RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (Full Version)

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Politesub53 -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 5:16:00 PM)



How petty.  Bravo!!! [8|]

How ironic....!!!

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 5:49:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras


Wouldnt it be nice to drive around in cars that needed no gas? no battery? power from the grid or a private source?

Well guess what, it was all possible since 1899 and those entrusted to govern in our best interest and benefit did what they do best. They governed for the best interest and benefit of themselves and their banker pals.

Oh yeah it was possible since 1899? [:D] R0's proof is two videos demonstrating in basements what is already commonly understood regarding Tesla’s findings with electrostatic energy - some of it is even thought in school and there are acts that perform similarish stuff for entertainment, holding lighting bulb's in their mouthes etc. The OP then sticks in loads of grandiose claims, such as over the Wardenclyffe Tower. Although an amazing idea, the tower couldn't have worked.

A Battle to Preserve a Visionary’s Bold Failure


The tower could have succeeded in broadcasting information, but not power. “He was an absolute genius,” Dennis Papadopoulos, a physicist at the University of Maryland, said in an interview. “He conceived of things in 1900 that it took us 50 or 60 years to understand. But he did not appreciate dissipation. You can’t start putting a lot of power” into an antenna and expect the energy to travel long distances without great diminution.

nice post!

too bad they do not know shit about what they are talking about!


In 1901, Nikola Tesla began work on a global system of giant towers meant to relay through the air not only news,

the TMT is a telluric tranmitter not through the air!

couple hundred watts and a coil the size of a beer keg and I could talk to all my jolly ole friends in the uk at pennies per day 24/7 no weather interference or loss of signal ever. Of course governments are not real happy about people talking to each other for nearly free across the world especially when they are getting lined up for a wold war.

One more reason it is so safe, no transverse radiation from it like all that crap you have hanging from your ears now that causes mutations.

Your citation is fucked up in the very first sentence.

Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat on 1898 U.S. Patent 613,809, named Method of an Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vehicle or Vehicles

marconi tried to circumvent teslas patents with a bastardized design that used teslas version and air transmission combined.

the supreme court ruled that tesla made the first radio transmission not marconi.

Oh and there is very little to any sparks off the TMT in operation, the dome in part is used to suppress sparks as sparks are a loss of energy.

You are right however that 4th graders love to watch sparks.

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 5:58:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven



Now as an added bonus due to the nature of this device, it attracts and converts lets just say stuff from the cosmos and one professor in Germany measured as much as 1000% gain at the output.

RealOne, as an engineer, I can say to you that you DO NOT get more energy out of a device than is put in.

The rest of your post ignores the fact that nothing is 100% efficient. Right now, we have the inefficiencies in the IC engine, the extraction of crude oil, the refining of it, the transportation of refined gasoline, etc.

With an electric system, we have the inefficiencies of the combustion of petrochems/generation of electricity and the transmission of electricity. Having a cool method to transmit it doesn't change that equation.

Nope I do not run with the "over" unity crowd pretending entropy and enthalpy do not exit.

Compare the energy used to trigger anything, a shot from a gun, a nuke etc. With just a little energy you can trigger a large reaction as long as you have enough fuel to burn whatever.

No matter how we want to reduce it, it still comes down to in v out. I do not think anyone knows preceisely for sure what is going on. Most theories lean toward the conversion of neutrinos to useable power.

If you imagine it like a vacuum cleaner sucking in energy as it operates is the easiest way to conceptualize it.

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 6:05:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Nor does it find out what happens to sealife when johnnies hands don't feel it.

Down the list, I know......  

it does not radiate like the stuff we use now. it does nothing to damagre anything.

MasterSlaveLA -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 6:06:08 PM)

How childish!!! [8|]

LookieNoNookie -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 6:44:35 PM)



Wouldnt it be nice to drive around in cars that needed no gas? no battery? power from the grid or a private source?

Well guess what, it was all possible since 1899 and those entrusted to govern in our best interest and benefit did what they do best. They governed for the best interest and benefit of themselves and their banker pals.

