RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (Full Version)

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TheLilSquaw -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 1:53:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Darkfeather

They usually won't physically audit you unless they suspect something fishy. And as you said, as long as you are honest with everything, the amount they take out is minimal at best or you actually get more. Like I said, if you have concerns, look for an SSI lawyer. In the long run, it is better to tell em everything than to get caught in a deception

Even if it is an error on their part and you are over payed you are required to pay it back. So better to error on the side of caution.

The reason your parents income doesn't count against you is you are separate households. However, you and your daddy are one household. Although your money's are not "joint" you are a couple living in the same household. So it is different.

My income counts against my son's SSI until he is 18. Then he will be considered his own household and it wont. Then he will be a separate household.

ETA: The last thing you want is someone to CALL social security and tell them that you are living with your daddy and not reporting his income. Then they will audit you and it wont be pretty.

DomKen -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 4:18:53 PM)

This is ridiculous.

Go in to the SS office and tell a worker your situation. If they determine that he is supporting you then they will reduce your SSI, as they damn well should. If not then you have no worries.

And yes, I'm on disability living on a limited income and I find a way to obey the rules.

playfulotter -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 4:31:06 PM)

I agree with Domken.....remember the quotation.."Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive..." Not that you are doing anything intentionally illegal at this time.... Also, think about it like this...the taxpayers of California are making sure you are taken care of and don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 4:31:51 PM)

He's not supporting me, and we don't make enough money to have my SSI cut. He can barely live on what he's getting now, and I can barely live on what I am getting.


This is ridiculous.

Go in to the SS office and tell a worker your situation. If they determine that he is supporting you then they will reduce your SSI, as they damn well should. If not then you have no worries.

And yes, I'm on disability living on a limited income and I find a way to obey the rules.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 4:33:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

He's not supporting me, and we don't make enough money to have my SSI cut. He can barely live on what he's getting now, and I can barely live on what I am getting.


This is ridiculous.

Go in to the SS office and tell a worker your situation. If they determine that he is supporting you then they will reduce your SSI, as they damn well should. If not then you have no worries.

And yes, I'm on disability living on a limited income and I find a way to obey the rules.

Then being honest and reporting his income should not hurt you one bit. Plus, you will sleep better at night and not have to worry.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 5:20:55 PM)

And if they do decide to cut my SSI then I am screwed, and there's nothing you can do about it, short of telling James to move out.And naturally that's not desirable.

Once some horses are out of the barn, you can not put them back.

ORIGINAL: JstAnotherSub

Then being honest and reporting his income should not hurt you one bit. Plus, you will sleep better at night and not have to worry.


and reporting his income should

servantforuse -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 5:28:54 PM)

You might actually have to take a couple of courses and get a job.

Baroana -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 5:29:04 PM)

ShaharThorne -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 5:36:18 PM)

Mom is my payee so I live with her. I give her $200 for 'rent' that in reality goes into an emergency savings account in her name. We also have her on my main account and on a joint savings account where BOTH of us have to be there to get funds out. Since Mom is 66 now, she gets SS. The house and land is paid for, van is paid for. I pay for the internet service and some of the groceries because I have my favorite foods that I munch on. Because the state considers me my own household, I get Medicaid and SNAP. They know about Mom and she does not qualify for SNAP but I do...go figure.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 5:45:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

I think they can but a friend says she don't see how come they would.

I get SSI based on not being able to work at all and having no access to any money of any kind. So if he works and I report that, not only does he live here, he works, I assume they'll say well you can have access to his money so you don't qualify for SSI or we're cutting how much you make.

And he does not make enough to support both of us, or have my income cut.

First of all (I presume James is a roommate and you're not married to him) so the IRS has no interest in James (unless you tell them).

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 6:22:12 PM)

James and I actually do not think I am mentally or emotionally or pychically capable of holding down a job. Who knows though, I could be wrong.

ORIGINAL: servantforuse

You might actually have to take a couple of courses and get a job.

Lynnxz -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 6:25:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

And if they do decide to cut my SSI then I am screwed, and there's nothing you can do about it, short of telling James to move out.And naturally that's not desirable.

Once some horses are out of the barn, you can not put them back.

Edit: never mind.

