I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (Full Version)

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Lucifyre -> I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 7:26:11 AM)

The damn meds are making me itch like crazy. My tummy is on fire. My boobs aren't in pain and I CAN feel my nipples WOOT!!
I got no sleep last night at the surgery center because I woke up every hour to hour and a half to get up and pee. I made them take out the cath right after the surgery just so I would be forced to move as soon as possible, my doctor was very nice about that.
I am very very swollen especially around my tummy.
The breast reduction went a little differently than I expected. He only took skin from the bottom front and no tissue, he took fat and breast tissue from the sides only. They're shaped kinda funny right now but he said that should settle in a couple of months. OMFG I HAVE FIRM BOOBS! They're like fucking rocks LOL! My aereola are a normal size now and let me restate again I CAN FEEL THEM! You peple have no idea how happy I am about that! There is very little pain in my breasts at all, just a little irritation along the bottom incision line, kind of feels like I am wearing something scratchy there but that's it for breast discomfort. Apparently without all the excess skin, I am not a DDD cup, I am actually a firm C ;) That makes me SO happy!!
My tummy is VERY very flat. State regulations only allow for them to suction 1 litre of fluid from liposuction, he suctioned everything he could and was not able to get a full litre though I don't know how short he was, I didn't think to ask. Mostly what he removed was all the excess skin below my belly button to my mons...and it was a LOT. Once the swelling goes down I will actually have an hourglass waistline for the first time in 23 years! Due to the way the proceedure goes, the seperating of the entire flap of skin across my tummy plus the 40+ stitches above and below my blly button, it feels like my tummy is on fire. I am having an extremely difficult time making my muscles relax. I always sucked it in even unconsciously for years, so now that my belly is trained to do that, I can't fucking relax...makes it difficult to do things like relax enough even to pee.
I am on movement restrictions. He was really impressed that I was out of bed and moving as well as I was all night last night, but he said I was up way too much and need to slow the hell down or I will hinder my own healing process. He said the walking is good, just not as much as I am wanting to do. So I told him to please give me a specific...3 hours down, 10 minutes up is what we came to. I can sit up and be at the computer or rest in my recliner or whatever SITTING/reclining I want to do, but I must do it DOWN and am only allowed to walk around for 10 minutes every 3 hours.
I asked him specifically about when I would be able to have an orgasm too...threw him for a loop though because I wasn't asking about having sex lmao. He said 3 weeks out. Which of course I can live with...we were kind of doing chastity anyway haha! And of course I can make Mr cum as soon as I slow down the meds since they make me kind of nauseated. No, I don't need scolding in that department and told I need to be resting and worrying about myself blah blah...those things are part of my feeling better too so just stuff a sock in it k?

I need to send Mr to the store later for some bags of frozen peas to put on my boobs. Now that I'm putting my hands on them (gently) they actually are feeling a little tender.

And OMFG everything is itchy! The pain meds are really messing with me something fierce. I didn't have any trouble at all with the IV pain meds though, they actually made it so i didn't feel like opening my eyes or moving or anything at all...which is one of the reasons I was so mad about having to pee so much. The getting up to pee was really good for me, but god dammit I want to SLEEP. And now that I am having random itching I can't fucking sleep now either. Every time I get to the point of dozing off...something itches <growl> It's nothing specific either...like it will be my ankle, or the inside of my arm, or the tip of my nose...random. It's an allergy, but there isn't shit I can do about it because they ALL do that to me. I didn't have a problem with the Dilaudid before, My back surgeon had me on Vicodin right after that and those were doing the same thing, he said allergy so he switched me to the Dilaudid and it was ok...until now. I don't want the percocets because they do it too.  It's making me crazy! I'm so god damn tired.

I had a little bit of a hard time coming out of the anesthesia, a little agitated. But they let Mr in the room before I was fully awake so because He was there and able to talk to me as I woke up it wasn't nearly as bad as last time when I had my back fixed. I don't remember much except for His voice and feeling His hands on my shoulders. A little later on after they had taken the IV out and gave me a pain shot in the muscle of my arm (omg that motherfucker HURT) I got upset and was cussing the nurse out and started to get up and get dressed because I WAS FUCKING LEAVING! (yea that didn't happen LOL Mr wasn't having any of my bullshit haha) They ended up putting the IV back in about an hour later so I wouldn't have to take the muscle shot again. It hurt a little bit going in, but once it was there I was ok.

I'm starving too. I picked on stuff like grapes and had a bowl of chicken wonton soup throughout the night, but I couldn't swallow well enough to get much else down. Not that my throat is sore, but the position I was stuck in for most of the night...things just weren't going down very well. Now that I can sit up straight I've actually munched down an entire bowl of strawberries and a banna...I'm gonna polish off the sushi Mr brought me last night very shortly though hehe

The ngiht before I went to the surgery center I took some before photos. As soon as I am feeling a little better I'll get some <soon after> pictures and get them all posted. In a couple of months I'll be able to get the finished result ones going. And yes, I will post a warning at the header because I don't want people to have to look at how gross I looked before if they don't want to, plus I am completely full frontal nude as well so yea...if that kind of thing makes you squick you won't want to click the post link.

