RE: god and bsdm (Full Version)

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Jaquin -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 12:17:20 PM)


(The following is all my opinion, no duh.. but figured may as well make sure it's known)

I don't listen to the bible, or the church. Both are controlled by humans who are inherently corrupted by evil. Whether intentionally or not there is misinformation sewn into the fabric of what is taught therein and it does us no good to swallow it up whole. Listen to God, let him speak to you on his own terms and his own time.

He gave us free will, he gave us the power of choice: listen to him or don't. He did not make us evil or good, he made us human and told us that we could be and do whatever it is we wanted because as a loving parent we want our children to be happy. OP: what is it in this life, in BDSM, or spirituality, or plain ol' everyday existence that makes YOU happy?

God wants us to be happy, he wants us to love, and to grow in both spirituality and with each other. So do what makes you happy. If you feel like what you're doing isn't making you happy, then that means do something else because while God may or may not approve of the activity he certainly doesn't approve of you not being happy. So long as you feel right, so long as you're happy, then God is on your side. He has his ways of letting us know his disapproval of what we do and it's not through the mouths of others; he is perfectly capable of expressing himself on his own.

LaTigresse -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 12:22:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003

I've got a question..I just told a friend about me being on cm and that i would like to get to know more abiut bsdn. And thay said it was wrong that i would go to hell because its all the devil's play.but ive meet people on here the believe in gid and go to church... just wanted some feed back

I don't believe in a seperate being that I am going to have to answer to. I also don't believe in heaven or hell as being a 'place I will go to' after death. I believe I am responsible for me, that I will and do, have to answer for all of my 'sins' but not to some other being that will send me off to one place or another.

gungadin09 -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 12:32:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003
Well pam ur not supost to have sex before marriage.

Well then, yes, you're committing a sin that your religion says you might go to hell for.


But my dom said he wants to get married.

That has nothing to do with it. You're going to have to make a choice- your religion or your kink.


MrBlue76 -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 1:32:32 PM)




(The following is all my opinion, no duh.. but figured may as well make sure it's known)

I don't listen to the bible, or the church. Both are controlled by humans who are inherently corrupted by evil. Whether intentionally or not there is misinformation sewn into the fabric of what is taught therein and it does us no good to swallow it up whole. Listen to God, let him speak to you on his own terms and his own time.

He gave us free will, he gave us the power of choice: listen to him or don't. He did not make us evil or good, he made us human and told us that we could be and do whatever it is we wanted because as a loving parent we want our children to be happy. OP: what is it in this life, in BDSM, or spirituality, or plain ol' everyday existence that makes YOU happy?

God wants us to be happy, he wants us to love, and to grow in both spirituality and with each other. So do what makes you happy. If you feel like what you're doing isn't making you happy, then that means do something else because while God may or may not approve of the activity he certainly doesn't approve of you not being happy. So long as you feel right, so long as you're happy, then God is on your side. He has his ways of letting us know his disapproval of what we do and it's not through the mouths of others; he is perfectly capable of expressing himself on his own.

Of course, you could be totally wrong. And God could not give a shit about your happiness or anyone else's and just want you to do as those corrupted people say.

And then you'll go to Hell. Maybe to the worst floor. For thinking that you know what God wants.

kitkat105 -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 1:35:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

Like hunger, thirst or other basic instincts, sexual desire must be controlled and channeled, satisfied at the proper time, place and manner. There is nothing wrong with kinky sex unless you are doing it for the wrong reasons or one party is not satisfied. There must be sexual satisfaction out of love and desire in a committed relationship.

I agree. Then again, I have more Jewish leanings than I realised and that's basically how they feel. You've got to be happy and healthy.

rhondare -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 1:39:06 PM)

Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate

littlewonder -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 1:51:17 PM)

If you two are planning on getting married, then you really have nothing to worry about. Once in a heterosexual marriage, sex in the way I described earlier is perfectly fine and you are not committing any sins.

Moonlightmaddnes -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 1:54:00 PM)

I am a christian, go to church and all the good stuff. I can tell you there are people out there that will take one little part of the bible and center their faith around it while ignoring the rest of it. But no where have I ever read that it is sinful to tie anyone up, smack them or any of the other things people like doing. I think your friend needs a reality check.

But I have seen some of the nuttier denominations say that if you listen to rock, read harry potter, or any other number of silly things you are going to hell. < eyeroll>

Okeanos -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 1:57:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003

I've got a question..I just told a friend about me being on cm and that i would like to get to know more abiut bsdn. And thay said it was wrong that i would go to hell because its all the devil's play.but ive meet people on here the believe in gid and go to church... just wanted some feed back

Here is some feedback: LEARN HOW TO WRITE.

