RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (Full Version)

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subrob1967 -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/10/2012 7:50:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: lovmuffin

I've had this same basic Wal Mart discussion with close friends and one thing that was mentioned is one of the ways Wal Mart is able to sell for such a low price is property tax abatements. It was also mentioned that they get deals off or pay no sales taxes in many places though they do collect them. Does anyone know whats up with that ? I can't believe they can collect for sales tax and then keep the money.

I'd guess you're talking about the California sales tax, Walmart slammed Amazon for not collecting California sales taxes, and were found guilty of the same practice.


Wal-Mart, which is based in Brisbane, Calif., has been a critic of Amazon's refusal to comply with a state law that requires online retailers to collect sales tax. Wal-Mart recently joined the Alliance for Main Street Fairness, a coalition of mom-and-pop and big-box retailers campaigning to change sales-tax laws in several states.

But now some state officials are asking if Wal-Mart is collecting the necessary taxes required under the law that took effect July 1. Wal-Mart allows third-party retailers to sell merchandise on its site via its Marketplace Retailers program, but doesn't require them to collect state sales taxes.

Each retailer maintains its own cancellation and return policies, but all the financial transactions take place on

The company has defended its position, saying it's not its responsibility to require those retailers to collect sales tax, reports the L.A. Times.

Amazon is backing a referendum that would put the law on the ballot next June.

thompsonx -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/11/2012 7:05:17 AM)





Marini, I am a Maoist, which is an updated form of Marxism (yes, the philosophy that throws conservatives into seizures). I know all too well the problems with capitalism, and the need to replace it with something better. If you would like, I can share some literature with you.


Something better is the death of 40-70 million people,

Whch 40-70 million people are you speaking of?
What did they die from?



Just how did mao cause a famine?


mass suicide,

How did mao cause mass suicide?


and political persecution?

How would you describe the difference between teniman square and wounded knee?


Oh, and let's throw in the destruction of cultural artifacts and destroying religious sites.

cite please?



Just wow.

I think that I can do without your "Great Leap Forward."

Are you sugesting that china is worse off today than it was 70-100 years ago?

thompsonx -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/11/2012 7:06:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: lovmuffin



I am a Maoist, which is an updated form of Marxism (yes, the philosophy that throws conservatives into seizures). I know all too well the problems with capitalism, and the need to replace it with something better. If you would like, I can share some literature with you.


Based on that statement of your political philosophy above and other statements you have made on this thread I would infer that you would prefer a Maoist type of slavery over the capitalist type.
I myself prefer the capitalist type. At least we have air conditioning, fast cars and hot lookin babes in bikinis. Under Mao the Chinese didn't fair so well. No AC, fish heads and rice for breakfast lunch and dinner, 2 wheeled carts, and their hot babes had to wear olive green pajamas with those stupid Mao hats.

Obviously you have not been to china.

thompsonx -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/11/2012 7:11:32 AM)




Marini, I am a Maoist, which is an updated form of Marxism (yes, the philosophy that throws conservatives into seizures). I know all too well the problems with capitalism, and the need to replace it with something better. If you would like, I can share some literature with you.

You cannot be serious or you are the worst informed person I've ever encontered.

From what you have writen below it would appear that you are the worst informed person on the planet.


Mao was a vicious little thug who tried his best to wipe out 4 thousand years of culture and tried to replace it with his own insane vision.

Just how did he do that?


To top it off he exported his views to the Khmer Rouge and the Shining Path who proceeded to kill tens of thousands in the name of Mao.

In the name of mao[8|]


All Mao managed to do, besides rack up an astonishing body count, was install a government that is top to bottom corrupt and that seems to only continue to exist to perpetrate the corruption for which it stands.

You might want to compare and contrast the mao regime with say the previous 200 years of chinese politics.
Then see if you can borrow a pry bar to get your feet out of your mouth.

papassion -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/11/2012 11:19:25 AM)

This post is a perfect example of the principle of the world market. If you have a store and Walmart moves into town, you have to compete price wise or go bankrupt. You understand that right?

