RE: two worlds of trust (Full Version)

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Brosco -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 9:17:37 AM)


Sorry if I ruffled feathers, there, Brosco.

No apology necessary and no ruffled feathers here, and I apologise if you feel I singled you out on this one.

I also apologise for my typo ...  I meant r/l... lol ...   I can't imagine what r/f could possibly mean, but I'm sure we can come up with something .. our world is full of acronyms  :)

The point I was trying to make is that while the majority of the people here are quick to see a black or white case of cheating, no one bothered to see the shades of grey.  No one looked outside their own set of values and morals before making a judgement.  No one even checked where in the list she was ...  no one considered that given the degrees that we may draw the line at different places.

sskitten seems to have looked at her own situation very seriously and made an objective decision.  Whether it is the decision I would make is irrelevent, but if its the right (or best) decision for her in her own judgement then she should go for it.

Did you notice that sskitten did not ask for advice?  She simply created a new thread after seeing another and didn't want to hijack it.  She expressed opinion about a situation she is going through and bravely posted it here, and I suspect, fully contemplating the responses she may receive.  I can see that its not easy for her and I can only assume that part of the reason for the post was to get her thoughts in order to rationalize them.  (I often find that writing something out to explain a situation to others helps me differentiate between emotion and facts).

Did you also notice that sskitten didn't say if she intended to continue with her choice.  Maybe she will get a divorce and move to the D/s relationship - maybe she will choose to stay where she is - maybe she will choose to forgo D/s and return to her 'nilla husband - but for now, she has documented where she is.  She didn't ask for support, she didn't ask for acceptance, she simply stated a simple timeslice.

I have 2 friends that recently went thru this delemma.  They were each married to vanilla spouses and 'cheated'.  2 weeks ago, after divorces, they got married.  But you see, not only do we have to find the line that defines cheating, we also have to define the line that allows us to forsake our marriage vows to pursue an alternative lifestyle.  Along with looking at my list and define what is cheating, can you also draw the line when you should look for a divorce rather than just exploring the importance of something to you?  See, there is a time element here, and sskitten is in that grey area.  She deserves support, not attacks, as she works her way thru her delemma.


Proprietrix -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 10:19:59 AM)

(Fast reply)

I’m not sure what responses you were looking for here, (although I would guess it is to receive validation of yourself, especially since you made a call for support via announcing your yahoo group) but I can provide my personal beliefs and where I stand on the topic of cheating.

I will not become involved with a cheating spouse for several reasons.

One of those main reasons is that I believe a cheating spouse lacks integrity. And this is exactly what justifies me in saying "Once a cheater, always a cheater." If you lack integrity on one playing field, there is nothing that will make me believe you will hold steadfast to integrity on any other playing field.

You explained why you have a double set of standards, why you stepped out on a relationship, why you lie. To me, the why isn’t as important as the fact that you live by an ethical code in which these actions are justified. That speaks to your character as a whole. It tells me you are someone who is willing to compromise integrity in certain situations. It also tells me that you are someone who lacks courage. You are so comfortable with your marital status quo that you are unwilling to rock the boat for the sake of honesty. It tells me that you are selfish and willing to engage in trickery to get what you want, regardless of who you have to deceive to get it.
I am looking for partners who are steadfast in their integrity and not willing to set it aside for personal gain.

Another reason I will not become involved with a cheater is the effect that it has on all parties involved. You have shown the effects it has on you, as the cheater. And many people are well aware of the effects it can have on the spouse who is being cheated on. But many times it goes overlooked the effects it has on the 3rd party, the "other woman", which is what I would be.

If I become involved with a man who is cheating on his wife, I’m automatically expected to sacrifice many things. I have to go into the relationship knowing that I can never consider a physical commitment. He may or may not cease sexual and intimate relationships with his wife. I can never expect him to move in with me and become a member of my household. He may or may not be available when I need him. I can’t rest assured of his availability, because I will always come second to his responsibilities to his spouse, his home, his kids, his job, or whatever obligations he already has in place that he cannot waiver on. I will have to accept that I am a "dirty little secret" and that, even though I personally am not cheating on anyone, I have to hide certain actions, take precautions about where I go and who I am seen with.

A lot of those things are sacrifices I’m just not willing to make for the sake of a casual partner. And it would be a casual partner for precisely the reasons I named above (no deep commitment, no 24/7, no live-in, no hope of this progressing, etc..) Why should I limit my choices, and lower my values for a cheater and a liar, when I could simply go find a partner who is honest and forthright in the first place?