I came out here several years ago and posted this "stuff" and all the kooks called me every pejorative under the sun screaming the tesla tower does not work. You know who you are, some are still here. Lack of knowledge is the gift that keeps biting ya in the ass! :)

MIT and the DOE cant seem to make it happen, so I guess we just have to leave it up to kids in their basements and garages to prove it works.

Thats right this guy is lighting 15 and 25 watt 240 volt bulbs while holding them in his hand with electrical power being transmitted wireless similar to a a typical radio signal, the electricity goes right through his body and still lights the bulb, just like tesla did and without getting a shock.

Now this can be transmitted to ANYWHERE on the planet. NOT like our present day couple mile radio waves.

It works underwater with bare wires and your hands in the water and if your baby sticks the car keys in the outlet NOTHING will happen. Worst case if ANYTHING does happen would be a static carpet like shock that just gives a pin prick like bite, NOT like the current we use now that if your kid does that will cause their muscles to contract harder around the wires and kill them.

This new system of wireless power was created by the very same man that created the system used around the world today and this new system of wireless power was intended to replace the old system we have now. That was in 1899.

Think its time or should we wait another 100 years?

Check this out if you want to be pissed off.

Light, The Tesla Way-01 - TMT 72.4 Scale

Look mom I am touching the wires and no shock!

Now as an added bonus due to the nature of this device, it attracts and converts lets just say stuff from the cosmos and one professor in Germany measured as much as 1000% gain at the output.

So why havent our politicians been doing anything along these lines over the last 100 years?

Is it time?

I like the fact that gas prices are rising.

As a Republican, I'm certain I should be against it the end....if we don't force ourselves to get off the tit....we won't (we haven't).

I'd love to see fuel go to 7 bucks a gallon....if it did, we'd all be driving (something other than what we're driving).

Frankly, since the Arabs (and others) LOVE the fact that our (U.S.) fuel taxes are so low (and will keep pushing us until we bleed), I'd rather see that same amount (25 cents a gallon every year until we get to 10 bucks a gallon over the next 7+ years) go to fixing OUR roads but....

It'll never happen and in the end....we'll pay it to someone else.


Musicmystery -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 7:19:06 PM)

I can't say I "like" it, but you are absolutely correct. Americans are NOT going to conserve or act proactively. Only higher prices forcing alternatives will get us developing efficiencies we already could be doing.

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 7:22:25 PM)

the really kool thing is that once these things are running there would be literally no maintenance and they would wirelessly transmit power.

here check these out!

we could be driving cross country nonstop, or flying, got ideas but not totally sure how you would accomplish flying though tesla said it can be done and even invented his own version of airplane in preparation for it.

How can we afford to continue using fossil fuels and radiation based communication in this day in age? At what cost?

Musicmystery -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 7:25:09 PM)

Tesla's "airplane" was more of a platform. Not sure how practical that would be en mass. But point still is, lots of underdeveloped technology available.

Anaxagoras -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 7:39:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: SternSkipper
Given static produces similar field effects to the emp associated with living near high tension wires (electrical grid distribution lines) and there are hug concerns right now that living too close represents a health concern. As are cell phones raising issues once again... I gotta ask... Has there been any research about generating multitudes of static, electricity into the atmosphere in regard to human health?
I'm, not trying to insinuate that I know it does. But I have yet to see a paper on Tesla that wasn't just plain Ron-Paul-Ga-Ga on the guy and mired in mystique.
They're real concerns and worth raising.

I'd say the process (even if it worked properly) is pretty lethal too:

Tesla felt that with a sufficiently high electrical potential on the elevated terminal the practical limitation imposed upon its height could be overcome. He anticipated that a highly energetic transmitter, as was intended at Wardenclyffe, would charge the elevated terminal to the point where the atmosphere around and above the facility would break down and become ionized, leading to a flow of true conduction currents between the two terminals by a path up to and through the troposphere, and back down to the other facility. The ionization of the atmosphere directly above the elevated terminals would be facilitated by the use of an ionizing beam of ultraviolet radiation to form what might be called a high-voltage plasma transmission line.

Anaxagoras -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 7:53:53 PM)


nice post!

too bad they do not know shit about what they are talking about!


