RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (Full Version)

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Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/15/2014 4:53:09 PM)

Perhaps the answer to the OP can be summarized succinctly as "many or most men are easy", and their bdsm orientation just dictates how they will display that. I don't say ALL men are easy, just many or most. This comports with my experience.

hangemhigh1953 -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/15/2014 4:59:23 PM)

Well as far as this website goes, it's probably because there's so many sub men and so few female doms. Beggars can't be choosers.

PeonForHer -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/15/2014 4:59:39 PM)

Well, I think the main points have been covered.

Yet, yet . . . in times of yore, when a woman's livelihood very often depended upon attracting a male enough for him to want to make her his wife. The alternative was serious economic and social hardship. Yet women still had to learn not to be pushovers because, for various reasons, it just didn't look good otherwise.

Is this what you're getting at, Akasha?

AAkasha -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/15/2014 5:14:03 PM)



Well, I think the main points have been covered.

Yet, yet . . . in times of yore, when a woman's livelihood very often depended upon attracting a male enough for him to want to make her his wife. The alternative was serious economic and social hardship. Yet women still had to learn not to be pushovers because, for various reasons, it just didn't look good otherwise.

Is this what you're getting at, Akasha?

It's one of many angles to look at it. For one, it's the clear fact that sub men don't understand the audience they are trying to attract -- or, they don't care because they are horny - or, they are "desperate" because of the numbers. Does any woman want to be the one courted because the man doing the courting is desperate?

Have a little self confidence and pride in what you have to offer, subs.


StrongSpirit -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/15/2014 7:07:58 PM)


A lot of people have said supply and demand or the numbers issue is a reason. Still, is that enough reason a man would be so desperate in his approach? Or, does that say that sub men are willing to "settle" readily and therefore cut corners on their selection process out of sheer desperation? That would be horrible.
Yes it is. Particularly for submissive men. Most women like confident men but submissive + confident can be difficult. The men either are not confident or attempt to prove confidence by confidently being submissive.


Others have said porn. Yes, to some degree, it's bad learning. But a lot of men still know better and have read, seen, heard, been told and still present themselves as a caricature of submission, or think that blatant acts of submission (over doing it in their posturing, demeanor) will turn femdom heads (toward them, not away with eyes rolling). And in most cases it's just not true.

I think the porn comes from submissive fantasies, not the other way around.


Femdoms state again and again -- they want a relationship first, the dynamic second - and even those that are into play only or topping/bottoming still seek connection before dynamic.

I think a problem is that some sub men get genuine pleasure in their posturing process even though it does not work. It's still gratifying to them on some level to present themselves as meek and available and ready to go - even if it fails. Or, in their mind, the woman they seek WOULD want that. So many people say it's a numbers game, but in reality men that posture so meekly or are "ready to give it up" are alienating more women than they are attracting.

Just because the femdoms are 'dominant' does not mean they get what they want. In many ways, sub is in charge BECAUSE he submits.

What, you think you get what you want all the time simply because you are dominant? Those men have just as much right to the kind of sex life they want as you do to have what you want.


The women they do attract are probably predators -- in a sense of pros seeking clients, or manipulators seeking someone to use. I don't mean "predator" in a totally horrifically negative way - I should say "opportunists" - the women that know what these men want because they advertise it so blatantly. I hate to use a bad "virginity" example again, but I think subs that "give it up" so easily end up not keeping the interest of the women that DO take them up on it - because these women want what they want and the men are disposable, because there's another guy eager to "give it up" too.

True. Also true of around half of vanilla women. and everyone else in the world as well. At least half the people in the dating scene are looking for disposable partners to abuse. Moreover, looking for a long term relationship is not a guaranteed way to get out of this problem. Some vanilla women look for a sugar daddy. Some men look for a trophy wife to dump when she turns 40.


Sub men I think would do much better if they protected their willingness to submit and made it a mysterious onion to be peeled - and only for a woman that meant something to him.


This advice does not look realistic or helpful to me.

If I were to give advice to people I would not talk about their kink at all. Instead, I would give suggest that they change what their initial rejection criteria.

Specifically, the best advice I have ever given is "Don't look for a date you like, look for a date whose faults you can live with."

This advice works for three reasons. First it makes it easier to ignore lies and secondly, it helps you be less superficial by not focusing on things like a good body. Thirdly it often gets rid of big problems before they become big.

