RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (Full Version)

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slavekate80 -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/7/2013 12:56:45 PM)

Those of you who do go on a low-carb diet, especially if it's one that doesn't limit fats and cholesterol - your total cholesterol may temporarily go up. It takes awhile for your liver to respond to a higher-cholesterol diet and stop making as much of its own, sometimes as much as six months. It happened to me - mine shot up by about a hundred a few months after I started, but came back down near baseline, with higher HDL and lower LDL, at a few months after that. This was a few years ago, and my blood tests have been pretty stable since then.

DrMaster4U2 -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/12/2013 3:32:22 AM)

The whole world is being fooled by this non-sense. The food companies have brainwashed the public that a carb is a carb and that a carb is sugar and that all sugars do the same thing and that all fruits and vegetables are sugar and that the brain only needs sugar and that the eating of no carbs will help you. LOLOLOLOLOLOL... What foolishness!

There are ONLY three kinds of CARBOHYDRATES -
1)MANMADE (ie: sugars - that come in 5-10 or 20-100 lb bags at the store - refined, crystallized, highly addictive -no vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, etc.). The stuff that kills your pancreas and every other organ in the body.
2)COMPLEX carbohydrates (such as vegetables, roots, tubers, nuts, seeds, sprouts) and
3)SIMPLE carbohydrates (fruits).

STAY AWAY from the average 170 lbs of SUGAR that the average American consumes and instead (if we have not already compromised the Pancreas) we eat organic fruit and vegetables, beans, sprouts, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, roots, etc.

NEVER, EVER CONFUSE CARBOHYDRATES WITH SUGARS. It is a falsehood that they are alike. Sugars have no nutritional value - carbohydrates do. If your pancreas is already compromised so that even fruit juices go in too fast - then eat wholes fruits. If they are a problem for your pancreas - start with one avocado and a tomato per day and work up from there.

PROTEIN - is for three uses only (see Guyton's): GROWTH, REPAIR and MAINTENANCE (AKA replacement). Unless you're a child, pregnant or lactating - you're NOT GROWING. Unless you have a protein-wasting disease (AIDS, CANCER, etc.) or build your body muscles - (by using the high-turn-over technique) - you are NOT REPAIRING. MAINTENANCE is all that's left and is very, very easy. You only need a few grams of protein per day - the equivalent of one or two eggs, 5 or 6 fruits (yes fruits have amino acids) or a few vegetables (all have amino acids to make full proteins).

Anything more than that results in DIS-EASE - due to 24 hour rolleaux formaion.
Some people's CARBOHYDRATE cycles are so confused or beyond repair - they are forced to MAKE ENERGY from a protein cycle. I feel so sorry for these people. Such a waste of time and energy. They are often addicted to things: running, caffeine, nicotine, masturbation, etc. Proteins can be used as energy by the body as a huge compromise - but not without making a lot of waste material in the process.

Atkins, who was a friend of mine for many years (until he died of a heart attack in NYC and THEN fell on the ice) was WRONG. The Inuits pay with their short lives, loss of teeth and bones, hair, etc. when eating an all-protein diet. American vegetable imports SAVED THEM. They live much longer and healthier now. Except for the junk food we import and the diabetic tendencies they now have - they could have a much happier existence. Same with Native Americans forced to eat buffalo.

It is well known from a plethora of scientific, peer-reviewed, double-blind studies, tests and literature - that those with a vegetarian diet live longer and healthier than those forced to eat an all meat diet (The China Study). And that is the short and long of it. John Robbins (from Baskin-Robbins) is another friend of mine and wrote many books on this and the dairy (protein) industry's influence on our health. Good books.

REMEMBER that your slave will do better on FIRST-hand amino acids that MAKE proteins in her body (from a plant-based menu and her own genetic blue-print) - than SECOND hand proteins (made by the genetic blue-print of animals filled with growth hormones, antibiotics, tumors and strange bacteria) that have to be BROKEN DOWN first in order to be rebuilt for your slave's needs. Like mother used to say: eat your vegetables.

