RE: new slave (Full Version)

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Lockit -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 12:26:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail



Mister Lockit? You are a miss, I called you a miss. Why would you call me a Mister?

Perhaps its because you are known as one of the Joeys.

Write it large across your breast.

I'm not sure my breasts are large enough, but then, my cam doesn't work... hehehe... so

DarkSteven -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 12:27:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: MsLockitsKnyt


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

whoops i thought u were a boy.

I selflessly volunteer to independently verify that Lockit is female.

I suppose one could argue my verification is not truly independent.

C'mon! Yer her/his submissive! You would do whatever she/he told you to do!

Only a Dominant Man could have any hope of resisting her/his spell and remaining independent.

MsLockitsKnyt -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 12:28:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse


ORIGINAL: MsLockitsKnyt


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Considering it was a rather glaring, pot meet kettle post on his part before he edited's hard to say.

My bad. I hit reply instead of to these boards. Hardly a lapse in spelling, grammar or judgement in my part.

I beg to differ. You used the word both before listing four qualities. I teased you about which two are the 'both'. Apparently you quickly realized your faux paux and edited.

My only error was in not quoting prior to your edit. If it matter to me to do so, which it didn't, otherwise I would have.

However, as I was only teasing, feel free to pull the cob outta your arse if it is upsetting you that it was noticed.

Hmmm, i reread your post and noticed a reference to a cob in my arse and the words faux paus in the same post. Are you trying to turn me on?

MsLockitsKnyt -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 12:35:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: MsLockitsKnyt


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

whoops i thought u were a boy.

I selflessly volunteer to independently verify that Lockit is female.

I suppose one could argue my verification is not truly independent.

C'mon! Yer her/his submissive! You would do whatever she/he told you to do!

Only a Dominant Man could have any hope of resisting her/his spell and remaining independent.

My point independence is in question. As to her willingness to let you INDEPENDENTLY verify, that will be decided by "Ms" Lockit.

DarkSteven -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 12:40:16 PM)

Hey, Knyt - if she refuses, tell her that I'll take that as proof she's a dude. Chicks love to hear that kind of stuff.

OsideGirl -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 12:45:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: chatterbox24




ORIGINAL: chatterbox24






ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

I am sure there are great caring Doms out there who really do have a subs best interest at heart. It definitely takes time to find out someones true interest.
Just be careful out there, some people have the patience of Jobe and little by little they get into your head, maybe taking months to condition you into doing things you never thought yourself capable of doing. They are cunning charming and sly.

Trust me I know I was just a few days of linking my assets with a Dom who never worked for them. Giving the gift of trust for him but making me a huge dumb dumb. Drop of the hat he could have took my life away as i know it today. So really really really think things through before you act on such a life changing action. A broken heart will mend, but its better to have that then a broken hear, and an empty wallet saying "shit what do i do now????"

I realize that you are wounded whether you took a part in your own wounds or not, but do you really have to make most your posts and threads you join a part of your healing process? You don't like it when people continue to comment on your previous train wreck threads and situation, but you are inviting it by continuing to bring it up from a victim position.

She's actually swung from victim, to "fuck your advice, I'm the uber-slave", back to victim. Credibility has been lost and we're all just waiting for the next swing.

I think I am at liberty to post anyway i see fit toward a topic. I am staying on topic and you are telling me how i should post, directing me how I should make statements? That is ridiculous! The UBER slave says back Off SUPER DOM you arent my master.........
I think you should let me post as I see fit, and ignor it. Or am I that engaging you cant stop yourself? GESS.

Where did I say you couldn't post as you see fit? Just as I'm free to think that any position you have at this point cannot be taken with credibility based on your previous behavior.

And since I'm a sub female......I'm not anybody's Master....

I was speaking to Mister Lockit, not you, I was trying to ignor you as you should me. Cant you quietly consider me not credible and stop attacking my every post? I think master should give you a big spanking for immaturity. OH MASTER!!! SHE IS BEING BAD!!! lol

Please see'll notice you quoted me, not Lockit. Hence the reply.

MsLockitsKnyt -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 12:45:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

Hey, Knyt - if she refuses, tell her that I'll take that as proof she's a dude. Chicks love to hear that kind of stuff.

