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10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 12:36:57 AM   

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The best way I’ve heard submission described was at M/s conference in 08. Submission is not following your Master. It is preceding him, clearing the path, and reporting back to him on any pitfalls or problems you see ahead. It is trusting him, to guide and navigate, to keep you safe.

The most common way I’ve heard Dominance described uses words that I wouldn’t use to describe a dog. Especially today – there are a LOT of anti-Dominant posts, and a lot of “Submissives Deserve XYZ” posts. But one thing I’ve almost never heard…what do Dominants deserve? Where is our "10" list?

1. Know your Responsibilities.

Dominants have responsibilities. We hear a LOT about that in our community. We have the responsibility to be forgiving and understanding. We have the responsibility to be strong and independent. We have the responsibility to be wise and patient, and to be controlled and in control of ourselves and our partners. We have to accept accountability for whatever happens with the submissive. We have the responsibility to take responsibility (and accountability) for both our actions, and (often) our submissives’ actions.

Well, submissive responsibilities exist too. (No, not “suck my dick daily” kinds of responsibilities. Those are play rules, or relationship kinks.) Responsibilities in submission are supposed to include communication with your Dominant. Having patience with the relationship. Working to build trust with your partner. And having realistic expectations of the relationship, while understanding the meaning of discretion when things need work. You know…all the stuff below?

2. Remember Patience?

Patience is a virtue, virtue is a grace, and grace is a little girl…

When you start dating someone – you don’t ask them to marry you the first week out. Nor the first month, or (hopefully) the first year. So why are you in a rush to be “collared” immediately? Why is there this pressure to invent a myriad variety of “collars” to validate every single status change in the relationship? Date. Hang out. Talk.

The same with fetishes. I understand you are a HUGE anal slut. But let’s build up to that. Yes, I can probably put together a scene with 23 different ass sensation toys, and a half dozen different positions, with FancyRopeWork (tm). But why? Let’s share other experiences. Let’s learn each other before moving into what should be a permanent relationship.

It takes time before a dominant becomes YOUR Master. It takes time for us to learn your little idiosyncrasies. It takes experience to recognize your body language, and to be able to intuit your fears and your feelings. There will be false starts, and stops, and pitfalls, and awkward situations. If you actually want a relationship with your Dominant…be realistic about it. (see #3)

Expecting us to immediately rock your happens sometimes. But most of the time, it takes time and effort before we know you well enough to really rock out.

3. Have Realistic Expectations.

You aren't perfect? Well, neither am We. We’re learning every day. A good Dominant (one who will eventually be worthy of the title “Master”) is constantly working on those imperfections, through self-help, personal exploration, educational classes, and reading. Expecting a 29 year old to pay for all your dates, have a fully equipped dungeon, be the perfect boyfriend, help pay your rent when you’re behind, god-like lover, and be a Master-of-All-Toys is, frankly, naive.

It takes a lot of work to build a relationship - and that relationship has to be built from both ends. We understand that you are sacrificing a lot when you surrender your body - often, so are we (see #9). We are as giving as we can be of our time, our money, and our emotions. It hurts us just as much when we're dropped, dumped, manipulated or lied to. But, you may have noticed, we don’t have “Dominant support” groups, by and large. So while you’re risking more of your body and heart on the front end – we’re risking a hell of a lot of our soul and our mind on the back end.

If we’re with you, and making an honest effort…respect that. We respect you (even when we’re calling you cunts while whipping your ass) for your ability to take pain and suffering and then turn it into something amazing. We recognize your talents and efforts. Please, recognize ours.

4. Consistency.

It’s a real roller coaster ride to have a submissive who is one person in the morning, another at night, and a complete third when she skips her meds (see #7). And roller coasters are fun…but they don’t make for great daily activities.

We’re going to do the best we can to enforce the rules consistently. To respond to your needs as much as we can, when we can. To be the same Dominant on Monday that we are Saturday night. What we ask in return? The same thing from you. Make the effort (see #9) to follow those rules. Don’t give us the A#1 effort Saturday night at the party, and then just coast on the relationship for the rest of the week.

There’s something to be said for a sub who is the same Monday through Sunday in her level of devotion, her level of commitment, and her level of caring. We honestly don’t care if that level is low, medium, high, or barely existent. We’ll work with that – that’s what a Dominant does. We motivate, we train, and we guide. But if you’re giving us a different persona and a different level of submission every other day… the greatest Master in the scene couldn’t deal with that 24/7. Neither can we.