Protein is a made-up priority for those who stand to make most from the bottom line. I'm a third generation vegetarian. My grandfather (Opa) lived to be 108, my parents died healthy in their high nineties and I'm as healthy as a race horse at 65 - never been sick except for cold and flu's. My children and grand children also vegetarian - don't get sick. Never took any medicine. Protein is a sick joke that the cowboys, doctors, hospital dietitians, pig farmers, chicken-coop owners and fish farmers are all playing on the American public. Protein is not a priority. Good,fresh FATS for the brain and good (preferably fermented) CARBOHYDRATES for overall energy requirements. Raw foods are a necessity. Now that's good living.

AthenaSurrenders -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/12/2013 4:58:48 AM)

DrMaster, I must ask why all your posts are only 'for the Masters'? Since you have much wisdom to share, wouldn't it be best to direct it at subs, slaves, switches, dominants, masters, mistresses AND kinksters? Issues like diet affect everyone equally.

thishereboi -> RE: RE: (10/12/2013 5:59:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: wittynamehere


ORIGINAL: LittleGirlHeart
Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are?

It's dangerous to know so little about nutrition that you have to ask such a ridiculous question.

It would be even more dangerous to not ask a question because you think you might get jumped on by someone because you don't happen to know everything they do. Now it's possible that along with showing how much smarter they are than you, they will actually offer some advice to help but obviously not in this case.

OP. I would find a low carb diet like one of the ones others have linked to. I would not cut them out totally unless he had a really good reason for it. I also wouldn't assume that just because he is a doctor, he knows everything. I remember when my dad came home from the doctor and was all upset because he told him he couldn't drink whole milk anymore and he hates low fat milk. I asked him if he had told the doctor how much milk he actually drank in a week and he said no. I told him to ignore the doctor and keep using his regular milk. Sometimes doctors give out advice based on the norm without looking at the individual patient.

DrMaster4U2 -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/12/2013 11:58:00 PM)

Dear AthenaSurrenders:

Master are in charge of the menu. Subbies/slaves in charge of the recipes and the making of the food. They put their hands on what's going inside their Masters' body and mind. They add their love and respect to the living food (never eat dead food). That's the way it is in my household. Eating is not just something you do without some thought, appreciation and a bit of reverence. Food is not to be dismissed without a thought. LIVING Food is sacred and should be regarded as such.

If the subbies want to learn about the menu and its ingredients - then more power to them. I teach Masters and doctors. If other Masters want to teach subbies and slaves that is their privilege. If subbies want to learn by reading my posts - there is little I can do to stop them - nor do I have any inclination to keep them from learning. In fact, the opposite is more true. But without the Masters' making the decisions about WHAT to feed their charges, HOW and WHY and foremost WHEN to feed those that rely on them (and ultimately rely on their subbies for nourishment) - that is something I'll have to teach those in charge.

FOR THE MASTERS - is my small way of paying respect for those that lead and have the awesome responsibility of taking care of those that are meant to follow. Let it be known from here on in that when I speak of "Masters"' I speak of those (never FOR those) in charge of another. I really don't care about their titles, their orientation or their gender. I use Masters and subbies as a political license to mean those in charge and those who are not. And while I'm ranting I may as well say again that not everything I say is for everyone. That would be ludicrous. And yet I always have to contend with those who take exception because they are the exception. Don't make me defend everything I say based on exceptions.
Thank you for your comment.


AdorkableAiley -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 1:26:50 AM)



The whole world is being fooled by this non-sense. The food companies have brainwashed the public that a carb is a carb and that a carb is sugar and that all sugars do the same thing and that all fruits and vegetables are sugar and that the brain only needs sugar and that the eating of no carbs will help you. LOLOLOLOLOLOL... What foolishness!