In 1901, Nikola Tesla began work on a global system of giant towers meant to relay through the air not only news,

the TMT is a telluric tranmitter not through the air!

couple hundred watts and a coil the size of a beer keg and I could talk to all my jolly ole friends in the uk at pennies per day 24/7 no weather interference or loss of signal ever. Of course governments are not real happy about people talking to each other for nearly free across the world especially when they are getting lined up for a wold war.

One more reason it is so safe, no transverse radiation from it like all that crap you have hanging from your ears now that causes mutations.

Your citation is fucked up in the very first sentence.

Maybe these people don't know shit either:

Tesla researched ways to transmit energy wirelessly over long distances, first by transverse waves, and then, possibly, by longitudinal waves. He transmitted extremely low frequency current through the earth with associated electric field energy propagating along the space between the Earth's surface and the Kennelly–Heaviside layer. He received patents on wireless transceivers designed to develop terrestrial standing waves by this method.

And maybe Tesla himself is wrong too:

Some time before I contemplated the possibility of transmitting such high tension currents over a narrow beam of radiant energy ionizing the air and rendering it, in measure, conductive. After preliminary laboratory experiments, I made tests on a large scale with the transmitter referred to and a beam of ultra-violet rays of great energy in an attempt to conduct the current to the high rarefied strata of the air and thus create an auroral such as might be utilized for illumination, especially of oceans at night.

erieangel -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 8:54:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: kalikshama

I'm currently coping by using Stop and Shop's gas rewards program - last time I filled up I payed $2.90/gallon.

My 1989 Geo Metro got 60 MPG. My current car gets 22. I'm shopping around for a fuel efficient, yet comfortable, car and am Not Impressed by mileage in the 30s and 40s.

I heard a lot of people are getting well over 100, even over 150mpg with the Chevy Volt.

Musicmystery -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 8:57:14 PM)

I'm guessing around town, not on the highways.

erieangel -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 9:06:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

I'm guessing around town, not on the highways.

True. Not sure how it fares on the highway. PA doesn't even allow electric cars to be registered.

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 10:33:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras


ORIGINAL: SternSkipper
Given static produces similar field effects to the emp associated with living near high tension wires (electrical grid distribution lines) and there are hug concerns right now that living too close represents a health concern. As are cell phones raising issues once again... I gotta ask... Has there been any research about generating multitudes of static, electricity into the atmosphere in regard to human health?
I'm, not trying to insinuate that I know it does. But I have yet to see a paper on Tesla that wasn't just plain Ron-Paul-Ga-Ga on the guy and mired in mystique.
They're real concerns and worth raising.

I'd say the process (even if it worked properly) is pretty lethal too:

Tesla felt that with a sufficiently high electrical potential on the elevated terminal the practical limitation imposed upon its height could be overcome. He anticipated that a highly energetic transmitter, as was intended at Wardenclyffe, would charge the elevated terminal to the point where the atmosphere around and above the facility would break down and become ionized, leading to a flow of true conduction currents between the two terminals by a path up to and through the troposphere, and back down to the other facility. The ionization of the atmosphere directly above the elevated terminals would be facilitated by the use of an ionizing beam of ultraviolet radiation to form what might be called a high-voltage plasma transmission line.

Wiki wonka strikes again!

Um that is why the towers were like really high you know?

Sure there were plenty of witnesses that seen it work, he lit bulbs 26 miles away from the colorado spings site..... and he could lite specific bulbs lol


ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras


nice post!

too bad they do not know shit about what they are talking about!


In 1901, Nikola Tesla began work on a global system of giant towers meant to relay through the air not only news,

the TMT is a telluric tranmitter not through the air!

couple hundred watts and a coil the size of a beer keg and I could talk to all my jolly ole friends in the uk at pennies per day 24/7 no weather interference or loss of signal ever. Of course governments are not real happy about people talking to each other for nearly free across the world especially when they are getting lined up for a wold war.

One more reason it is so safe, no transverse radiation from it like all that crap you have hanging from your ears now that causes mutations.

Your citation is fucked up in the very first sentence.

