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Joined: 4/4/2007 Status: offline
Nudism is not a kink, Ninebelowzero. As with parkour, it is about freedom and naturalness, but often misunderstood as something else. Now, hijab does translate into English as modesty. In the West, to be dressed hijab might be to have long skirts and little cleavage these days, though in your youth (as in mine, around my parts), a headscarf might be appropriate hijab for a grown woman. Standards change. Human beings, unfortunately, rarely do. See, you're calling to impose hijab- specifically, your modern idea of it- on people that are more modern than modernity, such as nudists. It, of course, passes for courtesy when it's your perception of hijab that is imposed, and barbarism when it's the orthodox Sunni perception of hijab that is imposed. The latter, last I heard, you were considering banning, the way France already has (and, from what MariaB says, it seems they at least have more integrity in doing so than most). Now, just like we don't chop people's hands off for stealing anymore, we don't pour acid on women for not dressing hijab. Instead, we give people fines or jail time for stealing, or for not dressing hijab. Which might be acceptable, if it weren't for the fact that lots of people will thumb their noses both up and down the modesty spectrum, and denounce punishments accepted elsewhere for lack of hijab while often writing off stern punishments for other things as acceptable on account of the different standards in severity of punishments. I don't much care what laws and standards people want to enact; that's their business, and I can't expect humanity to be mature. But I do care about double standards, and I hope you do, too. I hope you'll consider it carefully. IWYW, — Aswad. P.S.: Yes, cold and wind equals covering up. We have few nudists in Norway, if any.
"If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind. From then on I knew: God doesn't make the world this way. We do." -- Rorschack, Watchmen.