Then how come Union zealots and Liberals don't understand in the world economy, its the same thing! Lets say We own a "store." (factory, whatever) Walmart (the factories in China, india, etc.) produce goods for less than we do. Guess whos products the people will buy?

Do you really think a US manufacturer can pay a man $40/hr with benefits, and compete with a foreign manufacturer paying $7/hr and stay in business? And cut the shit about "US quality." Young "workers" today have a, "so what if it get fired, I was looking for a job when I came here" attitude! Get skills necessary for a good job (education) or get left in the dust. Crying about what you made in the past doesn't mean shit today.

itsSIRtou -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/11/2012 1:24:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: papassion

This post is a perfect example of the principle of the world market. If you have a store and Walmart moves into town, you have to compete price wise or go bankrupt. You understand that right?

Then how come Union zealots and Liberals don't understand in the world economy, its the same thing! Lets say We own a "store." (factory, whatever) Walmart (the factories in China, india, etc.) produce goods for less than we do. Guess whos products the people will buy?

Do you really think a US manufacturer can pay a man $40/hr with benefits, and compete with a foreign manufacturer paying $7/hr and stay in business? And cut the shit about "US quality." Young "workers" today have a, "so what if it get fired, I was looking for a job when I came here" attitude! Get skills necessary for a good job (education) or get left in the dust. Crying about what you made in the past doesn't mean shit today.

Excuse Me , but what us "Union zealots and Liberals" are bitching about is the treatment of the workers. Wal-Mart treating their workers like we're in china but watching the upper management get treated like Russian czars is going to get old damn quick.

And I see where u are with USA quality... ur one of those people who's ok with "throw away" products, u figure u can always buy another "china do-hickey" when it breaks instead of buying something that lasts the 1st time...ur the ones who fill up the landfills.... all My GearHead hand tools are "Made in USA" and I dont lend them out to My "made in china" tool buddy's - I got a set of jap tools I let them break.

NO..I dont think "a US manufacturer can pay a man $40/hr with benefits, and compete with a foreign manufacturer paying $7/hr and stay in business?" but then Logically, bitching at a president no matter what party for a bad economy is stupid too then. because unless he levels the playing field somehow then he's not in any control of the marketplace.

AND if the "US manufacturer" cuts the $40/hr employee to $7/hr guess what? That employee is going to default on every loan he has out even if he's got a "job" still. then files bankruptcy, and/or get foreclosed on,..... cant pay for food, his energy bills, or his health care for his family (since that comes out of his own pocket) and car gas/insureance....since none of those costs get lower.

......while "US manufacturer" CEO is giving himself a 16% pay raise, free health care PLUS GETTING A TAX CUT ?? (the CEO national average last year)

THAT IS the OTHER thing us "Union zealots and Liberals" are bitching about - the CEO's throwing the rest of America under the bus to pad their own pockets like chipmunks. while distracting u conservative nutjobs with DOM, tax cuts, and demonising welfare again, like some shiney toy.

And right now the problem is that for too many it doesnt matter is u go to school and get ur education because there's 300+ people applying for every job and the people with work experience (i.e. just got outsourced) gets the job 1st. Leaving that resent grad with a huge student loan, and only Walmart to work for to pay it off....

And then u wonder why the current govenment cant build a better economy?? REALLY??

SternSkipper -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/11/2012 2:08:38 PM)



OP, you're in fantasy land, good luck with various forms of Marxism.
we need to compete because that's how humans evolve.

haven't you ever seen the classic H.G. Wells film The Time Machine?

although science fiction, i think it's a good metaphor for what happens when humanity gets lazy. those are the creatures that fed on lazy stupid humans like cattle.

Now Now... Let's not go badmouthing the movie that gave Edgar and Johnny Winter a purpose in life.

