RE: god and bsdm (Full Version)

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Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 12:53:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
well this thread has done nothing to convince me that anything about religion is real. it would seem that no matter what someone believes in when it comes to a 'god' figure you all basically make it up as you go along to fit your lives to ease your consciences.

It is good that various people have a conscience.


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
if you believe in god, and read the bible then surely you are supposed to take it as written,

Only if one is without a conscience or an animal. And definitely not the un-Christian Old Testament.


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
not decide that you can interpret it so that it fits what you want it to mean.

I certainly hope not. One ought to know what it says and then either accept it or reject it.


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
surely that is showing your god that you have a massive ego to assume you know better than what is actually written right there in front of you

Not at all. Anyone who truly knows better may be not an animal, but a cognitive being.


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
or maybe it shows that the bible is so cuckoo in the first place that you can't live by it because it's impossible.

I recommend that you do not read the Bible.

needlesandpins -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:13:39 PM)

Rule, i can't even be bothered to respond to what you've written as most of it makes no sence as usual. but just so you know, i have read the bible. i did go to sunday school. i also studied religious education and gained a C at GCSE level. it was my lowest grade with everything else being A*. so i am not coming at this as an uneducated person on the subject. i just don't know how anyone else can read the bible and take it seriously at all. you can't read something that is considered holy, and a way to live your life as a rule set out by god, then pick and choose what you take as literal, and what is not literal.

what i do know is this. there are going to be a hell of alot of very disappointed people out there when their time comes,and they realised they backed the wrong horse.


TNDommeK -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:32:26 PM)


My dad once said to Me: "If there is no God and we die, then that will be all, we will just die. But if there is a God and we die, then those who chose not to believe are in trouble. I think I'd rather be on God's side."

I think to each their own, but I just choose to live a good life and be as courteous as I can be to others, pray and have a relationship with God. The bible was written by man (especially the old test.), which is why I try to follow the new test. as closely as I can. No one is perfect.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:34:23 PM)

I choose to live that sort of life as well, without the motivation of a deity. I think the end result is the same.

CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:35:36 PM)




My dad once said to Me: "If there is no God and we die, then that will be all, we will just die. But if there is a God and we die, then those who chose not to believe are in trouble. I think I'd rather be on God's side."

I think to each their own, but I just choose to live a good life and be as courteous as I can be to others, pray and have a relationship with God. The bible was written by man (especially the old test.), which is why I try to follow the new test. as closely as I can. No one is perfect.

Your father essentially paraphrased Pascal's Wager to you.

LadyPact -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:36:42 PM)

K, it seems your Dad looks at it pretty much the same way that I do. [:)]

Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:39:35 PM)

You ought not to be that obsessed about the Bible. If it makes no sense to you, there either is no sense to it or you lack the knowledge and/or wherewithal to make sense of it. In both cases it is useless to waste your time on it.

I also deem it likely that you cannot discern between the Divine and the pagan gods, nor that you know how they relate, nor why the Divine cannot interfere at its own behest in affairs in our universe, nor that you are spiritually aware. As long as you have lacks as concerns these and other issues, you would do best to avoid these kinds of discussions.

needlesandpins -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:41:11 PM)

uuummmmmm, i guess the way i see it is that if you only live your life to please a god you are living a lie. i am curtious to others, i have honour in that i do what is right dispite what that may mean in hardship for myself, i am honest and stay true to my word, i help others wherever i can, etc etc etc

i don't need an idol to do that, or the risk of some hell/damnation. i do what is right because it's the right thing to do. it makes me feel better to do so.


CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:41:17 PM)



You ought not to be that obsessed about the Bible. If it makes no sense to you, there either is no sense to it or you lack the knowledge and/or wherewithal to make sense of it. In both cases it is useless to waste your time on it.

I also deem it likely that you cannot discern between the Divine and the pagan gods, nor that you know how they relate, nor why the Divine cannot interfere at its own behest in affairs in our universe, nor that you are spiritually aware. As long as you have lacks as concerns these and other issues, you would do best to avoid these kinds of discussions.


That was really patronizing as shit and essentially uncalled for...

CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:44:59 PM)


... now I am posting in P&R.

The shame, the shame...

Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:45:09 PM)

So you do not need the crutch. You then may qualify as being not an animal.

God -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:45:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I choose to live that sort of life as well, without the motivation of a deity. I think the end result is the same.

Why do you think I created chocolate, oceans, jedi birds and orgasms? It's all motivation.

The Big G

CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:47:20 PM)



So you do not need the crutch. You then may qualify as being not an animal.

Oh fucking jesus christ on a pogo stick... we are all animals, we are just the only species that seems to have forgotten that little fact.

ETA: That's right you blocked me because the drumming chimp avatar annoyed you, my bad.

kalikshama -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:47:48 PM)


God -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:48:24 PM)





So you do not need the crutch. You then may qualify as being not an animal.

Oh fucking jesus christ on a pogo stick...

I think my son is more of a skateboard-type dude.

The Big G

CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:48:57 PM)




ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I choose to live that sort of life as well, without the motivation of a deity. I think the end result is the same.

Why do you think I created chocolate, oceans, jedi birds and orgasms? It's all motivation.

The Big G

The coolest sock yet!!! What did you think of Monty Python's representation of you?

LadyHibiscus -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:51:07 PM)




ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I choose to live that sort of life as well, without the motivation of a deity. I think the end result is the same.

Why do you think I created chocolate, oceans, jedi birds and orgasms? It's all motivation.

The Big G

None of those matter in terms of my behaviour. Ta, though, loving those oceans!

CRYPTICLXVI -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:51:49 PM)

My favorite song about God!

God -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:52:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus



Why do you think I created chocolate, oceans, jedi birds and orgasms? It's all motivation.

The Big G

None of those matter in terms of my behaviour. Ta, though, loving those oceans!

I think you would get a bit crankier if I took those away. N'est-ce pas?

The Big G

needlesandpins -> RE: god and bsdm (8/21/2012 3:52:39 PM)



You ought not to be that obsessed about the Bible. If it makes no sense to you, there either is no sense to it or you lack the knowledge and/or wherewithal to make sense of it. In both cases it is useless to waste your time on it.

I also deem it likely that you cannot discern between the Divine and the pagan gods, nor that you know how they relate, nor why the Divine cannot interfere at its own behest in affairs in our universe, nor that you are spiritually aware. As long as you have lacks as concerns these and other issues, you would do best to avoid these kinds of discussions.

Rule, you lack the ability to actually read what others put without twisting it.

as for pagan gods, i know an awful lot about them as i have studied them in depth for a book i am writing. in that capacity i can tell you that it is you yourself that has no idea about them other then the fantacy that is in your head. as for knowledge, if you knew anything about me at all you'd know that one thing i am obsessed with is knowledge. therefore when i choose to study a subject i make sure i know everything that i can.

the devine as you call it can not interfer in the affairs of our universe? this universe that it is supposed to have created? so therefore there are no miracles that involve god, he is not in control of this thing he created?

tosh. utter contradictory tosh.


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