RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (Full Version)

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DragonMstr -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/23/2004 8:53:29 AM)

Sounds to me like he is having delussions of grandure. From what I can see, it looks like he has fantasies of making a Domme his slave. Unfortunately, a true Dom or Domme rarely changes. maybe he needs to study people a little more before he posts things like this.

Master Rick

ehlovindom -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/24/2004 10:45:27 PM)

MizSuz, please don't take this the wrong way but reposting private emails and including the person's name isn't the most 'honourable' thing to do but I can understand your reaction to getting such crap in your mailbox. Perhaps it says something about that website but then there is just as much as that stuff sent to subs (and Dommes!) by so-called Doms on other sites as well.

To answer your question

I am now asking you, as a dominant male, to please communicate to me what you think could possibly be happening in the mind of one who would initiate an interaction with a dominant woman in this manner.

I wouldn't know what could possibly be going on in such a small mind and I could care less because time is too precious to waste on such idiots. That is why we have been given the delete button!

We dont need receive wisdom;we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.

LK -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/27/2004 6:27:48 AM)

Thanks for the comedy this AM. I have received similar emails. I usually have a good laugh, share them with My room mates (who are lesbian and lifestyle, and who receive those emails from guys who think they haven't ben properly fucked), and delete them.

Who knows what goes on in the minds of some people!


MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/28/2004 6:18:20 PM)



On the other hand, many slaves are truly quite strong, even dominant in nature and can satisfy that desire to have a strong and capable person at one's feet. Also the sharing of Top energy while co-Topping with other dominant friends is quite sweet. Perhaps this person suffers from the common misconception that subs and slaves are weak little mindless nothings and searches for stronger meat without knowing where to hunt it?

Indeed, my preference is submission from a strong, self assured person who doesn't need to prove anything. And, as you say, co topping can be sublime.

As for the misconception you mention, quite possibly so. I hadn't considered that perspective. Pity his arrogance got in his way.


I think what was 'off' in this fellows letter, to my mind was the arrogance and the subsequent denigration of you for having the temerity to know who you are and not jump to his hand.

<grin> I think we are in agreement on this score (I believe at some point in my interactions with him I suggested the same...but I think it was my LAST interaction with him).

Thanks for your thoughts!

MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/28/2004 6:21:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: DocHolliday

Uhhhh, yeah. I read that and got the distict mental image of that one little know? The smallest runt on the block following around a pack of Dogs behind a bitch in heat, dry humping air cuz he cant
Thanks for sharing this. It was good for a laugh. Some men almost make me ashamed of My gender. But then again, maybe he is yet a boy...even inquiring minds are too bored with him to care.
I wonder how he keeps his blow-me-up-fuck-me-Suzie doll's attention?

HAHAHAHA! Oh MY! (can we make it a blow-me-up-fuck-me-Sally doll?)

Don't be ashamed of your gender (unless you're really committed to it). I've met some FINE specimens of your gender! I think your gender is WONDERFUL! :)

MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/28/2004 6:31:05 PM)


I quite agree with you regarding "I have daily challenges enough in life without needing more. Especially pointless ones."

Powerstruggles are just not fun to me, unless it's hot monkey sex, but that's different. Even then, I prefer someone who will fight but knows when to cave.

That's why I shut the guy down. The discussions here about his email were much more interesting to me than another interaction with him would have been.

Be well.

MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/28/2004 6:34:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: DragonMstr

From what I can see, it looks like he has fantasies of making a Domme his slave.

That very same thought occurred to me. Ya know, I even know someone who has done that, contacted dominant women with the intent of turning them. It's worked once or twice, two.

<smile> It didn't work with me then, either.

MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/28/2004 6:56:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: ehlovindom

MizSuz, please don't take this the wrong way but reposting private emails and including the person's name isn't the most 'honourable' thing to do but I can understand your reaction to getting such crap in your mailbox.

I take no offense. In fact, there are many people who feel the way you do. I, however, am of the opinion that once you send an email it is not yours anymore. If it were snailmail and you put it in the post box it would no longer belong to you. The same applies here. The notion of true anonymity on the internet is a fantasy.

Besides, I learned when I was 12 that if I didn't want someone to see something I should never write it down. I dont feel compelled to play by the 'moral code' of someone who would deal with me thusly. Morals are an individual thing. Integrity is key and this man had none. I figured I was acting in integrity by telling him what I intended to do with it.

