little moniker so they can fit in with the spiffy crowd. It's not about well, he/she has complete control BUT....... For some people there are no fucking BUTS. Another novel concept and one that the vultures like to have all wrapped up in pretty romantic ribbons so that they can call it something else to feel better about themselves, their own life choices, and what they want.

Just because a person that owns a slave controls the assets does not mean they use them in the manner that the whacko vultures like to assume. I have read about a great many slave owners demanding their slaves use their assets for charitable work. From what little I know of Saharah, I sincerely doubt her slaves, devoted and lovely as they are, support her. I am quite comfortable in saying I believe she takes care of that quite competently all by herself.

There are a lot of relationship examples running around out there and here, that I just don't purely get from my own personal perspective. But that doesn't mean they are wrong or that there isn't validity for the people in them. To shit all over them just because they are not MY THING, is just purely childish and with the impending half century birthday looming, I really cannot pull off too much childish without making a complete fool of myself. If I am going to make a fool of myself, I would rather it be not at someone else's expense. Especially when that someone/s else is displaying the courage of being honest about themselves in the face of petty, childish, twats. And doing so without sinking to the petty childish levels of said twats.

thishereboi -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 5:25:18 AM)


I genuinely didn't expect such hostility and I'm surprised that no one has answered the question I posed. In the interest of not hijacking this thread, I'll clear up confusion on one thing. I am not a pro domme. I do not earn a living or support myself with D/s.

I guess we pursue and experience two completely different types of intimacy in our relationships. In my world servants =/= lovers. So, when a man approaches and offers to serve, I expect he'll do just that. Let's say my servant's service doesn't involve me traipsing around the mall. Let's say he maintains my yard. He doesn't live next door to me, though. How does he get to my home to do his job? Am I paying for his gas/public transportation? Would you?

If that is true then why does your profile say "I train and use financial servants online, exclusively."

Sounds like a pro to me.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 5:41:04 AM)

This is a damned strange thread.

OP, plenty of doms don't care about your wallet. You have to give them things that are much more difficult to give up.

What's with the pro dom hating? And hello? Slaves are property, they don't have property. One of the reasons I am not willing to go down that road again.

chatterbox24 -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 6:04:58 AM)

Putting a dom's name on all your assets sounds like a hell of a retirement plan for them. It can either be considered the ultimate trust or being a complete fool.

If they get sick of you, out you go, and btw " sell the house" I am taking a world trip with my new slave, who happens to have her bank account in my name.

I want to be a

LadyHibiscus -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 6:20:36 AM)

Marriage can be amazingly similar...

chatterbox24 -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 6:41:38 AM)

I am sure there are great caring Doms out there who really do have a subs best interest at heart. It definitely takes time to find out someones true interest.
Just be careful out there, some people have the patience of Jobe and little by little they get into your head, maybe taking months to condition you into doing things you never thought yourself capable of doing. They are cunning charming and sly.

Trust me I know I was just a few days of linking my assets with a Dom who never worked for them. Giving the gift of trust for him but making me a huge dumb dumb. Drop of the hat he could have took my life away as i know it today. So really really really think things through before you act on such a life changing action. A broken heart will mend, but its better to have that then a broken hear, and an empty wallet saying "shit what do i do now????"

LaTigresse -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 7:37:51 AM)

And you were a fool.

There are plenty of examples where the same acts worked out amazingly well. And yes, marriage can be amazingly similar. It's just that the marriage gig is cloaked in romance and love and all ooohs and aaaaahs.

The problems arise when stupid people jump into situations without taking the time to know the person they are ceding control to. Or they make assumptions rather than ask questions and actually.....gasp.....communicate.

chatterbox24 -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 7:57:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

And you were a fool.

There are plenty of examples where the same acts worked out amazingly well. And yes, marriage can be amazingly similar. It's just that the marriage gig is cloaked in romance and love and all ooohs and aaaaahs.

