Possible solutions for America's problems (Full Version)

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Zonie63 -> Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 6:35:01 PM)

This is in response to another thread which was locked for review.

In post #224 of that thread, Mr. Rodgers wrote:


Well there is the question of how it is that we got here ? A pres. is actually free to kill American citizens whom we 'feel' is just too dangerous to let walk the streets and even if the streets are in another country, even if we kill others in our desire to kill a particular one and even if those others are minors and likely innocents and even...children ?

Get over it dude as it is too late...America is gone. This is not our father's country, it is not the founding father's country anymore.

There is no peaceably assembling for a redress of our grievances, you are kept away from power or rounded up and detained mind you...not actually thrown in jail even though they often look just like one.

There is no more due process and habeas corpus, there is guilt before innocence, there is the freedom to be too big to fail. Legalized swindling on wall street. [sic]

Americans are fish, living in water and don't know it and will make...great Nazis. Lemmings going to political slaughter.

When you say "get over it, America is gone," what does this mean? It's still here as far as I can see. We have over 300 million living breathing people, most of whom are able-bodied and some are even moderately intelligent. We've been in tougher jams before.

But if it's already gone, why complain about it? Didn't you start that thread with the goal of eliciting discussion so that perhaps a positive solution can be found? Why be defeatist?

Also, there's another loose end I need to tie up in that thread, in response to Egern in post #231:




Besides, "the world" didn't act on anything in regards to the Nazis. "The world" just sat around and waited for the Nazis to attack, appeasing them and making deals with them in the years leading up to it.

I didn't say anything about Americans winning the war. Maybe you should brush up on your reading comprehension before telling others to brush up on their history.

What is that above then?

The only thing I pointed out in the quote above is what "the world" did (in response to Tuub's ironic usage of the phrase "the world"). I didn't say a word about America's role in the war, so your supposition that I was claiming that "the Americans won the war" was incorrect. I've never said that.

jlf1961 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 6:39:18 PM)

Well historically speaking, Republics never seem to last for long, there are some exceptions.

Personally, I think the country started going downhill after the Spanish, French, Dutch, English and Scot/Irish showed up.

I mean the Native Americans had a good life going, fighting amongst the tribes, no small pox, and a corner on the tobacco market.

WantsOfTheFlesh -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 7:50:26 PM)


When you say "get over it, America is gone," what does this mean? It's still here as far as I can see. We have over 300 million living breathing people, most of whom are able-bodied and some are even moderately intelligent. We've been in tougher jams before.

But if it's already gone, why complain about it? Didn't you start that thread with the goal of eliciting discussion so that perhaps a positive solution can be found? Why be defeatist?

some of that stuff smells like bs by folks professing ta care bout a country they hate. doesnt matter if they are on the far left or far right coz the stuff they say is pretty much tha same. [8|]

blacksword404 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 8:07:54 PM)

An American president able to kill Americans without a trial in another country. No trial or evidence needed. Maybe even Americans in America. Possibly with the use of armed drones.

The founding fathers would probably be ashamed of what we let happen.

BamaD -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 8:17:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: blacksword404

An American president able to kill Americans without a trial in another country. No trial or evidence needed. Maybe even Americans in America. Possibly with the use of armed drones.

The founding fathers would probably be ashamed of what we let happen.

If Americans in America I would consider this to be an impeachable offense.
However a person sitting inside a terrorist HQ should get no protection from being a U S citezen.
Loath as I am to defend Obama it seems that the later is the case and the former is the preception.

jlf1961 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 8:22:14 PM)

Look, a drone strike would be less painful than the alternative, force feeding them my homemade salsa.

If they are in a terrorist HQ with other targets, and actively supporting terrorist operations against the US, the term "they be fucked" applies.

BamaD -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 8:48:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Look, a drone strike would be less painful than the alternative, force feeding them my homemade salsa.

If they are in a terrorist HQ with other targets, and actively supporting terrorist operations against the US, the term "they be fucked" applies.

My point exactly , thank you.

Zonie63 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 8:52:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Well historically speaking, Republics never seem to last for long, there are some exceptions.

Personally, I think the country started going downhill after the Spanish, French, Dutch, English and Scot/Irish showed up.

