RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (Full Version)

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ChatteParfaitt -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 9:44:30 AM)

Inquiring minds want to know, did you put the tiny man pie in the oven and bake him until golden brown?

Were there mushrooms involved?

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 10:20:50 AM)


MariaB -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 1:12:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: ChatteParfaitt

Inquiring minds want to know, did you put the tiny man pie in the oven and bake him until golden brown?

Were there mushrooms involved?

I'm not saying [:)]

Kana -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 1:31:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: kalikshama

Tell Kana I expect a better contribution from him. ("Better" = something that will make me close the window in horror yet a hint of intrigue.)


Kana is shocked no one has said gangbangs yet

Hey, I didn't say what I wanted.I just said I was surprised no one else had mentioned group sex before.
Cuz the mouse is dead on. Condoms don't stop all diseases and I like fucking, but fifteen minutes of fun ain't worth six months of worry and potentially a (limited) lifetime of regrets, that's not a good trade off for this cat at all.
Mouse is damn glad too, else she'd be one well fucked ho.

But, returning to the comment, since you asked and all...

Me? I wouldn't mind flaying someone ala Roose Bolton. That would be righteous fun.
That and I'd like to put some serious fucking grommets in a gals tongue, essentially prevent her from ever speaking again w/o sounding like some sort of mutant.
Better yet, mix the two.Hang the slut naked by her tongue using the grommets, tie some nice cinder blocks to her legs, then set to work with a dragons tail or a cat made o barbed wire.
Hours and hours of joy there.

But really, if I had one thing to pick that I could do for a day and manana there would be no scars, it would involve fire and hot irons.
Things like hot coals on the belly, burning holes through labia, needles under her skin slowly heated, searing clits off with blowtorches, using her inner womb as an ashtray, white hot pincers grabbing and twisting tits, oh fuck yes.

Either that or vaginal torture.I've been really rolling that around my head as of late...

Winterapple -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 1:49:49 PM)

You'll go Roose but you won't go Ramsey, eh?
No Reek fantasies?[8D]

Kana -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 2:04:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Winterapple

You'll go Roose but you won't go Ramsey, eh?
No Reek fantasies?[8D]

The only Peepee I play with is mine

kalikshama -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 2:18:45 PM)


Me? I wouldn't mind flaying someone ala Roose Bolton. That would be righteous fun.
That and I'd like to put some serious fucking grommets in a gals tongue, essentially prevent her from ever speaking again w/o sounding like some sort of mutant.
Better yet, mix the two.Hang the slut naked by her tongue using the grommets, tie some nice cinder blocks to her legs, then set to work with a dragons tail or a cat made o barbed wire.
Hours and hours of joy there.

But really, if I had one thing to pick that I could do for a day and manana there would be no scars, it would involve fire and hot irons.
Things like hot coals on the belly, burning holes through labia, needles under her skin slowly heated, searing clits off with blowtorches, using her inner womb as an ashtray, white hot pincers grabbing and twisting tits, oh fuck yes.

Either that or vaginal torture.I've been really rolling that around my head as of late...


Kana -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 2:45:45 PM)

You asked!

I was being reticent for a reason, as I tend to on these sorta threads.

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 2:50:54 PM)



You asked!

I was being reticent for a reason, as I tend to on these sorta threads.

You're going soft on us [:D]

Kana -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 3:32:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Spiritedsub2



You asked!

I was being reticent for a reason, as I tend to on these sorta threads.

You're going soft on us [:D]

I was asked to please think of the fragile newbies :-)

petitespot -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 4:35:25 PM)

Love the idea of chloroform.
Really hard grip on my throat.
Face slaps that leave black eyes.
Full force body punches.

JeffBC -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 4:49:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder
Kana is shocked no one has said gangbangs yet

Yeah.. I was going there. If there were no STD's Carol'd be a very unhappy woman.

mummyman321 -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 5:02:03 PM)

30 gallons of liquid rubber
1 industrial sprayer
The Domme
30 or 40 coats later
1 man made to look like a mannequin with full salute
The rest I will leave to imagination

kalikshama -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 5:09:55 PM)


You asked!

Yes, and you delivered [;)]

DesFIP -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 6:23:22 PM)

Oh, and face slapping.

I love the idea. But the risk of permanent blindness to someone with implanted lenses is too great. Shit, I'm not even allowed to play racquet sports without protective goggles.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 6:42:23 PM)



For me? Chloroform.

