RE: Overweight bdsm women (Full Version)

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DelRey -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 11:12:28 AM)

Popeye, I'm right there with ya brotha.... the gut has got to go !!!

Enigmabrat, You may be in the 2% of the unfortunate, however if you are doing what you say you are doing and with your recent success it sould like you are, then you are likely in the TOP 5% of the people that have NOT given up.... Congrats !!!! You deserve more than a hug in my book.

enigmabrat -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 12:41:17 PM)

Thank you popeye and DelRay Sir... its so hard aspecially when I get the eating disorders kicking in again and the pills dont help and then come threads like this that make you feel like shit about things that are jsut so hard to controll...

popeye1250 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 12:48:14 PM)

Just back from the gym!
Forty minutes on the treadmill at 3.2 mph and a 2 degree grade = 360 calories gone plus weight training, thigh master machines and worked on the glutes machine, Zuma!
And I was talking to the guy who weighed 350 lbs last year and I was telling him about "a site" that I go on and he told me to tell anyone who's overweight here to; "Beg, borrow or steal the money but join a gym!"
He said that; "women are now looking at me like I'm desirable and not like I'm a freak like last year." He told me he's down to "228" lbs now from 350 last year when he started!
And he said that "all the trainers and other people in the gym were always encouraging me and that really helped me to keep motivated!" He looks great and I surely have a LOT of respect for him!

purelea2003 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 1:05:30 PM)

Hmmm - interesting. When I was in My 20s I went down to 130 lbs - on a 5'10" frame - that's thin. And you know what? I noticed how much differently people treated Me too. I became one of the nastiest b*tches you'll have the discomfort of knowing during that time. The fact that people would treat Me differently due to a cosmetic change made Me angry on a deep level.

Now I'm probably the fattest I've ever been and I'm happy. People who like Me - like Me for who I am - not what I look like.

As far as being lazy? Because My choice happens to be  learning web site design or reading during My free time and someone else's choice happens to be running 5 miles does not mean I'm lazy. It simply means My life has a different focus. If I chose to eat ice cream instead of carrots it doesn't mean I'm lazy. Those are My personal choices just like BDSM is a personal choice. Therefore - no one else's concern. But thank you for the unsolicited judgments anyway - I'll know who to not bother trying to be friends with.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 1:38:08 PM)


Okay, let's be more positive. Scenario: there is a submissive woman who wants to lose weight and/or get more fit and she and I are contemplating a relationship or some sort. I'm enthusiastically supporting her desire to improve herself. Since she IS kinky she'd like to incorporate at least SOME D/s into the relationship. Are there any BBW's out there who could offer some tips or advice beyond the usual  vanilla ones  about how to proceed?
If I were a man with a full figured woman who was interested in losing weight (I'm guessing you mean besides a weekly/daily exercise routine), I would simply do more of the things she enjoys doing (like long walks to the park, at the beach, at the shopping center), encourage lots of vegetables with whatever goodie she orders at the restaurant, go out dancing to a place with upbeat music, and have lots of sex (always makes me sweat in a fun way).
I've actually dated someone who wanted support with losing weight, but I don't think it's something that I could ever accomplish with someone I'm dating casually; it would need to be with someone I see often, and who checks in with me often as a routine.


(Side note: this one is for Dominant BBW's who want to lose weight and/or become more fit, but don't want to be dominated....any advice from you folks?)
I'd do the same things noted above for the submissive bigger person.


Please, people, there's no need to get hostile about anything. Just give me (and presumably others) advice IF you're interested in changing your physical condition
I agree there is no need to get hostile.   Most people get hostile because most of you allegedly physically perfect folks are in the face of people who are bigger preaching in a hostile way, as if it's bigger folks fault y'all lack what it takes (heart/soul/physically) to love one. 

You know the ones who have just given up and proudly wear the BBW or BBM  (yes  men are guilty too) acronym along with Omar the tent makers latest design in Moo-Moo.  

A lot of you are going to get very mad and defensive at me for making this post and you will likely mount your “wage war” on any bastard that dare poke holes in the real issue (laziness),.
So the next time you look in the mirror and say to your self with pride as you don that BBW attitude and justifacation, “your beautiful” try to listen what the other side of your mouth is saying.
I wouldn't be caught dead with a man who spoke of women this way, no matter what he looks like, but that is just moi.   M

zumala -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 1:55:17 PM)

Good for you, popeye!  I'm glad you posted the story about the fellow at the gym.  pup needs to do something similar, and it's helpful to see that someone else has accomplished such a feat in a year.  Thanks!

popeye1250 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 2:12:07 PM)

Zumala, yes, I'm amazed everytime I see him because I remember what he looked like last year and it wasn't pretty.
And I'm a little jealous of him too because I wish I had the motivation to stick with it that he does.
I tend to go in spurts, I'll workout faithfully for 3 or 4 days a week for 3 months and then slack-off when I start feeling like "King Kong" for a month or two then start in again.
When you see someone like him and what he's managed to accomplish in just over a year it really is inspiring though!
And one thing he told me one time is; "I was a "LAZY" slob."