AlphaFemsRule -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/16/2014 10:10:16 AM)



In my opinion and from experience, it seems many 'sub males' watch way too much BDSM porn. What they seek is the leather clad, spike heeled, breasts almost falling out of the corset Domme.

I started a thread on this exact topic a few weeks ago, but it seems to have been deleted without explanation. Odd.

Anyway, to the OP: I tend to think most male subs are mere fetishists. They're just looking to get off as expeditiously as possible, so the usual lengthy courtship process isn't even taken into consideration as it's just a cumbersome and time consuming hurdle when weighed against one's goals.

That said, I wouldn't consider myself a fetishist nor easy. I'm picky as fuck, but that's received backlash in it's own way from domme's. Still, it's worked out well since I'm currently seeing an awesome Woman and I'm glad I didn't settle.

So I dunno. We're out there, but you're going to have to kiss a lot of frogs. Especially in a community that's fundamentally based on a sexual niche.

MissImmortalPain -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 4:42:10 AM)

Lets talk about sex, baby, lets talk about you and me....would you rather I didn't sing, AAkasha? Why are sub men easy.....why are (for the most part) all men easy? I feel like saying...they are men, duh. I'm guessing that is not the answer you are looking for though. So I will say a lot of it has to do with the way the world works now. Subs are told all the time that they have to give up everything to "truly" serve so a great deal of them go off the deep end in their willingness to give everything to anyone. Many of the have no understanding that D/s, M/s, most of WIITWD is just like vanilla world. That we do not run around picking up just anyone that happens to fall naked at our feet. That we, most of us, carefully pick our partners and that even "play" partners are not something we become with just anyone. Add their lack of understand that "Dom" does not mean aggressive asshole that wants to hurt you and "Domme" does not mean crazy hot bitch that needs to get laid while screaming insults to imo what seems to be almost a feral desire now a days to be needed and you get very confused men (and women) who think they have to fling themselves at anyone who bothers to say they are into any kind of kink.

If you at some point would like to talk about why some "dominant" men often try to talk dominant women into being submissive...I have any answer for that too.

Of course it is just my two cents. Others opinions may vary.

FieryOpal -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 5:25:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: MissImmortalPain

If you at some point would like to talk about why some "dominant" men often try to talk dominant women into being submissive...I have any answer for that too.

Since you brought it up, I had my own unpleasant encounter with this sort of individual, a wolf in sheep's clothing, no better than a hustling con artist.

This man, who was one of the keynote speakers at a Gem Dealer's convention, offered me some expensive jewelry and ultra-rare exotic gemstone parcels to bottom for me. In his words, he was willing to switch for me for one night. I brushed this philandering old fart of a horndog off. A few drinks later he bragged about how he had "turned" a Domme into becoming a submissive. Fantasy wank fodder.

I have a sneaking suspicion these men secretly want to be dominated. That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it. [8D]

cloudboy -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 10:07:16 AM)

Being desperate in one's approach is a major turn-off, so the desperate man simply becomes "more desperate." Hopefully he can learn from the trial and error of his courting experiences.

Dripman -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 11:48:34 AM)

Probably because the ratio of dom females to sub males on this and every other site every made is a disgusting ratio. The amount of dom females in a particular area is low and most of them are not actively seeking a sub. Most of the time we are lucky to so much as get a damn response from someone much less someone actually interested. Do not try to give me that tired old story about how guys dont try hard enough in the initial contact either. Im sure a lot of guys just say hi or w/e 3 word phrase they picked that day but even for the ones of us that put effort into initial contact its gets aggravating after months of effort and maybe 10 reposes from a female that said more than "hi" or "not interested". In fact for the crying i see females do about how short the typical male message is i rarely and i mean rarely get a response from a female that is more than one sentence long unless it is them belittling me for misreading something on there 20 paragraph profile.

PeonForHer -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 4:34:06 PM)


Do not try to give me that tired old story about how guys dont try hard enough in the initial contact either.

I had a kind of epiphany about that, a while ago. A woman here on the forums said, 'Women are the gatekeepers for sex, men are the gatekeepers for relationships'. We men want to get into their pants, they want to get into our minds. Both sides are so frequently disappointed, in such different ways.

Men don't value mental and emotional connections the way women do (or so I've concluded). So they don't offer it. This is clear in their initial emails: the men who aren't up for connecting in that way will make it evident in various ways - by talking only about their fantasy, by doing some hideous 'I'm so totally a slave' act, by enumerating their kink interests, by writing an initial email like they're applying for a job. Anything, that is, other than *connect*, person to person, with the woman to whom they're writing.

