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RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/24/2006 3:24:58 PM   

Posts: 1046
Joined: 8/29/2004
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EnglishDomNW: Hezbollah did not steal the land. Israel did.

Israel did not steal the land that Hezbolla raided to try to kidnap Israelis standing guard at their northern border.  Now, if you take my statement, which you quoted, you will see that I mentioned Israel’s northern positions, and the fact that Hezbollah attacked Israel’s northern positions prior t this mess happening. 

Your point about who stole what is a non issue, here is why:

These lines were agreed upon by the combatants:


At the conclusion of the War of Independence, in 1949, all of the Arab countries who invaded Israel signed cease fire agreements with Israel

No stealing going on here, the border with Lebanon was restored to its previous line. 

Now, which side of Israel did Hezbollah attack from? Which side of Israel are their troops amassing on?

The agreed upon territorial boundary with Lebanon perhaps?

Also, the Palestinians had an opportunity to have more than what they currently have, but they blew it when they - and their Arab allies - attacked Israel.

EnglishDomNW  Israel knows what it needs to do too.

That is as asinine as saying that the U.S. knows “what it needs to do” to prevent Al-Qaeda from attacking it again, you know, starting with our mass conversion to Bin Laden’s version of radical Islam.

Saying that Israel “knows what it needs to do too” is like saying that the U.K. knew what it had to do to prevent Germany from attacking its shipping - like surrendering to the Nazis right off the bat. 

But the fact of the matter is that Israel was the one that was harassed for months, it is the one that is bending over backwards to secure peace, it has been patient, and now they have dropped their foot. 

Now that they are on a roll, that they have the upper hand, THEY are the ones that set the terms for when THEY stop.  Hezbolla has no other recourse but to meet Israeli demands, or continually get attacked. 

EnglishDomNW  The Palestinians are entitled to make demands. 

ROTFLMFAO!  That is like someone saying that kids have a right to set demands to their parents!  They could make demands all they want, the Israelis are entitled to dismiss their demands, especially when it threatens Israel’s existence.  All they have to do is recognize Israel’s right to exist, and be satisfied with just the occupied territories. 

EnglishDomNW  It's their land Israel is squatting on.

No it is not, it belongs to Israel.  Their borders not including the occupied territories are internationally accepted as Israel’s borders.  Even the surrounding Arab countries recognize their borders.  Had the Palestinians and the surrounding Arab countries accepted the UN proposal, they would have had more than just the occupied territories.  Keep in mind that both Jews and Arabs lived in Palestine and considered themselves Palestinians.  When Israel was established, many of the next generation started to see themselves as Israelis.

EnglishDomNW: Curious that Hamas has no intentions of recognising Israel's right to exist.  The Torah refuses to recognise the same thing.  The Jewish religion itself refuses to recognise Israel's right to exist.  In fact, Israel's very existence today carries with it a very grave response from God Himself just by existing.  He will lead the Jews back to Israel, not the Zionists.

Do you see how you pawned yourself here?

First, there is a difference between something being said in a book that not everybody takes literally, and a charter law that is used to dictate ongoing official organization policy. 

Second, the last several times that I went to Israel, I lost count of how many times many of the Israelis referred to themselves as Jews.  In fact, like Christianity and Islam, there are the hard core devout Jews, the devout Jews, and the non practicing Jews. 

Third, Zionism, as an ideology, did not come around until the late 19th century.  Prior to that, the Jews saw themselves as having a connection with Palestine. 

Fourth, PLO’s article 15 of their charter calling for the complete liquidation of the “Zionist” presence in Palestine was written in reference to all the Jews in Israel and the Israeli state, despite the fact that not all Jews in Israel support the Zionist ideology. 

Fifth, show me a specific phrase from the Torah, or from the Jewish faith, that specifically states that Israel “does not” have the right to exist.

EnglishDomNW: The Palestinians don't take claim to all of Israel. They take claim to all of Palestine.

Palestine, as a country, does not exist.  Israel is internationally recognized.  The Palestinians take claim to all of Israel, not just the occupied territories.