Blind adherence to morality creates a nice little place for people like this to perpetrate their chaos on others. I choose not to enable that, I choose to think and decide for myself.


I wouldn't know what could possibly be going on in such a small mind and I could care less because time is too precious to waste on such idiots. That is why we have been given the delete button!

I quite agree and usually do so (delete). This one, however, was just too much not to share. Some folks even found it as humorous as I did, and it generated some great discussion.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Estring -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/28/2004 7:04:32 PM)

Aaargh! Please people, the correct term is "couldn't care less", not "could care less". If you could care less, that means you care alot. This isn't really commenting on the thread subject, but I couldn't care less. [:D]

MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/28/2004 7:09:19 PM)



Aaargh! Please people, the correct term is "couldn't care less", not "could care less". If you could care less, that means you care alot. This isn't really commenting on the thread subject, but I couldn't care less. [:D]


Methinks we've discovered a pet peeve!

MistressDREAD -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (1/31/2004 11:53:01 PM)

Ive been reading this threat with interest and I must make a comment that goes against the grain of most here.....
ooh yes but befor I do ERUSVI, I personally adore Fat Men in speedos, its a big turn on for Me and love seeing those whom have the guts to be out in public holdin their own! ( My kink aint Your kink but My kinks holds the same value as Yours!)

Its a fact that We All sit in Our established Personalities be they Dominant or suplicant or even Switch, but regardless of it We are first off Human and brought up in different ways and taught and trained differently and sum are taught to express their views with out thought as to what the end result of that view will be. Men especially Dominant Men are natural conqurers ( how ever thats spelled as Im not in the mood to look it up) and each one sees sumthing they desire and go after it. That is not to say that Woman do not do this as well because We do as We are all human and not all of Us were born with or taught cooth or how to be eloquent in Our expressions or tastes and We can and do strike back. I see a war of the wills here and one where both seem to have gotten off on humiliation. If I had personally had a email sent to Me as such I would of simply thru it in the trash and put the writer on ignore not even giving Him the attention or satisfaction that He obviously desired and which You gave Him Suz. Even Experianced Dominants fall into the leverage traps that are sumtimes set for Them.

Borcher -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (2/25/2004 2:31:36 PM)


Aaargh! Please people, the correct term is "couldn't care less", not "could care less". If you could care less, that means you care alot. This isn't really commenting on the thread subject, but I couldn't care less.

Actually, both can be correct, as one is said in a more sarcastic tone which actually means the opposite of what is said. For more, if interested, see Stephen Pinker's wonederful book The Language Instinct. Cleared up a lot of things for me. Like you, I'd always grated at hearing "I could care less. . . ".


Borcher -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (2/25/2004 2:39:15 PM)


While I, too, don't agree with posting the name of the supposed dominant, I think he may have been merely hoping you *would* put him in his place. You mentioned early on he replied thinking you would have responded more wickedly. He probably hoped you would.

There are those who will pull a stunt like that hoping they will get shot down and humiliated big-time and get their kicks that way; getting a wicked verbal thrashing potentially full of what punishing things would be done to them.

There really are all kinds in the world, and the continuum is wide.


MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (2/26/2004 5:25:36 PM)




While I, too, don't agree with posting the name of the supposed dominant, I think he may have been merely hoping you *would* put him in his place. You mentioned early on he replied thinking you would have responded more wickedly. He probably hoped you would.

There are those who will pull a stunt like that hoping they will get shot down and humiliated big-time and get their kicks that way; getting a wicked verbal thrashing potentially full of what punishing things would be done to them.

There really are all kinds in the world, and the continuum is wide.



Very well said. If that is in fact what he wished then we both found the interaction suitable. He got the attention he wanted via this posting and I got a good laugh. What he didn't get was any more of my direct interaction, which is also quite suitable to me (and may have been equally suitable to him).

At any rate it certainly generated some great responses and discussions here!

inyouagain -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (2/26/2004 6:16:16 PM)

While there may be those guys who enjoy seeing their sister's name spray painted on the town's water tower... there also may be sister's who enjoy seeing their names so emblazoned?

How do you know if this Dom was/is infact a real male of the species?

Food for thought...

