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Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 3:07:34 PM   

Posts: 10540
Joined: 7/30/2005
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Now we know of all of the nightmares associated with single-payer health care. All they can do is charge you about 1/2 and make you live 3-4 years longer. I have always felt that if you want to know what's really happening, i.e., the truth about how large economic issues are acting in and...being addressed in the marketplace.

Consulting the capitalist not directly invested, who has a much more dispassionate view because unique to the American corp. world, one often has to make a choice. Be say for example a car company that sells cars for a profit or be a health care buyer who sells cars to pay for health care. Chevrolet recently opened a plant in Canada rather than resurrect one in Detroit for rather obvious reasons in addition to what ? The health car question.

Now read the truth about Canadian health care. Here
Profile   Post #: 1
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 3:17:39 PM   

Posts: 9381
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From: Pittston, Pennsyltucky
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Hmmmm ... You're likening Obummercare to single-payer? They're not even in the same zip code.

I am for single-payer, government-provided healthcare (in theory. We need a plan better than the Anti-Christ's plan back in '93 or '94).

Obummercare is not single-payer. It's screw the middle-class by forcing them to buy something so that insurance companies stop bitching about uninsured losses.


A Stone in My Shoe

Screen captures (and pissing on shadows) still RULE! Ya feel me?

"For that which I love, I will do horrible things"

(in reply to MrRodgers)
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RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 3:26:59 PM   

Posts: 5799
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From: Canada
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ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
Hmmmm ... You're likening Obummercare to single-payer? They're not even in the same zip code.

I am for single-payer, government-provided healthcare (in theory. We need a plan better than the Anti-Christ's plan back in '93 or '94).

Obummercare is not single-payer. It's screw the middle-class by forcing them to buy something so that insurance companies stop bitching about uninsured losses.

So here's an interesting question. Up till now the republican party has taken the heat for blocking single-payer. I wonder what would happen if magically, tomorrow morning, every republican in DC was strongly in favor of single-payer. My personal guess is that the democrats would find ways to defeat it. It's hard to believe either party's corporate masters would allow such a move.


I'm a lover of "what is", not because I'm a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I argue with reality. -- Bryon Katie
"You're humbly arrogant" -- sunshinemiss
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(in reply to DaddySatyr)
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RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 3:31:32 PM   

Posts: 9381
Joined: 8/29/2011
From: Pittston, Pennsyltucky
Status: offline


So here's an interesting question. Up till now the republican party has taken the heat for blocking single-payer. I wonder what would happen if magically, tomorrow morning, every republican in DC was strongly in favor of single-payer. My personal guess is that the democrats would find ways to defeat it. It's hard to believe either party's corporate masters would allow such a move.

Well ...

1) I haven't been a republican since 1990. I joined the Libertarian party in 1994.

2) I don't doubt that there's a game being played. It goes over the head of most sheeple who are just struggling, working three jobs to afford their mortgage/rent/car insurance/car payment ... You get the point.

Now, ta-da! We have Obummercare which is going to fix everything! (That was in 2008 and 2010).

Now the realities (since we passed it so we could see it) are starting to stare us cold, in the face and it's apparent that this isn't the answer.

Sometimes, doing nothing is better than doing "just anything".


A Stone in My Shoe

Screen captures (and pissing on shadows) still RULE! Ya feel me?

"For that which I love, I will do horrible things"

(in reply to JeffBC)
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RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 3:37:55 PM   

Posts: 5799
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From: Canada
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ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
Well ...
Sometimes, doing nothing is better than doing "just anything".

I certainly agree and the ACA was about 50/50 in my head. It was obviously a funnel of money to the insurance companies. The question is whether it becomes a stepping stone to single-payer.


I'm a lover of "what is", not because I'm a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I argue with reality. -- Bryon Katie
"You're humbly arrogant" -- sunshinemiss
officially a member of the K Crowd

(in reply to DaddySatyr)
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RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 3:43:21 PM   

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FR -

From the OP link...

It’s just “common sense” in Beatty’s view that government takes the lead in assuring basic health security for its citizens. He’s amazed at the contortions of the debate in the United States, and wonders why big U.S. companies “want to be in the business of providing health care anyway” (“that’s a government function,” he says simply).

Big Pharma provides drugs
Medical schools provide doctors

I can see why he thinks healthcare is a government function Without government there'd be no one to make drugs or teach upcoming doctors. Without government, why, we'd all be lost.