(1) Click on “TV-Video Library”

(2) Click on “Topic I: Hamas in its own words” (top row as of this posting)

(3) Click on “Post-Election Video: Gaza leads to Haifa.”

And make note of the following:

(A)  The mother of a suicide bomber holding her son.  She is wearing the headband that her son gave to her prior to his going on his homicide mission.

Note the Caption: “The home and homeland is returning through blood.”

(B)  Scenes of Israeli troops leaving…

Caption:  “Let the enemies leave the ENTIRE land!” (Emphasis mine)

(C)  Scene shifting from damage to the Israeli City of Haifa with this caption:

“The invaders fled [Gaza], the army of the Jews was defeated”

(Note: this statement also shows up earlier, where the mother is looking over her dead son’s body)

(D)  Scene remains on the Israeli City of Haifa as the caption changes from the one under “(C)” above to this one:

“The home and the homeland is returning through blood”.

HENCE, the Palestinians stake a claim all of Israel, not just the occupied territories.

EnglishDomNW: As pointed out above, they might want to have a discussion with their own God about whether they have a right to exist or not.  Because if He says no, who are you to argue?

What you pointed out above:

“The Torah refuses to recognise the same thing.  The Jewish religion itself refuses to recognise Israel's right to exist.” -EnglishDomNW

You did not point out any conversation with God. 

Again, as I have pointed out above,

Show me where, in the Torah, it says that Israel does not have a right to exist.

EnglishDomNW: See above

See question from above, the one asking you to show me a specific quote from the Torah that states that Israel “does not” have a right to exist.

EnglishDomNW:  Since you're doing quotes:- " If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" - David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister)

Again, as with the supposed Torah statement “against” the existence of Israel, there is a difference between ONE man’s opinion (which does not dictate ongoing national policy) and an official article in a charter, WHICH DOES dictate ongoing official policy. 

His views do not represent the general Israeli position, nor did this view represent the general Jewish position just as Pat Buchanan et al don’t represent the general conservative position in the United States.   

Finally, do you see the bold red part of his comment? Flies in the face of your, “Israel's very existence today carries with it a very grave response from God Himself just by existing,” claims about Israel’s existence doesn’t it? 

EnglishDomNW:  You don't watch the news, do you herfacechair?

WRONG.  I do watch the news.  Have been since 1982.  Unlike you; however, I am smart enough to “read between the lines” and research information that the journalists keep away from the general public. 

Don’t mistake taking as gospel - without question - what criminally biased news organizations such as CNN, BBC, et al, try to force feed the public as “not watching the news much”.  I will demonstrate that in my following response…

EnglishDomNW:   Only today, two Israeli rockets tore into an ambulance carrying wounded Lebaneses civilians to hospital. This was no "stray missile" or "accidental civilian collateral damage". It was a clearly marked, red cross, blue lights flashing ambulance.

And I suppose that the news that you were looking at/watching, was fair enough to point out the fact that those fighting Israel tend to do things like use ambulance services to transport rockets/ammunition/combatants, right? And yes, there have been reports of ambulances being used to transport fighters and or their ammunition.  As soon as they do that, the ambulance loses its protection under international law. 

Hezbolla, Hamas, etc, could rectify this problem by NOT using ambulances as military transport. 

Even the US military’s Rules of Engagement authorize US troops to fire at out of line that ambulances being used to support the enemy’s combat efforts.  The moment they abuse their neutrality status by assisting the enemy, they lose their protection. 

Hezbolla, Hamas, etc, could rectify this problem by NOT using ambulances as military transport.   

EnglishDomNW:   I just can't help wondering how many words of condemnation you would type towards a terrorist organisation that did the same thing to an Israeli ambulance.  I suspect I'd still be reading it a week later.

Because, unlike the Israelis - who are fighting against their enemy’s abuse of “neutral” services, a terrorist organization does not have respect for the lives of non combatants.  HENCE, the difference between the two.  Israel is taking out something that is supposed to be “neutral” but is being used to support combat ops, and the terrorists in your scenario would have attacked out of pure disregard for non combatant lives. 