Maybe these people don't know shit either:

Tesla researched ways to transmit energy wirelessly over long distances, first by transverse waves, and then, possibly, by longitudinal waves. He transmitted extremely low frequency current through the earth with associated electric field energy propagating along the space between the Earth's surface and the Kennelly–Heaviside layer. He received patents on wireless transceivers designed to develop terrestrial standing waves by this method.

They cant be all bad since they agreed with me, sure you aint out of your league here?

And maybe Tesla himself is wrong too:

Some time before I contemplated the possibility of transmitting such high tension currents over a narrow beam of radiant energy ionizing the air and rendering it, in measure, conductive. After preliminary laboratory experiments, I made tests on a large scale with the transmitter referred to and a beam of ultra-violet rays of great energy in an attempt to conduct the current to the high rarefied strata of the air and thus create an auroral such as might be utilized for illumination, especially of oceans at night.

well tesla had a dream not to lite the streets at nite but literally turn the whole world into one huge lit globe. If it was up to him he would not have lit the streets but the whole damn sky. Not only does his stuff work but it works that well. If you understand how this stuff works its not far fetched in the least. When they did not go along with this it set physics back at least 100 years for the sake of bankster and corporate profits.

Tesla invented the form of elctricity you use this very minute in your wall outlets and this was intended to be its replacement. The TMT version is safe these several thousand watt sparklers people build however are not. They look identical but operate on totally different principles.

mnottertail -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/14/2012 11:28:59 PM)

So, you have the plans for a car that can light light bulbs 26 miles away?  And this new model nobody has to stick their hands in the water?   What does a reasonable facimile of the plans cost?

joether -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/15/2012 2:28:45 AM)

Lets just say for the hell of the discussion two things are true:

A) Tesla's idea could be used in replacement to current energy uses for vehicles on America's roads (not to mention elsewhere).

B) There are no long term health effects on humans, other animals, plants, small types of living stuff (i.e. ants), and doesnt cause adverse problems to the weather, tempatures, or damage to the water/soil/air.

Just who would run such a device? A company? The Goverment? If its a company, how much political power would they have over the goverment and the lives of tens of millions of Americans? Could they just 'turn off the power' if they dont get what they want? How regulated would they have to be? How do we know the company isnt secretly controlling the goverment and than takes over other companies resulting in a epic-sized 'company town' that spans much of the United States and other nations?

The whole notion sounds like a complete fantasy.

Anaxagoras -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/15/2012 5:31:46 AM)


Wiki wonka strikes again!

Um that is why the towers were like really high you know?

Sure there were plenty of witnesses that seen it work, he lit bulbs 26 miles away from the colorado spings site..... and he could lite specific bulbs lol

That wasn't what was being argued so nice strawman. The wiki entries are well referenced, and are actually fairly positive about his invention in comaprison to some that rubbish it. I picked it because its convenient and at the very least Wiki is a lot deal better than the batshit conspiracist sites you quote - it doesn't have an agenda to push ilooninati nonsense.


ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras
Maybe these people don't know shit either:

Tesla researched ways to transmit energy wirelessly over long distances, first by transverse waves, and then, possibly, by longitudinal waves. He transmitted extremely low frequency current through the earth with associated electric field energy propagating along the space between the Earth's surface and the Kennelly–Heaviside layer. He received patents on wireless transceivers designed to develop terrestrial standing waves by this method.

They cant be all bad since they agreed with me, sure you aint out of your league here?

You stated they were exclusively telluric transmitters, as in they transmit through the ground rather than the air, and so my source was completely wrong. I'm afraid its you who is out of your depth old chap. Do you actually know what the Kennelly–Heaviside layer is? Its an area of the atmosphere. Thus the signal is transmitted through the air.



ORIGINAL: Anaxagoras
And maybe Tesla himself is wrong too:

Some time before I contemplated the possibility of transmitting such high tension currents over a narrow beam of radiant energy ionizing the air and rendering it, in measure, conductive. After preliminary laboratory experiments, I made tests on a large scale with the transmitter referred to and a beam of ultra-violet rays of great energy in an attempt to conduct the current to the high rarefied strata of the air and thus create an auroral such as might be utilized for illumination, especially of oceans at night.

well tesla had a dream not to lite the streets at nite but literally turn the whole world into one huge lit globe. If it was up to him he would not have lit the streets but the whole damn sky. Not only does his stuff work but it works that well. If you understand how this stuff works its not far fetched in the least. When they did not go along with this it set physics back at least 100 years for the sake of bankster and corporate profits.