There are ONLY three kinds of CARBOHYDRATES -
1)MANMADE (ie: sugars - that come in 5-10 or 20-100 lb bags at the store - refined, crystallized, highly addictive -no vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, etc.). The stuff that kills your pancreas and every other organ in the body.
2)COMPLEX carbohydrates (such as vegetables, roots, tubers, nuts, seeds, sprouts) and
3)SIMPLE carbohydrates (fruits).

STAY AWAY from the average 170 lbs of SUGAR that the average American consumes and instead (if we have not already compromised the Pancreas) we eat organic fruit and vegetables, beans, sprouts, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, roots, etc.

NEVER, EVER CONFUSE CARBOHYDRATES WITH SUGARS. It is a falsehood that they are alike. Sugars have no nutritional value - carbohydrates do. If your pancreas is already compromised so that even fruit juices go in too fast - then eat wholes fruits. If they are a problem for your pancreas - start with one avocado and a tomato per day and work up from there.

PROTEIN - is for three uses only (see Guyton's): GROWTH, REPAIR and MAINTENANCE (AKA replacement). Unless you're a child, pregnant or lactating - you're NOT GROWING. Unless you have a protein-wasting disease (AIDS, CANCER, etc.) or build your body muscles - (by using the high-turn-over technique) - you are NOT REPAIRING. MAINTENANCE is all that's left and is very, very easy. You only need a few grams of protein per day - the equivalent of one or two eggs, 5 or 6 fruits (yes fruits have amino acids) or a few vegetables (all have amino acids to make full proteins).

Anything more than that results in DIS-EASE - due to 24 hour rolleaux formaion.
Some people's CARBOHYDRATE cycles are so confused or beyond repair - they are forced to MAKE ENERGY from a protein cycle. I feel so sorry for these people. Such a waste of time and energy. They are often addicted to things: running, caffeine, nicotine, masturbation, etc. Proteins can be used as energy by the body as a huge compromise - but not without making a lot of waste material in the process.

Atkins, who was a friend of mine for many years (until he died of a heart attack in NYC and THEN fell on the ice) was WRONG. The Inuits pay with their short lives, loss of teeth and bones, hair, etc. when eating an all-protein diet. American vegetable imports SAVED THEM. They live much longer and healthier now. Except for the junk food we import and the diabetic tendencies they now have - they could have a much happier existence. Same with Native Americans forced to eat buffalo.

It is well known from a plethora of scientific, peer-reviewed, double-blind studies, tests and literature - that those with a vegetarian diet live longer and healthier than those forced to eat an all meat diet (The China Study). And that is the short and long of it. John Robbins (from Baskin-Robbins) is another friend of mine and wrote many books on this and the dairy (protein) industry's influence on our health. Good books.

REMEMBER that your slave will do better on FIRST-hand amino acids that MAKE proteins in her body (from a plant-based menu and her own genetic blue-print) - than SECOND hand proteins (made by the genetic blue-print of animals filled with growth hormones, antibiotics, tumors and strange bacteria) that have to be BROKEN DOWN first in order to be rebuilt for your slave's needs. Like mother used to say: eat your vegetables.

Protein is a made-up priority for those who stand to make most from the bottom line. I'm a third generation vegetarian. My grandfather (Opa) lived to be 108, my parents died healthy in their high nineties and I'm as healthy as a race horse at 65 - never been sick except for cold and flu's. My children and grand children also vegetarian - don't get sick. Never took any medicine. Protein is a sick joke that the cowboys, doctors, hospital dietitians, pig farmers, chicken-coop owners and fish farmers are all playing on the American public. Protein is not a priority. Good,fresh FATS for the brain and good (preferably fermented) CARBOHYDRATES for overall energy requirements. Raw foods are a necessity. Now that's good living.

A person that only eats a few eggs worth of protein a day is asking to lose their hair and functioning of their organs. You NEED protein in your diet to keep organs working and a few eggs worth is not nearly enough.