< Message edited by herfacechair -- 7/24/2006 3:26:42 PM >

(in reply to herfacechair)
Profile   Post #: 361
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/24/2006 4:13:37 PM   

Posts: 9030
Joined: 3/13/2006
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The problem with your argument is that 750,000 Arab Christians and Muslims were expelled from their homes and lands in 1948 by Zionists. To start anywhere else in the history of this conflict is futile because the other side can always point to some incident before the one you choose to start at.

The idea was that the land was supposed to be split by agreement. The Zionist refused to wait for an agreement and started expelling Arabs before the British had even left Palestine. More shame on the British and it is shameful now that Blair is cheering Israel on while refusing to acknowledge the wrongs that the Zionists did and the culpability of the British in the plight of the Palestinians.

My best friend's father, mother and his two eldst siblings were expelled from their home at gunpoint by Zionists and made to walk 40 miles or so with his children on his back and what few belogings he could carry. He was lucky because he had contacts and managed to get a British passport and went to Britian and on to Canada where he made a success of himself. However, he still died an angry man and he said he was not angry because of what was taken from him but the fact that the Zionists have never been big enough to admit what they did while demonizing those innocent people they stole the land from.

(in reply to herfacechair)
Profile   Post #: 362
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/24/2006 4:26:11 PM   

Posts: 493
Joined: 12/24/2005
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ORIGINAL: herfacechair

EnglishDomNW: Hezbollah did not steal the land. Israel did.

Israel did not steal the land that Hezbolla raided to try to kidnap Israelis standing guard at their northern border.  Now, if you take my statement, which you quoted, you will see that I mentioned Israel’s northern positions, and the fact that Hezbollah attacked Israel’s northern positions prior t this mess happening. 

Your point about who stole what is a non issue, here is why:

These lines were agreed upon by the combatants:


At the conclusion of the War of Independence, in 1949, all of the Arab countries who invaded Israel signed cease fire agreements with Israel

No stealing going on here, the border with Lebanon was restored to its previous line. 

Now, which side of Israel did Hezbollah attack from? Which side of Israel are their troops amassing on?

The agreed upon territorial boundary with Lebanon perhaps?

Also, the Palestinians had an opportunity to have more than what they currently have, but they blew it when they - and their Arab allies - attacked Israel.

What part of this are you failing to grasp?  If you steal someone's land, and they object to it, did they start the conflict or did you? 


EnglishDomNW  Israel knows what it needs to do too.

That is as asinine as saying that the U.S. knows “what it needs to do” to prevent Al-Qaeda from attacking it again, you know, starting with our mass conversion to Bin Laden’s version of radical Islam.

You constantly fall under the spell of the word "terrorist".  There's this amazing belief instilled in your head that if Hezbollah kills someone, that's an evil terrorist act (which indeed it is) but if Israel kills people on their way to hospital in a clearly marked ambulance, that's legitimate because they "may" have been transferring weaponry.  As someone who claims to be a "Mustang Officer" (that still makes me LOL), you ought to know what the Geneva Convention says about that act. 

There's a huge danger of people like you over-expressing the word "terrorist". 

Trust me on this.  If Hezbollah attacked an Israeli ambulance carrying victims of attacks in the North to the hospital, you would be on here typing up 400 pages of condemnation.

And you know it.

Saying that Israel “knows what it needs to do too” is like saying that the U.K. knew what it had to do to prevent Germany from attacking its shipping - like surrendering to the Nazis right off the bat. 

Where did I suggest that's what Israel needs to do?  The answer is I didn't.  That's what YOU said, not me.

But the fact of the matter is that Israel was the one that was harassed for months, it is the one that is bending over backwards to secure peace, it has been patient, and now they have dropped their foot. 

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." - David Ben-Gurion

Now that they are on a roll, that they have the upper hand, THEY are the ones that set the terms for when THEY stop.  Hezbolla has no other recourse but to meet Israeli demands, or continually get attacked. 

EnglishDomNW  The Palestinians are entitled to make demands. 