Rule -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 2:06:22 PM)

Psst: The OP likely is a sock puppet trying to stir up trouble.

GotSteel -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 2:22:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: gungadin09
That has nothing to do with it. You're going to have to make a choice- your religion or your kink.

Nah, she just do what everybody else does, come up with a rationalization to get around the issue or switch to something a touch more reformed.

Aswad -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 3:35:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

Once in a heterosexual marriage, sex in the way I described earlier is perfectly fine and you are not committing any sins.

Actually, that's not quite right, as far as I can tell.

Sin is just a premodern term for a felony. The things listed as abominations would then be the capital crimes, while the things that didn't make it into writing are the misdemeanors. In any practical sense, it is virtually impossible to live without crimes against the Law, and hard enough to live without crimes against the law. For instance, dealing with menstruation and ejaculation in the proscribed manner would be pretty difficult, even if you could find a garbage dump (unclean place) that would allow you to stay there until you're "hygienic" again. Mixed fabrics and pork are another major obstacle.

A priest, with whom I discussed these matters a couple of days ago, agreed the reconcilliation between practical needs and the biblical texts is both difficult and fraught with politically pragmatic doctrines that try to make tradeoffs that often have very little basis in the underlying source material. For instance, fulfilling the prophecies isn't nearly the same as abolishing the Torah, except everyone hated the Jews and so getting accepted in ancient Rome required making a lot of compromises and fudging things (e.g. by claiming the Torah had been superseded) so as to create an acceptable distance to the Jews.

Probably, it all comes down to some guy that was too afraid to let anyone snip his wiener, making the crusades a matter of cock. [:D]

— Aswad.

littlewonder -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 3:40:43 PM)

Like I said before, these are my beliefs. Yours may vary. I've studied the bible enough over my entire life to be able to decide for myself what I believe God wanted for us and I pray, talk and listen to God which helps.

I am neither a christian or a Jew but I probably do come closer to to Judaism than anything else but since I don't believe every single law of both I am my own religion. Yes I go to church but it's more because I like my pastor and he doesn't just preach the bible on Sundays. He listens and asks questions of the audience and allows us to figure out our own way.

Lately I've been writing down my own views of the bible, God, and laws. I've got a long way to go though until it is finished.


ARIES83 -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 4:12:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

Lately I've been writing down my own views of the bible, God, and laws. I've got a long way to go though until it is finished.


That is possibly one of the most down to
earth, intelligent things I've ever heard
coming from one of "Those" God people.

I wish you the best of luck with it!


Okeanos -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 4:26:30 PM)

I also used to worry whether my involvement BDSM was going to be a cause of me ending up in hell, but by reading the scriptures I realized that BDSM and christianity are two concepts that are absolutely compatible with each other.

First of all, nowhere in the scriptures is the slightest mention against slavery. On the contrary, the scriptures consider slavery as a given and approve it, providing advice to the masters as to how to obtain and keep slaves, as well as to the slaves, commanding them to be nice and obedient, and to keep their masters happy.

In Leviticus 25:44, 25:45 and 25:46 it says that slaves are property, to be bought and sold, and the same applies to their children. Like livestock, really. It basically says that boys and girls from neighboring nations you will obtain as slaves. And from the children of the strangers you will obtain slaves, and from their relatives; all those born in your land will be your property. And you will apportion them as inheritance to your children. They will be under your possession for ever. [...]

In Exodus 21:2 it is prescribed that if the slave is a Jewish man, then he must be set free after 6 years. (But if you are not Jewish, (let alone not male,) you do not have to worry about such an eventuality.)

Right afterwards, Exodus 21:3 through 21:6 describe a nifty little technicality through which it is even possible to overcome the limitation mentioned in 21:2: The owner of a slave may give him a slave woman for wife, with which he may have children, and then the owner may keep the woman and children as hostages, (since they belong to him,) so as to coerce the male slave into "voluntarily" agreeing to be slave for life.

In the immediately following passage (21:7) Exodus states that a man may sell his daughter as a sexual slave to another man, and that in contrast to what happens with Jewish men, who have to be set free after six years, a woman slave is a slave forever. Unless, of course, she is incapable of "satisfying" her master, in which case she can be returned to her father and remuneration can be collected. (I have always loved the Old Testament, it contains some very rightful notions.)

The holy scriptures do not disapprove of excercising physical violence upon slaves, they only set certain hard limits, which though are very hard. Extremely hard. In Exodus 21:20-21 it says that if the owner hits his male or female slave so hard that the slave dies in the owner's hands, then the owner is to be punished. But if the male or female slave lives for one or two days, and dies afterwards of their wounds, then the owner is not to be punished.