I don't think it's that difficult, once you've got the knack. Despite the disparity in numbers.

Women find that so *cold*. I think a lot of men radically just don't get that.

FieryOpal -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 5:01:17 PM)



I had a kind of epiphany about that, a while ago. A woman here on the forums said, 'Women are the gatekeepers for sex, men are the gatekeepers for relationships'. We men want to get into their pants, they want to get into our minds. Both sides are so frequently disappointed, in such different ways.

Men don't value mental and emotional connections the way women do (or so I've concluded). So they don't offer it. This is clear in their initial emails: the men who aren't up for connecting in that way will make it evident in various ways - by talking only about their fantasy, by doing some hideous 'I'm so totally a slave' act, by enumerating their kink interests, by writing an initial email like they're applying for a job. Anything, that is, other than *connect*, person to person, with the woman to whom they're writing.

I don't think it's that difficult, once you've got the knack. Despite the disparity in numbers.

Women find that so *cold*. I think a lot of men radically just don't get that.

Damn, Peon, somebody trained you well ... or are you a self-taught man? That's even sexier. [;)]

Seriously Dripman, you look like a nice, young man. But none of that matters if you aren't within the ballpark of a Domme's age range, or live out in Bumfeck Egypt, or any number of non-matching criteria.

We can afford to be choosier than your average woman, who in turn can afford to be very choosy. We can afford to be choosier than the average single woman our age, our contemporary out in the vanilla "meet" market.

I can't tell you how many times some horny 18 to 25-year-old who is still living down in mom's basement spending most of his time watching FemDom porn when he's not playing video games, or sticking over-sized foreign objects up his ass, implores that Age Doesn't Matter. No, it might not to him, but it sure as hell does to me.

StrongSpirit -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 6:39:38 PM)

I totally agree that most men don't understand women. But it also goes the other way around - most women don't understand men. Women make almost the exact same kind of mistakes that men make. From simple things like reading intent into every half-assed thing a guy does (and thinking we must have planned it, to being just as shallow as the guys are - without even realizing it.

Women can afford to be choosier than men (at least when they are under 30 - after 30 there is a good argument that men can afford to be choosier).

Kinky women can afford to be even chooiser than vanilla women, no matter what age they are. <b>But you don't get unlimited choosiness</b> You can't for example say I want a multi-millionaire, in perfect shape, the right age, who is submissive, with brown hair, blue eyes, over 6'.

Specifically you need to decide for yourself WHAT you want to be choosy about. You can be choosy about silly things that won't affect the relationship, or about serious things that will determine if it lives or dies.

The honest truth is that the major reason both genders don't get what they truly want is because they reject a bunch of people for, shall we say shallow reasons. That is why I remained single for such a long time. I would have been a lot happier if I had not done stupid things like rejecting a women because of her squeaky voice (man I regret doing that).

For vanilla men, most often that is weight. For vanilla women, most often that is height. Age is a less shallow reason to reject people, and I don't know what you consider too old or too young. But most women are willing to date a guy that is N years younger than them or 2 N years older.

You can do that - but doing so tends to eliminate a lot of good men. Moreover, any guy willing to date an older women has demonstrated he is LESS shallow than most men.

Most women are just as shallow as most men - and reject men for stupid reasons. I guarantee you, any straight women over 30 living near a city that is not married is rejecting perfectly good men for bad reasons. Same thing for the guys.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 7:09:45 PM)



In general, sub men come across as "easy." They are ready to give up their "surrender" pretty quickly.

Hell, a lot of it offer it up at the introduction level (in person and in email) rather than look for a connection first and determining if the woman is someone "worth" submitting to.

Why don't more sub men "cherish" their surrender/submission like some women traditionally "cherish" and hold into their virginity - being selective about the process and making sure it means something?

I don't want this to turn into a debate about whether or not women cherish virginity and what that means for gender roles, OR how MEN also cherish their virginity.

I have found that if a man is somewhat protective and selective of his submission rather than "shopping it around," it makes that submission all the more intriguing and interesting. It also assures me he is SELECTIVE and I want a man to want to submit to ME, not just "a femdom who happens to say yes." It also shows that surrender isn't just something he wants asap to get his rocks off - that it is a process of value that takes connection.

The best connections I have ever made are with men that gave no hint of their actual submission/surrender (no posturing, no rituals) until we were firmly at a place of mutual interest and I initiated the process - and it meant I had to seduce him, for lack of a better word.