ROTFLMFAO!  That is like someone saying that kids have a right to set demands to their parents!  They could make demands all they want, the Israelis are entitled to dismiss their demands, especially when it threatens Israel’s existence.  All they have to do is recognize Israel’s right to exist, and be satisfied with just the occupied territories. 

Fine.  I'll bring some friends over, we'll take over your house tonight  and you can recognise my right to live in it.  Would you do that?

Or would you remove me any way you could.


EnglishDomNW  It's their land Israel is squatting on.

No it is not, it belongs to Israel. 
Their borders not including the occupied territories are internationally accepted as Israel’s borders.  Even the surrounding Arab countries recognize their borders.  Had the Palestinians and the surrounding Arab countries accepted the UN proposal, they would have had more than just the occupied territories.  Keep in mind that both Jews and Arabs lived in Palestine and considered themselves Palestinians.  When Israel was established, many of the next generation started to see themselves as Israelis.

EnglishDomNW: Curious that Hamas has no intentions of recognising Israel's right to exist.  The Torah refuses to recognise the same thing.  The Jewish religion itself refuses to recognise Israel's right to exist.  In fact, Israel's very existence today carries with it a very grave response from God Himself just by existing.  He will lead the Jews back to Israel, not the Zionists.

Do you see how you pawned yourself here?

Do you see how obvious your tactics are becoming?


First, there is a difference between something being said in a book that not everybody takes literally, and a charter law that is used to dictate ongoing official organization policy. 

I'm glad you finally agree with me.


Hezbolla, Hamas, etc, could rectify this problem by NOT using ambulances as military transport. 

What a copout.  Do you see where your thinking is all wrong now? 
You are excusing the most appalling acts simply because you happen to politically agree with the side that is guilty of perpetrating them. 

Quoted again.  Enjoy reading
If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" - David Ben Gurion.
Finally, let me ask you to answer a direct question with a direct answer.  That means with a Yes or a No.
Does the Torah forbid the state of Israel to exist in its current form, Yes....or No.  Answer in one word please. (I bet you won't)  

p.s.  You're wrong and I'm right.

< Message edited by EnglishDomNW -- 7/24/2006 5:19:48 PM >


"I am woman hear me roar!"

(Yes and I am Man, keep the noise down, bitch.)

(in reply to herfacechair)
Profile   Post #: 363
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/24/2006 5:31:47 PM   

Posts: 5560
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ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

The problem with your argument is that 750,000 Arab Christians and Muslims were expelled from their homes and lands in 1948 by Zionists. To start anywhere else in the history of this conflict is futile because the other side can always point to some incident before the one you choose to start at.

The idea was that the land was supposed to be split by agreement. The Zionist refused to wait for an agreement and started expelling Arabs before the British had even left Palestine. More shame on the British and it is shameful now that Blair is cheering Israel on while refusing to acknowledge the wrongs that the Zionists did and the culpability of the British in the plight of the Palestinians.

My best friend's father, mother and his two eldst siblings were expelled from their home at gunpoint by Zionists and made to walk 40 miles or so with his children on his back and what few belogings he could carry. He was lucky because he had contacts and managed to get a British passport and went to Britian and on to Canada where he made a success of himself. However, he still died an angry man and he said he was not angry because of what was taken from him but the fact that the Zionists have never been big enough to admit what they did while demonizing those innocent people they stole the land from.

So pointing out the Holocaust is futile?  Or you''ve been ignoring it because it makes your cherry picked starting point pale by comparison?

(in reply to meatcleaver)
Profile   Post #: 364
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 1:06:39 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Alumbrado 

So pointing out the Holocaust is futile?  Or you''ve been ignoring it because it makes your cherry picked starting point pale by comparison?

As Ben Gurion pointed out. It wasn't the Arabs that were guilty of anti-semeticism or of the holocaust, they will be only bothered about their homes and land stolen from them.

If anyone should pay for the holocaust it is the Germans. A large part of Germany was ceeded to Poland after the war, part of Germany could have been ceeded to European Jews but I'm pretty sure this would have been seen as just another Jewish ghetto so probaly wouldn't have been an ideal solution.