Marini -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/11/2012 9:27:54 PM)


Excuse Me , but what us "Union zealots and Liberals" are bitching about is the treatment of the workers. Wal-Mart treating their workers like we're in china but watching the upper management get treated like Russian czars is going to get old damn quick.
Someone besides me, has got to tell it!

And I see where u are with USA quality... ur one of those people who's ok with "throw away" products, u figure u can always buy another "china do-hickey" when it breaks instead of buying something that lasts the 1st time...ur the ones who fill up the landfills.... all My GearHead hand tools are "Made in USA" and I dont lend them out to My "made in china" tool buddy's - I got a set of jap tools I let them break.

NO..I dont think "a US manufacturer can pay a man $40/hr with benefits, and compete with a foreign manufacturer paying $7/hr and stay in business?" but then Logically, bitching at a president no matter what party for a bad economy is stupid too then. because unless he levels the playing field somehow then he's not in any control of the marketplace.
IS this country STILL AMERICA?

AND if the "US manufacturer" cuts the $40/hr employee to $7/hr guess what? That employee is going to default on every loan he has out even if he's got a "job" still. then files bankruptcy, and/or get foreclosed on,..... cant pay for food, his energy bills, or his health care for his family (since that comes out of his own pocket) and car gas/insureance....since none of those costs get lower.
......while "US manufacturer" CEO is giving himself a 16% pay raise, free health care PLUS GETTING A TAX CUT ?? (the CEO national average last year)
THAT IS the OTHER thing us "Union zealots and Liberals" are bitching about - the CEO's throwing the rest of America under the bus to pad their own pockets like chipmunks. while distracting u conservative nutjobs with DOM, tax cuts, and demonising welfare again, like some shiney toy.

And right now the problem is that for too many it doesnt matter is u go to school and get ur education because there's 300+ people applying for every job and the people with work experience (i.e. just got outsourced) gets the job 1st. Leaving that resent grad with a huge student loan, and only Walmart to work for to pay it off....

Only 300? Sometimes it's 1000 people applying for 1 job.
And then u wonder why the current govenment cant build a better economy?? REALLY??

I am really enjoying your enthusiasm.

Actually only 300 applying for 20 jobs?
That's pretty good these days!!

Corporations have been outsourcing millions and millions of jobs overseas for the past 30 years---> NOW, it's time to demand the government help create new jobs ! -----> then we can figure out a way to send those jobs overseas also!

THOUSANDS apply for 200 jobs at Target

4000 people apply for 400 jobs at Hard Rock Cafe

THOUSANDS apply for 175 flight attendant jobs

I could go on and on and on and on and on.

A question I constantly ask myself, "Is THIS still America?"

Soon we will have a million people applying for 10 jobs.
Capitalism at it's best.


DesideriScuri -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 6:43:14 AM)

People bitch and bitch and bitch about CEO's and business owners getting rich and not treating their workers better, or not creating enough jobs. And then, they bitch about the overwhelming number of applicants for each opening. Instead of bitching about not enough job openings, or too many applicants, why the fuck don't these people start their own businesses and create the jobs they want created and pay people the way they believe is proper. If their compensation package is better than the other jobs, they'll have no lack of applicants.

Is it possible, however, that those people, the ones bitching about profits, don't have any understanding of the view from the owner's seat? Could that make a difference? Meh. Probably not. They'd just find the next thing to bitch about.

Lucylastic -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 6:53:01 AM)

it might have something to do with the fact that to start a business you need money...
and in this economy with people applying by the hundreds and even thousands for minimum wage? they cant afford to do so, and they sure as hell cant get loans to start up, without putting a decent amount up front...
When you ant afford rent utilities, gas, clothes? let alone develop an idea? you are screwed.
Or someone steals your idea, buys you out and lets go all the workers... in a "merger"
Crap dood, you think its so dayam easy??? if it was, tons of people would be doing it....
try thinking beneath your apparent pay grade.

