RE: Overweight bdsm women (Full Version)

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bluessss -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 6:55:28 PM)

Granted there are BBW women BUT let us not ignore how many of the "Doms" could stand to lose a bit of weight too!  There are no perfect people.  It's what's inside that counts!

wantitnow569 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 7:34:15 PM)

okay, i've been hesitant to post anything on this thread for a variety of reasons...One of them being i despise being in constant conflict with someone (although it does appear Delrey that we are going to be at opposite ends of most issues)... i would just like to explain a few things... there was a time in my life about two years ago that i was working out, before any of You tell me what a  wise and wonderful decision that was let me tell You how stupid and dangerouse it was: i would work out at the gym with a friend of mine early every morning, until the point where i could barely walk or lift anything (include steering..LOL)..then i would go to work, and when i came home at night i would walk a good 2 1/2 or 3 miles everynight... Sounds great, huh? yeah, except for did i tell You how much i was eating? me, with my lazy fat ass "oreo face stuffing" self..... i was eating about 1/8 of a piece of cheese.... Do You want to know, when someone finally convinced me how stupid and dnagerous i was being, how much weight i had lost when all was said and done? NONE!! That's right! Not a single freaking pound, ounce, or inch!! In fact, i had gained weight!!!
So, i guess my point in this post is this: before You go around making generalizations about all of us "fat and lazy" people perhaps You should know what it is You are actually talking about?
btw, the whole Calorie out needs to be larger than calorie just a bunch of crap!!! if You don't believe me go to www. or

zenofeller -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/9/2006 8:18:09 PM)

this thread is ridiculously absurd. i find myself compelled to post because

1. can't let one slip past me
2. i really really want to see it 100 pages long, if for no other reason then to upset the decorum. what happened to that thread btw ?

also, let me bring the visual aids.

<images deleted>

LotusSong -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 4:02:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: bluessss

Granted there are BBW women BUT let us not ignore how many of the "Doms" could stand to lose a bit of weight too!  There are no perfect people.  It's what's inside that counts!

And now the GUYS' turn!  (WARNING LADIES!-not for the faint of heart)

sweetnurseBBW -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 5:38:08 PM)

Really I am not lazy. I ride horses, work on a farm and much other things. So just stay inside your little secure world Skier. Dont need jerks like you in it.

popeye1250 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 6:12:24 PM)

Zeno, Lotus, Thankyou SO much for sharing those with us.

zenofeller -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 6:47:48 PM)

now we know eleven is a boy.

wantitnow569 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 6:55:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: zenofeller

now we know eleven is a boy.

Hmmm...or perhaps Eleven just has an ounce of human decency...Which is apparently a quality that You are inherently missing.. hmmm

sweetnurseBBW -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 7:58:23 PM)

Mullets have to go too. They are just wrong. Its 2006 people.

Riskyssquirt -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 8:05:45 PM)

I'm a BBW,i love myself first ,thats what counts,Master loves me for who i am.

wantitnow569 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 8:52:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: zenofeller


ORIGINAL: wantitnow569
Hmmm...or perhaps Eleven just has an ounce of human decency...Which is apparently a quality that You are inherently missing.. hmmm

[image][/image]*trying to resist saying it* Does it ever feel to anyone else like they are talking to a brick wall?  i don't know which is worse, the fact that i continue to engage in this asinine conversation, or the fact that i actually laughed at the absolute absurdity of this post...ugh!!!

sure, so how come he only took out the fat girls, yet left the boys ? i still say it's gender bias.

caitlyn -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/10/2006 9:49:02 PM)

Hello zumala ...
Just an opinion ... be very careful not to "focus" on exercises that target your butt and thighs. Lots of them are designed for people that are more than ten pounds overweight. You could actually end up putting on muscle in all the places you are trying to reduce ... maybe healthy, but not all that sexy. [;)]
Jumping rope every day, combined with drastic reductions in sugar intake (like, reduce to zero sugar intake) will take that last bit off. You will probably also get some nice abs in the bargain.

becherishednsw -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/11/2006 2:12:55 AM)

Well I like a feminine woman that's a more important factor than weight as far as I am concerned :)

qimahkooie4LH -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/11/2006 2:30:18 AM)