To save rewriting something I have copied and pasted what I have written in another thread.

The problem is not that a Jewish state but that Israel was set up prior to agreement, much of it on stolen land and with the expulsion of 750,000 Arabs. It was accepted in the Balfour agreement and later agreed by the UN that the land in the area (Trans Jordonia) should be divided between the two peoples with Jerursalem being under international administration so neither people could lay claim to it because Jerusalem was recognized as a potential flash point. Getting agreement was a problem and was always going to be a problem but it was the actions of the Zionists that have caused the terrorism, not radical Islam..............................If international agreements and laws were adhered to from the beginning, we probably wouldn't be discussing this current conflict the past conflicts and wouldn't be expecting another conflict in the future.

(in reply to Alumbrado)
Profile   Post #: 365
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 3:57:59 AM   

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Herfacechair Again...more info for you on the DC! (Since I do SO enjoy keeping you updated on their success!!)

Chicks Go Platinum
(June 21st) Taking The Long Way sold a little over 130,000 copies this week and stays at the top of the country album chart and #2 in the all-genre chart. SoundScan now records 1,103,443 copies sold, enough to earn the Chicks another tattoo. A #1 congratulations ad from the studio the Chicks used to record their CD appeared in the June 24th issue of Billboard magazine.

Still Atop The Country Chart
(June 29th) Taking The Long Way sold 86,811 copies during the last week to remain at #1 on Billboard's country album chart

Nothing changes folks like babies and war, and since the release of their last album, 2002's Home, the Dixie Chicks have been forever altered by both. If that album showcased the trio as precocious young adults, Taking the Long Way finds them sobered and matured, and in a grown-up state of mind. Produced by the celebrated Rick Rubin (Johnny Cash, Red Hot Chili Peppers), who saw the Chicks as "a great rock act making a country album, not a country act making a rock album," their new record impresses both as beautiful sonic tapestry (peppered with myriad Beatlesque hallmarks) and forthright yet vulnerable portrait of three women shaken by the personal and political events of the past few years. As they make clear in the defiant "Not Ready to Make Nice," they still smart over the backlash from their 2003 Bushwhacking. But as they assert on the equally autobiographical "The Long Way Around," they could never "kiss all the asses that they told me to" and just follow others aimlessly--and silently--through life. This means that the Chicks are simultaneously prideful and scornful of celebrity ("Everybody Knows"), and that as new mothers they increasingly treasure the refuge they find in life with their families, out of the spotlight ("Easy Silence," "Lullaby," "Baby Hold On"). The push and pull of both passions drive this record, which also touches on the personal issues of infertility (with which sisters Martie Maguire and Emily Robison both dealt) and Alzheimer's (from which Natalie Maines's grandmother suffers). The trio crafted all 14 cuts with the help of such writers as Sheryl Crow, Gary Louris, Mike Campbell, and Keb' Mo', laying out their lives as honestly and intimately as they might in their diaries. For that reason, on first listen, Taking the Long Way seems too somber--in need of a bit of levity and more than a couple of uptempo songs (like the sexy, '60s-flavored "I Like It") to resonate for the long haul. It also seems to lack the writing quality that Darrell Scott, Patty Griffin, and Bruce Robison brought to Home. But on repeated plays, those concerns dissipate. By the last cut, the R&B/gospel offering "I Hope," the Chicks have chronicled their journey with as much spirituality as spunk, their pain deeply ingrained in their protests.


What seems nasty, painful, or evil, can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, for those who have the vision to recognize it as such. Henry Miller

(in reply to herfacechair)
Profile   Post #: 366
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 4:53:17 AM   

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ORIGINAL: irishbynature

Chicks Go Platinum
This might be my fault, I buy their CD every time herfacechair makes me laugh. 


"I am woman hear me roar!"

(Yes and I am Man, keep the noise down, bitch.)