Tesla invented the form of elctricity you use this very minute in your wall outlets and this was intended to be its replacement. The TMT version is safe these several thousand watt sparklers people build however are not. They look identical but operate on totally different principles.

Your argument simply doesn't follow. Tesla did not truly "invent" the system of electricity we use today. He developed and innovated an AC system, of the sort we use today. His competitors used DC. They weren't hugely dissimilar and were based on several centuries of scientific advancement. However, Tesla's system was an important step. Then a few years later he comes out with an idea so radical scientists of his time laughed at him!! It was like Victorian era science that he had used now meeting the 22nd Century. As I said, Tesla was a great inventor, and one of the most ambitious of all time but few inventors get it right all the time, especially when stepping out of synch with what was well established science of the times to such an extent as he did. He was dealing with very early technology, and knowledge of transmission was extremely limited at the turn of the 20th Century.

DarkSteven -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/15/2012 6:06:14 AM)



Compare the energy used to trigger anything, a shot from a gun, a nuke etc. With just a little energy you can trigger a large reaction as long as you have enough fuel to burn whatever.

No. In thermodynamics, it depends on how you define your system. You are claiming that the input is the "little energy" and the output is that plus "enough fuel". That's okay for one-shot reactions, but we're talking continual, sustainable reactions here, and you cannot simply deplete unaccounted-for masses of fuel.

No matter how we want to reduce it, it still comes down to in v out. I do not think anyone knows preceisely for sure what is going on. Most theories lean toward the conversion of neutrinos to useable power.

No way. Claiming that there's a discrepancy and that the difference must be some kind of low-temp nuclear reaction was the basis for "cold fusion" claims at the University of Utah. Turned out to be bad measurement. I'm biased toward bad measurement in this case as well.

If you imagine it like a vacuum cleaner sucking in energy as it operates is the easiest way to conceptualize it.

That's something different. You're describing a heat pump here, such as a refrigerator. If that were indeed the case, then the reaction would fuel itself by drawing heat from the surrounding air. But that doesn't just "happen" because heat always goes from a warm place to a cold one unless it is forced to do differently due to deliberate design. (In a heat pump, phase changes and different pressures are used to make heat flow from cold to hot.)

Anaxagoras -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (5/15/2012 6:06:39 AM)



ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

Now as an added bonus due to the nature of this device, it attracts and converts lets just say stuff from the cosmos and one professor in Germany measured as much as 1000% gain at the output.

RealOne, as an engineer, I can say to you that you DO NOT get more energy out of a device than is put in.

The rest of your post ignores the fact that nothing is 100% efficient. Right now, we have the inefficiencies in the IC engine, the extraction of crude oil, the refining of it, the transportation of refined gasoline, etc.

With an electric system, we have the inefficiencies of the combustion of petrochems/generation of electricity and the transmission of electricity. Having a cool method to transmit it doesn't change that equation.

Compare the energy used to trigger anything, a shot from a gun, a nuke etc. With just a little energy you can trigger a large reaction as long as you have enough fuel to burn whatever.

No matter how we want to reduce it, it still comes down to in v out. I do not think anyone knows preceisely for sure what is going on. Most theories lean toward the conversion of neutrinos to useable power.

If you imagine it like a vacuum cleaner sucking in energy as it operates is the easiest way to conceptualize it.

I was waiting for DS to reply - you appear to be conflating a supposed nuclear reaction with a more standard reaction in the consumption of fuel, and are misunderstanding a basic fundamental point. The nuclear reaction operates at a sub-atomic level releasing the atomic binding energy as heat within the process. More to the point however, the "more standard" reaction is merely the burning of fuel, which is all energy of a potential sort (said fuel, be it wood, coal, oil etc., is classified as an energy source), not just the initiating event (in this case the ignition that causes burning of said fuel) that causes the "reaction". Next we'll be talking about "Free energy" sources like light from a potato battery. [8|]

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