RE: god and bsdm (Full Version)

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needlesandpins -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 10:57:20 AM)




ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
you seem rather obsessed with me Rule, you just can't keep away from me.


I suspect that you are a sub and definitely not a natural slave.

i am neither you fool, nore have i ever claimed to be.


Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 11:00:16 AM)

I am proud to be a fool. Thank you for the compliment.

I based my surmise on your psychological profile as perceived by me - but I may be wrong.

doctorgrey -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 11:37:16 AM)



I am proud to be a fool. Thank you for the compliment.

I based my surmise on your psychological profile as perceived by me - but I may be wrong.

in so many ways


Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 11:51:27 AM)

You bore me, sock.

Do I recall you ever having said anything whatsoever interesting?

No. Hence I am putting your posts on Hide. Tell me your proper nick and I will put the posts of that one on Hide as well.

doctorgrey -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 2:11:28 PM)

Could someone please tell me what the hell this one is talking about?

(hell used as an emphasis, not as a reference to anything Fallan Angel related)


GotSteel -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 7:26:04 PM)


Did Gary the unicorn create the world? Is he the unicorn I have to answer to when I die?

Of course, 100% of Invisible Pink Unicornists will assert that to be the case.


No but seriously, I get what you are saying. It can be presented in any argument and insert which ever point is trying to be made, correct?

I'm trying to get you to notice the quality of the argument itself.

If you lack a belief in the supernatural being then the threat isn't threatening, it's a joke. I'm never going to manage to talk you into sacrificing a bull to Zeus by threatening you with Hades, am I?

On the other hand if you do believe in said supernatural being then threatening you to get you to believe in something you already believe in is pretty pointless. Either way Pascal's Wager is useless as an argument.

Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 9:31:38 PM)

How do you define 'supernatural'?

atursvcMaam -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 9:41:21 PM)

God wrote me a note the other day, it said,
"I know your every thought, and I love you, God" I guess that means that God accepts my lifestyle as is. I guess that i wlll get questioned later, but i have not been obliterated.

Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 9:44:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: atursvcMaam
God wrote me a note the other day

It is impossible for the Divine to do so.

Hillwilliam -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 9:44:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: atursvcMaam

God wrote me a note the other day, it said,
"I know your every thought, and I love you, God" I guess that means that God accepts my lifestyle as is. I guess that i wlll get questioned later, but i have not been obliterated.

Maybe you actually have been obliterated and the PnR thread is purgatory.[&:]

atursvcMaam -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 10:01:02 PM)




ORIGINAL: atursvcMaam
God wrote me a note the other day

It is impossible for the Divine to do so.

How is it possible for you to assert this? Do you believe in the 10 Commandments or the Bible. Do you believe in the message of the rainbow? or in God Saying "Good morning to you" at the sight of a beautiful sunrise? If you consider it impossible , then the Divine may never speak to you, but I listen and look so I hear and see often. You may as well, but choose not to recognize.

atursvcMaam -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 10:03:27 PM)

I thought that one had to face judgement to see purgatory. Please don't tell me that i have been lied to again. That would make this hell.

Hillwilliam -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 10:21:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: atursvcMaam

I thought that one had to face judgement to see purgatory. Please don't tell me that i have been lied to again. That would make this hell.

You're probably not too far off.

atursvcMaam -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 10:36:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam


ORIGINAL: atursvcMaam

I thought that one had to face judgement to see purgatory. Please don't tell me that i have been lied to again. That would make this hell.

You're probably not too far off.

Well ain't that just as fucked up as a football bat.

Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/22/2012 10:55:08 PM)

I took you literally.

The Divine cannot interfere with the universe on its own initiative.

atursvcMaam -> RE: god and bsdm (8/23/2012 5:41:01 AM)

well, the note is on a billboard down the street in front of a church. I have not looked at the church, other than to not it as a landmark. I do not think it is of any religion that i follow, although that is simply because while i have faith, i don't follow religions.
A long ago note, regarding missing mass on a sunday morning told me that God did not directly build the church, but certainly made the sun shine. Similar source. If you listen you will find the messages. watch out though religion is the art of making those voices bend and control your will.

GotSteel -> RE: god and bsdm (8/23/2012 5:32:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder
It really doesn't matter to me if the op takes my advice or not and I'm certainly not concerned about your thoughts. But thanks for the response.

You shouldn't care about my opinion, why would you? But I hope you'd care about the damage the concept you're pushing does to the lives of a very significant number of women:


Four Origins of Female Orgasmic Disorder:

Cultural Influences
Negative childhood learning can play a major role.
Example: We may learn from our parents, religion, school, and culture that sex is sinful, that genitals are dirty, and/or that masturbation is bad. Sex education in schools rarely discuss or encompass the joys of sex or how to have a healthy and satisfying sex life.
*This creates negative feelings about sex that inhibit a woman's sexual response. Inadequate sex education can lead to pain, embarrassment, fear of pregnancy, and fear of being caught, which may increase tension and reduce pleasure.
Q: Do you have a positive attitude about sex? Do you enjoy sexual pleasure and believe you deserve it? Are you comfortable with your body?
A: If you answered "no" to any of these questions, it is possible that negative childhood learning could be one of the causes relating to your current orgasm difficulties.
Sexual Double Standard.
Example: "Women are encouraged to be sexually cautious to avoid acquiring a reputation of being loose, but part of stereotypical masculine sexual success is 'scoring'" (Crooks & Baur, 1999:447). Women are also not allowed to be sexually assertive because it is not considered feminine.
*This inhibits women because they feel they are not allowed to be sexual, and therefore they may not take the necessary steps needed to become orgasmic with their partners, such as verbally expressing how they want to be touched.
A Narrow Definition of Sexuality
Example: In our society, sex is narrowly viewed as only penile-vaginal intercourse.
*This contributes to inadequate stimulation for women and men, leading to a less enjoyable sexual response, or for some women, none at all.


ORIGINAL: littlewonder
It's based on the study of old testament Judaic history. My beliefs are based on the history and the culture of the times when the Old Testament was written and why so that it can be based on context and what it means for us today.

From someone who simply believed what they were told I'd have to accept reasons like the Bible, tradition or my preacher said so as explanations for your beliefs. But since you've been figuring out your own way I expect there to be some reasoning behind the positions you choose to accept and those you choose to reject.

As an example you can quickly explain to me why your continuous premarital sex isn't a sin with your own thoughts. But when it comes to why doing the very same thing is a sin for the OP you've spent several posts refusing to explain your own thought process on the matter with cop outs such as "read the Bible".

I'm left wondering, where's the beef? Why is this "figuring" you claim to have been doing entirely absent?

God -> RE: god and bsdm (8/24/2012 10:16:46 AM)



I just don't like hypocritical organized religions.

Neither do I.


ORIGINAL: atursvcMaam

God wrote me a note the other day,

No I didn't.



The Divine cannot interfere with the universe on its own initiative.

Sure I can. Perhaps if people stopped speaking FOR me, there would be a lot less confusion.

The Big G

atursvcMaam -> RE: god and bsdm (8/24/2012 10:25:22 AM)



ORIGINAL: atursvcMaam

God wrote me a note the other day,

No I didn't.

Someone is doing a great job in stealing your identity. But i suppose that your omniscience is handling it.

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