Marini -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 7:44:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
People bitch and bitch and bitch about CEO's and business owners getting rich and not treating their workers better, or not creating enough jobs. And then, they bitch about the overwhelming number of applicants for each opening. Instead of bitching about not enough job openings, or too many applicants, why the fuck don't these people start their own businesses and create the jobs they want created and pay people the way they believe is proper. If their compensation package is better than the other jobs, they'll have no lack of applicants.
Is it possible, however, that those people, the ones bitching about profits, don't have any understanding of the view from the owner's seat? Could that make a difference? Meh. Probably not. They'd just find the next thing to bitch about.

Awwwwww shucks now!
The truth does often hurt.


As much as YOU, come on here and BITCH, who are you to worry about what I want to BITCH about?

I have a BIG pot kettle black for you, cause you look like a big boy who needs a big pot.

Isn't it great to live in America, where we have these message boards that we can debate, discuss, chat, and BITCH on to our hearts delight?

I HAVE the right to bitch to my heart's delight, as long or until I get kicked off these message boards, by the mods.

Long live America, where we may not have any/many jobs, but we still can FUCKING BITCH!

The official online "Bitch" wave--->[sm=line.gif][sm=line.gif]
Peace, Love, Blessings, and Let's all enjoy our bitching!!!


thompsonx -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 7:46:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: papassion

This post is a perfect example of the principle of the world market. If you have a store and Walmart moves into town, you have to compete price wise or go bankrupt. You understand that right?

You understand that walmart bribed the polititian that gave the a sweet heart deal on sales tax and property tax so that walmart would have an even greater advantage over the existing businesses.
Is this the principle of the world market you want us to understand?


Then how come Union zealots and Liberals don't understand in the world economy, its the same thing! Lets say We own a "store." (factory, whatever) Walmart (the factories in China, india, etc.) produce goods for less than we do. Guess whos products the people will buy?

Would that not be the purpose of import duties? You know when another government subsidizes a product so that it can be dumped in another country so as to crush the domestic industry and gain market share for the subsidized product.


Do you really think a US manufacturer can pay a man $40/hr with benefits, and compete with a foreign manufacturer paying $7/hr and stay in business?

$40 an hour including benifits is not very much money.
Please refer to the purpose of import duties I mentioned above.


And cut the shit about "US quality." Young "workers" today have a, "so what if it get fired, I was looking for a job when I came here" attitude!

I am not a teenager and I have used that phrase more than once to employers who thought they could repeal the constitution.


Get skills necessary for a good job (education) or get left in the dust. Crying about what you made in the past doesn't mean shit today.

This seems to contradict what you have posted before. If the same skill level is available offshore for 7 bux an hour what does your exhortion to get an education have to do with anything?
You seem to be saying that if the corporation (whom the scotus has pronounced to be the same as real people)can find slave labor offshore then it is appropriate for the corporation to seek to extend that offshore labor back onshore to pay u.s. citizens the same as they pay the offshore slaves.
Why is it that you seek economic freedom for yourself but economic slavery for everyone else?

Lucylastic -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 8:31:08 AM)



Awwwwww shucks now!
The truth does often hurt.


As much as YOU, come on here and BITCH, who are you to worry about what I want to BITCH about?

I have a BIG pot kettle black for you, cause you look like a big boy who needs a big pot.

Isn't it great to live in America, where we have these message boards that we can debate, discuss, chat, and BITCH on to our hearts delight?

I HAVE the right to bitch to my heart's delight, as long or until I get kicked off these message boards, by the mods.

Long live America, where we may not have any/many jobs, but we still can FUCKING BITCH!

The official online "Bitch" wave--->[sm=line.gif][sm=line.gif]
Peace, Love, Blessings, and Let's all enjoy our bitching!!!


The official online "Bitch" wave--->[sm=line.gif][sm=line.gif]
Peace, Love, Blessings, and Let's all enjoy our bitching!!!


papassion -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 8:51:06 AM)

You are talking about what should happen in a "perfect" world. I am talking about what happens in the real world. Life is not fair, get over it! Successful people make things happen, Whiners make excuses. There are too many success stories where dirt poor people went on to be Doctors, Lawyers, executives, etc. There is no reason why a smart, hard working person cannot get an education to be successful. School loans are available to the poor. Many on here will verify these loans are only available to the poor! Every working parent I talked with made too much for their kids to get government loans. If Bill Gates sat and cried in his beer, he wouldn't be rich today. same with Warren buffett, Mark Zuckerburg, etc.

