RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (Full Version)

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RottenJohnny -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 10:54:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
Your copout is from reality.

Wrong, tail. I don't ignore reality. I just look for ways to make it better.

The reality being that absinence is not a big draw in the animal kingdom.  How you make that better is gonna be some real fantasy.

You're right, monkeys don't give a shit about controlling reproduction or having a dripping dick. But your analogy ignores human intelligence. And at least I'm interested in trying to make things better...fantasy or not.

thompsonx -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 12:15:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
I find it humerous that morons believe in abstinence.

I can understand why people would be opposed to abstinence-ONLY education but what the fuck can possibly be wrong with taking the time to teach kids that if they abstain from sex they can avoid the problems?

No one has said that they may not be taught about abstinance.

But if we think abstinence is okay then we're morons?

I think that people who can read but who intentionally misstate anothers position would like others to think that I said that.
What I said,and it was perfectly clear,since we were discussing a/o as taught in public school sex ed classes, that those who believe that a/o works are not just morons but punkassmotherfucking morons...
I do hope that I have cleared up any misunderstanding that you sought to create.

thompsonx -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 12:19:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny

Here's a question I'd like to know the answer to...and I'll accept whatever the truth is...

...who has more unwanted pregnancies or STD infections...children of liberal parents or children of conservative parents?

I do not think this is a red/blue issue. It is a biological issue. I do not believe that jack and jill give two shits in a snowstorm about their parents politics when their pink parts are wet and swollen.

mnottertail -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 12:19:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
Your copout is from reality.

Wrong, tail. I don't ignore reality. I just look for ways to make it better.

The reality being that absinence is not a big draw in the animal kingdom.  How you make that better is gonna be some real fantasy.

You're right, monkeys don't give a shit about controlling reproduction or having a dripping dick. But your analogy ignores human intelligence. And at least I'm interested in trying to make things better...fantasy or not.

I generally use my vigor for actually rather than trying, and human intellect is not something that will cause either by owning it, or pedantically promulgating an air of it, abstinence by suggestion in teenagers, no more than it would cause them to wear wingtips for shoes by equivalent suggestion.

thompsonx -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 12:20:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
I find it humerous that morons believe in abstinence.

I can understand why people would be opposed to abstinence-ONLY education but what the fuck can possibly be wrong with taking the time to teach kids that if they abstain from sex they can avoid the problems?

Because someone on the other side said it was a good idea which automatically makes it evil and stupid.

Which other side of stupid is being spoken of here? This is not a red/blue thing it is a stupid thing.
Anyone who believes that a/o is effective at anything but comedy is just fucking stupid...not ignorant,brain dead motherfucking stupid. Any casual reading of any stats one wishes to choose will show that a/o has not and does not work.
Which side of stupid one chooses to be on is their business... it may not be one of the enumerated rights but I do believe that the constitution guarantees ones right to be stupid.

thompsonx -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 12:26:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny

You're right, monkeys don't give a shit about controlling reproduction or having a dripping dick. But your analogy ignores human intelligence. And at least I'm interested in trying to make things better...fantasy or not.

Humans and cestacians and very few other animals do sex for recreation and procreation. The rest only copulate for purposes of procreation. For the most part ,lacking human intervention, the animal kindom is pretty self regulating as to population and the health of that population.

mnottertail -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 1:14:53 PM)

CDC shows most of the cooties down in the conservative southern states:

The kids seem a little liberal with the pussy though, hah?

MsMJAY -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 1:32:52 PM)

Many of the kids still believe dumbass shit like "He said I can't get pregnant if: I get on top/we do it in the shower/ he hits it just right." I have had many young people tell me all of these and more.

I don't know why so many people in this region believe being ignorant will help youth make wise choices.


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

CDC shows most of the cooties down in the conservative southern states:

The kids seem a little liberal with the pussy though, hah?

thompsonx -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 1:57:04 PM)



Many of the kids still believe dumbass shit like "He said I can't get pregnant if: I get on top/we do it in the shower/ he hits it just right." I have had many young people tell me all of these and more.

I don't know why so many people in this region believe being ignorant will help youth make wise choices.

There was a fella name of collin turnbull who spent some time in central africa visiting some folks who call themselves the mbuti. He claims that they have a method of birth control which, he is the first to admit that, he does not understand but it works...yeah you guessed it. It is all in "hittin it right". The fact remains that the mbuti have no unplanned pregnancies and they fuck like bunnies.

MsMJAY -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 2:06:05 PM)

LOL Interesting. I will have to look that up and read about it. Could it be that the mbuti are doing it IN booty? [:D]


ORIGINAL: thompsonx



Many of the kids still believe dumbass shit like "He said I can't get pregnant if: I get on top/we do it in the shower/ he hits it just right." I have had many young people tell me all of these and more.

I don't know why so many people in this region believe being ignorant will help youth make wise choices.

There was a fella name of collin turnbull who spent some time in central africa visiting some folks who call themselves the mbuti. He claims that they have a method of birth control which, he is the first to admit that, he does not understand but it works...yeah you guessed it. It is all in "hittin it right". The fact remains that the mbuti have no unplanned pregnancies and they fuck like bunnies.

thompsonx -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 2:10:26 PM)

LOL Interesting. I will have to look that up and read about it. Could it be that the mbuti are doing it IN booty?

