RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (Full Version)

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LafayetteLady -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 12:39:48 AM)

Because you never worked, you won't ever be able to change to SSD from SSI. The link that Barona provided is very helpful:


EXAMPLE C: If you live in another person’s household and share expenses.

Suppose you live with your brother, and 2 uncles in a home that your brother is buying and your only income is SSI. There are 4 people in the household. The mortgage payment is $700. The average monthly bills are $200 for electricity, $100 for water and sewer, and $600 for food. The total monthly expenses are $1600. Because there are 4 people in the household, your share of the expenses is $400 per month.

If you pay your full share of $400 for the household expenses there would be no reduction of your benefit and you would get the full $710 in your SSI check.

If you pay less than $400, then you would be receiving in-kind support and maintenance. We would apply the one-third reduction rule and the $710 would be reduced by $236.66 so your SSI benefit would be $573.40.

So, logically, even with James living with you, as long as you provide your fair share of the living expenses (in your case, half), then your benefits will not change. At least according to the link Barona provided, which is directly from Social Security, so it can be trusted to be accurate. James is not providing more than his fair share (half) of the living expenses, and you are providing your half. Based on that link and the above from that link, your SSI benefit should not change.

Now Chris, we both know I have a bit more knowledge of you situation since we often talk privately. You are in a bind because of past debt, that you are trying to pay off, which is great. However, the payments both you and James are making towards your individual debt is leaving you destitute.

Unlike some others, I'm not going to admonish you for getting into debt. It happened, and you learned your lesson. Now you are paying the debt off and trying to move forward. Your best bet would be to contact your credit card companies and try to get the payments reduced so that you can still pay them, but you have money to live on. The same thing applies to James.

In the meantime, you do live beyond your means and both of you need to be on a very strict budget. I told you I could help you with this. But it means no more quick foods that you simply microwave, and no more eating lunch out for James. You simply can't afford it. With a strict budget, you could purchase food that would be easy for you to prepare (think crock pot), but you and James also need to seriously limit your portions (which would be good for you anyway).

You should qualify for Medicaid AND food stamps based on your income situation. You need to apply for this at the Social Services office, NOT THE Social Security office. The place might also be called The Department of Health and Human Services (must be politically correct and all).

I realize I went a bit off topic, and as usual, whenever you post, people feel a need to attack you, which I don't think is fair, but I do understand their reasoning behind it.

Now as for you getting a job. You and James are not really the best people to determine your ability to work. I know there could be issues of transportation for you, but you really need to get to the Social Security office and talk to them about the Ticket to Work program. Since you have zero job history, you obviously are looking at minimum wage positions, but you are in a situation where even minimum wage would be helpful to you. Working at all will provide so many benefits to you beyond the money. You really MUST contact the program, which will assess your abilities, and provide you some training. Working part time, you can figure out how it goes. You will develop a new skill, it will improve your social skills because you won't be such a shut in anymore, and it definitely can bring about improvements to your health.

There are many programs available to assist you. With your medications, dental expenses, food pantries, getting a part time job, transportation, etc.

So yes, go report that James is living with you, along with evidence that you are still paying your fair share of the household expenses, and your SSI should remain the same. Once you do that, you need to really step up and contact all these places and find out what assistance, job training and such is available, and then take advantage of it.

And again, my offer to help you create a strict budget for you and James remains available.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 1:44:01 AM)

Hi Ll. Please excuse me shortening your name, posting with a touch type kb
I joined care one, they goy my ccs to lower my rates and payments. Some of the payments were quite cheap, but apr is awful and the balance so high it will take me like 3 years to pay off 1 let alone Pay off12.:(

Yes, I will take a budget plan. I have no control over james, so I wont agree to him but I will follow 1

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 1:50:05 AM)

I do have one contract I cant break with out being charged 300 or plus dollars, that wont end till november however!

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 1:59:05 AM)

My dad was actually supposed to teach me how to grocery shop what are sales, what arent, how to get you the most stuff for least amount of money, but for the most part I dont think he knows himself.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 3:19:56 AM)

I didnt see this earlier. Sorry. My mom. But other than the 4 of us nope. James is supposed to pay rent , he gives what he can. I give james money every now and then. Yes.

ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

Okay. Your dad owns the home that you two live in.

Does anyone live there aside from the two of you?
Do you pay rent to your dad? Does James pay rent to your dad? Do you pay anything to James?

in2anything -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 4:16:14 AM)

I'm sorry to have to disagree LafayetteLady but I'm not sure that going to work, even part-time would be in their best interests. You can only make about half before they start taking away dollar for dollar from your SSI but that's not the only (or biggest) concern.