popeye1250 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 2:30:09 PM)

Enigma, hang right in there, you're doing wonderfully!
Zuma, yeah, get Pup to join a gym and start working out.
After a month or two of that he'll be in good shape and you'll be "attacked" more often as it does increase your libido.
"Gee, I haven't seen Zuma on the boards for a few days now, I wonder where she is?"
(Zuma the next day) "Fuckin' Popeye! Pup won't stop chasing me around the house now!"

zumala -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 2:44:19 PM)

We used to have a gym membership, but: a) it was too expensive to maintain, and b) pup got bored.  We're both the outdoorsy type, but we're stuck in a frickin' city and can't get out like we'd prefer to do.  We're going to start with swimming.  Tonight.
I'm a bit anxious, actually.  I have to try and convince him to go for a 45 minute swim before dinner.  He's used to eating first thing.  This could get dicey.

DelRey -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 2:55:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

And one thing he told me one time is; "I was a "LAZY" slob."

 i wonder if ANYONE would be "caught dead" with him for making  an insensitive statement like that.....


popeye1250 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 3:12:04 PM)

Zuma, yes it can be expensive to belong to a gym.
Mine costs me $550 per year but I pay that "up front" every year to motivate me to "Use" my membership.
I figure if I'm paying that much; ("You better use it you moron!") lol
My gym has "everything." They just put in about $70k worth of new purple weight machines. And you get 3 hours per year free with one of the trainers who'll measure your body, figure out the excercises you need for a total body workout and they show you the correct way to workout. They're all trained and "Certified."
Plus they have Day Care for kids while the Mom is excercising, a Karate Instructer and seperate room for that, a Therapeudic Massage place, a hair cutting place and a few other things.
How about a YMCA in your area? Those are usually cheaper. Do you guys like to ride bikes or go walking? Taking a brisk 2 or three mile walk is great excercise!
The key to it is to keep it up though like have a "schedule."
And, make it fun like walking in different areas, different times of day etc, taking headphones with music that you like etc.

CatNmouse2002 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 3:35:18 PM)

Ok I am not sure exactly what the topic is anymore . I read the whole thing and now my head hurts . I take being heathy and fit pretty seriously . I am gonna make one suggestion before slinking back off into the offtopic area  if anyone is seriously having problems losing weight and wants to be ACTIVE but hate ( or have a problem with ) the concept of self motivation . I know how long the drive to the gym is ... trust me it is a valid excuse to sit on your ass .

Pick a Martial Art with a compition focus if you can't get motivated to hit the gym . Even if you have no desire to compete you will be working hard with the people who do . Great for couples . There is nothing like  kicking a loved O/one in the head , before taking them down straight to back mount and a rear naked choke .

Good fun , good times ...

Seriously ....


LadyHugs -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 3:56:10 PM)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen;
When the thread of "Overweight BDSM Women" is exhausted, let us be equally as 'chatty' on the topic of "Overweight BDSM Men."
I am all for fairness.
Respectfully submitted for consideration,
Lady Hugs

CatNmouse2002 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 4:06:36 PM)

Amen Sister !

General fitness for A/all !

barbiealto -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 4:09:43 PM)

why do most submissive men prefer 'overweight' women? I am one of those overweight women and have HOARDS of submissive men clamouring for my attention!

popeye1250 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 4:10:16 PM)

I agree, us guys need to stay in shape too.
Do you women want some big fat guy ontop of you crushing the breath out of you?

indigo302 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 4:14:26 PM)

I've watched this thread quietly from the beginning, as it exploded, regrouped, exploded again and so on.  I've remained quiet because I did not wish to answer with defensiveness and emotion, however, even now, it may be that way.

I've been overweight to greater and lesser degrees from about age 7.  I do not know what prompted the weight gain from the beginning, other than heredity.  I can however tell you what doesn't help...and perhaps within that explanation, we can find what does help.

1. It does not help an overweight person lose find the motivation to lose weight by others imposing their own form of humiliation and degradation on them.  We know we are bigger than you, we don't need you to grind it into our heads.  We do not need for you to sneer at us, and laugh as though we are some sort of freak show, and not a human being. 

Take in more than you burn and Doh ! loosen that belt or stay with the elastic waistband pants because your cottage cheese dimples are about to multiply.  


You know the ones who have just given up and proudly wear the BBW or BBM  (yes  men are guilty too) acronym along with Omar the tent makers latest design in Moo-Moo.


real life things, even simple ones like walking down the street, put a higher entry barrier in front of idiots, fatties and so forth than the most demanding internet forum

Comments such as those above do nothing to help support or encourage someone who is overwieght to lost the unhealthy portion.  It does little but push us further into the hole we've dug for ourselves, knowing that we are not accepted as viable human beings because we dare to be weak to food, (or any other way of stating the obvious).  Do people who make these kinds of comments actually feel this is helpful?  If not, then what would be the motivation for making such cutting comments?