The problems arise when stupid people jump into situations without taking the time to know the person they are ceding control to. Or they make assumptions rather than ask questions and actually.....gasp.....communicate.

Yes I agree, I was a fool. I dont think 2 yrs is jumping into something. I see people on here jumping into online relationships and the person disappears etc. within a week or two. ANd they are crushed.
There are well meaning people out there Im sure, but I am just saying there are cunning people out there, that use words as instruments, will fake interest in you, do what it takes to get you to submit to them. ANd put the hammer to you once you do.

LaTigresse -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 8:08:11 AM)

No, you were the one fooling yourself. Take responsibility for your part in the fiasco. He wasn't all that cunning. The red flags were there. He isn't that special. Very very VERY few really are.

In your mind you set him up to be what you wanted him to be. You put him on that pedestal and ignored the red flags.

I don't doubt he is a charming bugger, in your eyes. But I also am quite certain your eyes had some serious rose coloured glasses on also.

chatterbox24 -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 8:22:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

No, you were the one fooling yourself. Take responsibility for your part in the fiasco. He wasn't all that cunning. The red flags were there. He isn't that special. Very very VERY few really are.

In your mind you set him up to be what you wanted him to be. You put him on that pedestal and ignored the red flags.

I don't doubt he is a charming bugger, in your eyes. But I also am quite certain your eyes had some serious rose coloured glasses on also.

Yes I take full responsiblity of wearing some "THICK ROSE COLORED GLASSES" Love is blind, Love can make people crazy, Love can make a person act out of character. I still love this man, I mean it just doesnt go away overnight even with all the flags. The love is real but so is the very serious situation that involved more then me. ANd taking a good look toward the future, there wasnt one.

Privileged -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 9:14:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


I genuinely didn't expect such hostility and I'm surprised that no one has answered the question I posed. In the interest of not hijacking this thread, I'll clear up confusion on one thing. I am not a pro domme. I do not earn a living or support myself with D/s.

I guess we pursue and experience two completely different types of intimacy in our relationships. In my world servants =/= lovers. So, when a man approaches and offers to serve, I expect he'll do just that. Let's say my servant's service doesn't involve me traipsing around the mall. Let's say he maintains my yard. He doesn't live next door to me, though. How does he get to my home to do his job? Am I paying for his gas/public transportation? Would you?

If that is true then why does your profile say "I train and use financial servants online, exclusively."

Sounds like a pro to me.

Your distaste for pro dommes is apparent and while I can't change that, I can try to ease your confusion.
A professional dominant caters to the needs/wants of clients. I do not. I don't sell sessions and a man cannot pay me to see his fantasies realized.

SaharahEve -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 9:31:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

I agree with Saharah in what!

I get bloody well sick of the divas that dive onto anyone, especially another female dominant, like vultures onto road kill, every time a woman is being honest and saying they expect their slave to cough up some cash. It's ridiculous and shows far more that is negative about the vulture than their intended prey.

Yes, it's pretty lame and an example that sometimes the most dangerous people there are to the liberty of pursuing D/s & M/s relationships are found right in our own circles. I'm not going to explore their motives for forwarding this narrow-minded, moralistic tripe or supporting the authors of said tripe with moronic "love yous!" but it would be interesting to do so, perhaps in another thread, especially when you consider that compared to so-called "vanillas," they seem to exhibit more butthurt about these (pretty basic) ideas.

OsideGirl -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 9:51:26 AM)

I actually don't have an issue with financial domination. What I have an issue with is people who aren't dominant but have realized that they can get submissive men to subsidize their lives. That's not kink, it's exploitation.

We have some Fin Dommes here that actually take their role as dominant seriously and also realize that there is more to it than just the cash.

Privileged -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 9:55:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

I agree with Saharah in what!