(in reply to irishbynature)
Profile   Post #: 367
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 4:56:47 AM   

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LOL EnglishDom.
Just don't buy one for every ten words  he types, or you'll be in the poorhouse


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to EnglishDomNW)
Profile   Post #: 368
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 5:04:53 AM   

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lol, I swear he's being sponsored by the word.

<image deleted>

Look at all that leather, it's enough to make a submissive male spin in his chair

< Message edited by ModeratorEleven -- 7/25/2006 5:41:35 AM >


"I am woman hear me roar!"

(Yes and I am Man, keep the noise down, bitch.)

(in reply to EnglishDomNW)
Profile   Post #: 369
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 5:19:30 AM   

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LOL EnglishDom....PERFECT PHOTO! (Maybe they are Dommes?) Forgive me, but I'm enjoying ruffling herfacechair a bit myself

I saw the Chicks in during the "Top of the World" Tour, about one week after Maines made her statement about Bush being from Texas. The concert was sold out and when Maines walked out on stage, the entire crowd stood on their feet, clapping...Maines said, "If you want to 'boo me', now's the time to do it before we get started." About 5 people yelled something here or there..but the crowd turned and boo'ed them!

Maines reminded the crowd that all boo'ing or clapping was fine because she believes in free speech.

 It was a great concert! Such attractive, and talented ladies.

One of her best songs (I think) is called, "
Traveling Soldier
" which was written to honor Vietnam Veterans. Of course, with the backlash, the song got no airplay. You might enjoy that song very much.

I have their new CD and am enjoying it a great deal!


What seems nasty, painful, or evil, can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, for those who have the vision to recognize it as such. Henry Miller

(in reply to EnglishDomNW)
Profile   Post #: 370
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 5:57:08 AM   

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You have fallen prey to your own insecurities. You repeatedly say you are rebutting the post made by "liberals". You presume to know the political affiliation of posters, when you do not.

I am not a Liberal. I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the Liberal party. It just goes to show, you have a very narrow and fixed point of view, and you will make some rather broad and startling assumptions about the world in general, and about the members of Collarme in order to make things fit into that skewed vision of reality.

Like I said before, can I have some of what you are smoking?


Big man! Pig Man!
Ha Ha...Charade you are!

Why do they leave out the letter b on "Garage Sale" signs?

CM's #1 All-Time Also-Ran

(in reply to herfacechair)
Profile   Post #: 371
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 6:25:41 AM   

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.........after the amazing linguistic diarrhea of herfacechair, i'm still laughing at this from the first page of this thread.....

"I don't think celebrities should be allowed to make their voices louder than mine, as I have just as many beliefs, ideas and opinions about politics and the world at large as they do.  I just don't have the availability of a stage and a microphone."

so, everyone should lower their voices just so as the poor diddum who cant be assed to get on a stage or put themselves out there for criticism doesn't feel a bit insecure. The poor love may well have as many beliefs, ideas and opionions but clearly lacks the talent, desire or bravery necessary to get on a stage. Still slap everyone down to the lowest volume and just let the government tell you what to do, poor thing, thats bound to work.........oh yes, and i also laughed at those who suggested that the DC's had a right to free speech but not on non-US soil. American first, human second?

(in reply to pahunkboy)
Profile   Post #: 372
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 7:05:32 AM   

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It wasn't the Arabs that were guilty of anti-semeticism or of the holocaust, they will be only bothered about their homes and land stolen from them.

I'm sorry to see you resort to outright holocaust denial regarding the cycle of violence between the Arabs and Jews..
At one point, I had hoped that maybe you just didn't see my questions about the renaming of Iran, and the mufti al-Husseini, or the Transjordanians, although I found it odd that such a student of history as yourself didn't already know that the Arabs engineered the Final Solution of eliminating the Jewish race, and presented it to the Nazis.

After the other poster's oblique reference to Jewish 'quotes' (which infamously includes the completely discredited Protocols of the Elders of Zion produced by al-Husseini) went unremarked on by any but myself, I realized that this was just another anti-Jewish hate fest, using the tired old excuse of Zionism as bad camoflague.
And you've just confirmed that.