Don't talk dirty to me unless you are serious.[;)]

thishereboi -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 2:28:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
I find it humerous that morons believe in abstinence.

I can understand why people would be opposed to abstinence-ONLY education but what the fuck can possibly be wrong with taking the time to teach kids that if they abstain from sex they can avoid the problems?

Because someone on the other side said it was a good idea which automatically makes it evil and stupid.

Here's a question I'd like to know the answer to...and I'll accept whatever the truth is...

...who has more unwanted pregnancies or STD infections...children of liberal parents or children of conservative parents?

With the exception of rape and incest those are a product of ignorance and have nothing to do with political leanings.

thishereboi -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 2:36:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
I find it humerous that morons believe in abstinence.

I can understand why people would be opposed to abstinence-ONLY education but what the fuck can possibly be wrong with taking the time to teach kids that if they abstain from sex they can avoid the problems?

Because someone on the other side said it was a good idea which automatically makes it evil and stupid.

Which other side of stupid is being spoken of here? This is not a red/blue thing it is a stupid thing.
Anyone who believes that a/o is effective at anything but comedy is just fucking stupid...not ignorant,brain dead motherfucking stupid. Any casual reading of any stats one wishes to choose will show that a/o has not and does not work.
Which side of stupid one chooses to be on is their business... it may not be one of the enumerated rights but I do believe that the constitution guarantees ones right to be stupid.

I did not say it was a blue-red thing. I said some people will use it that way. Just like they use just about anything else they can to make the other side look bad. And if I am not mistaken we have already had a few comments on the "red states" to prove my point. That said I don't have a problem with teaching a kid abstinence as long as other things like safe sex, condoms, birth control, and common sense are also thoroughly covered. And I don't think those who do are morons.

thompsonx -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 3:20:57 PM)

With the exception of rape and incest those are a product of ignorance and have nothing to do with political leanings

I remain unconvinced that rape and incest are political either.

jlf1961 -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 3:25:40 PM)

First, how is the "abstinence only" sex education working? Or the purity pledges?

thompsonx -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 3:56:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

First, how is the "abstinence only" sex education working? Or the purity pledges?

I use the purity pledge to cover the wet spot[;)]

GotSteel -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 4:04:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri

ORIGINAL: farglebargle
This is big. PUSHBACK against all the crazy religious nuts.
I don't know if it'll get any traction and go anywhere, but I like the cut of her jib!

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) has introduced a bill - Repealing Ineffective and Incomplete Abstinence-Only Program Funding Act of 2013 (HR 3774) - this week that would end federal funding of abstinence-only programs and support comprehensive sexuality education.
"We need to get serious about educating our young people about sex," said Lee. "Abstinence-only programs fail to address the challenge of unplanned pregnancies and sexually-transmitted infections among our youth, which have reached a critical level. We must ensure that we provide comprehensive sex education programs that have been proven to work, instead of throwing money away on programs that don't."

"Abstinence-only programs fail to address the challenge of unplanned pregnancies" and STD's. Um, if you're abstaining, there will likely be few challenges from unplanned pregnancies and STD's, right?

I know what she was saying, but found it to be a bit humorous.

Something which idiots like Sarah Palin have found out the hard way is that abstinence is the least effective form of birth control.

RottenJohnny -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 5:01:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
I find it humerous that morons believe in abstinence.

I can understand why people would be opposed to abstinence-ONLY education but what the fuck can possibly be wrong with taking the time to teach kids that if they abstain from sex they can avoid the problems?

No one has said that they may not be taught about abstinance.

But if we think abstinence is okay then we're morons?

I think that people who can read but who intentionally misstate anothers position would like others to think that I said that.
What I said,and it was perfectly clear,since we were discussing a/o as taught in public school sex ed classes, that those who believe that a/o works are not just morons but punkassmotherfucking morons...
I do hope that I have cleared up any misunderstanding that you sought to create.

I think people who post vague comments shouldn't make assumptions about another persons motivations when asked to clarify what they mean. But thanks for answering the question anyway.

RottenJohnny -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 5:22:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
I do not think this is a red/blue issue. It is a biological issue. I do not believe that jack and jill give two shits in a snowstorm about their parents politics when their pink parts are wet and swollen.

The point of the question wasn't about a teenagers opinion of their parents politics regarding sex. It was about whether or not being raised in a home of one political persuasion or another affects the number of unplanned pregnancies or STD infections.

DomKen -> RE: End ABSTINANCE "education"! ( Since it's not science and all... ) (12/23/2013 6:07:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny




ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny
Here's a question I'd like to know the answer to...and I'll accept whatever the truth is...

...who has more unwanted pregnancies or STD infections...children of liberal parents or children of conservative parents?

Unplanned pregnancies and teen pregnancies are most common in states considered conservative, and rates have gone up since abstinence only became the norm in sex ed.
STD infection rates is more distributed but the rates in the southern conservative states are above the national average.

To be blunt, Ken, this is exactly what I'd expect you to say...but if you've got some data from credible sources (meaning, not some progressive website bullshit) I'd be happy to check it out.

Next time try to be a tad less insulting and use google yourself.

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