There are also issues of how it will affect their eligibility. There are several ways it can be used to determine that a person CAN work and is therefore no longer eligible for SSI. Since SSI is a need based program you don't have to be able to do the same work you did before, a certain level of work or make more than minimum wage for them to say you can work and no longer qualify. I believe there is a time period of working part-time after which they decide this but I can't say for positive.

In regards to the issue of working the best thing is to pick up a brochure they have out that gives you all the specifics of this. You should be able to get one at your local library or by either going online or calling SSI. It's very clear, easy to read and very, very helpful.

In regards to the living situation. That scenario posted with the expenses all being divided by the number of people living there is not always true. The figure for food is for people eating the same meals together.

In another scenario you have four people sharing a 3 bedroom home. Two of the people are a couple (married or not) and they share the master bedroom with it's own bath. They eat their meals together and shop for food together.

The other two people are two single women, unrelated who each have a smaller bedroom and share one bath but who do not shop together or eat the same meals.

In that scenario the simple "add it all up and divide by the number of people" equation does not apply. Another example would be a couple who work different shifts but there are many.

Basically to answer the original question: If you and James are more than friends or give each other financial support and report such to SSI then modifications may be made to one if the other has/increases their income.

LafayetteLady -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 11:36:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: in2anything

I'm sorry to have to disagree LafayetteLady but I'm not sure that going to work, even part-time would be in their best interests. You can only make about half before they start taking away dollar for dollar from your SSI but that's not the only (or biggest) concern.

There are also issues of how it will affect their eligibility. There are several ways it can be used to determine that a person CAN work and is therefore no longer eligible for SSI. Since SSI is a need based program you don't have to be able to do the same work you did before, a certain level of work or make more than minimum wage for them to say you can work and no longer qualify. I believe there is a time period of working part-time after which they decide this but I can't say for positive.

In regards to the issue of working the best thing is to pick up a brochure they have out that gives you all the specifics of this. You should be able to get one at your local library or by either going online or calling SSI. It's very clear, easy to read and very, very helpful.

You are of course free to disagree with me. However, I didn't tell her to go out and get a part time job. I told her to go to her local Social Security office and ask them about the "Ticket to Work" program. If you aren't familiar, it is a program run by Social Security that allows the disabled to attempt going back into the work force. There are guidelines to follow and for a certain number of months, her SSI would not change. Many people enter this program, work for a while, find it really isn't working for them, and then stop working. As long as it is all done within that program, and within the time frame, there is NO redetermination of disability. However, if TFB found she was able to work full time, and made more than her monthly allotment, she could go off of disability and be a contributing member of society. That is a good thing. TFB has been determined to be disabled since she was a minor.


In regards to the living situation. That scenario posted with the expenses all being divided by the number of people living there is not always true. The figure for food is for people eating the same meals together.

In another scenario you have four people sharing a 3 bedroom home. Two of the people are a couple (married or not) and they share the master bedroom with it's own bath. They eat their meals together and shop for food together.

The other two people are two single women, unrelated who each have a smaller bedroom and share one bath but who do not shop together or eat the same meals.

In that scenario the simple "add it all up and divide by the number of people" equation does not apply. Another example would be a couple who work different shifts but there are many.

Basically to answer the original question: If you and James are more than friends or give each other financial support and report such to SSI then modifications may be made to one if the other has/increases their income.

I posted the scenario that most closely resembled TFB's living situation. Her parents live in their home and are not part of any scenario. Her and James rent a studio from her parents, meaning only their situation is considered. Certainly, TFB should read the link that Barona provided as it goes into more detail. However, that information is on the Social Security website, so it certainly can be trusted to accurately describe what TFB needs to do.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 11:45:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

You are of course free to disagree with me. However, I didn't tell her to go out and get a part time job. I told her to go to her local Social Security office and ask them about the "Ticket to Work" program. If you aren't familiar, it is a program run by Social Security that allows the disabled to attempt going back into the work force. There are guidelines to follow and for a certain number of months, her SSI would not change. Many people enter this program, work for a while, find it really isn't working for them, and then stop working. As long as it is all done within that program, and within the time frame, there is NO redetermination of disability. However, if TFB found she was able to work full time, and made more than her monthly allotment, she could go off of disability and be a contributing member of society. That is a good thing. TFB has been determined to be disabled since she was a minor.