However, can't you look on the SSI website? Government websites are usually VERY SPECIFIC about when you owe them money.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 6:28:08 PM)

Nope, he's my Daddy, but It just seemed like it would be more mature to say James than my Daddy. Plus it's a little confusing sometimes for people when you live with your parents, call your dad your dad, and your bf your daddy lol.

ORIGINAL: LookieNoNookie

First of all (I presume James is a roommate and you're not married to him) so the IRS has no interest in James (unless you tell them).

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 6:30:40 PM)

We have our own bills we're responsible for. I don't buy groceries because a lot of the time I can't afford to, and I don't pay rent no but I want to.

But I am responsible for my other own needs and those of my dogs and pleasures.


But.... But... You don't pay rent, you've said you don't buy your own food... Do you pay utilities or something?

poise -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 6:43:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom
I don't buy groceries because a lot of the time I can't afford to, and I don't pay rent no but I want to.

Interesting. On the first page, you mentioned how you would get more SSI if only you were
paying rent. So, magically, you started paying rent. And then learned that, if you increase your
rent payments, you will get even more free money. What a deal!

So, you are lying to the Government regarding James living with you AND lying to them
about paying rent. And still have the nerve to take on the expense of having a dog?
Way to go. [8|]

Lynnxz -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 6:44:26 PM)




ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom
I don't buy groceries because a lot of the time I can't afford to, and I don't pay rent no but I want to.

Interesting. On the first page, you mentioned how you would get more SSI if only you were
paying rent. So, magically, you started paying rent. And then learned that, if you increase your
rent payments, you will get even more free money. What a deal!

So, you are lying to the Government regarding James living with you AND lying to them
about paying rent. And still have the nerve to take on the expense of having a dog?
Way to go. [8|]

The dog looks old. I think she's had it a while.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 6:48:58 PM)

I give my dad the money, but he saves it for me in case I have some kind of emergency .


Interesting. On the first page, you mentioned how you would get more SSI if only you were
paying rent. So, magically, you started paying rent. And then learned that, if you increase your
rent payments, you will get even more free money. What a deal!

So, you are lying to the Government regarding James living with you AND lying to them
about paying rent. And still have the nerve to take on the expense of having a dog?
Way to go. [8|]

Baroana -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 6:51:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

I give my dad the money, but he saves it for me in case I have some kind of emergency .


Interesting. On the first page, you mentioned how you would get more SSI if only you were
paying rent. So, magically, you started paying rent. And then learned that, if you increase your
rent payments, you will get even more free money. What a deal!

So, you are lying to the Government regarding James living with you AND lying to them
about paying rent. And still have the nerve to take on the expense of having a dog?
Way to go. [8|]

Yeah, that's really not what SSI is designed for. Our tax dollars at work.

theRose4U -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 7:26:32 PM)

Colorado & texas do when considering child support. Logic being if they lived together & had a kid as a side effect then they were "co-parenting" which weighs heavier on child support payments.




ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

We are not married by the way, so we can't be considered spouses, unless you count common law cause we have been together for 7 years and some places consider that good as married.

According to my research on the subject of common law marriage, there isn't a single legal jurisdiction in the US that recognizes it anymore at all.

As far as SSI assume you will be denied at least twice. Anything you leave out, "forget" or omit intentionally are grounds for payments to stop or petition to be denied. My brother is on rejection #2 & sister that was handicapped from birth has been denied a million times even though she qualifies for food stamps & medicaide

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/21/2013 7:27:57 PM)

hey what my dad does with the rent I pay him, is his business not mine.

And SSI limits how much money a time you can have, period. I can can only have 2 k at all times, that's not enough to have tucked away in case of a rainy day. Shit my bf has to have 20 of his adult teeth pulled and replaced with fakes, and the rest need cavities filled. it's going to be 10 thousand dollars, there's no way he can afford that , not even in segments, not even with dental health care, so his teeth are rotting out of his head.

I have no dental coverage, so if my tooth broke and it was 5 thousand dollars I'd be walking around with a broken tooth for months.

Emergencies happen, and when you're limited by how much money you can ever have on hand at any one time, then it's not like you're living high on the hog and you can just go out and be like wheeeeeeeeeeee spend money have every rottent ooth in my head fixed on SSI's dime.

I use my SSI to live on, What my dad socks away for me in case of a medical emergency or some other kind of emergency, is not a mis use ofSSI. not in my opinion.


Yeah, that's really not what SSI is designed for. Our tax dollars at work.

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