I get bloody well sick of the divas that dive onto anyone, especially another female dominant, like vultures onto road kill, every time a woman is being honest and saying they expect their slave to cough up some cash. I get bloody well sick of those petty vultures making assumptions about that kink. It's ridiculous and shows far more that is negative about the vulture than their intended prey. FUCK THAT!

While demanding a wanna be slave spend money on me isn't my kink, I respect it. Especially from a clearing out the chaff point of view. Especially with men. Especially knowing the mind set some dominant women take with it. If a woman can actually make a living and pay allllllllllllll of their bills with it she's got to be living pretty sparsely. People, men especially do equate money with power. Turning over the power of the money is a big deal to some men.

Now, as for my own thoughts on the matter and how they apply to me. If a person is MY SLAVE then you damned skippy better bet that I will be controlling, either directly or indirectly, 100% of her assets. Now the vultures can swoop in and make all sorts of wrong assumptions as they have throughout this thread or they can fucking well use their brains........novel concept I am sure. The fact of the matter is, if a person wants to be MY slave, everything they have is MINE. They fucking well know that going into the dealio. They also will know ME and my ethics, my personal morals and how I conduct my life and my business. They will know that BEFORE being MY SLAVE. With all of the velcro and internet collars running around this place I know that is another novel fucking concept. You see, for SOME people, slavery is actually 100% relinquishment of control, not just a cool little moniker so they can fit in with the spiffy crowd. It's not about well, he/she has complete control BUT....... For some people there are no fucking BUTS. Another novel concept and one that the vultures like to have all wrapped up in pretty romantic ribbons so that they can call it something else to feel better about themselves, their own life choices, and what they want.

Just because a person that owns a slave controls the assets does not mean they use them in the manner that the whacko vultures like to assume. I have read about a great many slave owners demanding their slaves use their assets for charitable work. From what little I know of Saharah, I sincerely doubt her slaves, devoted and lovely as they are, support her. I am quite comfortable in saying I believe she takes care of that quite competently all by herself.

There are a lot of relationship examples running around out there and here, that I just don't purely get from my own personal perspective. But that doesn't mean they are wrong or that there isn't validity for the people in them. To shit all over them just because they are not MY THING, is just purely childish and with the impending half century birthday looming, I really cannot pull off too much childish without making a complete fool of myself. If I am going to make a fool of myself, I would rather it be not at someone else's expense. Especially when that someone/s else is displaying the courage of being honest about themselves in the face of petty, childish, twats. And doing so without sinking to the petty childish levels of said twats.

My lazy, ignorant, leech heart is so warmed by this. Imagine adults engaging in a discussion without name calling and condescension.
Some early replies called the OP out for his lack of effort. Had he stuck around to continue the dialogue, I suspect we would have learned that he's exactly the type of man who should be paying for domination. But that's another topic..

Lockit -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 10:04:36 AM)

I once posted on a thread about financial doms and stated that I respected a lot of them and was thankful that they were there. I meant what I said and wish that I could find the post as I am seriously lacking this morning and surely won’t be able to say it like I did there. I’d be a fool not to know that a large percentage of mostly men, love to be financially controlled in some manner. If this were not the case, there wouldn’t be so many successful financial doms. I do admit that I don’t respect a lot of people that cater to this kink… yes, I said kink. A pro dom isn’t like a financial dom to me. Within the financial dominant arena, there are those I respect and those that I don’t. The little princess or goddess type that do absolutely nothing but demand their just due… I don’t respect. Those that email and harass men, expecting men to pay tribute to them without the men making first contact, I see as any scammer out there doing whatever scam they do. Those I may rightfully or wrongly take a poke at from time to time.

Another type that I will take a poke at from time to time are those that come in and post that they are uber doms and use trickery to get the money from those that are willing to pay without seeing the trickery part. They often come into a thread where most are telling a wanker/ do-me type… they wouldn’t do whatever it is he is wanting to do and come in as if there is something wrong with the others for not catering to their kink and of course they will do it… just sign up and commit to a raping of their credit card with no way of ending the contract that is spelled out. They promise the world and really don’t give what they say they will. That is a cheat… a scam.