“We all know it’s going to end badly, but in the meantime we can make some money.” - Jim Cramer, CNBC

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(in reply to DaddySatyr)
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RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 3:51:37 PM   

Posts: 15477
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ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

I am for single-payer...

I've always supported single-payer too. I'm no opponent of capitalism, but treating everything as if it was market is just insane. You can't come home from a shopping trip at the hospital and tell your wife, "Honey, I really liked the coronary bypass too. But we just can't afford it, so I bought a nose job instead."


< Message edited by Kirata -- 9/25/2013 3:55:06 PM >

(in reply to DaddySatyr)
Profile   Post #: 7
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 6:17:41 PM   

Posts: 10540
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ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Hmmmm ... You're likening Obummercare to single-payer? They're not even in the same zip code.

I am for single-payer, government-provided healthcare (in theory. We need a plan better than the Anti-Christ's plan back in '93 or '94).

Obummercare is not single-payer. It's screw the middle-class by forcing them to buy something so that insurance companies stop bitching about uninsured losses.

No, my point is that even after all of the debate on Obama care, here are the real rulers of the world sitting by and not lobbying in America for a Canadian system. The capitalist is inherently risk averse so just as with other federal insurance programs, and railroad retirement etc....why aren't these captains of industries, these all knowing, all seeing fiduciaries out there running with it ?

The problem of course is typically the capitalist will just punt the whole thing not giving a flying fuck really and just cut everybody off. Fuck you employee, as always, you are here to serve us, so no more medical insurance. No single payer but go hit the exchanges sucker.

(in reply to DaddySatyr)
Profile   Post #: 8
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/25/2013 6:22:48 PM   

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FR -

From the OP link...

It’s just “common sense” in Beatty’s view that government takes the lead in assuring basic health security for its citizens. He’s amazed at the contortions of the debate in the United States, and wonders why big U.S. companies “want to be in the business of providing health care anyway” (“that’s a government function,” he says simply).

Big Pharma provides drugs
Medical schools provide doctors

I can see why he thinks healthcare is a government function Without government there'd be no one to make drugs or teach upcoming doctors. Without government, why, we'd all be lost.

Well one thing we know for sure is that without at least a certain govt. we'd all pay a lot less for health care (drugs, surgery, treatments) and live 3-4 years longer. We be in fewer wars, and spend a whole lot less of our money on them.

(in reply to Yachtie)
Profile   Post #: 9
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 3:58:03 AM   

Posts: 14862
Joined: 5/7/2007
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ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Hmmmm ... You're likening Obummercare to single-payer? They're not even in the same zip code.

The truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Obamacare is a fudge, I said as much years ago. The single payer system isnt 100% brilliant (include ours), I said that too, but it is better than what you have at present. I see plenty of posts that knock the NHS but you cant alter facts, we live a bit longer and pay much less for health.

There is a trade off many of us are happy to go along with, and it is as follows.

A cheaper system, that is inclusive of everyone against having to wait a bit longer for minor operations. What we pay in tax is less than is paid in insurance in the US.

(in reply to DaddySatyr)
Profile   Post #: 10
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 5:33:32 AM   

Posts: 12225
Joined: 1/18/2012
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Now we know of all of the nightmares associated with single-payer health care. All they can do is charge you about 1/2 and make you live 3-4 years longer. I have always felt that if you want to know what's really happening, i.e., the truth about how large economic issues are acting in and...being addressed in the marketplace.
Consulting the capitalist not directly invested, who has a much more dispassionate view because unique to the American corp. world, one often has to make a choice. Be say for example a car company that sells cars for a profit or be a health care buyer who sells cars to pay for health care. Chevrolet recently opened a plant in Canada rather than resurrect one in Detroit for rather obvious reasons in addition to what ? The health car question.
Now read the truth about Canadian health care. Here

Government spending in the US is already more than half of all health care spending in the US. How will adding more people to that system result in less spending? The Cleveland Clinic cut spending and let a whole bunch of people go for 3 reasons: Ohio hasn't expanded Medicaid, insurance companies are pressuring them to accept lower payments, and Medicare payments are being reduced. How is the system going to work to reduce the cost of care, when this is what hospitals are going to face? Is expanding Medicaid going to do that much to keep those jobs? Imagine what would happen if the "Doc Fix" Bill wasn't passed.

The cost of care, that is, the cost for a procedure in the US is higher than the cost for that same procedure in other countries. If lowering reimbursements from insurance companies and Medicare is already having an impact, how are we supposed to believe that single-payer is going to fare better? Procedure cost has to be reduced. The only other way to reduce overall health care spending is to reduce the number of procedures. Focusing on preventive care will help reduce the number of procedures some, and will shift some of the procedures necessary from more expensive ones to less expensive ones, but it won't cut overall spending by 50%.