Yes, the government should prevent "dumping" of foreign goods in America. But even if they did, it would not make up the imbalance of wages between foreign and American workers. There are economic facts of life that are absolute wheather you like them or not. I would love to see everybody making 100,000/yr with great benefits, but I live in the real world. Spain, Italy, Ireland and especially Greece are about to leave their vacation from reality. Because the germans work hard and live within their means, Germany is finiancially sound. The dreamers say because germany is rich, they should bail them out. The German people are basically saying fuck them. They made their fantasy land, let them fix it !

And the Liberal idea of unlimited immigration. With 1000's of people applying for 100's of jobs, Do you still think unlimited immigration is a good idea? Yeah, reality again. The illegal immigrant's rights you fight for is the guy who gets free schooling, and gets a better job than you, or worse, YOUR job.

Marini -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 8:56:00 AM)

ALL liberals do NOT support illegal immigration, ESPECIALLY unbridled illegal immigration.

There are actually those of us, that are on the liberal spectrum that have the common sense to realize that this country can just barely take care of the citizens that are already here!

Some of us do realize the boat is full, and we can't putting millions into the already sinking ship!!!

I realize you are new here, I have started many threads on this subject.
Check this out:

NOT supporting unbridled illegal immigration does not make you racist

Most of Middle Class Gains Being Wiped Out

Liberals/Democrats/Conservatives/Republicans have all allowed and supported unbridled illegal immigration.
I am equal opportunity, and I fully realize that BOTH political parties, have contributed to the decline of America.

As America slowly but surely declines into /or damn near 3rd world status, we can BLAME both sides for this phenomena!

Search all the threads that I started years ago {under MzMia}, about how much George Bush LOVED illegal immigrants cause they are only doing jobs Amerikans don't want to do.

We are not all asleep at the damn wheel.
George W. Bush "on immigration issues"

I certainly blame Republicans much more than Democrats for many of the issues/problems we have in this country.

We can certainly ALL take pride in allowing/sitting back/and watching the steady decline in the over-all American standard of living.
As things CONTINUE to get worse, and worse we can all stand around and blame each other!
It is entertaining {if you have the time to spare}, to listen to Republicans and Democrats endlessly fight among each other.
Divide and conquer at it's finest.


DesideriScuri -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 2:51:18 PM)


Awwwwww shucks now!
The truth does often hurt.

As much as YOU, come on here and BITCH, who are you to worry about what I want to BITCH about?
I have a BIG pot kettle black for you, cause you look like a big boy who needs a big pot.

Couldn't keep it impersonal, could ya?


Isn't it great to live in America, where we have these message boards that we can debate, discuss, chat, and BITCH on to our hearts delight?

It's awesome to live in America. Nowhere else I'd rather be. But, if it's changed too much, we'll no longer be America, but just another socialist function awaiting it's inevitable death spiral.


I HAVE the right to bitch to my heart's delight, as long or until I get kicked off these message boards, by the mods.
Long live America, where we may not have any/many jobs, but we still can FUCKING BITCH!

The official online "Bitch" wave--->[sm=line.gif][sm=line.gif]
Peace, Love, Blessings, and Let's all enjoy our bitching!!!


And what point did I say you don't have the right to bitch?

When people disparage the business men and woman for getting paid and whine about not having enough jobs, why don't they start their own businesses and see what it takes? I'm willing to bet that there would be far less bitching and whining if you understood what it took for that business owner to get to where he/she is.

But, if you'd much rather bitch than actually do something about it, be my guest. It'll only work against you in the long run. People will get used to people bitching and whining and will end up just ignoring it.

Your call.