Ok, I'm gonna go try to eat a little bit and see if I can sleep for awhile.

I am so glad that a lot of the things I was worried about didn't need to be worried about and it all turned out ok so far ;)


SlipSlidingAway -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 7:29:46 AM)


Here's to a speedy (and full) recovery.  I hate surgery.  Your post brought back all sorts of memories.  You have my deepest empathy.  I know that You don't know me well or anything, but if I can do anything, or You ever want to talk on the other side, feel free to drop by.

In the meantime, here's to sleep, healing, and all sorts of good stuff while you recuperate!


LadyHibiscus -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 7:55:09 AM)

Well, I am glad it all went so splendidly!! I SO know about the dozens of trips to the bathroom. AND YOU HAVE SENSATION YAY!! That's the best part, and a C!! Fabulous!! You'll be able to wear anything off the rack!

Rest, and remember that all that skin's gotta STICK, so REST, mmkay?


fluffypet67 -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 9:32:06 AM)

i am glad you are pleased with the procedure. It's great that you are home and recovering under the close eye of the Mr. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery!

angelikaJ -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 9:54:16 AM)

Itching is very common with some opioids.
If you aren't getting hives it is probably an opioid itch; benadryl should help with that.
It may help with the nausea, as might ginger.
Ginger tea is pretty easy to find in the natural section of the grocery store.

If nausea is a big problem, you could ask your Dr for an Rx of Zofran.

Glad to hear you are doing so well!

Duskypearls -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 9:58:50 AM)

Well done Luci. Welcome home!

littlewonder -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 11:57:07 AM)

I'm really glad to hear everything went well! And yes....slow down. I got in trouble for the same thing when I had all my surgeries lol. I was up the next day, walking around and doing things. Master was so not very happy about that. [8D]

And the itching I think is the worst part to be honest. I still have some itching 3 months out because I still have numbness. As the numbness disappears, the itching starts again. Blah.

Please keep us up to date on how it's going! And congrats! Yay! [sm=banana.gif]

Lucifyre -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 12:56:03 PM)

Now that all the surgery anesthetic is out of my system, I am really having a hard time moving around and even breathing. Mr is going to go pick up some benadryl for the ithching and some ice packs for the pain. I even am hurting all the way through my back because I can't straighten up I think. All of my muscled from my neck to my ass are feeling pretty locked up, the meds aren't helping.
I did manage to get a couple of hours of sleep this afternoon in my recliner, but I got overheated and woke up needing to get up and move. I'm not really up for eating much either.

I just hurt.

Post op appointment isn't until Friday but I dunno what he could do before then anyway. Hopefully he wil take at least the top 2 drains out (they're not producing any liquid really) The one on the left is really tender when it's inserted because he stuck it right under my armpit where my arm rests against my body...I've bumped it about a bazillion times today.

Yea, Luci needs to just go to sleep for a few days and wake up when the pain is all gone.
I can't even cough.


LadyConstanze -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 1:47:00 PM)

Think about how pretty you will look!!! Well done!

sexyred1 -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 3:49:25 PM)

You gotta love a woman who gets out of intensive surgery and asks the doc about orgasms!

What a trooper!

In all seriousness, best wishes on your recovery.

IceDemeter -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 3:53:46 PM)


I hope you don't mind me butting in when you don't know me, but I'm a couple of weeks out from a major abdominal surgery and had some serious issues with pain control. I don't get the itchies from the heavy-duty meds, but they just weren't doing a thing for me. They also tend to cause constipation, which is really contrary to healing well.

My doc advised taking 3-4 Advil every 3-4 hours instead of the narcotics. He said it would take a couple of days to build up the anti-inflammatory in the system, but that things should mellow after that, and I could start just taking them as required. He was right - two days and the pain was controlled (He also recommended a glass of red wine every day to avoid constipation --- I love that man!) You might want to give your doc's office a call and see what his thoughts are on going this route with the Advil (always a good idea to double check with the doc to see if there are any counter-indications).

Congrats on getting past the nerves and going for it - I hope the healing goes well and the results are all that you imagined!

Duskypearls -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 4:42:30 PM)

If pain from inflammation is an issue, Traumeel can be VERY helpful.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/14/2012 6:40:59 PM)

Here's to a speedy recovery, Luci :-)

kitkat105 -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/15/2012 12:00:49 AM)

I'm glad everything went well. Definitely try not to overdo it, because even general activities will cause extra swelling in areas you don't want swelling. More swelling = greater risk of scarring, internally, which is not the desired outcome in plastic surgery.