I mean the Native Americans had a good life going, fighting amongst the tribes, no small pox, and a corner on the tobacco market.

Well, we might consider going back to that, although without the fighting amongst the tribes.

Of course, from the way some people have described America, we're not even a Republic anymore, but rather, some kind of secret military dictatorship.

Zonie63 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 9:27:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: WantsOfTheFlesh


When you say "get over it, America is gone," what does this mean? It's still here as far as I can see. We have over 300 million living breathing people, most of whom are able-bodied and some are even moderately intelligent. We've been in tougher jams before.

But if it's already gone, why complain about it? Didn't you start that thread with the goal of eliciting discussion so that perhaps a positive solution can be found? Why be defeatist?

some of that stuff smells like bs by folks professing ta care bout a country they hate. doesnt matter if they are on the far left or far right coz the stuff they say is pretty much tha same. [8|]

Well, I'm the first to admit that this country is facing some serious problems, but it seems like the demise of America is already treated like a foregone conclusion - as if there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to forestall the inevitable. That seems to be the general direction that many of these threads take, so I wanted to explore that one particular point further.

Is America's decline due to attitude? If one was on a baseball team and everyone on the team thought they were going to lose, then they'd probably lose. But if they have a winning attitude, they might win.

Have we become too defeatist and resigned to a grim fate?

BamaD -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/19/2013 9:40:44 PM)




ORIGINAL: WantsOfTheFlesh


When you say "get over it, America is gone," what does this mean? It's still here as far as I can see. We have over 300 million living breathing people, most of whom are able-bodied and some are even moderately intelligent. We've been in tougher jams before.

But if it's already gone, why complain about it? Didn't you start that thread with the goal of eliciting discussion so that perhaps a positive solution can be found? Why be defeatist?

some of that stuff smells like bs by folks professing ta care bout a country they hate. doesnt matter if they are on the far left or far right coz the stuff they say is pretty much tha same. [8|]

Well, I'm the first to admit that this country is facing some serious problems, but it seems like the demise of America is already treated like a foregone conclusion - as if there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to forestall the inevitable. That seems to be the general direction that many of these threads take, so I wanted to explore that one particular point further.

Is America's decline due to attitude? If one was on a baseball team and everyone on the team thought they were going to lose, then they'd probably lose. But if they have a winning attitude, they might win.

Have we become too defeatist and resigned to a grim fate?

Don't know how many are old enough to remember this but during the Carter administration the was an attitude that the U S was in unreversable decline. The national security advisor was even saying that our only reasonable course of action was to gracefully take aback seat to the Arabs Chinese and Russians and try to curry favor with them.
Whatever else you may think of Reagan he made people proud to be Americans again.
Things can be reversed but not untill the people remember Thomas Jefferson's warning.
A government powerfull enough to give you everything you want is powerfull enough to take everything you have.
We need to remember that it is the people not the Government that made us great and get back to that.

Zonie63 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 4:39:44 AM)






ORIGINAL: WantsOfTheFlesh


When you say "get over it, America is gone," what does this mean? It's still here as far as I can see. We have over 300 million living breathing people, most of whom are able-bodied and some are even moderately intelligent. We've been in tougher jams before.

But if it's already gone, why complain about it? Didn't you start that thread with the goal of eliciting discussion so that perhaps a positive solution can be found? Why be defeatist?

some of that stuff smells like bs by folks professing ta care bout a country they hate. doesnt matter if they are on the far left or far right coz the stuff they say is pretty much tha same. [8|]

Well, I'm the first to admit that this country is facing some serious problems, but it seems like the demise of America is already treated like a foregone conclusion - as if there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to forestall the inevitable. That seems to be the general direction that many of these threads take, so I wanted to explore that one particular point further.

Is America's decline due to attitude? If one was on a baseball team and everyone on the team thought they were going to lose, then they'd probably lose. But if they have a winning attitude, they might win.

Have we become too defeatist and resigned to a grim fate?