I agree with LafeyetteLady, about TFB checking into the Ticket to Work Program. It allows people on disability to attempt to enter or re-enter the job force. They give you TONS of support from training, resume writing, interview practice, mediate between the employer and disabled person and some of the programs even place you in jobs. You have 2 yrs (at least in MD) to use the Ticket to Work Program. In that time you are not required your medical reviews and your earnings do not affect your benefits. If you go on the program and for what ever reason decide you working isn't working. You can quiet and not loose anything. It is a safety net for those on disability to TRY without fear or loosing their benefits.

You can call the 1 800 number for Social Security and request information on the program.

ETA: TFB I think if you could even get a job under the Ticket to Work program that it would help your self esteem in so many ways. So it would not only be financially beneficial but it could benefit you in other ways as well.

LafayetteLady -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 11:49:30 AM)

Because Social Security is a Federally run program, the rules are the same in every state.

And yes, the Ticket to Work program is definitely something TFB should look into. Even if it doesn't work out in the long run, if she can do it long enough, she will at least be able to pay down her bills with the extra money. I also think that you can re-attempt after a certain period of time and the time frame starts from zero again, rather than being cumulative, but I'm not sure about that part.

If TFB had been eligible to collect SSD instead, she wouldn't have any of these problems.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 11:59:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

Because Social Security is a Federally run program, the rules are the same in every state.

And yes, the Ticket to Work program is definitely something TFB should look into. Even if it doesn't work out in the long run, if she can do it long enough, she will at least be able to pay down her bills with the extra money. I also think that you can re-attempt after a certain period of time and the time frame starts from zero again, rather than being cumulative, but I'm not sure about that part.

If TFB had been eligible to collect SSD instead, she wouldn't have any of these problems.

Plus, frankly if she TRIES to go to work and finds she can't do it for what ever reason. At least she can say, I TRIED. To ME that would / could help her self esteem on several levels.

You can re-enter the program or even close your Ticket with one group if it isn't working for you and re-open it with another that you think is a better fight.There is foot work to do. They literally send you print out of agencies in your area that do Ticket To Work. You have to call and check out their sites to find out what they offer. Each program offers different things.

I also agree that I understand why TFB is over extending herself, trying to pay off old bills. However, I think she really needs to reevaluate that and that her and her daddy need to be on the same page with a household budget if they are a single house hold.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 12:12:40 PM)

I did, actually. I read about them and asked for a packet on approved people who might set you up to be on the path to a job.

The thing is, the right to work program is typically for people who want to get off SSI and want to work for a living. They really are not for people who just want a job 3 times a week part time. I actually do want a part time job. But I can only get a job with people who are on the approved providers list, which shouldn't be a problem, but I really did want to go back to telemarketing. I've had a telemarketing job before, it was only for a week, because the mis represented their benifits an stuff, and they were so far away it would cost more to go work there than i'd be making. But I called, I phone interviewed, I got asked to come interview in-person and I got hired.

They give you 90 days to work on a trial basis, they will not cut your medical or care, or any of that, but they will cut the amount of SSI you make. you can only make 100 dollars a pay check before they start taking that out of your SSI. And then I will have the added cost of lunches for work, buying clothing that is appropriate for work, if they require a dress code, transportation to work. It really doesn't benefit my financial situation very much, I would be loosing money. However, I do agree it would help my social skills I believe. and possibly my self esteem.

And yes if you do the right to work program, they can decide you've proven you're capable of working and take you off of SSI.

ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

Because Social Security is a Federally run program, the rules are the same in every state.

And yes, the Ticket to Work program is definitely something TFB should look into. Even if it doesn't work out in the long run, if she can do it long enough, she will at least be able to pay down her bills with the extra money. I also think that you can re-attempt after a certain period of time and the time frame starts from zero again, rather than being cumulative, but I'm not sure about that part.

If TFB had been eligible to collect SSD instead, she wouldn't have any of these problems.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 1:08:51 PM)

Actually we live with my parents, on the property, behind their house in an extra building we turned into a studio!

It turned out very nice. For several months we lived in their house, in my childhood bedroom but it was to small and to damned cramped an no privacy lol.


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

I posted the scenario that most closely resembled TFB's living situation. Her parents live in their home and are not part of any scenario. Her and James rent a studio from her parents, meaning only their situation is considered. Certainly, TFB should read the link that Barona provided as it goes into more detail. However, that information is on the Social Security website, so it certainly can be trusted to accurately describe what TFB needs to do.

calamitysandra -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 1:20:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

The thing is, the right to work program is typically for people who want to get off SSI and want to work for a living. They really are not for people who just want a job 3 times a week part time. I actually do want a part time job.