[8D] I must concur with becherished to an extent although Wwe prefer the healthy thickity thick girlz Wwe also have a preference that she be femme and modest as well as proportioned to her physic and of course the personality must be appropriate as well [;)] ~~~ Respectfully Deviant~~~ Qi{LH}

mons -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/11/2006 2:45:11 AM)

greeting to all
i want to ask this i saw this written before and it open many questions . first many men will find a size 9 overweitght they may want a model type size 3 and other want someone size 12 so what do you mean by over wieght so many women now do not have esteem enough to carry a size 3 and feel they are sexual bieng while a woman who is 14 or uder is all she can be it is not the size it is what is in the mind many models who are so lovely and pretty will tell and write how they have hate their own bodies for reason only they may know.
now as for heaneir women they will have a self esteem that is able to carry all of the things many may not i am not a big woman i say size 12 and i have no jealous or hate for someone skinny. now the question you ask was why so many woman who are heavy are into this lifestly my dear it is becuase the men want them many ask for woman who are rounder and softeir so as you look for answer look at some of the profile of the dominant men and she what they say. submissve woman just do not get heavy and "siad oh let me see oh yes i will today be a submissive to a dom i am heavy they are submissive all ready ok i hope that answer you question ( i am dyslexic so excuse my spelling and writing i a learning you should had seen my writing before)[&:]

Chloelicious -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/11/2006 3:19:33 AM)

hello All,

It is not the composed question which raises problem I believe, it is the way of presenting it.

What can shock it is: "
far more than" Because for me it resounds more like: too much !!!!

But it is possible that I totally badly understood the sense(direction) of the question, English not being my mother tongue and being blonde (laughter)

It seems that I am a representative person of the polls , I am blond with the blue eyes and a bit overweighted

By the way  i prefer being a overweighted smart ass then a skinny Ass hole.

A french  writer said : "opinion are like ass holes, everybody got one".

zumala -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/11/2006 7:01:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

Hello zumala ...
Just an opinion ... be very careful not to "focus" on exercises that target your butt and thighs. Lots of them are designed for people that are more than ten pounds overweight. You could actually end up putting on muscle in all the places you are trying to reduce ... maybe healthy, but not all that sexy. [;)]
Jumping rope every day, combined with drastic reductions in sugar intake (like, reduce to zero sugar intake) will take that last bit off. You will probably also get some nice abs in the bargain.

Not to worry.  My exercises of preference include swimming, pilates, and lifting light weights.  I tried jumping rope a couple months ago, but ended up overdoing it and injuring my calves.  I may attempt to incorporate that again later.
Second thought...  mons has a point.  I don't think you can reasonably lable a certain size as being overweight.  A woman's height and overall frame size will effect what size clothing she can wear.  I have seen some tall and fit-looking ladies that were size 12 just because they were tall and sturdy.  Myself, I'm a size 6 right now and will probably be a size 4 once I've toned myself properly.  That's just because I have a small frame and am only 5'4".  My sister is about my height but has larger bones, so I suspect a 6 is as small as she'd go without becoming underweight.  Everyone is different.

onestandingstill -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/11/2006 7:18:29 AM)

Maybe because society as a whole has more of the population being overweight than at any other era. Our sedentary lifestyles coupled with fast food are a big factor in why people in general are heavier now.

When I first came into the public scene I was very impressed that (at least on the surface) it seemed like Dom's tended to look at the heart and spirit of someone rather than their dress size. I felt these plus sized women showed good self esteem and self acceptance in the notion they are beautiful no matter what weight they are at. They showed me they could be comfortable and secure naked in a room full of people & know truly they were beautiful. It did my heart good to see the lifestyle folk didn't let society carry the Barbie syndrome/ugly duckling stereotyping into the BDSM world too deeply. Of course over time I do see the surface beauty of someone affects the selection more than I thought it did initially, and I see some Doms bring girls who do indeed not like their body's to humiliate them in public almost as often as I see confident girls who know they are attractive.
Overall I think it's a wonderful testimony to lifestyle people that size isn't so crucial to appreciating beauty. To see within as where real beauty lies in someone is something that is a wonderfully mature stance for our community to take.

popeye1250 -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/11/2006 9:16:37 AM)

Zuma, I use the treadmill for an overall body workout.
It works all of your body and it gives you a good cardio-pulmonary workout too (Heart and Lungs)
Great for your legs and butt too.

barbiealto -> RE: Overweight bdsm women (8/11/2006 12:04:48 PM)

I have to say I would LIKE to  trim the chubby bits around my middle.....would make the rubber look MUCH better! I would also like to post enough to move off this vanilla label!!!

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