Don't know how many are old enough to remember this but during the Carter administration the was an attitude that the U S was in unreversable decline. The national security advisor was even saying that our only reasonable course of action was to gracefully take aback seat to the Arabs Chinese and Russians and try to curry favor with them.
Whatever else you may think of Reagan he made people proud to be Americans again.
Things can be reversed but not untill the people remember Thomas Jefferson's warning.
A government powerfull enough to give you everything you want is powerfull enough to take everything you have.
We need to remember that it is the people not the Government that made us great and get back to that.

I do remember the Carter Administration and the generally cynical attitude of the 1970s (which actually flowered in the 1960s). Vietnam, Watergate, energy crisis, inflation, and a widespread belief that we would eventually blow ourselves up in a nuclear conflagration. Either that, or our future would be something like The Omega Man or Soylent Green.

I agree with you that Reagan made people proud to be Americans again, but that was only on the surface. Our "pride" at that time was more like a chemically-induced temporary high, but without any significant changes in the policies which got us into the mess in the 1970s in the first place. Reagan seemed to want to recapture the magic of the 1940s and 50s when America was on top of the world and we were in a kind of golden age. The main problem with that was that the world had changed by then, including the Soviet Union.

Taking a back seat in world affairs is not really a bad idea, though. Even championship teams have to have rebuilding years every so often. I think part of our problem is that Americans are so scared of no longer being Number One that it's clouding our reasoning and judgment. There also seems to be an underlying inferiority complex in America's consciousness.

Another problem with Reagan is that he and his cronies didn't seem very proud of the American workforce. They were staunch proponents of outsourcing and NAFTA, so their "pride" in America was very selective.

We probably need to go through some rebuilding years. We need to rebuild our infrastructure and revitalize our industrial base. We need to pull out of the rest of the world and let them take care of their own problems. We have enough of our own problems to deal with. A lot of the things we need to do have been vehemently opposed by both the Reaganites and the Clintonistas, so both parties have been quite zealous in charting our demise. They need to stop, and the people need to stop supporting this crap if we're ever going to salvage anything of America in the years to come.

WantsOfTheFlesh -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 5:32:32 AM)



ORIGINAL: WantsOfTheFlesh

When you say "get over it, America is gone," what does this mean? It's still here as far as I can see. We have over 300 million living breathing people, most of whom are able-bodied and some are even moderately intelligent. We've been in tougher jams before.

But if it's already gone, why complain about it? Didn't you start that thread with the goal of eliciting discussion so that perhaps a positive solution can be found? Why be defeatist?

some of that stuff smells like bs by folks professing ta care bout a country they hate. doesnt matter if they are on the far left or far right coz the stuff they say is pretty much tha same. [8|]

Well, I'm the first to admit that this country is facing some serious problems, but it seems like the demise of America is already treated like a foregone conclusion - as if there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to forestall the inevitable. That seems to be the general direction that many of these threads take, so I wanted to explore that one particular point further.

Is America's decline due to attitude? If one was on a baseball team and everyone on the team thought they were going to lose, then they'd probably lose. But if they have a winning attitude, they might win.

Have we become too defeatist and resigned to a grim fate?

yup some big problems wit the mounting debt & too much outsourcing but still tha biggest economy & greatest military power in a time of sorta peace. a lotta of this is doomy stuff is wishful thinking created by decades of animus by folks on tha far right and tha left. now china rolls along like their great white hope as if it will be tha saviour. the crystal ball gazers need to look back over hstory at big states like rome. t was racked by major crisis again & again. other big powers rise up but it remained strong over centuries of conflictl. itsa matter of will & positivism or "ignorance" as tha critics would say. [8|]

vincentML -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 6:59:17 AM)


I do remember the Carter Administration and the generally cynical attitude of the 1970s (which actually flowered in the 1960s). Vietnam, Watergate, energy crisis, inflation, and a widespread belief that we would eventually blow ourselves up in a nuclear conflagration. Either that, or our future would be something like The Omega Man or Soylent Green.

I agree with you that Reagan made people proud to be Americans again, but that was only on the surface. Our "pride" at that time was more like a chemically-induced temporary high, but without any significant changes in the policies which got us into the mess in the 1970s in the first place. Reagan seemed to want to recapture the magic of the 1940s and 50s when America was on top of the world and we were in a kind of golden age. The main problem with that was that the world had changed by then, including the Soviet Union.