And yes if you do the right to work program, they can decide you've proven you're capable of working and take you off of SSI.

I know that the thought might be scary to you, but I believe you could greatly benefit from trying, truly giving it your best shot, to get of off SSI. (did I get the of/off right?)

Yes, it might look like an impossibly huge mountain to climb, but you can try it by taking one small step after another.
Even if it does not work out, I believe that the experience will do you good, and who knows? It might just end up working.

It is a huge challenge, but you can do it. [:)]

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 1:30:32 PM)

LilSquaw, can some of these programs that help teach you skills and stuff teach you better social skills and how to fit in better? I don't fit in very well, Though I am extremely friendly and personable and social and nice, some people find me to friendly and it's off putting I don't know how to read people's social cues, very well . I don't know what's appropriate to say or not to say until it pops out an it turns out it was bad, I talk tons when I am nervous, and I can't really control it yet. but we are working on that in therapy.

stef -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 3:43:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

Actually we live with my parents, on the property, behind their house in an extra building we turned into a studio!

Did your father ever apply for/receive a certificate of occupancy for that studio?

TheLilSquaw -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 5:03:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

LilSquaw, can some of these programs that help teach you skills and stuff teach you better social skills and how to fit in better? I don't fit in very well, Though I am extremely friendly and personable and social and nice, some people find me to friendly and it's off putting I don't know how to read people's social cues, very well . I don't know what's appropriate to say or not to say until it pops out an it turns out it was bad, I talk tons when I am nervous, and I can't really control it yet. but we are working on that in therapy.

TFB MANY of the Ticket to Work programs do address issues such as the lack of social skills, anxiety, ect. They help in so many ways prepare you for work and like I said mediate between you and your employer. Their goal is to set you up to succeed obviously.

There are also some groups through Social Services in Sacramento that offer Social Learning classes. Also Davis University used to have Social Skills Classes.

I know in the past you have said that you are not a fan of support groups, however; for learning social skills and boundaries there are also MANY support groups out there. Support groups were a SAFE place for me interact on MY terms which is a great way to start.

Also... not all of the jobs through Ticket to Work are f/t (40 hours a week).
Hell, they had MANY that had work from home opportunities.

littlewonder -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 5:04:23 PM)

Have you tried to apply for WIC. Yes, most of the time it's for those who are pregnant or have a child but it can sometimes be given to families who meet the income guidelines. It can be extremely helpful. I was on it when I was pregnant because my husband had just joined the military and was making basically nothing for awhile. They provided us with milk, cheese, eggs, cereal, juices, bread, formula, baby food. If it wasn't for WIC I really don't know how we would have got through for that first year.

Anyway, it's something you should look into.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 5:07:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

Have you tried to apply for WIC. Yes, most of the time it's for those who are pregnant or have a child but it can sometimes be given to families who meet the income guidelines. It can be extremely helpful. I was on it when I was pregnant because my husband had just joined the military and was making basically nothing for awhile. They provided us with milk, cheese, eggs, cereal, juices, bread, formula, baby food. If it wasn't for WIC I really don't know how we would have got through for that first year.

Anyway, it's something you should look into.

WIC now ONLY accepts women / families who are either pregnant or who have children under 5 who qualify income wise. Last year I helped a young mother I was mentoring get on the program.

littlewonder -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 5:18:14 PM)

Ah ok. It was 20 years ago when I was on it lol. That's sad that it can't help low income families any longer. What a shame.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: If I report that James lives with me, can they count his income against what i can make on SSI? (2/22/2013 5:48:51 PM)

There's a social group every Friday from two to 3:30 I used to love going to. i need to start going again. Most the people there had some kind of mental issue, they were either manic depressive, or depressed or they had behavioral problems and lived in group homes. Some of them were on such heavy meds they couldn't remember meeting you an they just met you 10 minutes ago. But the group was very, very nice.

The activities were even suggested by the members. Every schedule change we'd put in suggestions we'd like to do, like i wanted to bring in my WII and teach every one the just dance game, so we did that. And then next friday someone had suggested a pizza party so we did that, etc.

My mom is taking me to her knitting class in two weeks, so I'll try to practice good social skills there too.


There are also some groups through Social Services in Sacramento that offer Social Learning classes. Also Davis University used to have Social Skills Classes.

I know in the past you have said that you are not a fan of support groups, however; for learning social skills and boundaries there are also MANY support groups out there. Support groups were a SAFE place for me interact on MY terms which is a great way to start.

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