I think what often happens is that people talk in absolutes or say something that sounds like an absolute and people tend to go off on that. The wording of something may be perceived as something else or twisted and we have a train wreck. However, an absolute type comment will gather a bit of attention and protest. Are people protesting the absolute part of the comment or the topic of the comment? Personally, I am commenting on the absolute part of the comment most of the time or the actual poster I may have no respect for, for various reasons.

Lockit -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 10:12:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

I am sure there are great caring Doms out there who really do have a subs best interest at heart. It definitely takes time to find out someones true interest.
Just be careful out there, some people have the patience of Jobe and little by little they get into your head, maybe taking months to condition you into doing things you never thought yourself capable of doing. They are cunning charming and sly.

Trust me I know I was just a few days of linking my assets with a Dom who never worked for them. Giving the gift of trust for him but making me a huge dumb dumb. Drop of the hat he could have took my life away as i know it today. So really really really think things through before you act on such a life changing action. A broken heart will mend, but its better to have that then a broken hear, and an empty wallet saying "shit what do i do now????"

I realize that you are wounded whether you took a part in your own wounds or not, but do you really have to make most your posts and threads you join a part of your healing process? You don't like it when people continue to comment on your previous train wreck threads and situation, but you are inviting it by continuing to bring it up from a victim position.

OsideGirl -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 10:31:39 AM)




ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

I am sure there are great caring Doms out there who really do have a subs best interest at heart. It definitely takes time to find out someones true interest.
Just be careful out there, some people have the patience of Jobe and little by little they get into your head, maybe taking months to condition you into doing things you never thought yourself capable of doing. They are cunning charming and sly.

Trust me I know I was just a few days of linking my assets with a Dom who never worked for them. Giving the gift of trust for him but making me a huge dumb dumb. Drop of the hat he could have took my life away as i know it today. So really really really think things through before you act on such a life changing action. A broken heart will mend, but its better to have that then a broken hear, and an empty wallet saying "shit what do i do now????"

I realize that you are wounded whether you took a part in your own wounds or not, but do you really have to make most your posts and threads you join a part of your healing process? You don't like it when people continue to comment on your previous train wreck threads and situation, but you are inviting it by continuing to bring it up from a victim position.

She's actually swung from victim, to "fuck your advice, I'm the uber-slave", back to victim. Credibility has been lost and we're all just waiting for the next swing.

chatterbox24 -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 11:28:21 AM)






ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

I am sure there are great caring Doms out there who really do have a subs best interest at heart. It definitely takes time to find out someones true interest.
Just be careful out there, some people have the patience of Jobe and little by little they get into your head, maybe taking months to condition you into doing things you never thought yourself capable of doing. They are cunning charming and sly.

Trust me I know I was just a few days of linking my assets with a Dom who never worked for them. Giving the gift of trust for him but making me a huge dumb dumb. Drop of the hat he could have took my life away as i know it today. So really really really think things through before you act on such a life changing action. A broken heart will mend, but its better to have that then a broken hear, and an empty wallet saying "shit what do i do now????"

I realize that you are wounded whether you took a part in your own wounds or not, but do you really have to make most your posts and threads you join a part of your healing process? You don't like it when people continue to comment on your previous train wreck threads and situation, but you are inviting it by continuing to bring it up from a victim position.

She's actually swung from victim, to "fuck your advice, I'm the uber-slave", back to victim. Credibility has been lost and we're all just waiting for the next swing.

I think I am at liberty to post anyway i see fit toward a topic. I am staying on topic and you are telling me how i should post, directing me how I should make statements? That is ridiculous! The UBER slave says back Off SUPER DOM you arent my master.........
I think you should let me post as I see fit, and ignor it. Or am I that engaging you cant stop yourself? GESS.

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