This talk of America's decline or resurgence seems to be tied to the economics of the era. Carter and Reagan are exemplars. We were in recessions caused by oil hike trauma in the 70s when Carter was president. Reagan made his optimistic "morning in America" speech during the 1984 campaign when the economy was again growing and the stock market was breaking upwards.

We have been in recession and credit squeeze since 2008. which accounts for the current pessimism. I think we can also include more than a decade of war news. This all shall pass. Hopefully. [:D]

BamaD -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 7:04:50 AM)




I do remember the Carter Administration and the generally cynical attitude of the 1970s (which actually flowered in the 1960s). Vietnam, Watergate, energy crisis, inflation, and a widespread belief that we would eventually blow ourselves up in a nuclear conflagration. Either that, or our future would be something like The Omega Man or Soylent Green.

I agree with you that Reagan made people proud to be Americans again, but that was only on the surface. Our "pride" at that time was more like a chemically-induced temporary high, but without any significant changes in the policies which got us into the mess in the 1970s in the first place. Reagan seemed to want to recapture the magic of the 1940s and 50s when America was on top of the world and we were in a kind of golden age. The main problem with that was that the world had changed by then, including the Soviet Union.

This talk of America's decline or resurgence seems to be tied to the economics of the era. Carter and Reagan are exemplars. We were in recessions caused by oil hike trauma in the 70s when Carter was president. Reagan made his optimistic "morning in America" speech during the 1984 campaign when the economy was again growing and the stock market was breaking upwards.

We have been in recession and credit squeeze since 2008. which accounts for the current pessimism. I think we can also include more than a decade of war news. This all shall pass. Hopefully. [:D]

And the people have to relearn to take care of themselves not wait for the government to take care of them.

jlf1961 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 11:27:34 AM)



And the people have to relearn to take care of themselves not wait for the government to take care of them.

I agree that the vast majority of people on the various welfare programs probably should not be on them.

I have seen welfare recipients with the latest smart phone, driving cars that I cant afford, and my monthly income is higher than the average around here.

I also deal with the food stamp office due to strange quirk in my financial situation. I use the state mental health agency for my mental health needs, and they do a financial evaluation when you become a client, then they automatically enroll you in any programs you qualify for.

My medicare premium is paid for by the state as well as my medicare part d plan, and qualify for $116 in food stamps a month. Since I have a garden, hunt, and raise a steer every year the food stamps are primarily used to buy food for my great nephew.

Now I cant understand how someone can qualify for state welfare when they have the latest smart phone, an Ipad, and a late model car. Of course I see late model cars parked in front of some to the most run down houses and apartments in this town as well.

BamaD -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 11:31:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961



And the people have to relearn to take care of themselves not wait for the government to take care of them.

I agree that the vast majority of people on the various welfare programs probably should not be on them.

I have seen welfare recipients with the latest smart phone, driving cars that I cant afford, and my monthly income is higher than the average around here.

I also deal with the food stamp office due to strange quirk in my financial situation. I use the state mental health agency for my mental health needs, and they do a financial evaluation when you become a client, then they automatically enroll you in any programs you qualify for.

My medicare premium is paid for by the state as well as my medicare part d plan, and qualify for $116 in food stamps a month. Since I have a garden, hunt, and raise a steer every year the food stamps are primarily used to buy food for my great nephew.

Now I cant understand how someone can qualify for state welfare when they have the latest smart phone, an Ipad, and a late model car. Of course I see late model cars parked in front of some to the most run down houses and apartments in this town as well.

No longer considered welfare but rather entitlements

vincentML -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 11:45:24 AM)


And the people have to relearn to take care of themselves not wait for the government to take care of them.

As if people are content or able to live on meager government welfare. Interesting how Ronald Reagan's 'wefare queen' meme lingers on after he is long gone and provides wet dreams for libertarians.

jlf1961 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 11:50:51 AM)



No longer considered welfare but rather entitlements

Alright, entitlements. But the whole purpose of the programs are to help people during a run of bad luck, not be a permanent thing.

I mean there are first time food stamp recipients on the rolls due to loss of jobs, and I know there are some people who somehow manage to get on disability for some of the weirdest things in my opinion, and brag about it.