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(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 11
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 7:19:07 AM   

Posts: 60698
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The Cleveland Clinic cut spending and let a whole bunch of people go for 3 reasons: Ohio hasn't expanded Medicaid, insurance companies are pressuring them to accept lower payments, and Medicare payments are being reduced.

There was considerably more to it than that (from the horses mouth, as I cited) see? Not only are untruths first promulgated on marching orders from teabag imbecile central, but even in the face of facts to the contrary, they are repeatedly incanted as truth even in the face of overwhelming facts that show them to be simpletonian lies.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to DesideriScuri)
Profile   Post #: 12
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 7:33:55 AM   

Posts: 10540
Joined: 7/30/2005
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ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri


Now we know of all of the nightmares associated with single-payer health care. All they can do is charge you about 1/2 and make you live 3-4 years longer. I have always felt that if you want to know what's really happening, i.e., the truth about how large economic issues are acting in and...being addressed in the marketplace.
Consulting the capitalist not directly invested, who has a much more dispassionate view because unique to the American corp. world, one often has to make a choice. Be say for example a car company that sells cars for a profit or be a health care buyer who sells cars to pay for health care. Chevrolet recently opened a plant in Canada rather than resurrect one in Detroit for rather obvious reasons in addition to what ? The health car question.
Now read the truth about Canadian health care. Here

Government spending in the US is already more than half of all health care spending in the US. How will adding more people to that system result in less spending? The Cleveland Clinic cut spending and let a whole bunch of people go for 3 reasons: Ohio hasn't expanded Medicaid, insurance companies are pressuring them to accept lower payments, and Medicare payments are being reduced. How is the system going to work to reduce the cost of care, when this is what hospitals are going to face? Is expanding Medicaid going to do that much to keep those jobs? Imagine what would happen if the "Doc Fix" Bill wasn't passed.

The cost of care, that is, the cost for a procedure in the US is higher than the cost for that same procedure in other countries. If lowering reimbursements from insurance companies and Medicare is already having an impact, how are we supposed to believe that single-payer is going to fare better? Procedure cost has to be reduced. The only other way to reduce overall health care spending is to reduce the number of procedures. Focusing on preventive care will help reduce the number of procedures some, and will shift some of the procedures necessary from more expensive ones to less expensive ones, but it won't cut overall spending by 50%.

Man you are right on the money. We in America and as I've written, uniquely in America patients (customers/citizens) exist for a profit. What most don't understand is under a single payer, govt. program practitioners must compete. For example, Germany has 200 insurance cos. all competing for business, this causes for example as in Japan head & shoulders MRI is $100, in America $1500. You think that holds down premiums ? Trouble is of course that Americans don't want to admit that we have created a greedy business culture.

What word would you use to describe the difference I use the word greed. Canadian doctors are limited to $200,000/yr. Now that doesn't mean like most of the greedy set, that he goes to jail if he makes more.NO, he is taxed at a higher rate. A very close relative is a surgeon and $200,000+ per year just wasn't enough. So he had to add specialist services (not really) just wanted to and to take advantage of his specialty (thoracic surgery) and is now up to $400-$500,000 a year.

Medicare being billed for 4 blood tests that never occurred, medicare being billed $20,000 for a check-up and $80,000 for a small outpatient procedure. I call that greed, what do you call it ?

Oh BTW, OBAMACARE ??? Reduces govt. medical outlays $100 billion/yr. and that's just for starters. The whole problem is about 100 years old. Put govt, in the practice of paying for anything whether it be medical procedures or a new jet fighter...greed takes over because the capitalist sees the govt. coming and rapes it.

I much rather have the fed. govt. as my payer for my services because I am free to gouge it. I can't gouge my paying customers...they're broke. I want the govt. to pay for all cars. next day...I am in the car business because I'll make the govt,

< Message edited by MrRodgers -- 9/26/2013 7:47:14 AM >

(in reply to DesideriScuri)
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RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 7:33:56 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail
The Cleveland Clinic cut spending and let a whole bunch of people go for 3 reasons: Ohio hasn't expanded Medicaid, insurance companies are pressuring them to accept lower payments, and Medicare payments are being reduced.
There was considerably more to it than that (from the horses mouth, as I cited) see? Not only are untruths first promulgated on marching orders from teabag imbecile central, but even in the face of facts to the contrary, they are repeatedly incanted as truth even in the face of overwhelming facts that show them to be simpletonian lies.