I know a woman who is involved with a married man, and the things I see her lower herself to are astounding to me. Ducking down in the back seat. Getting a baby-sitter so they can have anonymous meet-ups at a hotel. Using certain ring-tones to know who is calling. Using cryptic codes to exchange emails so wifey doesn’t catch on. And the lies… the constant lies and cover-ups. "He’s going to tell his wife that he is fishing with the guys." Putting someone else on the phone to confirm the lies. Dragging other people into the cover-ups. Deceit after deceit. And she walks away from it all saying "I don’t know why I continue to see him. I love him, but I know that we’ll never have anything more than what we have now."

It seems like you are trying to say "I lie, but I am not a liar. I cheat, but I am not a cheater. I’ve been unfaithful, but I am not an unfaithful person. I deceive, but I am not deceitful."
It can’t be both ways. You can’t cheat, lie, deceive, and be unfaithful, but then turn around and say that you are trustworthy, loyal, and honest. It’s not just a double-standard. It’s contradictory. It’s just another lie in your huge pot of dishonesty.
No one can act like an asshole and expect to be treated like a person of strong character.
I can say I’m a non-smoker all day long, but the fact that I’m smoking proves otherwise.
Actions speak louder than words. Especially about integrity.

As for judging, I absolutely hold the right to do so. It is what keeps me safe and happy in my own relationships. I judge pedophiles. I judge murderers. I judge assholes. I judge cheaters. I am not about to start walking around with my head in cloud nine with this "don’t judge others" attitude, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, regardless of their immoral actions. I judge others so that I can determine whether or not it’s safe and smart to open my doors and heart to them. One judgment that I have made in life is that cheaters are liars and liars are hurtful. Since I don’t want hurt, I don’t open my doors to cheaters. Every time we "size someone up" for a relationship, we are judging whether or not they fit our set of standards.
I think people may be confusing "making assumptions about someone" as "judging them". I’m not assuming that cheaters are liars. They have flat out told me they are lying. I don’t assume to know how or why or when or where they lied. Frankly, I don’t care. All I care about is the fact that they are a liar and a cheater by their own admission. And yes, I’m going to judge them by that. My judgment goes far enough to say "I see you as harmful and therefor you are not welcome in my emotional realm." What they do or don’t do after that is not my business.

BrattyBottomRN -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 11:13:22 AM)


yeah, I cheat... no I'm not a monster.  I cheat to accomplish something.  Yeah that sucks for my husband and yeah it's a horrible thing to do.  But the alternative is giving my child a divorced household because mom needs kink. 

It seems to be split here, there are a lot of people who think when we "cheaters" get our hearts broken (like silly little naieve, inexperienced me just did) by a Dom, we deserve it.  We don't.  Nobody deserves that.

And SHIT why does everybody have to be so damned judgemental?  Walk a mile in our shoes, then judge!  Spend ten minutes in my head, twenty minutes with my emotions, then talk.  I'm with ya chickie.   (((((((hugs)))))))

sabswife -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 11:21:15 AM)


Quite a few people on here a successfully living in open or poly relationships, so you might find it trite, but they are putting these concepts to use everyday in their lives.

i have no problem with open or poly relationships, they are just that OPEN.  its when you have to sneak around behind someones back, lying and betraying that i have the personal problem with.

champagnewishes -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 11:22:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: BrattyBottomRN


yeah, I cheat... no I'm not a monster.  I cheat to accomplish something.  Yeah that sucks for my husband and yeah it's a horrible thing to do.  But the alternative is giving my child a divorced household because mom needs kink. 

It seems to be split here, there are a lot of people who think when we "cheaters" get our hearts broken (like silly little naieve, inexperienced me just did) by a Dom, we deserve it.  We don't.  Nobody deserves that.

And SHIT why does everybody have to be so damned judgemental?  Walk a mile in our shoes, then judge!  Spend ten minutes in my head, twenty minutes with my emotions, then talk.  I'm with ya chickie.   (((((((hugs)))))))

I'm sorry BrattyBottomRN...i have walked a mile in your shoes...maybe not the exact brand, but i have been there.  You can wrap it in any pretty little package you want but the bottom line is still the same. 

Better your child come from a divorced household than live with a mother in whom they have no respect because she lied and cheated. 

I took a different route.  I divorced my husband.  I would rather die than lose my own self respect in addition to the respect of the two most important people in this world to children. 

kittensmailbox -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 11:22:49 AM)

i have to agree with sskitten...  my former Master was married, at first i did not care, however after awhile i got tied of sleeping alone and coming in second...
i say be honest... i am very honest {not perfect, but honest}...  There is a vanilla guy that i am kinda dating and told him up front that i need BDSM in my life and that i have a friend that i scene with until i am able to find a Master who desires to collar me...  If my vanilla guy cant deal with it, then we are either not meant to be, or he needs to learn about BDSM...