You need to take your 'arguments' over to Stormfront, they are familiar material there..

(in reply to philosophy)
Profile   Post #: 373
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 7:27:31 AM   

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It's NOT a holocaust denial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BEN GURION said , anti semeticism and the holocaust was nothing to do with the Arabs, they would only care about their homes and land being stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHERE HAVE I DENIED THE HOLOCAUST????????????????????????????/

(in reply to Alumbrado)
Profile   Post #: 374
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 7:29:11 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Alumbrado

You need to take your 'arguments' over to Stormfront, they are familiar material there..

Lear n to read. People aren't supposed to call people stupid on CM so I won't call you stupid, maybe you are just blind.

(in reply to Alumbrado)
Profile   Post #: 375
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 7:45:23 AM   

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Ben Gurion was a politician focusing attention on his target of choice at the moment.Were his lips moving when he said that?

And you have done everything you can to avoid addressing the fact that the Holocaust immediately preceded your 1948 cut off, and was directly engineered by Arabs who sold it to the Nazis to achieve Arab goals of eliminating the entire Jewish race, not just Zionists. Just as Arabs  moved the Transjordanians into those 'ancestral Palestinian homes' that you cite as a good enough reason for the cycle the violence.

By selectively trumpeting the propaganda for only one side, and by repeating revisionist history about the Holocaust, what exactly do you think you are accomplishing?

If you don't want to be called a Holocaust denier, then don't use their arguments practically verbatim, use all the facts.

(in reply to meatcleaver)
Profile   Post #: 376
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 7:49:40 AM   

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the holocaust was.."directly engineered by Arabs who sold it to the Nazis to achieve Arab goals of eliminating the entire Jewish race, not just Zionists."

sheesh, and i thought id met a few conspiracy nuts in my time.........

(in reply to Alumbrado)
Profile   Post #: 377
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 7:55:45 AM   

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(fast reply)

While we recognize that this and the other middle east threads concern a very emotional  topic that strikes very close to home with many people, if the discussions cannot be held without personal insults and vitriol, they will be closed down. 

As you were.


< Message edited by ModeratorEleven -- 7/25/2006 7:56:13 AM >


This mod goes to eleven.

(in reply to meatcleaver)
Profile   Post #: 378
RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 7:57:22 AM   

Posts: 5560
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They are called ought to try reading some, instead of the diet of agit prop you exist on...unless you are allergic to facts that don't support your bigotry.

At least MC had the decency to ignore them, instead of pulling your outright denial.


His anti-British and anti-Semitic venom found a receptive audience among a rising Palestinian middle class, ironically an offspring of economic activity stimulated by Jews, who looked to the Mufti for political leadership. He directed squads of hit men to attack Jewish settlements and assassinate moderate Arabs who urged compromise, men increasingly marginalized by the recrudescence of Islamic fundamentalism. As President of the Supreme Muslim Council, the most authoritative Palestinian religious body, the Mufti controlled appointments to Muslim schools, courts, and significant trust funds that he used, among other things, to spread his message in Iraq and Syria, and to purchase arms.


There is also evidence the mufti advised and assisted his German hosts in the destruction of European Jewry. His importance “must not be disregarded,” insisted Adolf Eichmann’s deputy Dieter Wisliceny in 1941. “The Mufti had repeatedly suggested to the various authorities with whom he was maintaining contact, above all to Hitler, Ribbentrop, and Himmler, the extermination of European Jewry.” At the Nuremberg Trials, Wisliceny was even more explicit: “The mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan. He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard him say that, accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chamber of Auschwitz.” On this visit to Auschwitz, al-Husseini reportedly “admonished the guards running the gas chambers to work more diligently.”


According to documentation from the Nuremberg and Eichmann trials, the Nazi Germany SS helped finance al-Husseini's efforts in the 1936-1939 revolt in Palestine. Adolf Eichmann actually visited Palestine and met with al-Husseini at that time and subsequently maintained regular contact with him later in Berlin.
In 1940, al-Husseini requested the Axis powers to acknowledge the Arab right "... to settle the question of Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries in accordance with the national and racial interests of the Arabs and along the lines similar to those used to solve the Jewish question in Germany and Italy.".....

