RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (Full Version)

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gooddogbenji -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:27:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelface183

Touche` Benji.  You have given me pause.  Thank you, doggie. 

Making differences, one angel at a time.

Now, off to find another site which has an angel like ours - should keep me looking a while.



irishbynature -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:28:05 AM)


Maybe so, Taggard, but those other people weren't put on earth to make the others lives easier. And it really isn't any of their business.
[/quote] Level said, it really 'isn't any of their business". Bravo! [:)]

theRose4U -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:29:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: kisshou

Being out-ted would be the least of my worries. There is identity theft, stalking, harrasment etc

You stated private correspondence also, depending upon what is in that, it could be quite dangerous to have that information made public.

This is not just unethical but criminal. Our local law enforcement agency has a huge cyber crimes division, hopefully yours does also, I would suggest you contact them for some information.

How exactly would that work to benefit? I can see it now...yes officer I'm kinky and like spanking men's butts for pleasure. Someone decided that they were going to reveal me without permission to my friends, family, church and job. Will you please arrest them? They hurt my feelings and ruined my reputation. Why am I thinking the poice would be very understanding.
As we've seen on the boards a million times, the kinksters end up being the precinct joke for a while and are more likely to not be taken seriously even in the face of tangible threats made by the unstable.

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:29:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: bignipples2share

If I don't want my children to know if or when I'm going to have sex, does not mean I should stop having sex.

Actually, it does.  If you really don't want your kids to know you are having sex, the only way to prevent them from knowing, with 100% certainty, is to not have sex.  Everything else has some chance of failure.

Now, the truth of the matter is that it really isn't all that important to hide you sexual activities from your kids.  Most kids know when their own parents have had sex (at least a few times), and it does not scar them for life (usually).  So you are willing to take the chance...


angelface183 -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:31:00 AM)

You are so sweet benji.  Really. 

Maybe I will ask SacredDom if we can keep you?

gooddogbenji -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:34:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: Calandra

Let's say she's totally vanilla, and becomes aware of this imposters profile... I know for a fact that with a copy of your driver's license, CM will remove any picture of you that you ask them to remove...

What if she's a somewhat new member of her local community, knows of CM, and has mentionned in passing she has a profile here.  No one knows her well enough to vouch for her, but no one has any reason to suspect her of anything.  She's just starting to meet cool people and finally may have someone in sight as a potential partner.  (I have no idea who this is, so I have no idea if they are Dom or sub)

Now, along comes you, sending in a picture and profile info, along with the evils this person has commited.

Either you get ignored entirely, which I feel would be the proper response from their side, or you destroy someone's reputation, based on circumstantial evidence and hearsay.

Neither is, in my opinion, a good thing.  What she did is wrong too, but two wrongs don't make a right.  And two rights make a backwards, just as with two lefts.  Two lefts and two rights make a frontwards though.  So who the hell knows what's right and wrong, anyway?



marieToo -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:35:42 AM)

Im sure there are all types of venegeful people that might send an anonymous note and photos to some authority about a particular person practicing bdsm in an effort to have them examined with regards to them being a fit parent.  However...And I might be talking out of my ass here, but I dont think the state just comes in and takes away someones child because mommy and daddy engage in such activities.  In order for a child to be taken away, dyfs or whoever your local child protection agency is would have to investigate and find *evidence* that the children are being abused or damaged in some way.  Evidence...not the opinion of a social worker that s and m is sick , therefore these children must be taken away.  Also the s and m accusation would first have to be proven true, and then it would have to be proven that the kids were harmed in some way because of it.  Hell, people are busted for using drugs and their children are not automatically removed from the home, unless there is evidence of neglect and or abuse 

gooddogbenji -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:36:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty


ORIGINAL: bignipples2share

If I don't want my children to know if or when I'm going to have sex, does not mean I should stop having sex.

Actually, it does.  If you really don't want your kids to know you are having sex, the only way to prevent them from knowing, with 100% certainty, is to not have sex.  Everything else has some chance of failure.

Ummmmmm....  It may stop your kids from KNOWING you have sex, but not from THINKING they know.  Which is a slight distinction.



gooddogbenji -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:40:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelface183

You are so sweet benji.  Really. 

Maybe I will ask SacredDom if we can keep you?

Feel free to ask him.  Just remind him to replace the couch pillows once a week once I get there.



TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:43:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: gooddogbenji
Now, back on topic.

Yes...because you never ever ever post anything off topic. *wink*


gooddogbenji -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:47:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty

Yes...because you never ever ever post anything off topic. *wink*


I consider my posting on topic to be off topic, as I always post off topic, so posting on topic is not the way I usually respond to on topic people.  So being off topic is on topic and off topic is your on topic, off topic and on topic being interchaged, in an off topic way.

And I prefer the Lady to be on top.

Now stop hijacking the thread.



theRose4U -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:56:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelface183


it is not illegal unless you have taken steps to legally "own" that information. 

How does one go about "owning" their information?

You have to LOVE corporate america. You now have to pay money to own your own image & thoughts. [sm=banghead.gif]

spankmepink11 -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:57:29 AM)

bandit...thank you for the sweet words....and you're right...i wouldn't make a big public  hoo hah.....but will share the info with friends who would possibly come in contact with her.

littlesarbonn -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:57:54 AM)

I'm actually surprised and not all that surprised that someone asks if it is ethical to out someone for any reason whatsoever.