Kudos to your beliefs on illegal immigration, and who to squarely place the blame on (both parties). We have common ground. I am a bit confused though. Allow me to explain:


    Original: Marini (post #75)
    We can certainly ALL take pride in allowing/sitting back/and watching the steady decline in the over-all American standard of living.
    As things CONTINUE to get worse, and worse we can all stand around and blame each other!
    It is entertaining {if you have the time to spare}, to listen to Republicans and Democrats endlessly fight among each other.
    Divide and conquer at it's finest.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you were being sarcastic. If that is the case, then the tenor of your intent lines up with my being annoyed by people bitching but not actually doing anything else about it.

I'd appreciate your shedding some light on this, please.

itsSIRtou -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 4:02:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: papassion

You are talking about what should happen in a "perfect" world. I am talking about what happens in the real world. Life is not fair, get over it! Successful people make things happen, Whiners make excuses. There are too many success stories where dirt poor people went on to be Doctors, Lawyers, executives, etc. There is no reason why a smart, hard working person cannot get an education to be successful. School loans are available to the poor. Many on here will verify these loans are only available to the poor! Every working parent I talked with made too much for their kids to get government loans. If Bill Gates sat and cried in his beer, he wouldn't be rich today. same with Warren buffett, Mark Zuckerburg, etc.

Yes, the government should prevent "dumping" of foreign goods in America. But even if they did, it would not make up the imbalance of wages between foreign and American workers. There are economic facts of life that are absolute wheather you like them or not. I would love to see everybody making 100,000/yr with great benefits, but I live in the real world. Spain, Italy, Ireland and especially Greece are about to leave their vacation from reality. Because the germans work hard and live within their means, Germany is finiancially sound. The dreamers say because germany is rich, they should bail them out. The German people are basically saying fuck them. They made their fantasy land, let them fix it !

And the Liberal idea of unlimited immigration. With 1000's of people applying for 100's of jobs, Do you still think unlimited immigration is a good idea? Yeah, reality again. The illegal immigrant's rights you fight for is the guy who gets free schooling, and gets a better job than you, or worse, YOUR job.

ur still in LALA land arent u? Sure lifes not fair, but thats no reason to continue to be illogical & stupid about it ether, with rare exception of mr zuckerburg, all that u mentioned started WAY back at the start of an budding industry. well ahead of this GOP caused Mess.

Sure school loans are available, but AGAIN when u do all that and come out with a ton of loans and dirt pay for wages to pay for it, what the hell is that education worth? I have a friend who just finished law school and is staring at $132K worth of student loans!! And now is looking at working for starbucks selling coffee!!! Even with well-off parents!!

OK!! Sure start ur own business, but when u have the aforementioned student loan debt load who in their right or left mind is going to give u a damn biz loan??

HELLO??? earth to bonehead?? NOBODY!?!

u conservatives only wanted to limit immigration thinking if u did,.. Americans would take the jobs the migrant workers did....... that idea lasted about a week. Crickets chirping in the silence and all!! Anybody remember the challenge from the United Farm worker union that Americans would gladly work jobs illegals did? Wasnt it big news when only a few people showed up?

Why? Because it cost too much for an AMERICAN family to work the fields. not even high school students showed up for wages that were as much dirt as the plants they would of pulled out of the ground. AGAIN, what the hell is it worth to work when u LOSE money doing it?? IF just getting to work costs more than ur income, WHY THE HELL DO IT?? unless ur now going to advocate families live like the immigrants do... just so the wealthy dont pay more in taxes or taking less in pay raises for themselves... u'd deserve the ass kicking that u'd get for the even mentioning of it.

Wait till walmart has to pay more for produce because Americans demand better pay for working the fields, (watch how long unions stay out of that battle!) ...and ya bucky, ur getting that cost passed to u, instead of the bosses absorbing it. bet me on that one!

And u wonder why drug dealing that used to happen in just the inner cities is now going country. u can make more money selling drugs in a day, than a regular 40 hour job. shades of prohibition!! u got people building pot & meth labs just to try to save their homes. drug dealing is no longer a ghetto thing its becoming a middle class survival mode.