What is actually needed is a balanced diet that gives enough fat, protein and carbs. Cutting carbs is not a bad thing. I have lived on a low carb (less than 30g a day) for almost 2 years now and I am healthier than I have ever been. My diet though not atkins is pretty close to it. High protein low carb intake has been the best thing for me. I work with a nutritionist who knows what he is talking about. Op, you should really think about seeing one, they will point you in the best direction.


slavekate80 -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 10:02:32 AM)

Complex carbohydrates turn to sugar in your body. The nutritional difference between starch and pure sugar is that starch requires an enzyme to break it down before it gets processed as sugar - that's it. Sometimes whole grains and whole fruit, as opposed to juice and processed starches, digest slower, so they don't raise your blood sugar as quickly and your body doesn't have to flood itself with as high a burst of insulin to keep blood sugar down to a safe range. That can help lessen sugar crash and consequent sugar craving. But you're kidding yourself if you think plain white bread is better for you than a piece of candy simply because it doesn't have sugar.

The sucrose and fructose in fruit and the sucrose and fructose sold in bags is chemically identical. Sucrose is sucrose no matter where it comes from - if it's chemically different, it's called something else. Whole fruit has less of both than most other sweet foods, is less processed, and comes with vitamins, water, fiber, and other nutrients, so it's overall a better choice, but it's still sugar.

Protein intake of 1g for every kg of body weight is a rough minimum for health if you're otherwise healthy and not trying to gain lean mass - for most men that's not two eggs, that's about a dozen eggs! And 1g/kg is the minimum, not necessarily the best target. I feel better on about 1g/lb. I'm a woman and kind of small, and to get that from eggs alone, ignoring protein from vegetables, I'd have to eat 20 eggs every day. My dad would need 3 dozen. That's nuts. I would do better eating nuts, actually, and meat, and veggies. With a few eggs once in awhile because eggs are good for you but not as the main protein source.

searching4mysir -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 11:19:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: AthenaSurrenders

DrMaster, I must ask why all your posts are only 'for the Masters'? Since you have much wisdom to share, wouldn't it be best to direct it at subs, slaves, switches, dominants, masters, mistresses AND kinksters? Issues like diet affect everyone equally.

Athena, you are so much kinder to speshul snowflakes than I am. Thank you for your example.

AdorkableAiley -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 11:21:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: slavekate80

Complex carbohydrates turn to sugar in your body. The nutritional difference between starch and pure sugar is that starch requires an enzyme to break it down before it gets processed as sugar - that's it. Sometimes whole grains and whole fruit, as opposed to juice and processed starches, digest slower, so they don't raise your blood sugar as quickly and your body doesn't have to flood itself with as high a burst of insulin to keep blood sugar down to a safe range. That can help lessen sugar crash and consequent sugar craving. But you're kidding yourself if you think plain white bread is better for you than a piece of candy simply because it doesn't have sugar.

The sucrose and fructose in fruit and the sucrose and fructose sold in bags is chemically identical. Sucrose is sucrose no matter where it comes from - if it's chemically different, it's called something else. Whole fruit has less of both than most other sweet foods, is less processed, and comes with vitamins, water, fiber, and other nutrients, so it's overall a better choice, but it's still sugar.

Protein intake of 1g for every kg of body weight is a rough minimum for health if you're otherwise healthy and not trying to gain lean mass - for most men that's not two eggs, that's about a dozen eggs! And 1g/kg is the minimum, not necessarily the best target. I feel better on about 1g/lb. I'm a woman and kind of small, and to get that from eggs alone, ignoring protein from vegetables, I'd have to eat 20 eggs every day. My dad would need 3 dozen. That's nuts. I would do better eating nuts, actually, and meat, and veggies. With a few eggs once in awhile because eggs are good for you but not as the main protein source.