Sab -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 11:28:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittensmailbox

i have to agree with sskitten...  my former Master was married, at first i did not care, however after awhile i got tied of sleeping alone and coming in second...
i say be honest... i am very honest {not perfect, but honest}...  There is a vanilla guy that i am kinda dating and told him up front that i need BDSM in my life and that i have a friend that i scene with until i am able to find a Master who desires to collar me...  If my vanilla guy cant deal with it, then we are either not meant to be, or he needs to learn about BDSM...

That, I find, is perfectly acceptable, the person(s) concerned are upfront about it, and you may find that the nilla is willing and able to learn about BDSM, D/s etc - but cheating is just that, cheating!

Because we live this life does not proclude us from the responcibility of being honest - and honesty has to be at the core of this lifestyle as well as trust - and you cannot trust a dishonest cheat! End of!

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 12:05:31 PM)

Everyone knows that it's better to hide who you are, break the commitments you hold dear and lie to everyone you care about so you can continue the facade of having a stable family while selfishly getting your kink on.

She's just teaching her kids the right values.  They look up to her as a role model for how to handle their own lives you know.

Sab -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 12:22:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

Everyone knows that it's better to hide who you are, break the commitments you hold dear and lie to everyone you care about so you can continue the facade of having a stable family while selfishly getting your kink on.

She's just teaching her kids the right values.  They look up to her as a role model for how to handle their own lives you know.


OedipusRexIt -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 2:48:24 PM)

My personal opinon is that he, or she, who is without sin should cast the first stone.

Diogenes and I have yet to meet that comletely honest person we've searched for. 

The only relevant moral questions I can pose on this topic are:

Do YOU feel good about yourself?
Are you hurting an innocent person?

meatcleaver -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 2:52:28 PM)

I can think of situations where one inevitably hurts one person or another without being at fault which is why I think people who appear to think life is black and white ought to read the Greeks or at least a few classics.

iliv2servher -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 3:16:23 PM)

After reading many of the posts on this topic, I only have this to say:

If you don't have trust within your relationship, then you have nothing.  Trust is everything, and maybe if you could only share those secrets, you might find that there is another way to fulfill your needs if your partner canno
t.  I have personally known people in the scene who have shared these feelings with a vanilla husband or wife.  In my case, my ex-wife knew about it before we were married, and she actually told me that she didn't have a problem with me seeing a prodomme just as long as there was no sexual contact.  Another friend of mine has a vanilla wife and she knows that he goes to parties and plays with other people.  It's just something that she doesn't want to be a part of, but they still love each other.  So in short, if there is enough love and trust within a relationship, there is hope; but without trust there is nothing.

proudsub -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 3:48:13 PM)

(fast reply)

I finally caught up on this thread. I do not believe "once a cheater always a cheater". I certainly don't plan to ever cheat again after going through that. I never even fell for the guy i cheated with, but i did fall for the lifestyle and he offered that. Now that Hubby offers that i will never cheat again. My mistake was not communicating better with Hubby when i first realized what i needed. I was married 34 years when i  cheated and up until then i never imagined i would ever do that.

As for the OP's statement on two trusts, i do understand that position. I have commented to friends in the past that i never lied online or with my first dom, and how strange it was that the only person i lied to was the one i truly loved, for the same reasons the OP mentioned.

sskitten -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 6:34:58 PM)

