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Joined: 4/13/2004 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: relay Feminism is about power and the political agenda of a small group of women who use women for their pawns very much as Hitler used the german people to gain his personal goals. Are you kidding me with that? Comparing feminism to Hitler! Feminism is NOT GENOCIDE! Feminism is based upon a lie . Feminism is a cruel religion, it is cruel to women not men, it places women into positions that most women are not equipped to handle and allows them to be abused raped or even murdered because of where they have gone. There have been feminists since the begining of time, my friend. If it wasn't for feminism, women wouldn't have the right to vote, go to college, get an education, or be able to live without financially depending on a man. Not to mention which, many men have NOT fulfilled THEIR familial obligations, leaving women folk to fend for themselves and their children, by working, struggling, and doing the best they can to survive! (also, your comments are heterosexist, b/c you assume all women are straight). Might i remind you that historically, society has depended on women to do "men's work" in manufacturing, and work which required rigorous physical labor. And feminism allows women to get raped? Surely you jest! Women have been getting raped by their husbands, boyfriends, lovers, partners for centuries, even the "good little" homemakers! i don't think feminism "allows" that at all; in fact b/c so many women have fought for their rights, to be treated as a human being, (heaven forbid!) and protect themselves from "aggressive men." Feminism is antagonistic to children in the extreme. The feminists are happy when they can eliminate the problem of children early on like through abortion which they fight so hard for. Personally, i don't know anyone who was "happy" to have an abortion. I"VE had an abortion, and it was not an easy decision to make. Yes, we used a condom, it broke, we were young, we were in school and had no money. Would it have been better for us to drop out of school, make minimum wage forever, and wind up resenting the child, or not having enough money to feed the child, maybe have to go on welfare? That wasn't the right decision for US, my partner and i had lengthy discussions before making that choice, do i regret having an abortion? Never. Ever wonder why there is not alot of feminists against abortion? no it`s not because they want to give the woman a choice. If the woman has the abortion she will think differently about having another child , depression of killing an unborn and all the negativity that comes with it will make her focus more on work and populate the female presence in the corporate world and this cannot possibly tie her down to a homemaker role. Something they detest. Again, i disagree. There are many feminists who are more than happy to stay at home, take care of the kids, and keep house. Feminism allowed (s) women to MAKE A CHOICE as to whether they want and/or can afford to stay at home. Many families these days REQUIRE two incomes. If that fails they attempt to push children into daycare centers where mothers can avoid the task of actually raising and loving their children. - And men don't play a role in taking care of children? My brother-in-law is a stay at home dad b/c he can't keep a job, which forces my sister to be the breadwinner in the family! Let's not forget that the very men that straight women are supposed to rely upon also have problems, alcoholism, mental illness, drug addiction, and may be incapable of holding down a job. What then? Should we resort to making women live like they did under the Taliban rule? Women are not permitted to work, men leave them, (die or whatever) and they are forced to beg for moldy food crumbs to feed their child while they themselves starve to death? Have you heard the feminist motto.. " a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" If that is not a clear declaration on the institution of marriage i don`t know what is.. For this reason alone feminism is not compatible with civilization. Without feminism, we would NOT be a civilized society! Feminism is a dagger aimed right at the heart of families, if that dagger is successfully placed, then our civilization is bound to fail and be eventually terminated, something so stupid like that which feminists arrogantly refuse to acknowledge ...sigh....! Does this sound like "Hitler" once again? remember he started with the Jews but that`s as far as he got, who knows who is next targets were ? If you feel THAT threatened, then there is something wrong with you. There is no relation between feminism and Hitler. However, i do see a coorelation between fundamentalist Christians and Hitler. Feminism is not about equality because we always need a balance of strong and weak. That being said, should we resort to enslavement of black folks from Africa and the Carribean too, so that the white folks can feel "strong?" Feminism is a poison and it has been polluting our world for 30 years, it`s end is near, what in God's name makes you think that? and i`m glad.. I say this whole-heartedly when i mention the fact that one good thing came out of this movement, women of today are more educated and have better schooling than those of the 70`s so now they can finally see for themselves what Feminism really stands for and not be manipulated from their own gender ! Oh please! So women should resort to being disrespected, shit on, and producing children until their death? Hmm, i'll pass thanks. I wonder how one can even have these attitudes and be into BDSM. Your beliefs appear to be more in sync with Fundamentalist Christians, who would most assuredly have YOU stoned for your interest and participation in BDSM! and Estring: et tu Brutus? (i did have a great deal of respect for you, but alas....no more, it's one thing to be a Republican, but really!). ~rain~
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. - James Dean