DrMaster4U2 -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 6:52:04 PM)

Chemically identical but taking a completely different BIO-chemical pathway. You're talking like a dietitian - knowing what the names you've been given to use OUTSIDE the body - but once INSIDE all the carbohydrates and refined sugars take different metabolic pathways - and that is the difference the body feels. A calorie is not just a calorie either. All calories are not created equal and neither are carbohydrates - no matter how you slice them or name them. The name of the game is the name.

DrMaster4U2 -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 7:01:39 PM)

Amino Acids are needed, of course. We can do without protein but not without amino acids that assemble themselves into protein. But even they must take a back seat to both good fatty acids and non-refined carbohydrates. I don't eat very much protein and have long hair, non-grey at 65. The emphasis on protein in the USA is a farce and a scam and is making people sick - IN THE LONG TERM. It does make you feel good when you're still young. But people pay for overeating proteins. And you don't read much about it as it is a holy cow. Proteins do a much harm in over-consumption and the USA is highest in that department than any other nation. And we have the distinction of being the sickest and spending the most on "health" care. Hmmm...

AdorkableAiley -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 7:04:00 PM)



Chemically identical but taking a completely different BIO-chemical pathway. You're talking like a dietitian - knowing what the names you've been given to use OUTSIDE the body - but once INSIDE all the carbohydrates and refined sugars take different metabolic pathways - and that is the difference the body feels. A calorie is not just a calorie either. All calories are not created equal and neither are carbohydrates - no matter how you slice them or name them. The name of the game is the name.

I don't even know where to start with this one.

angelikaJ -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 7:07:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: AdorkableAiley



Chemically identical but taking a completely different BIO-chemical pathway. You're talking like a dietitian - knowing what the names you've been given to use OUTSIDE the body - but once INSIDE all the carbohydrates and refined sugars take different metabolic pathways - and that is the difference the body feels. A calorie is not just a calorie either. All calories are not created equal and neither are carbohydrates - no matter how you slice them or name them. The name of the game is the name.

I don't even know where to start with this one.

Truthfully, I don't think you need to.

It kinda just speaks for itself.
Let it.

AdorkableAiley -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 7:11:12 PM)



Amino Acids are needed, of course. We can do without protein but not without amino acids that assemble themselves into protein. But even they must take a back seat to both good fatty acids and non-refined carbohydrates. I don't eat very much protein and have long hair, non-grey at 65. The emphasis on protein in the USA is a farce and a scam and is making people sick - IN THE LONG TERM. It does make you feel good when you're still young. But people pay for overeating proteins. And you don't read much about it as it is a holy cow. Proteins do a much harm in over-consumption and the USA is highest in that department than any other nation. And we have the distinction of being the sickest and spending the most on "health" care. Hmmm...

I know based on what my own body has done and many doctors that this is not even close to true. The body needs protein and plenty of it far more than it needs carbs. There is a reason that after bypass surgery patients are put on high protein low carbs and their diet is focused on getting the protein in. These patients face hair loss and organ break down if they do not get in the prescribed 50-60 grams of protein a day. I have worked with the community long enough to know that every single patient that did not get their protein in lost gobs of hair and were at risk for much more serious problems.

AdorkableAiley -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 7:12:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ


ORIGINAL: AdorkableAiley



Chemically identical but taking a completely different BIO-chemical pathway. You're talking like a dietitian - knowing what the names you've been given to use OUTSIDE the body - but once INSIDE all the carbohydrates and refined sugars take different metabolic pathways - and that is the difference the body feels. A calorie is not just a calorie either. All calories are not created equal and neither are carbohydrates - no matter how you slice them or name them. The name of the game is the name.

I don't even know where to start with this one.

Truthfully, I don't think you need to.

It kinda just speaks for itself.
Let it.

It makes me nervous because I don't want the op following advice that could be dangerous for her health.

angelikaJ -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 7:15:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: AdorkableAiley


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ


ORIGINAL: AdorkableAiley



Chemically identical but taking a completely different BIO-chemical pathway. You're talking like a dietitian - knowing what the names you've been given to use OUTSIDE the body - but once INSIDE all the carbohydrates and refined sugars take different metabolic pathways - and that is the difference the body feels. A calorie is not just a calorie either. All calories are not created equal and neither are carbohydrates - no matter how you slice them or name them. The name of the game is the name.