I must have seen too much of it watching bad adventure TV growing up. Something about that fluid-soaked hanky pressed over the hero's nose and mouth and his desperate struggle to stay awake got me all worked up long before I knew what I was feeling,

I was roleplaying that baby years before my first orgasm. "See this cloth? Pretend it's got chloroform on it" (Meanwhile the guys is like, "Akasha, who ARE you? Whatever, go ahead.". Then when we were done and making out, he was like wow - this really turns you on, doesn't it?)

Never in a million years would I consider even attempting access to a drug of any kind for "fun." But they way it was played up in media makes it so alluring. A man fighting to stay awake - combined with my fetish for breathing, struggled and strained breathing - holding a man down, straddling a man at the hips (sitting on him), hand-over-mouth - it's the perfect storm of fetishes. (it's a chicken-and-egg thing though - which came first, all those "sub-fetishes" or the chloroform one, I don't know)

Later when I became more sexual, I coyly made the "game" more attractive by peeling off my own moist panties and saying playfully, "How about we pretend these wet panties are a chloroform-soaked cloth and you desperately don't want to inhale." (insert smart ass man-comment, "oh but I DO want to inhale:). It would make him agreeable to a little "goofy" roleyplay but I could always get even the most hesitant non-roleplayer to agree to try a few rounds of thrashing about until he would "succumb" to the drug and I would apply the handcuffs and duct tape, and the the real fun would begin.

If I could be in a magic world where the real drug would exist just one day - safely and without the nasty side effects - I would enjoy it, yes. I know this would never happen. But TV made it so appealing.

What would your one kinky act for one day, if it could be truly safe?


Voting for someone who actually could (actually) change the world...instead of who my Mom thought was the right choice....because....there were "two choices....why did you waste your vote?????"

(I didn't).

SpyUnderCover -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 7:26:43 PM)


I think my one off would be a hunt with females on horseback galloping through fields and woodland after naked male slaves.

... And once capturing them, keeping them in some secret compound where we train them and have our way with them.


MistressDarkArt -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 7:53:31 PM)



One of my very first dominant fantasies (I was very young) was rolling a tiny naked man in pastry.

My prodomme friend has a client who wants to be trussed up, seasoned with salt, pepper and olive oil, baked in the oven, and eaten. When I asked her what in the world she said to him over the phone to address that, her reply was "Mmmmmmm!!! Tastes like chicken!!"

(When I need a good laugh I ask her what was the weirdest one she had this week. She's fine with me sitting in on calls but sometimes I have to leave the room because I'm laughing so hysterically and don't want to break her stride.)

LookieNoNookie -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/19/2013 9:24:04 PM)



For me? Chloroform.

I must have seen too much of it watching bad adventure TV growing up. Something about that fluid-soaked hanky pressed over the hero's nose and mouth and his desperate struggle to stay awake got me all worked up long before I knew what I was feeling,

I was roleplaying that baby years before my first orgasm. "See this cloth? Pretend it's got chloroform on it" (Meanwhile the guys is like, "Akasha, who ARE you? Whatever, go ahead.". Then when we were done and making out, he was like wow - this really turns you on, doesn't it?)

Never in a million years would I consider even attempting access to a drug of any kind for "fun." But they way it was played up in media makes it so alluring. A man fighting to stay awake - combined with my fetish for breathing, struggled and strained breathing - holding a man down, straddling a man at the hips (sitting on him), hand-over-mouth - it's the perfect storm of fetishes. (it's a chicken-and-egg thing though - which came first, all those "sub-fetishes" or the chloroform one, I don't know)

Later when I became more sexual, I coyly made the "game" more attractive by peeling off my own moist panties and saying playfully, "How about we pretend these wet panties are a chloroform-soaked cloth and you desperately don't want to inhale." (insert smart ass man-comment, "oh but I DO want to inhale:). It would make him agreeable to a little "goofy" roleyplay but I could always get even the most hesitant non-roleplayer to agree to try a few rounds of thrashing about until he would "succumb" to the drug and I would apply the handcuffs and duct tape, and the the real fun would begin.

If I could be in a magic world where the real drug would exist just one day - safely and without the nasty side effects - I would enjoy it, yes. I know this would never happen. But TV made it so appealing.

What would your one kinky act for one day, if it could be truly safe?



That's different.

My one kinky act.....for a day?

Well, it's NOT safe....several people are involved (all 9 of them are Pamela Anderson, just for the record), and.....I think actually describing it could get me scanned by the NSA so....we'll just go with....."FUCK that felt good!!!!!"

(For now, anyway).

Kana -> RE: What is one kinky act you wish was safe for a day (8/20/2013 2:13:23 PM)

I assume everything posted here is read by multiple LE agencies. To think anything else would be blithely absurd

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