2. Many of those who've taken the acronyms of BBW or BBM, have done so, to help regain a sense of dignity.  Not what was lost when we became overweight, but what is taken from us each time someone who is uncomfortable with our size, feels a need to cut us down, so they can feel more comfortable.  this happens whereever we are, be it in church, the supermarket, walking down the street, exercizing in the gym.


He said that; "women are now looking at me like I'm desirable and not like I'm a freak like last year." He told me he's down to "228" lbs now from 350 last year when he started!

Before I comment on this quote, please understand - I applaud this man's effort.  He has struggled and managed to win the battle of his weight for now.  Congrats to him!

But my question is: Why did they look at him like he is a freak last year?  Because he has extra weight doesn't make him a freak. He is still a human being with thoughts, feelings, and desires. 

It has been proven time and again, by talk shows and news programs - overweight people are treated differently!  They are treated with less respect, less compassion, and at times as less intelligent individuals, all because they carry around extra pounds.  Does society in general, and some persons imparticular, not see how treating overwieght people in this manner is not only NOT helping the situation, but it is most likely adding to the problem?  (Do not take this as shifting blame, as I take responsibility for my own actions - I'd simply like those who can't encourage, and in fact discourage with their disrespect, lack of compassion, and degradation to take responsibility for their actions as well)

4. The gym - Those of you who have advocated the gym, I'm sure you realize, there are those people at the gym, as there are in all of society, who have decided fat people are somehow lesser than they are.  So to go to a gym, while the concept is a good one, may in fact put those who are already overweight and suffering from the snips, quips, and degradation of society's thinner ccrowd in a postion for more of the same.  I'm not saying going to the gym is a bad thing, but just as many think church is for saints rather than sinners - there are a great number who think the gym is for those who are already thin.

Now lest you think I'm picking on the males of society, let me share with you a little scenario -

While out shopping, I needed to use the restroom. (the ladies room of course with the long line).  There were three stalls.  One stall was filthy - excrement in the toilet, the seat dribbled on, toiletpaper every where. One stall was occupied.  I (the obese woman) opened the door to the stall as I was exiting.  The thin woman waiting in line, took a couple of steps toward the stall I was exiting - turned, looked in the filthy stall, looked at me, and silently slipped into the filthy stall to take care of her business.

To me, it says something very sad about that woman, the woman who would prefer to risk the filthy stall, rather than to use a very clean stall with an obese woman exiting.   And you wonder why - obese women have self esteem issues?   Though in all honesty, I laughed and shook my head as I washed my hands and left the restroom.  I felt sorry for the woman. 

And to my last point -

Many have commented on the cost of a gym and how to pay for it.  There are many in this world, who have to put their priorities on making sure they have housing, enough food to be nourished(btw, I don't think fat people eat more and spend more on food - I think they may in fact spend less - box macaroni and cheese, while it adds on the pounds because of fat and carbs, etc - is so much cheaper than lean chicken, fish, and fruits and veggies. But I've digressed again -

I put this challenge out to those of you who feel we should all be able to lose weight if we simply make our priorities right -
I challenge you to put your money where your mouth is  -

1. Find someone who is overwight and wants to lose, but can't financially afford to pay for a gym membership - and pay for one years membership for them.
2. Call them weekly - not to put them down, or to degrade them - but to encourage them, to cheer them on, whether they lost weight that week or not. 

If you actually want the world to be a better place - then stop making it worse by your sputtering, and take action to help MAKE it a better place.

BTW - I'm putting my name first on the list.  If there is one person out there, who would like to support, encourage, and finance my weightloss - then please step forward.  You can email me here on CM, and we will form a goal plan from there.

Sorry this is so long - there is so much more that I could say, but I wanted to hit the more important points.



cuddleheart50 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 4:15:24 PM)

Will this thread ever end???

popeye1250 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 4:53:13 PM)

Indigo, good post!
I felt inspired by that guy at the gym who lost 120 pounds over a year and no, no-one in the gym made fun of him either.
The reverse was true actually! People were cheering him on the whole time encouraging him!
As for that "freak" comment those were his words, not mine.
I've tried to contribute to this thread (whenever it pops up) in an encouraging way.
I'm also an Alchoholic and I've had to overcome that problem in my life as well. I went through a period of years where I made "excuses" for myself and tried to rationalise it, didn't do anything about it out of laziness.
I'm no longer that way and have enjoyed a long period of sobriety because I WORKED for it.

indigo302 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 5:16:31 PM)

Thank you Popeye!

I understand your posts a little better now knowing where you've come from.

I wanna go to your gym!


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