It might be worthwhile calling your doctor about the itchiness and nausea. The fact that you also have enough pain to not be able to cough suggests to me that you have an opiod sensitivity/allergy, so you might need to explore other options. Since you can't cough, it's really important for you to do 10 deep breaths every hour (chest physio). Try folding a large bath towel into a rectangle and hold that against your abdomen for deep breaths and small coughs.

Are you taking regular tylenol along with your other analgesia?

Lucifyre -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/15/2012 12:49:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: kitkat105

I'm glad everything went well. Definitely try not to overdo it, because even general activities will cause extra swelling in areas you don't want swelling. More swelling = greater risk of scarring, internally, which is not the desired outcome in plastic surgery.

It might be worthwhile calling your doctor about the itchiness and nausea. The fact that you also have enough pain to not be able to cough suggests to me that you have an opiod sensitivity/allergy, so you might need to explore other options. Since you can't cough, it's really important for you to do 10 deep breaths every hour (chest physio). Try folding a large bath towel into a rectangle and hold that against your abdomen for deep breaths and small coughs.

Are you taking regular tylenol along with your other analgesia?

Right now I am taking 4mg of Hydromorphone every 4=6 hours "as needed". Of course I need the every time. I called the nurse yesterday and talked about the ithching sne she suggested benadryl...that seem to be helping a lot. I'm still getting some ithcing but nowhere near as badly as before.

I also took an ambien last night. Made sure to pee right before bed and went and konked out...I got 6 hours sleep, it was devine! Mr woke me up to eat something and remedicate and then tuck me gith back in..so another 4 hours of sleep.
It feels like as long as I can get a decent block of sleep, the pain isn't as intense.

For coughing...omg it's really rough. But I'm finding that if instead of a real cough, I can just breathe really heavily and lean against something hard or hold a pillow over my tummy, I can bring up some of the junk collecting my in  lungs. I was successful in that 3x yesterday and I feel better immediately after so dealing with the pain is a small price to pay.

I'm hoping to only need these meds for a few more days. Once things start stitching themselves back together and he takes the drains out I should have a low enough amount of pain to not need the meds nearly as much.

I wish it didn't take 3 months for swelling to go down too. I'm just dying to get this binder off and have a real look at what I've got goin on behind it. I am worried about the shape of my boobs too.

Anyway, that's mt 10 minutes of computer time and my eyes are starting to not cooperate.

Talk to everyone in a few hours.


Lucylastic -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/15/2012 4:35:26 AM)

Luci, so glad to hear you are home and it went well, as with some of the other ladies, I feel your pain over the meds and soreness and the itch especially.
Tender hugs and good luck , Im so excited for you.
Ill be in touch this week, I promise not to make you laugh too much:)
Lotsa hugglies

kitkat105 -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/15/2012 10:00:14 AM)

Keep up the pain relief and benedryl. If you are coughing well enough to cough up junk, you're doing very well.

Keep up the good work. [:)]

Just think, in a few weeks when you do get to take the binder off it will all be worth it. And remember, for plastic surgery is takes 6-12 months for all the swelling/inflammation to settle, so even with binder off, you'll only basically know.

Lucifyre -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/15/2012 11:47:16 AM)

Thanks everyone for the support! I need to tell you it mean very much to me and all the kindness and well wishes really are making me feel better.
I am much more comfortable this afternoon getting up and down when I need to than I was as short a time ago as this morning.
I'm unhappy though about the bra I'm wearing, I changed the one I left the hospital out for one that I had bought...its a 40D and it's feeling really tight. So I'm gonna have my hsorty wash the other one so I can put it back on latr today.
I'm looking forward to hopefully feeling well enough to have Mr help me wash my hair tomorrow. My head feels pretty grody ;(. I did manage to washcloth bathe earlier, so clean face and fresh deodorant made a world of difference. And omg it was almost orgasmic to clean my damned ears LOL

The sensation in my nipples is coming back REALLY fast...so lots of tingling and like almost electric feeling...hyper sensative right now uugh. I know that will settle down...wish I could bottle the feeling and save it for later use LOL

LadyHibiscus -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/15/2012 12:30:13 PM)

You are swollen and in a binder of course your bra isn't fitting right! Should you be wearing one at this point anyway?

All those nerves reconnecting is what's giving you the itches and tingles. YAY for sensation!!

Lucifyre -> RE: I'm Home. Surgery update. LONG. (8/15/2012 1:11:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

You are swollen and in a binder of course your bra isn't fitting right! Should you be wearing one at this point anyway?

All those nerves reconnecting is what's giving you the itches and tingles. YAY for sensation!!

yes, they sent me home with a sports bra on and I'm supposed to stay bound up so the tissue will connect correctly.
I'll be in the belly binder for at least 4 weeks and the bra for probably 2-3
I'm sure it's the nerves just waking up, I'm not complaning it's just a little intense LOL

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