Marini -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 7:06:36 PM)


When people disparage the business men and woman for getting paid and whine about not having enough jobs, why don't they start their own businesses and see what it takes? I'm willing to bet that there would be far less bitching and whining if you understood what it took for that business owner to get to where he/she is.

But, if you'd much rather bitch than actually do something about it, be my guest. It'll only work against you in the long run. People will get used to people bitching and whining and will end up just ignoring it.

Your call.

Kudos to your beliefs on illegal immigration, and who to squarely place the blame on (both parties). We have common ground. I am a bit confused though. Allow me to explain:

People might not get "used to" bitching and whining.
People MIGHT start to organize and start doing a bit more than bitch and whine.

Let me state this as succinctly as possible.

I BLAME both political major political parties, {Republicans and Democrats}, for directly being responsible for the outsourcing of the American economy.
I find the Republican party PRIMARILY responsible for the current economic conditions in this country.

Both parties depend/cater to wealthy large corporate and wealthy donors.

When you get right down to "it", what groups really have the most power in this country?

Marini -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 7:32:55 PM)


HELLO??? earth to bonehead?? NOBODY!?!
u conservatives only wanted to limit immigration thinking if u did,.. Americans would take the jobs the migrant workers did....... that idea lasted about a week. Crickets chirping in the silence and all!! Anybody remember the challenge from the United Farm worker union that Americans would gladly work jobs illegals did? Wasnt it big news when only a few people showed up?

Why? Because it cost too much for an AMERICAN family to work the fields. not even high school students showed up for wages that were as much dirt as the plants they would of pulled out of the ground. AGAIN, what the hell is it worth to work when u LOSE money doing it?? IF just getting to work costs more than ur income, WHY THE HELL DO IT?? unless ur now going to advocate families live like the immigrants do... just so the wealthy dont pay more in taxes or taking less in pay raises for themselves... u'd deserve the ass kicking that u'd get for the even mentioning of it.

Wait till walmart has to pay more for produce because Americans demand better pay for working the fields, (watch how long unions stay out of that battle!) ...and ya bucky, ur getting that cost passed to u, instead of the bosses absorbing it. bet me on that one!
-**what is a ya bucky?**
And u wonder why drug dealing that used to happen in just the inner cities is now going country. u can make more money selling drugs in a day, than a regular 40 hour job. shades of prohibition!! u got people building pot & meth labs just to try to save their homes. drug dealing is no longer a ghetto thing its becoming a middle class survival mode.

If this is true, we are in worse shape than even I imagined.
It is the best of times, and it is the worst of times.

Aylee -> RE: Wal-Mart driving down wages (6/12/2012 7:43:30 PM)





Marini, I am a Maoist, which is an updated form of Marxism (yes, the philosophy that throws conservatives into seizures). I know all too well the problems with capitalism, and the need to replace it with something better. If you would like, I can share some literature with you.


Something better is the death of 40-70 million people,

Whch 40-70 million people are you speaking of?
What did they die from?

The 40-70 million Chinese that are DEAD and do not exist anymore. Mostly they died from starvation.




Just how did mao cause a famine?

Sending the city folks out to farm. They did not know how. Farming is a bit more difficult than you give it credit for.



mass suicide,

How did mao cause mass suicide?

It is a cultural thing.



and political persecution?

How would you describe the difference between teniman square and wounded knee?

I wouldn't. Furthermore, this is about Chairman Mao. He died in 1976. Teniman Sqaure was not until 1989. There is nothing to discuss.



Oh, and let's throw in the destruction of cultural artifacts and destroying religious sites.

cite please?

Go look at the destroyed religious sites. Oh, wait. You can't. They have been destroyed.




Just wow.

I think that I can do without your "Great Leap Forward."

Are you sugesting that china is worse off today than it was 70-100 years ago?

That is subjective. I am discussing facts.

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