In the annual protest against the Balfour Declaration held in 1943 at the Luftwaffe hall in Berlin, the Mufti praised the Germans because they "know how to get rid of the Jews, and that brings us close to the Germans and sets us in their camp is that, up to today."
Echoing Muhammad after the battle of Badr, on March 1, 1944 the Mufti called in a broadcast from Berlin:
"Arabs! Rise as one and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion. This saves your honor."


  The roots of the Muslim Brotherhood — and, in many ways, the Nazi-Muslim axis — go back to the organization's formation in Egypt in 1928.
Marking the start of modern political Islam, or what is often referred to as "Islamic fundamentalism," the Brotherhood from the outset envisioned a time when an Islamic state would prevail in Egypt and other Arab countries, where the organization quickly established local branches.
....Advocating a pan-Islamic insurgency in British-controlled Palestine, the Brotherhood proclaimed their support for the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, in the late 1930s.
The Grand Mufti, the preeminent religious figure among Palestinian Muslims, was the most notable Arab leader to seek an alliance with Nazi Germany, which was eager to extend its influence in the Middle East.
Although he loathed Arabs (he once described them as "lacquered half-apes who ought to be whipped"), Hitler understood that he and the Mufti shared the same rivals — the British, the Jews and the Communists.
Indicative of the old Arab adage, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," they met in Berlin, where the Mufti lived in exile during the war.
The Mufti agreed to help organize a special Muslim division of the Waffen SS. Powerful radio transmitters were put at the Mufti's disposal so that his pro-Axis propaganda could be heard throughout the Arab world.
.....Johannes von Leers, one of the Third Reich's most prolific Jew-baiters, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Omar Amin after he took up residence in Cairo in 1955.
"If there is any hope to free the world from Jewish tyranny," Amin wrote Thompson, "it is with the Moslems, who stand steadfastly against Zionism, Colonialism and Imperialism."
Formerly Goebbels' right-hand man, Amin became a top official in the Egyptian Information Ministry, which employed several European fascists who churned out hate literature and anti-Jewish broadcasts.
Another German expatriate, Louis Heiden, alias Louis Al-Hadj, translated Hitler's Mein Kampf into Arabic.
The Egyptian government also published The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the infamous anti-Semitic forgery that purports to reveal a Jewish master plan for taking over the world.
A staple of Nazi propaganda, the Protocols also are quoted in Article 32 of the charter of Hamas, the hard-line Palestinian fundamentalist group that is supported by the Muslim Brotherhood


One influential Islamic leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was so obsessed with his hatred of Jews that he became a close friend of the Third Reich. Spending much of World War II in Germany, al-Husseini collaborated with the architects of the Holocaust, recruited Muslims to the SS, and served as a spokesman for Hitler on Arabic radio, telling his listeners, “Kill the Jews wherever you find them.”
After the collapse of Nazi Germany, Timmerman reports, al-Husseini was indicted for war crimes but fled to France and later to Egypt. Although living in exile, he continued in his role as unofficial leader of the Arab nationalist movement and became, not surprisingly, a fierce opponent of the state of Israel. Upon his death in 1974, he was succeeded by his nephew, disciple, and protégé, a young man who came to be known to the world as Yasser Arafat. As recently as last year, Arafat referred to al-Husseini as “our hero.”

< Message edited by Alumbrado -- 7/25/2006 8:40:12 AM >

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RE: Dixie Chicks: Radical Chicks? - 7/25/2006 8:10:51 AM   

Posts: 5284
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"They are called ought to try reading some, instead of the diet of agit prop you exist on...unless you are allergic to facts that don't support your bigotry.

At least MC had the decency to ignore them, instead of pulling your outright denial."

A single, verifiable link then to your assertion that the Nazi's didn't come up with the idea of the holocaust, but were given the idea by Arabs. Because without such evidence, your assertion just comes over as willfully blind at best, and rather nastily racist at worst.

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