Thanks for the tip, I can use all the help I can get....[:-]

ChatteParfaitt -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 1:03:36 PM)

She took the words right outta my mouth, she did.


ORIGINAL: MistressDarkArt

Yes. But unless you make yourself indispensable to me as a helpmate in my vanilla life, I have no use for you...or your money for that matter.

Remember, we are women first, dominants second.

$$ buys shortcuts if you are a do-me sub with nothing else to offer <yawns>. To engage a female dominant, you will invest either time or money. Pick your preferred currency and get comfortable with it.

Read...and heed...every word of the Ask A Mistress FAQ if you don't want to pay for it. Head over to Professional Services if you're too lazy/inept to court a lifestyle dominant as the woman she is.

chatterbox24 -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 1:27:43 PM)




ORIGINAL: chatterbox24




ORIGINAL: chatterbox24






ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

I am sure there are great caring Doms out there who really do have a subs best interest at heart. It definitely takes time to find out someones true interest.
Just be careful out there, some people have the patience of Jobe and little by little they get into your head, maybe taking months to condition you into doing things you never thought yourself capable of doing. They are cunning charming and sly.

Trust me I know I was just a few days of linking my assets with a Dom who never worked for them. Giving the gift of trust for him but making me a huge dumb dumb. Drop of the hat he could have took my life away as i know it today. So really really really think things through before you act on such a life changing action. A broken heart will mend, but its better to have that then a broken hear, and an empty wallet saying "shit what do i do now????"

I realize that you are wounded whether you took a part in your own wounds or not, but do you really have to make most your posts and threads you join a part of your healing process? You don't like it when people continue to comment on your previous train wreck threads and situation, but you are inviting it by continuing to bring it up from a victim position.

She's actually swung from victim, to "fuck your advice, I'm the uber-slave", back to victim. Credibility has been lost and we're all just waiting for the next swing.

I think I am at liberty to post anyway i see fit toward a topic. I am staying on topic and you are telling me how i should post, directing me how I should make statements? That is ridiculous! The UBER slave says back Off SUPER DOM you arent my master.........
I think you should let me post as I see fit, and ignor it. Or am I that engaging you cant stop yourself? GESS.

Where did I say you couldn't post as you see fit? Just as I'm free to think that any position you have at this point cannot be taken with credibility based on your previous behavior.

And since I'm a sub female......I'm not anybody's Master....

I was speaking to Mister Lockit, not you, I was trying to ignor you as you should me. Cant you quietly consider me not credible and stop attacking my every post? I think master should give you a big spanking for immaturity. OH MASTER!!! SHE IS BEING BAD!!! lol

Please see'll notice you quoted me, not Lockit. Hence the reply.

Whoops another mistake, well at least I didnt call you Mister or Sir.

LaTigresse -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 1:41:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: MsLockitsKnyt

Hmmm, i reread your post and noticed a reference to a cob in my arse and the words faux paus in the same post. Are you trying to turn me on?

No, but if it's an unintended side effect.......bonus for you!

thishereboi -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 7:44:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Privileged


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


I genuinely didn't expect such hostility and I'm surprised that no one has answered the question I posed. In the interest of not hijacking this thread, I'll clear up confusion on one thing. I am not a pro domme. I do not earn a living or support myself with D/s.

I guess we pursue and experience two completely different types of intimacy in our relationships. In my world servants =/= lovers. So, when a man approaches and offers to serve, I expect he'll do just that. Let's say my servant's service doesn't involve me traipsing around the mall. Let's say he maintains my yard. He doesn't live next door to me, though. How does he get to my home to do his job? Am I paying for his gas/public transportation? Would you?

If that is true then why does your profile say "I train and use financial servants online, exclusively."

Sounds like a pro to me.

Your distaste for pro dommes is apparent and while I can't change that, I can try to ease your confusion.
You have no clue what you are talking about but don't let that stop you.

A professional dominant caters to the needs/wants of clients. I do not. I don't sell sessions and a man cannot pay me to see his fantasies realized.
I know what pro's do. I lived with one and have many friends who have done it from time to time. In my opinion if you are collecting money online for services online, you are a professional. If you want to call it something else, knock your socks off.