Psssssttt, Kitten, they haven't attacked for the past few hours!  Maybe it's safe to come out of hiding.........  Somehow I don't dare say another word to *them* but since most of them think you're pretty good at talking out of two sides of your mouth, why don't we just have a little chat, you and me? the one of us in each world, you know?
- Sure, Kitten, sounds good to me!
Did you notice how nobody figured out the *real* reason you started this thread?  Do you think anybody noticed that when you started the thread you still had a vanilla cone above your cute little white kitten image, and then with your next post on the thread you graduated to those two BDSM symbols? 
- That's right, Kitten, a lot of folks grumble about the vanilla cone but I liked it a lot and was sad to know it was going to melt away after my 25th post.  So I thought in honor of vanilla melting away into BDSM, it would be nice for it to dissolve in a blaze of glory - or ignomy.  Mission accomplished!
And did you notice how even when you reminded folks that the thread was not about judging how you lead your vanilla life, that's what they mostly wanted to do?
- Uh yeah, I noticed.  The one who gets the prize is that juliaoceania chick who said, "In your case I see no growth."  Meowwww!!!!
It's too bad too because I used to respect most of her posts but now I confess I feel a tad judgmental.
- It happens to the best of us.  Say, that Proprietrix sure gave you a mouthful!
Yes, but I actually respected her for much of her explanation.  She judges people to decide if they are worth her bothering with them and she judges that cheaters are not, so that's good; maybe she won't need to weigh in on any more of my posts.
- You don't judge her for her judgments?
Not at all!  But I confess I do judge her for being a smoker.  I mean, how can she presume to try to take control of another person's life if she can't even control a nasty habit like that?  She opened herself up to my judgments by proclaiming herself an honest smoker, so I think I'll hijack this thread into a let's-bash-smokers thing, okay?
- Sounds good to me! 
But the hero of the day is Brosco.  When I read some of his remarks on another thread the other day where he was chastising another poster for getting off topic just because he was trying to lighten things up a little, I thought, "Wow, who put that stick you know where?"  But he *totally* redeemed himself today!  He really gets it.  It goes to show me I shouldn't be quick to judge people, because now I see what a good and understanding and compassionate person he really is.
- There were other heroes too.  Wish we could purr about all of them.  But hubby just came in the door!  Time to go vanilla again!
Later, Kit!

Sab -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 7:06:34 PM)

A nilla is a nilla, really no point in carrying it on.

kittensmailbox -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 8:47:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: sskitten

Psssssttt, Kitten, they haven't attacked for the past few hours!  Maybe it's safe to come out of hiding.........  Somehow I don't dare say another word to *them* but since most of them think you're pretty good at talking out of two sides of your mouth, why don't we just have a little chat, you and me? the one of us in each world, you know?
- Sure, Kitten, sounds good to me!
Did you notice how nobody figured out the *real* reason you started this thread?  Do you think anybody noticed that when you started the thread you still had a vanilla cone above your cute little white kitten image, and then with your next post on the thread you graduated to those two BDSM symbols? 
- That's right, Kitten, a lot of folks grumble about the vanilla cone but I liked it a lot and was sad to know it was going to melt away after my 25th post.  So I thought in honor of vanilla melting away into BDSM, it would be nice for it to dissolve in a blaze of glory - or ignomy.  Mission accomplished!
And did you notice how even when you reminded folks that the thread was not about judging how you lead your vanilla life, that's what they mostly wanted to do?
- Uh yeah, I noticed.  The one who gets the prize is that juliaoceania chick who said, "In your case I see no growth."  Meowwww!!!!
It's too bad too because I used to respect most of her posts but now I confess I feel a tad judgmental.
- It happens to the best of us.  Say, that Proprietrix sure gave you a mouthful!
Yes, but I actually respected her for much of her explanation.  She judges people to decide if they are worth her bothering with them and she judges that cheaters are not, so that's good; maybe she won't need to weigh in on any more of my posts.
- You don't judge her for her judgments?
Not at all!  But I confess I do judge her for being a smoker.  I mean, how can she presume to try to take control of another person's life if she can't even control a nasty habit like that?  She opened herself up to my judgments by proclaiming herself an honest smoker, so I think I'll hijack this thread into a let's-bash-smokers thing, okay?
- Sounds good to me! 
But the hero of the day is Brosco.  When I read some of his remarks on another thread the other day where he was chastising another poster for getting off topic just because he was trying to lighten things up a little, I thought, "Wow, who put that stick you know where?"  But he *totally* redeemed himself today!  He really gets it.  It goes to show me I shouldn't be quick to judge people, because now I see what a good and understanding and compassionate person he really is.
- There were other heroes too.  Wish we could purr about all of them.  But hubby just came in the door!  Time to go vanilla again!
Later, Kit!

Please forgive me sskitten, i am a lil lost with this post....

proudsub -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 9:09:30 PM)


Please forgive me sskitten, i am a lil lost with this post....

LOL thanks for the laugh.[sm=biggrin.gif]

kittensmailbox -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 9:11:24 PM)

No really, i am really lost with that post... who is sskitten talking with or about???

talibahh -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 9:18:18 PM)

kittensmailbox.. it's ok... shes talking with herself... tongue in cheek (i believe),
conversing back and forth with herself [;)]

kittensmailbox -> RE: two worlds of trust (6/9/2006 9:28:33 PM)

Oh ok, i am a lil slow on the up keep of things... {got to love the blonds}..
Thank you talibahh

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