I'm one of those strange outed people who succeeded in outing himself when the Internet was young. I didn't do it because I wanted to "out" myself but because I was bluntly honest with who and what I was. That "decision" way back then has been both a positive and horribly awful situation.

You see, when I first started signing my name to posts where I was talking about lifestyle submission, I was doing it not for the notoriety or "fame" that comes from doing such a thing but because NO submissives were coming forward and communicating. I felt that if I was honest about who and what I was, maybe other people would start coming forward and discussing who and what we were. We were so much in the closet back then, and I really felt that if good writers and average people could demonstrate that we're not a bunch of weirdos hanging around children parks waiting to abduct children, then maybe ALL of us might find acceptance with our lifestyle one day.

That decision has caused a lot of problems in my life. You see, when it was me deciding to out myself, I realized that I'm extremely tolerant about other people. Other people, on the other hand, haven't been all that tolerant about me. As subsequent generations (or iterations) of Internet users have come on board, the seas have changed to one of comraderie to a self-importance dynamic where "others" are seen as insignificant to one's personal motivations and desires. Let me explain.

When I first started posting, I never imagined that everything I ever posted in the past was going to be able to be searched through a new technology called google, and every other search process that came along. I never realized I was leaving an electronic paper trail that will live long after I'm gone. When that started to happen, and I realized it, it was already too late to stick my finger back in the dam. I was already soaked and the waters were flowing like a river out of control.

This opened up my past to people I knew casually. If someone was nosy, and it's inevitable, that person can start to trace your past if you've been a part of the Internet as long as I have. My first realizations of this were actually more pleasant experiences because it was usually a woman who was interested in me on an intellectual level in the vanilla world who then discovered I was a prolific writer on all things concerning lifestyle submission and then started to think that maybe she might like being the dominant part of that dichotomy. In the years, I introduced quite a few women who were slightly interested in me to the bdsm community, and a number of them are actually well known pro dominants to this day (although they evolved in the scene to seek much more than I could ever offer...or they just sought much more than I could ever be, but then this isn't really a complaint post).

Well, fast forward to today with a whole new paradigm of people who use the Internet, and those originally interested people have turned into nosy people who think that knowledge of someone else is power. I was a political science professor. A young woman did an intense search of me on the Internet (as I had been doing less actual postings on that subject over the last number of years) and she found out about me. She then wrote me one of the rudest emails, indicating that she was interested in this lifestyle and wanted me to provide more information. I wrote back politely that it would not be appropriate as she was one my students, but told her I'd gladly help her find the resources she needed, if desired. That situation turned into a young woman who thought she had an "in" on me and tried to make my life miserable by telling anyone who would listen about my sex fetish and my "sickening ways". She even tried to get me fired by contacting the Chairman of my department who thanked her for the information and then called me into his office, laughing because he already knew about my past because I had revealed it in case something like this ever happened. He didn't really care, as long as I separated my lifestyle from my work. But that's a rare response from someone in the academic community.

Today, I realize that most of the time people aren't looking for information about me because they're interested in me, but because they're trying to dig up dirt. This is a huge change from the past. It never used to be this way, at least not with me. This is a newer trend of information retrieval. This is why whenever I am involved in a relationship with someone, I'm pretty open about my past, and what I am. However, there are probably a lot of cases of where I wonder if a woman I know casually is not interested in me any further because she has googled me and immediately thought I must be some child molester or something because everyone knows that bdsm people are evil child molesters.

This is why I have a whole problem with the whole concept of using someone's information against them or about them without their permission. We have enough people outside of the community who are going out of their way to hurt us for reasons that quite often border on insanity and instability that we should NEVER be doing the same thing to those in our own community as well.

gooddogbenji -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 6:57:54 AM)


I just got done humping a few legs over in random stupidity, and I'm a bit tired.  Mind if I have a nap before humping yours?



angelface183 -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 7:02:59 AM)


 I just got done humping a few legs over in random stupidity, and I'm a bit tired.  Mind if I have a nap before humping yours? 

Of course dear doggie.  You can curl up next to my other pooch who is sleeping soundly at my feet.

theRose4U -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 7:03:16 AM)


There actually are things I don't want out in the public domain (like naked pictures of myself) so I make damn sure I don't get naked in public or let people take naked pictures of me in private.

Darn you and your solid moral code LOL. Here I was going to sign up for neked Taggard wallpaper.

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 7:04:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Calandra


You're just jealous that he hasn't offered to lick your sandals yet. 



Calandra -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 7:07:11 AM)

I understand and agree with much of your post... I've also been there, done that. But I cannot see letting one person run rampant when others are at stake...
I'm sorry, but difficult as this subject is, I'd out one to protect many...
I believe that when one acts in an unethical manner, they stand the chance of reaping what they sow...

Calandra -> RE: Outing Collarme members on vanilla websites...? (6/3/2006 7:10:35 AM)

Oh my god!
You saw right through me and exposed my inner tumoil to all.... ~sniff, sniff~
I'm like that old song... "Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside"
~sticking my beautifully sandalled feet out into the middle of the room to show off my new toenail polish...~
Psssst, is he looking this way????

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