Talking about hard limits, no child's play here!

The teachings contained within the New Testament on the subject of slavery are characterized by a decidedly milder temperament, which clearly shows the change in the moods and whims of the omnipotent, omniscient and perfect lord of ours with the passage of a thousand years from the writing of the Old Testament.

In Luke's Gospel, 12:47 and 12:48 Jesus himself is purported as having said that the slave who knowingly disobeys will be beaten severely, while the slave who has no knowledge of their misconduct will be beaten lightly. (Now, that's some rare piece of wisdom!)

In his Epistle to Ephesians, 6:5, 6:6 and 6:7 Paul says that slaves should obey their worldly masters with fear and terror, and with straightforwardness of the heart as if towards Jesus, not with hypocrisy so as to be likeable by humans, but as slaves of Jesus, who perform the will of god from their soul, willfully as if serving the lord and not humans. (Note to myself: my next slave should be a devout christian girl.)

In his 1st epistle to Timothy, in 6:1 and 6:2 Paul says that those slaves who are captive to non-believers should consider their owners as worthy of every honor, so as not to give pretext for slandering the name of god and his teachings. (Note to my next slave girl: that's why she should not mind me being her owner.) While those who are slaves of believers, they should not scorn them for being brothers, but they should work even harder for them, because those who enjoy the fruits of their slavery are fellow believers. (Note to myself: should perhaps consider becoming a christian. Just a thought.)

Finally, by becoming more familiar with christian practices over the years I have come to the realization that even if, by any chance, god turns out to have a problem with something that I do, (like, say, BDSM,) there is absolutely no problem, and everything can be made all right in the end. You see, according to the christian doctrine you can steal and destroy, you can maim, pillage, rape, kill, and do pretty much anything you like, and it will all be fine as long as you eventually repent. Yep, that's all it takes, a sincere repentance before you die, and absolution is guaranteed. Thousands of crooks and murderers throughout history can testify to this, along with the priests who absolved them. So, in the name of Jesus, go forth and fuck everything up, nothing matters, it will all be fine in the end, seriously!

sexyred1 -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 4:29:36 PM)

I don't believe my religion has anything to with my BDSM proclivities. I don't think I am damned for doing what I do.

The only time this ever influences me is when I scream out "Oh My God!" at the right time during these activities.

Aswad -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 4:42:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

Lately I've been writing down my own views of the bible, God, and laws. I've got a long way to go though until it is finished.

I'd love to read it. Doing something similar myself.

Incidentally, religion, to me, is the intersection between human affairs, spiritual and mundane, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc.

— Aswad.

LadyConstanze -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 4:56:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: rhondare

Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate

Love the movie!!!!

areuhim -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 5:05:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003

I've got a question..I just told a friend about me being on cm and that i would like to get to know more abiut bsdn. And thay said it was wrong that i would go to hell because its all the devil's play.but ive meet people on here the believe in gid and go to church... just wanted some feed back

OK, let me try to respond to this... I was raised Baptist so I feel I can answer this fairly. If you have found one person who you are faithful to and do not go into the poly portion of the lifestyle, I do not see why you cannot have BDSM elements in your relationship. Yes, the baptist religion demands marriage, and that would be right in the eyes of God and the church...but only you can make that decision. Christians are human beings and make many mistakes. The best you can do is listen to your own morals and continue to grow in your faith with your new partner. In the baptist religion as with many other Christian religions you go to hell for rejecting Christ, not for what you do in your bedroom...

I hope this helps you...

NiceButMeanGirl -> RE: god and bsdm (8/20/2012 6:03:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003

I've got a question..I just told a friend about me being on cm and that i would like to get to know more abiut bsdn. And thay said it was wrong that i would go to hell because its all the devil's play.but ive meet people on here the believe in gid and go to church... just wanted some feed back

I'm a witch and believe "An it harm none, do what ye wilt." And I don't believe in hell. So I don't have a problem doing BDSM with a consenting partner. It's not harming anyone else so far as I can tell. At least no one that doesn't want to be. [;)]

However, I was raised Catholic and went to several other Christian denominations also, including regular Baptist, before I became pagan. I never saw anything in any of the Ten Commandments about BDSMy type stuff being against the rules.

As for the other things that have been brought up, i.e. premarital sex and homosexuality:
I Corinthians 7:8-9 RSV says "To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is well for them to remain single as I do. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion." So that sounds to me like, just say no to premarital sex. Re: homosexuality, the Old Testament had something to say, but Jesus didn't say anything about it.

I hope you get this worked out in your own mind to where you can both follow your religion and enjoy your sex life with a clean conscience.


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