Most sub men are just too easy - they are ready/eager/willing/and sadly sometimes desperate to give it up - even before they know anything about me. And that means I know they are approaching other women the same way.


I resemble that remark.

And, just as an aside, don't you think that it's time for women (with extraordinarily large tata's) to be bold, take the reigns, step off the edge, take a risk and just dive in, find some of those hopeless subs (I can recommend one) and take one under your wing?

(I'm on to something here...I feel it).

JeffBC -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 8:46:24 PM)

Same answer I give to all questions of this form.

If you are consistently attracting individuals from a broad group that have a specific behavioral pattern then you need to go look in the mirror and figure out why. Humans are simply not that consistent.

and yeah this dominant male finds your sexism offensive as I do pretty much all male bashing statements.

MissImmortalPain -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/17/2014 10:56:35 PM)

I actually don't believe those sort of men want to be dominated. I believe they are trying to prove they are dominant, for the most part to themselves. In the same manner that a sub might try very hard to get someone they believe to be aggressive. They are trying to prove, if to no one other than themselves, that they are more submissive by putting up with someone who is more aggressive. I believe that the sort of dominant men who hit on dominant women do it because they believe they can some how turn them to their way of thinking. Consider it in same way you would if you decided to become a prize fighter. You would want to take on the best to prove you are actually the best. Or if it is simpler think of all those guys that ladies all know who believe they can make a lesbian love cock.....because they are just that good. It is all about proving a point and with men (sorry Jeff, not insulting I swear)they often need to a prove a point more than women do.

FieryOpal -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/18/2014 12:13:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: MissImmortalPain

I actually don't believe those sort of men want to be dominated. I believe they are trying to prove they are dominant, for the most part to themselves. In the same manner that a sub might try very hard to get someone they believe to be aggressive. They are trying to prove, if to no one other than themselves, that they are more submissive by putting up with someone who is more aggressive. I believe that the sort of dominant men who hit on dominant women do it because they believe they can some how turn them to their way of thinking. Consider it in same way you would if you decided to become a prize fighter. You would want to take on the best to prove you are actually the best. Or if it is simpler think of all those guys that ladies all know who believe they can make a lesbian love cock.....because they are just that good. It is all about proving a point and with men (sorry Jeff, not insulting I swear)they often need to a prove a point more than women do.

You do have a point there, but let me expand upon that. I see it as a state of boredom that sets in with these types, where they seek a challenge that they can't find with submissive or even with switch women (apology in advance for offending anyone). Not saying they can't find it if they look hard enough, but they're too lazy to sort through 50 submissive women than perhaps 5 Dominant women. Yes, these are Doms who feel they have something to prove, when what they should be doing is competing with other MEN, NOT with women. That to me is invariably a sign of cowardice in any man. You prove nothing by taking on a woman and not taking on challenges to face off with other men. So can we go so far as to say Inferiority Complex?

I still do believe many of these types are looking to be dominated, and like I've heard many a Switch say, if you can't dominate me, I'll dominate you instead.

maxcatt -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/18/2014 5:12:22 AM)

I'm sure it has something to do with how so many men seem to want sex all the time. And of course that there are more sub men than dom women.
But most of the doms I've talked to have been the ones to want to push things whereas I want to (being a pet) wait and get to know eachother first.
It could be that they don't feel they need any form of emotional attachment, either due to not wanting to feel so special or just wanting to get down to business? But I'm no one to say.

Nakhla -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/18/2014 5:52:25 AM)

I'm not easy, in fact I'm fairly Victorian when it comes to submitting to someone. I want to meet, get to know a guy, and see if we like each other as people before it comes to something more serious.

I wasn't always this way, but gradually I dusted myself off my first few encounters and gained a bit of caution and self-respect.

I've found that it doesn't put off 80% of doms, and when it does... it's normally that they wanted a quick, kinky hook-up.

But as to why, there are huge hoards of horny, desperate guys of all flavors out there. They'll tell you whatever they think you want to hear to get laid ( even if the "laying" isn't exactly sex ).

WaitingForHer305 -> RE: Why are sub men so "easy"? (4/18/2014 4:52:30 PM)

As a sometimes easy sub man. Submission is like a drug. The rush I get when I'm in the height of submission can't be replicated by anything other than actual service. We are desperate. Also, there is so much competition, we have to stand out.

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