SaharahEve -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 8:28:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi
In my opinion if you are collecting money online for services online, you are a professional. If you want to call it something else, knock your socks off.

Out of curiosity, what are her "services?"

hangemhigh1953 -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 9:13:25 PM)

That's a very good question, actually.

SaharahEve -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 9:30:29 PM)


Privileged -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 10:10:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: SaharahEve


ORIGINAL: thishereboi
In my opinion if you are collecting money online for services online, you are a professional. If you want to call it something else, knock your socks off.

Out of curiosity, what are her "services?"

I'd love to know as well because I thought I was pretty clear about the fact that I do not provide any services.

Rochsub2009 -> RE: new slave (2/29/2012 10:15:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: SaharahEve

I enjoy exploiting my slaves, yes. What, you have a problem with that? ...... And "partners?" LOL. Who said anything about partners? I was talking about slaves who serve and adore me. I know...slave might as well mean "hubby" to many here, but I invite exploration outside of those bounds, to say the very least.

Sorry for being late, but I just found this thread.

I've often wondered why so many Dommes take a negative stance on financial domination. There are obviously males who seek it, or else the financial Dommes wouldn't be here.

While I would never try to speak for Ms. Eve (She's quite capable of doing that for Herself), I must say that Her brand of domination is quite unique. She is not a traditional "financial Domme", nor is She a pro-Domme, nor is She looking for "play partners".

In Ms. Eve's world, slavery is very real. Male=slave. She is very clear about Her rules and expectations. Those who would enter Her world must abide by Her rules. Those who serve Her accept Her views on female supremacy, and they relish their place as Her pets. Moreover, She is very selective about who She allows to serve Her. So while financial domination is an integral part of Her overall model of domination, it is in no way a form of exploitation.

Those who are owned by Ms. Eve are there of their own volition. She provides something that is highly valued by those who serve Her. And they, in turn, serve Her loyally (and financially).

While Her particular brand of D/s (or more accurately, M/s) is not for everyone, I think that many (most?) dominant women could learn from Her example. It amazes me that more Dommes don't emulate Her.

sirsholly -> RE: new slave (3/1/2012 2:00:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Privileged

The things we all enjoy and need, the things that bring us comfort and pleasurethe things that bring us comfort and pleasure, they all have price tags.

A hug, a kiss, a kind word or a smile.
A walk in the woods.
A snowball that hits the target directly on their ass.
Snuggling on a lazy weekend morning.
Hearing "I love you" and knowing he means it.
Chubby baby arms giving me a hug.

These are things i enjoy and need, things that bring me comfort and pleasure. And the cost is priceless.

thishereboi -> RE: new slave (3/1/2012 3:52:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: SaharahEve


ORIGINAL: thishereboi
In my opinion if you are collecting money online for services online, you are a professional. If you want to call it something else, knock your socks off.

Out of curiosity, what are her "services?"

Well according to her profile ""I train and use financial servants online, exclusively." "

You would have to ask her what the actual training entails.

SaharahEve -> RE: new slave (3/1/2012 9:13:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi

Well according to her profile ""I train and use financial servants online, exclusively." "

You would have to ask her what the actual training entails.

Exactly. This is why running to conclusions in a little plastic window online about what someone is really doing probably isn't the most responsible method of determining if someone's a "professional" or not—not that there's anything wrong or limited with professionals, either. She may very well be training them for her use.

thishereboi -> RE: new slave (3/1/2012 9:37:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: SaharahEve


ORIGINAL: thishereboi

Well according to her profile ""I train and use financial servants online, exclusively." "

You would have to ask her what the actual training entails.

Exactly. This is why running to conclusions in a little plastic window online about what someone is really doing probably isn't the most responsible method of determining if someone's a "professional" or not—not that there's anything wrong or limited with professionals, either. She may very well be training them for her use.

No there isn't anything wrong with professionals. All that means is you get paid for doing something. In this case it would be online training. Now like I said before. I don't know what "online training" entails, but I am not sure what difference it makes. I am not sure why training them for her own use would change anything. I knew a pro who eventually married her client. That didn't change the fact that she was a pro when they met.

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