I don't even know where to start with this one.

Truthfully, I don't think you need to.

It kinda just speaks for itself.
Let it.

It makes me nervous because I don't want the op following advice that could be dangerous for her health.

Understood, and you have mail.

slavekate80 -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 10:51:45 PM)



Chemically identical but taking a completely different BIO-chemical pathway. You're talking like a dietitian - knowing what the names you've been given to use OUTSIDE the body - but once INSIDE all the carbohydrates and refined sugars take different metabolic pathways - and that is the difference the body feels. A calorie is not just a calorie either. All calories are not created equal and neither are carbohydrates - no matter how you slice them or name them. The name of the game is the name.

The metabolic pathways are the same regardless of the source of the substance. Your digestive system can't tell whether a particular fructose molecule came out of an apple or a bag of fructose granules. Any difference in outcome is due to other factors, like the amount eaten and the speed of digestion. The fructose (or glucose, or whatever) gets taken up by the same process and sent through your body the same way. A piece of fruit simply has less, and sometimes in different proportions, than sweet junk food.

If a low-protein diet works for you and you feel good, great! Keep it up. It's not ideal for most people who don't have a special medical reason to avoid protein, though. And I suspect you might be eating more of it than you think - some beans and legumes have quite a bit, and the little bit here and there in vegetables adds up. Even a three-ounce serving of spinach has almost 3g.

crazyml -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/13/2013 11:11:25 PM)



Chemically identical but taking a completely different BIO-chemical pathway. You're talking like a dietitian - knowing what the names you've been given to use OUTSIDE the body - but once INSIDE all the carbohydrates and refined sugars take different metabolic pathways - and that is the difference the body feels. A calorie is not just a calorie either. All calories are not created equal and neither are carbohydrates - no matter how you slice them or name them. The name of the game is the name.

I'm morbidly curious... Do you actually hold a PHD from a recognised educational institution?

And if you do... would you share with us what subject it's in?

sunshinemiss -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/14/2013 3:15:49 AM)



Master are in charge of the menu. Subbies/slaves in charge of the recipes and the making of the food.

Well fuck me sideways. Evidently no one in the world eats unless they are "subbies" (hate that word) / "slaves" / "masters" in TPE relationships. Who knew?

Yes, it's snarky. I don't care.

DrMaster4U2 -> RE: Is it healthy to cut out all carbs, no matter what they are? (10/18/2013 6:22:14 AM)

It's true. One does not NEED carbs to live.
You don't need shelter or clothing to live either.
In that vein the Inuits pay a very high price for not eating carbs. They don't live nearly as long as tribes in the jungle or in the Himalayas - who live to be over a hundred years. Many still with their original teeth. Our genetic blueprint is very forgiving in that we have, during our evolution and travel all over the world, come up against many situations where we had to survive in extreme conditions - one of them being forced to eat only meat. Meat that comes from animals that eat greens.
But is it a good choice in America where we can fly in the most remote fruits, vegetables and roots from all over the world? Choices are not just available but a necessity. And therein lies controversy.
In America we have a thoroughly mixed genetic pool from all over the world - along with mixed blood (types and sub-types) and that dictates that the environment in which these genetic blueprints must survive as best as possible - are different for everyone making experiences and outcomes of different individual lifestyles a biochemical nightmare. We now know without a doubt that what we eat changes the genetic landscape - not just as individuals but as a people as well. Vaccinations change all of us. So does pollution. So does chlorinated water.
So we stick to what we know best: organic vegetables are more nutritious than contaminated meat in the long run; pure water is better than the slop they call "milk" in the long run; raw is better than cooked food in the long run; eating with people is better than eating alone in the long run; etc, etc...
Now go ahead - pick it apart. I'm outa here. lol

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