Actually, I got then info from the link you posted. What else was there to it, MN?


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(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 7:37:51 AM   

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Well, you did not. That is a blatant lie. First off, there were a multitude of reasons not three, you got that asswipe from a nutsacker thing that Phydeaux posted. That was the only mention of 3 things.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to DesideriScuri)
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RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 7:38:41 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

The Cleveland Clinic cut spending and let a whole bunch of people go for 3 reasons: Ohio hasn't expanded Medicaid, insurance companies are pressuring them to accept lower payments, and Medicare payments are being reduced.

There was considerably more to it than that (from the horses mouth, as I cited) see? Not only are untruths first promulgated on marching orders from teabag imbecile central, but even in the face of facts to the contrary, they are repeatedly incanted as truth even in the face of overwhelming facts that show them to be simpletonian lies.

A good description of the American greedy business culture. There is no other basis in fact or why our procedures 'cost' so much more than in other countries. None of the above happens with a single-payer insurance program. Greed is tempered...never happen in America.

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 16
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 8:05:26 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail
Well, you did not. That is a blatant lie. First off, there were a multitude of reasons not three, you got that asswipe from a nutsacker thing that Phydeaux posted. That was the only mention of 3 things.

The video from your link wouldn't load up just now. Found another link.


    [Toby Cosgrove, CEO at the Cleveland Clinic]: We know that going into this next year, there are a number of factors that are going to affect us. The first is insurance companies are are reducing the amount of uh payment to us and uh expecting more difficult contracts. The second thing is, we don't have any Medicaid expansion in the state of Ohio, and thirdly we know that Medicaid, Medicare is reducing it's payment slightly. So all these combined uh re make us realize that we have, have a shortfall in our expected revenues, and, uh. So we think we need to cut about..."

Now, where did he say there were more than 3?

He did say that it's not totally related to the health care law, but "also related to pressures from business, pressures from all the way around to reduce the cost of health care." That, though, was an explanation of what they have been doing for years now, to reduce those costs.


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(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 17
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 8:18:23 AM   

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keep watching to the end, otherwise you would appear to be going off half cocked, and rather ill informed.

You should know that medicare cuts are not part of Obamacare, if you would stop and think about those lies; and I do not believe he used or intimated that Obamacare was responsible or involved in those payment cuts, unless you are sabotaging your own quotes.

You would not say that Adolf Hitler singlehandedly destroyed the Soviet Union, would you?? You would attribute that to its proper author, no one single person did that. There were laws in place, and laws that exist, and policies based on those laws that are not Obamacare. We have a few laws on the books.

< Message edited by mnottertail -- 9/26/2013 8:19:53 AM >


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to DesideriScuri)
Profile   Post #: 18
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 8:54:37 AM   

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I am not sure if any rebuttals here are or are not directed at me but thought I'd put out here what I understand to be the case vis-a-vis medicaid, medicare and Obamacare's effect of same.

There will be far fewer using medicaid because of the mandate. Most not all will have their own insurance. Reduces federal and state outlays.

There is money taken from fee for service medicare because of ridiculous over charges to the govt. Helps pay the subsidies and reduces federal outlays.

Once people become enrolled through the exchanges and even with a small subsidy, will cause competition among all insurers thus...reducing federal outlays on its contribution.

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: Obamacare...ask the capitalist. - 9/26/2013 10:24:18 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail
keep watching to the end, otherwise you would appear to be going off half cocked, and rather ill informed.
You should know that medicare cuts are not part of Obamacare, if you would stop and think about those lies; and I do not believe he used or intimated that Obamacare was responsible or involved in those payment cuts, unless you are sabotaging your own quotes.
You would not say that Adolf Hitler singlehandedly destroyed the Soviet Union, would you?? You would attribute that to its proper author, no one single person did that. There were laws in place, and laws that exist, and policies based on those laws that are not Obamacare. We have a few laws on the books.

I didn't transpose to the end, but I did listen. And, there was nothing else cited as a factor beyond the 3 included in the quote above.

And, what I said in my post that you took issue with was...

    The Cleveland Clinic cut spending and let a whole bunch of people go for 3 reasons: Ohio hasn't expanded Medicaid, insurance companies are pressuring them to accept lower payments, and Medicare payments are being reduced.

See Obamacare in there? There's a great reason why...


What I support:

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(in reply to mnottertail)
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