He may have actually gotten lucky once (or convinced himself he did?), and is trying to make history repeat itself, or for lightning to strike the exact spot again?

It seems either way, he has achieved some attention of your's... too bad same was wasted on him. This thread is similar to another involving exposure of an alleged philandering Dom... they both involve 'exposure', when ignoring may likely have been a better treatment, in lieu of a cure/remedy for there is none.

Looks like just another fun disgusting day in paradise to me, but I confess I did get a chuckle, and I like you just the way you are...

''don't go changing... to try and please me...'' (name that tune)

If I were in your shoes and a Mistress/Domme tried to rape my Dom mind, I would be totally amused... there's not a switch or sub bone in my body, my death will preceed my submission, sorry!

Magnetic poles must be opposites to ensure attraction. Unlike, or opposite poles attract while like poles repell... it's in their Flux.

Everything was cool and we all had our poles and holes aligned properly, and someone threw an electromagnet into our paradise midst. Electromagnet's polarities are reverseable much as a switch switches, but none are self-sufficient and require juice to charge their particles... 'he' may have simply been seeking juice, or fuel for the fire.

At any rate, 'he' surely saw you as permeable, or 'electro' vs. nonpermeable, fixed-flux in design/nature. In theory, an electromagnetic force applied to a fixed-flux (or permanent) magnet would in effect only cancel or neutralize the current state of flux, NOT drive it to the other extreme, or polarity.


MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (2/26/2004 6:31:00 PM)

Are you saying for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; therefore the most productive response to being "pushed" is to not push back - thereby neutralizing the forces?

Harkening back to my original post and reason for posting, I was most interested in the dominant male's perspective of this interaction. You might note that I said this person was on alt (not collarme). I haven't a clue if he's on collarme or not. I don't even know if he is aware of this thread beyond my informing him that I intended to post it (I subsequently blocked him so I have no way of knowing if he came here or not).

But I am very pleased that so many chose to discuss it. There have been a number of possible mind-sets proposed here and I do believe I was given a bit more insight than I would have gotten had I merely laughed and deleted the email.

I'm glad I posted and appreciative of the responses.

LordChainer -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (3/5/2004 1:11:41 PM)

In our D&S Society (LoveChains) we have a name for these guys: SADFUBBs (Self-Appointed Dominants Fucked Up Beyond Belief)

Lord Chainer

MizSuz -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (3/5/2004 5:00:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: LordChainer

In our D&S Society (LoveChains) we have a name for these guys: SADFUBBs (Self-Appointed Dominants Fucked Up Beyond Belief)

Lord Chainer


I guess there's an acronym for everything. At least they're easy to spot!

iwillserveu -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (3/6/2004 5:31:49 AM)

I know this is the ask a master board, but I'll answer as an honest guy. You are pretty MizSuz.[8D] (Gee, men sometimes use the wrong head. Imagine that![8D])

I have to echo a few thoughts here. Well actually "amplify" is the correct term.

I am not a lawyer but revealing private correspondence with permission of only one party is like selling a tape-recorded phone call to a radio station. It will vary from state to state but it may be illegal. Anywhere it is, in ehlovindom words, nothonorable.

Your saving grace is I doubt his legal name is SirWilliam007.[:D] (I know how frustrating a coward hiding behind a psuedonym can be. ["What is your name again, iwillserveu?[8D]"]

I forget who pointed out he probably wanted you to dominate him. That is exactly what he wanted. Unless alts search function screwed up again, why was he looking at female dominants to begin with? (Alt used to fill my searches with all women be they submissive, switch, or dominant, so maybe it was a glitch.)

Unless his kink was "converting" you into a sub, there really is no other explanation as to why he even contacted you. (If it were a glitch why would he write you instead of just moving to the next one?)

Oh, Estring, I couldn't care less how you feel about misuse of words.[8D] (Sorry, I could not resist that one.[:D])

DoYouLikePain -> RE: Your Opinion Please Sirs (4/11/2014 4:16:21 PM)

I can only relate an old "Tumbleweeds" cartoon ... where, the medicine man, Limpid Lizard says "Egads, I'm surrounded by idjits."

Idjits like this make a bad rep for all Doms ... and they shine out as memorable examples hiding the decent Doms behind all the jerks.

Just hang in there.

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