5. Discretion within the relationship.

Yeah, so. Going online and chatting in a slaves group, or on Fet, about how your Master doesn't scratch your itch, or how you're so disappointed he didn't do SexyMoveA#1 last night? That's not cool. We don't (believe it or not) go around gossiping with every Dominant we know about how tight your ass was last night, or how funny you looked sobbing after an emotional edge play scene. Please have the same courtesy - don't assume that just because you're the submissive, you can talk about anything in our relationship that you want to and call it "submissive sharing". If you have a genuine issue in the relationship - we should be the first person you talk to about it. Not your online friends. See #10 about that.

This is not an endorsement of abuse. If you are being abused (physically, emotionally, financially, psychologically, sexually, etc.), for the love of God, go to your local shelter. Your nearest victim advocate. Or the closest police station.

But please bear in mind – below that particular level? Relationships will always have problems…talking to your partner solves a LOT of them.

6. Trust. (No really, actual trust, not "earn it or else" trust)

No, this doesn’t mean trust me immediately from word one. That would be insane.
But this ties in with #8 and #9. You’ve heard the old adage “trust takes time”? Well, trust also takes effort. And communication (see #10). From both parties. Trust is a two way street. If your Dominant has to constantly prove that he’s worthy of your trust, then why are you with him?

I was once with a woman who had me convinced that it was a Dominant’s job to constantly be earning and re-earning trust. I heard the mantra of “a Master /earns/ trust” at least once a day. The entire relationship was one long marathon of constant effort to “earn” her trust by doing everything she wanted, and never disagreeing with her. It took a slap ‘round the head and shoulders by a senior Dominant and very trusted friend before I realized that I was being used.

7. Sanity.

This is a no brainer. But unfortunately, it rarely gets spoken of in our lifestyle. If you have depression, bi-polar, manic episodes, or have been described by previous friends, dominants or family members as a "wild and crazy" type...the odds are that you, in fact, need therapy. Possibly medication. There’s no shame in that – a HUGE percentage of people in this modern world have psychological issues that need to be addressed with pills or therapy. Please seek it BEFORE approaching a dominant. We, in return, will attempt to do the same for our own issues. Entering deeply emotional and effort-related relationships should be done AFTER the mental health issues are addressed and under control.

8. Stop Recycling the Past.

Your last Dominant hurt you. Or didn't measure up. I understand that, personally. My last submissive didn't either (see #7). But that said...this is us, starting fresh. I certainly want to know if your last Dom was abusive, hurtful, or cruel. You need to know if my last submissive was, too. That's part of the whole "communication skills" thing in #10 and it will affect how we interact. I do NOT, however, need to hear a daily address list of the A-Z of everything you ever disliked about him...or a weekly update on how I compare to him. Considering that I probably don't do any of the former, and don't care about the latter. This is a new relationship. You wouldn't enjoy me constantly comparing you, out loud, to my last girl. You wouldn't enjoy an intimate partner constantly comparing you to their last lover. I don't enjoy it either. Keep the past, in the past.

9. Honest Effort and Understanding.

You want us to know how hard submission is? Well, we want you to know how hard Domination is. We have to think in three dimensions about the emotional and psychological impact of everything from our tone of voice to our tools, from our clothes and cologne to our cock and cunt hair. It's exhausting at times, and just like submissives...sometimes we burn out. Sometimes we're too tired to be SparkleMasterLeatherDom/me. And just like we are expected (by our Dominant brothers and sisters, if not by our submissives) to be consistently understanding and supportive of slaves rights and feelings...we deserve a little consideration ourselves.

10. Communication Skills.

Domination AND submission. Master AND slave. Top AND bottom. Please note the "and". You AND me. Kenova AND Cassie. Snowy AND Toy. The "and"? That has a lot of meaning. It means that just as much as you expect us, the Dominants, to communicate with you about your training and performance...we expect the same. We deserve the same. If you have concerns - you need to talk to us, not post it on Fetlife. If you feel hurt, you need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with your Dom, not slam them to all of your friends. If you honestly believe that your Dom has problems? Talk to them about it. Be a big girl/boy/boi/slave/slut/whore/bottom/queer/toy/androgyne.

But if you can't communicate at least as well as you expect your Dominant to communicate to you? If you aren’t making the honest effort (see #9) to become a better communicator? Then you're the problem, not the Dom.