As for me, I am seeing doctors and looking for some procedure that will correct my back and knee problems that would allow me to go back to the type of jobs I was doing.

BamaD -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/20/2013 5:29:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961



No longer considered welfare but rather entitlements

Alright, entitlements. But the whole purpose of the programs are to help people during a run of bad luck, not be a permanent thing.

I mean there are first time food stamp recipients on the rolls due to loss of jobs, and I know there are some people who somehow manage to get on disability for some of the weirdest things in my opinion, and brag about it.

As for me, I am seeing doctors and looking for some procedure that will correct my back and knee problems that would allow me to go back to the type of jobs I was doing.

I wasn't "correcting" you but refering to the mindset.

Zonie63 -> RE: Possible solutions for America's problems (2/21/2013 4:32:17 AM)




I do remember the Carter Administration and the generally cynical attitude of the 1970s (which actually flowered in the 1960s). Vietnam, Watergate, energy crisis, inflation, and a widespread belief that we would eventually blow ourselves up in a nuclear conflagration. Either that, or our future would be something like The Omega Man or Soylent Green.

I agree with you that Reagan made people proud to be Americans again, but that was only on the surface. Our "pride" at that time was more like a chemically-induced temporary high, but without any significant changes in the policies which got us into the mess in the 1970s in the first place. Reagan seemed to want to recapture the magic of the 1940s and 50s when America was on top of the world and we were in a kind of golden age. The main problem with that was that the world had changed by then, including the Soviet Union.

This talk of America's decline or resurgence seems to be tied to the economics of the era. Carter and Reagan are exemplars. We were in recessions caused by oil hike trauma in the 70s when Carter was president. Reagan made his optimistic "morning in America" speech during the 1984 campaign when the economy was again growing and the stock market was breaking upwards.

We have been in recession and credit squeeze since 2008. which accounts for the current pessimism. I think we can also include more than a decade of war news. This all shall pass. Hopefully. [:D]

I sometimes wonder if it will pass. I keep thinking of the old saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

I also remember back in 1984 when the Reaganites kept talking about how the economy was doing so well, yet there were others who were saying that we were teetering on the edge of disaster. The massive budget deficits and the growing national debt were serious problems back then, too, but there were a lot of loud-talking economists back then who kept saying that debt was a good thing. They kept going on and on about how great Reaganomics was, but look at us now. The consequences of outsourcing, deregulation, privatization, free trade agreements, and gross fiscal irresponsibility have taken their toll on America.

Of course, it's not all about economics, but also foreign policy. Most of the criticism of America (both within and outside of America) seems to revolve around our foreign policy, while our economic philosophy has only been a peripheral issue since the fall of the Soviet Union. Much of America's self-image has also related to how we treat other nations. The tumult of the 1960s, for example, was related to America's war in Southeast Asia. A lot of Americans from well-to-do, comfortable families went out and protested - not because they were starving or oppressed, but because they were beneficiaries of policies which they believed caused others to be starving or oppressed. So, perhaps there may be some upper-class liberal guilt involved in all of this as well.

Reagan mitigated some of that guilt to some extent, and many of those same protesters by that time realized that they enjoyed being well-to-do and comfortable and weren't about to allow issues of social consciousness to impede that. I like George Carlin's summary on baby boomers which perfectly sums up the attitude I'm referring to.

What appears to have happened in this country is that whole generations have been raised to want to have their cake and eat it, too. But now, we've eaten the cake, gotten fat, and now we're all scratching our heads wondering what happened to the cake.


And the people have to relearn to take care of themselves not wait for the government to take care of them.

I agree, as we've put ourselves in a tough situation. Of course, removing the welfare state will have to mean certain changes in trade policy. There has to be jobs available for people to do, beyond burger flipping. We need to end outsourcing and bring back real manufacturing jobs to the United States. I agree that ending the welfare state and putting people back to work would help a great deal to putting us back on our feet, but we have to have something to replace it with. Can't just let the Rust Belt sit there and rust. Some of the Sacred Cows held by economists might have to be challenged, since their zealous worshiping of those Sacred Cows is what got us into this mess in the first place.

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