RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (Full Version)

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CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 12:10:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: manofyourdreams3

oh and one more thing...being irritated and putting it in MY not being is simply releasing some thoughts...calling out a fake or the spammers that are subs and even want to cam on another not is truthful...

have a great to run in the park.

Perhaps...but it seems like you are putting too much energy into this, defining what you don't want instead of what you seek.

The online world is full of shit as well as some good people. Just like any other aspect of life. To me, focusing so much on the shit makes it harder to see anything else. Take a look around the room of everything in it, look at everything that is brown, everything, find all the brown and close your eyes and list everything that is blue. Simplified example but there you have it.

Now for the "other side" there probably is more shit... but in the boards here, there are more "people", I haven't one person telling me to go to another site to cam on this side. I have met some interesting people, some assholes, some come, some any other grouping of people. Also, in reading the intro posts, I have noticed that those who intro themselves instead of beginning with a complaint tend to get friendlier greetings in response.

Just a thought...

angelikaJ -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 12:14:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: manofyourdreams3

oh and one more thing...being irritated and putting it in MY not being is simply releasing some thoughts...calling out a fake or the spammers that are subs and even want to cam on another not is truthful...

have a great to run in the park.

Since the majority of posters here think otherwise, despite how you see it, you might want to reassess your claim it isn't being negative.

(Btw: it is against the terms of service to list specific people in a critical way, whether or not you see it as truthful. Don't be surprised when those entries are deleted by management.)

GreedyTop -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 12:24:03 PM)

still no response to my query about how many subs he has met NOT from CM, and face to face...

OsideGirl -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 12:56:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: manofyourdreams3
i can take criticism with the best of them..heck i dish it out a lot to those that need it...but some viewpoints are off imo...take the time to get to know me..then you can comment...i am trying to find the ones that said this...i got some good advice, and some ignorant ones imo...

Yeah, I think we're seeing a glimmer here.....


ORIGINAL: manofyourdreams3

oh and one more thing...being irritated and putting it in MY not being is simply releasing some thoughts...calling out a fake or the spammers that are subs and even want to cam on another not is truthful...

Perception is everything. You just had a group of people tell you that they perceived those remarks as negative. Rather than grasping that you tell everyone they're wrong.

FYI: putting it in your journal is against TOS of this site.

LaTigresse -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 1:26:57 PM)

Not to mention rather immature and petty.

Ya, he's gonna be scoring BIG!!!!!!!

manofyourdreams3 -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 1:27:01 PM)

I have met one sub, and she was actually not from this site...from this site, zero..I am honest...i meet submissive girls...but submissive girls and into bdsm are two different worlds

next, if it is against terms of listing names...then I see many who are guilty..i see a lot who make a "list of fakes and timewasters"....they literally have a list! and been on there for months..nothing has been done to them!

also, i see many of your viewpoints and i thank CRYPTICXVI, I have had quite a few that wan to go to sites such as, to view there "other profiles" a can't believe you've never ran across that...or to see "other pics"...

again..thank you all for your is appreciated..if i were around all of you, i'd buy you a nice beer or

CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 2:08:26 PM)

Read what I said... not from the message board side.

As for the other side, I have very little interaction, I have a nice boring profile that nobody even wants to perv and that tells very little about myself. The only messages I receive are from people I already know... but that is what I seek, so there you have it.

Well, that and a damned good cup of turkish coffee.

OsideGirl -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 2:23:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: manofyourdreams3

next, if it is against terms of listing names...then I see many who are guilty..i see a lot who make a "list of fakes and timewasters"....they literally have a list! and been on there for months..nothing has been done to them!

So, basically, you're doing it because everyone else is doing it. You're following along. Not to mention you've decided that it's fine to break rules you've agreed to stay within.

It's a free site and the mods are stretched thin. So, unless they're reported, the mods may not see them.

manofyourdreams3 -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 3:04:35 PM)

oside girl, i have never seen in the rules where you can't put anothers name out there....i am not "following along" if i didn't know...

I like your messy hair btw!

JanahX -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 3:20:51 PM)

Someone is living their life online - It sounds like you need to go outside and meet people.

Kana -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 3:22:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: manofyourdreams3

oside girl, i have never seen in the rules where you can't put anothers name out there

Dude-Read the Terms of Service. You'll find you are in the wrong on this one. Mentioning/criticizing specific user names is strictly prohibited.

manofyourdreams3 -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 4:27:34 PM)

well...the last two kana didn't read the whole thread...

outhere69 -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 5:38:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: manofyourdreams3

oside girl, i have never seen in the rules where you can't put anothers name out there....i am not "following along" if i didn't know...

Here's one of the reasons to report folks:

"Criticism of a specific username or named person"

IrishMist -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 5:44:37 PM)


Another one bites the dust.

I really, truly, dislike when a man starts to whine.
Come to think of it, it's pretty unattractive in a female to.

But, oh well...

Next please....

TNDommeK -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 6:14:20 PM)

Aside what everyone else has said, have you ever thought it could be a trol just trying to get your panties all in a bunch? Just asking.

That happened to Me when I first came on CM, and I did what you did..came on over to message boards saying "I heard people were talking about Me over here". The only time people talk about people over here is usually when they deserve it and while they are here reading it. My profile isn't perfect, as I name people all in My journal. However, the more time I have spent over here, I have learned rules and I am trying to change things and make a better profile. Not saying yours is bad, as I haven't read it. But, I would say most of everyone has given you excellent advice, take it.

BurntKitty -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 6:50:13 PM)

Just in case you weren't aware, this shows up when someone clicks "report entry" whle reading a journal:


Please select the problem with this journal entry:
Contact Information Inappropriate contact information such as a telephone number or street address
Criticism of a specific username or named person
Illegal Activities This journal entry contains references to illegal activities
Scammer See our Common Scams page for detailed information
Underage This journal entry states that the poster is underage or makes inappropriate references to an underage person
Vulgarity This journal entry contains excessive vulgarity

So I did.

Edited to add: Welcome to CM.

MusicalBoredom -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 7:03:03 PM)

Sorry never heard of or about you.


JanahX -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/22/2012 7:08:18 PM)

Oh yes I did - and if you had a real life, then this kind of stuff wouldnt bother you one i-ota.


well...the last two kana didn't read the whole thread...

FrostedFlake -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/23/2012 12:16:43 AM)


i will respond to those that are basically saying look in the mirror, etc....just cause i say i want a spammer to die does not make me a bad person...

Uhm..., point of order.

Wanting someone to die makes you a bad person. Don't think so? Ask anyone.

Reality check : I try not to hurt (as in, injure) people, even when I am fighting them. I usually succeed, and when I succeed it costs me nothing. Often enough, it gains me something, usually respect, sometimes friendship. Consider considering this.

Welcome to the site.

Postscript : That is a REAL cute avatar photo.

Kana -> RE: Very angry hurtful words said about me (3/23/2012 5:37:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: manofyourdreams3

well...the last two kana didn't read the whole thread...

Sure he did. He read the whole thread, including the justification that even if something is banned it's OK to do cuz everyone else does it too...


Try that excuse on a judge in traffic court someday-see how it flies.

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