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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 2:33:52 AM   

Posts: 66
Joined: 1/1/2004
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ORIGINAL: Maxmillean

Responsibilities in submission are supposed to include communication with your Dominant. Having patience with the relationship. Working to build trust with your partner. And having realistic expectations of the relationship, while understanding the meaning of discretion when things need work. You know…all the stuff below?

Excellent post, @Maxmillean. As it happens, I train submissives in all of those points, but that's because while the women I've been in relationships with were eager to learn, few of them really understood that they needed to practice submissive Principles like Trust, Transparency (Communication), Loyalty (Discretion), Patience, and Dedication (Honest Effort and Understanding). I meet a lot of submissives who have a wonderfully deep desire to be trained, especially once they fully understand what it is to be an excellent submissive. But it's a lot to learn, even more work to practice, and it's out of their comfort zone and thus can be a strain.

The hard part about it is that Suburban Sue attitudes (the PaleoFeminist doctrines that men are inferior and have to learn to be just like women) is deeply ingrained in popular culture. It's so pervasive that submissive women have to change attitudes that they don't even notice they have. The anti-submissive nature of our entire culture is so universal that for most people it's presence is as natural and unnoticed as air.

For example, a lot of submissives have told me stories of submissive support groups turning into what they referred to as "Subbie Bitch Sessions". That's a Loyalty issue. It's something that submissives can get sucked into easily unless they're forewarned and watching out for it; our whole culture celebrates the Suburban Sue scenario of women snarking on their men, and it's so ingrained it's a hard attitude to overcome.

Similarly, Doms often have to work hard to "Man Up" and learn to be - not just act - like a Man. Every single day of our lives our present culture has told them, in a hundred small and large ways, that it was bad to be a Man. Now, submissive women want Men instinctively, not just in their fantasies. And Dominant men want their women to be submissive. But the cultural pressure tends to cause Doms to unconsciously slip into Vanilla relationship mode, and that of course makes the submissive unhappy. And then the Suburban Sue attitudes of disrespect come back out.

I've found that for me, a consistent program of training helps keep us both on track. It's easier to change attitudes force-fed to us our whole lives if you work at them every day. It's also easier for the Dom to discipline her, and to live a principled life, when it's a daily activity.

Personally, my methods of discipline lean heavily on paying attention to what submissives do right; my punishments for mistakes or carelessness, etc, thus can be pretty light. What I do punish harshly is any hint of Suburban Sue attitudes, and I do it instantly - that works better than anything else I know of.

< Message edited by warlock1935 -- 6/10/2012 2:35:58 AM >

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 2:47:27 AM   

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@ warlock1935 ,,,,,,,, Profound gratitude for the valuable information



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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 3:26:49 AM   

Posts: 5159
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From: Montana
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Did I miss the question?


We are stardust, we are golden, and we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Yes, I am crazy about feathered creatures. I have a dozen chickens, 3 ducks, 5 geese, and 2 parakeets.

Revise that number. Just got 14 new chicks and 5 turkeys.

(in reply to Maxmillean)
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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 3:35:03 AM   

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I think I missed it too.

I read the list, found it to be fairly standard. Without the question, it's best suited for journal-fodder.


There's nowt so queer as folk

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 4:28:35 AM   

Posts: 5159
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From: Montana
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Glad I wasn't the only one to miss the question. 

Some people feel the need to lecture us for our own good.  As usual, the things my Dominant needs from me are not on that list at all.  So it's only relevent to the OP. 


We are stardust, we are golden, and we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Yes, I am crazy about feathered creatures. I have a dozen chickens, 3 ducks, 5 geese, and 2 parakeets.

Revise that number. Just got 14 new chicks and 5 turkeys.

(in reply to myotherself)
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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 4:43:59 AM   

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From: Darlington, United Kingdom
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Well I must have been a pretty terrible slave then, as I was misdiagnosed as a depressive for nearly 20 years before seeing yet another psychiatrist and getting a correct diagnosis of bi-polar. I have been medicated correctly for only 18 months. The difference is remarkable, so it is clearly the correct diagnosis now. I don't believe that was my failure. I asked for help of the medical profession, was fortunate to have remarkable partners who worked with me through difficult times and under the OP's list somehow that is my fault. I think perhaps I spot a "I had this problem in my life and never want to deal with it again" issue for the OP, if that's the case, my sympathies (and if it's not apologies for projecting on you) but most of us are just doing the best we can and sometimes that means even when we ask for help/advice we aren't necessarily getting the best help/advice available. Sometimes we need the support and help of our partners whilst we get issues sorted.

Oh and btw what on earth happens if your sub has a breakdown whilst you're with them? Or your dominant for that matter? I would hope to stand side by side and work through hard times personally.

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 5:07:19 AM   

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I agree strongly with #5, although I disagree with the word "discretion", which has come to be a code for cheating and being quiet about it.

I consider #4 (consistency) to be subjective and unrealistic, #7 (Sanity) to not be completely realistic (I know some people that will always have issues and they are actively managing them. I do agree that issues that are not being actively managed are a definite no), While I agree with #8, I find it impossible to fully achieve at my age (50s).


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

(in reply to Deliena)
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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 5:10:54 AM   

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I can be several different people in the space of an hour and that's on the medication.... hehe but then I probably *am* batshit crazy tbf

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 5:14:41 AM   

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For me it sounds like an instruction manual, but it will not work this way with every woman because we all are different, thank God!

@Deliena! I totally agree with you, it has got something to do with feelings for each other, missed them on these 10 points.

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 5:24:07 AM   

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I admit I've browsed rather quickly through the 10 points.. but I seem to have noticed it lacks one thing that is paramount for myself..
a sense of humour and the ability not to take oneself too seriously.. for both the dom and the sub in the equation
in fact, the lack of said element makes me raise eyebrows (I don't know why I was about to write elbows ) about several of the other points

< Message edited by meltingpot -- 6/10/2012 5:26:44 AM >

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 5:35:29 AM   

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ORIGINAL: meltingpot

I admit I've browsed rather quickly through the 10 points.. but I seem to have noticed it lacks one thing that is paramount for myself..
a sense of humour and the ability not to take oneself too seriously.. for both the dom and the sub in the equation
in fact, the lack of said element makes me raise eyebrows (I don't know why I was about to write elbows ) about several of the other points

Perhaps you were about to delight us with a round of the funky gibbon? Although you are probably far too young to know what I'm on about so I'll link you the vid :Dx

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 6:06:02 AM   

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Here we go again.....

So basically the same responsibilities for any single relationship on the planet.

Amazing huh?


Nothing has changed
Everything has changed

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 6:06:44 AM   

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that's funny... bill oddie apparently always had a beard...
too young? google says yes.
also, not a brit, which I asume would have limited my exposure to them if I HAD been of the right age.

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 6:17:42 AM   

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well at least I could bring you some '70's "culture" and brighten your day :D

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 6:30:20 AM   

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Especially today – there are a LOT of anti-Dominant posts,

Really? I hadn't noticed. Got some links? Please do provide examples of anti-Dominant-as-acategory posts, not just posts about a particular Dominant who was in fact egregious.


and a lot of “Submissives Deserve XYZ” posts.

Well, there's this one about what one particular submissive wants, - got more examples?

(in reply to Maxmillean)
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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 6:35:50 AM   

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The hard part about it is that Suburban Sue attitudes (the PaleoFeminist doctrines that men are inferior and have to learn to be just like women) is deeply ingrained in popular culture. It's so pervasive that submissive women have to change attitudes that they don't even notice they have. The anti-submissive nature of our entire culture is so universal that for most people it's presence is as natural and unnoticed as air.

You are correct in that this completely escaped my notice when I lived in Massachusetts, Texas, Colorado, New York, and Florida.

(in reply to warlock1935)
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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 6:48:55 AM   

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Very good relationship advice for any couple, but most especially the newer ones.

I very much liked this statement:

Submission is not following your Master. It is preceding him, clearing the path, and reporting back to him on any pitfalls or problems you see ahead. It is trusting him, to guide and navigate, to keep you safe.

This is the way himself and I do it, and b/c of our personalities, it just works out great. I have a huge amount of latitude and autonomy within the relationship, and he has minimal (what he would consider) unnecessary management and minutia to deal with.


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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 6:55:40 AM   

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Needing things from a submissive doesn't sound too dominant to me. Just to pick at the language a little bit. Its always admirable (if not futile) to codify synergy, but if I had to summarize your list it would be: Try too bring positive, constructive energy to your relationship.

< Message edited by cloudboy -- 6/10/2012 6:56:25 AM >

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RE: 10 things a Dominant needs from a submissive - 6/10/2012 7:36:05 AM   

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oh for fuck sake people PLEASE stop stealing shit from other sites and posting it without giving credit to who wrote it.


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I do this because it fucking feels good.
I like girls who like girls
The thing about standards is: There are SO many to choose from.

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