RE: Bergdahl (Full Version)

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thompsonx -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 5:28:31 PM)

You think so??
I think the fucking extremists started on western troops before we got into any territorial support anywhere.
And yes, I support the western countries fighting to eliminate any and all extremists whether they are a rampant group hell-bent on destruction or one of their leaders is ruining their own country or killing their own people.

Didn't the u.s. attack iraq based on weapons of mass deception. Our ally pakistan harbors obl but we attack afghanistan. Anyone who does not recognize that the u.s. and it's posse are in the sandbox for oil is a fucking moron.

DomKen -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 5:35:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1


This is true if and only if both the President is an idiot and the Emir of Qatar is a liar who is willing to be known as someone who violates his agreements. Otherwise the Emir has sworn to make sure these 5 men never pose any threat to us and has further promised to keep physical control of them for 1 year.

Just ONE year Ken??
Do you think the likes of AQ or the Taliban or Boko Haram or other similar insurgents are worried about a single year for five men??
They'll sit tight for a year then be off to rejoin the nearest jihad group that'll welcome any and all of them with open arms.
Then they will be at it again as if nothing had happened.
ETA: My understanding is, most of those pushed into Gitmo, even the milder ones, were absolute asshat terrorists of the first degree.

Your guy will probably end up being retired or in a desk job if he stays in the forces.
He isn't likely to be sent back out to the front line.

The problem is, you are trying to apply western rationale and ethics to extreme fundamentalists that don't don't give a shit about us and just want to destroy and eliminate all the infidels of the world.

While the 5 guys were bad guys they were Taliban leaders not terrorists. Being held for a decade may have radicalized them but neither you nor I know that.

Further the Emir of Qatar has personally guaranteed these men's good behavior. This is  a serious thing in the Muslim community so it is reasonable to believe he will take steps to make sure it happens. Also would it not be prudent if we keep an eye on those five?

FatDomDaddy -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 6:14:09 PM)


More and more this guy not only looks like a deserter but a collaborator as well.

thompsonx -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 6:21:42 PM)



More and more this guy not only looks like a deserter but a collaborator as well.

That is what they said about your brother bobby garwood.

truckinslave -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 6:27:27 PM)


they were Taliban leaders not terrorists

An absurdity, n'est ce pas, akin to picking up a turd by the clean end.
No wonder you jerk so violently at the mere (undirected) use of the word: Islamapologist.

Kirata -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 6:28:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx

You once mentioned a german ww2 pilot who had a clean shot at a wounded enemy and instead "chivilrously" declined the kill as being unethical. If we agree to a prisoner swap does not our honor demand we mount that larger horse?

Well let's try to make the two cases more comparable. Suppose the damaged American bomber still had ordnance on board. And suppose that in order to save his plane and wounded crew, the American pilot agreed to make for the coast without dropping his remaining bombs. If the German agrees, but then follows him out over the Channel and shoots him down anyway, that's dirty pool for sure. But that's not what we'd we doing.

The German pilot let them go, but he knew they'd come back, and that he'd shoot them down when they did. After this trade, the Taliban will continue killing Americans and we will continue killing Taliban. So if they end up getting killed, that was the risk they took when they decided to give up their three squares and free medical at Club Guantanamo. Once we release them, we've kept our part of the bargain. We don't owe them anything.


FatDomDaddy -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 6:31:16 PM)

Did I miss something? Has Garwood's conviction been overturned? Has he been exonerated?

thompsonx -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 6:42:33 PM)




ORIGINAL: thompsonx

You once mentioned a german ww2 pilot who had a clean shot at a wounded enemy and instead "chivilrously" declined the kill as being unethical. If we agree to a prisoner swap does not our honor demand we mount that larger horse?

Well let's try to make the two cases more comparable. Suppose the damaged American bomber still had ordnance on board. And suppose that in order to save his plane and wounded crew, the American pilot agreed to make for the coast without dropping his remaining bombs. If the German agrees, but then follows him out over the Channel and shoots him down anyway, that's dirty pool for sure. But that's not what we'd we doing.

The German pilot let them go, but he knew they'd come back, and that he'd shoot them down when they did. After this trade, the Taliban will continue killing Americans and we will continue killing Taliban. So if they end up getting killed, that was the risk they took when they decided to give up their three squares and free medical at Club Guantanamo. Once we release them, we've kept our part of the bargain. We don't owe them anything.


This sniveling is beneath you.

thompsonx -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 6:45:09 PM)



Did I miss something? Has Garwood's conviction been overturned? Has he been exonerated?

Stop acting like a motherfucking lifer and educate your ignorant self. You have been told about this before so puuulllleeeezzzzee don't act dumb.
Every motherfucking witness against him has recanted their story and told of the pressure put on them by the marine corps to lie "for the good of the corps"

FatDomDaddy -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:03:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx



Did I miss something? Has Garwood's conviction been overturned? Has he been exonerated?

Stop acting like a motherfucking lifer and educate your ignorant self. You have been told about this before so puuulllleeeezzzzee don't act dumb.
Every motherfucking witness against him has recanted their story and told of the pressure put on them by the marine corps to lie "for the good of the corps"

That would be a no.

DomKen -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:04:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: truckinslave


they were Taliban leaders not terrorists

An absurdity, n'est ce pas, akin to picking up a turd by the clean end.
No wonder you jerk so violently at the mere (undirected) use of the word: Islamapologist.

You do understand that before we attacked the Taliban they had never attacked us?

truckinslave -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:24:53 PM)

Are you aware of the outrages they had perpetrated against others?
Are you aware they aided, abetted, sheltered, and protected those who most certainly did attack us?

Defending the Taliban is an exercise in absurdity even for you

cloudboy -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:34:27 PM)

His recovery, they said, will be a multistep process, beginning with medical treatment and initial counseling at an American military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, then by longer-term therapy at a military medical center in San Antonio before culminating in a carefully managed homecoming in Hailey, Idaho.

Even then, Sergeant Bergdahl, 28, will probably need lengthy counseling to help him deal with the trauma of his years as a prisoner of war and to adjust to his new life, according to experts in long-term captivity. How fast or fully he recovers, they said, is impossible to predict.


Why is the OP referring to the POW as a defector?

It is not yet clear whether Sergeant Bergdahl was tortured by his captors, as were many prisoners of war in North Vietnam. But given the ruthless reputation of those who held him, experts said it was likely, at a minimum, that he faced unremitting fear.

“The Haqqani network that held him are battle-hardened terrorists, one of the most ruthless in the Taliban network,” said Dan O’Shea, a retired Navy SEAL commander who coordinated the hostage working group in the American Embassy in Baghdad from 2004 to 2006. “He had to wake up every morning with the thought ‘Is today the day I am going to meet my fate?' ”

This does not read like the POW was a defector to me.

blacksword404 -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:34:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx

ORIGINAL: blacksword404

The only way I would have made that deal is if I could ensure those Taliban prisoners ended up dead anyway.

Here you say you wont keep your word.

But I'd keep my word.

Here you say you will keep your word.

But the second after the terms are are negated as a threat.

Here you say, in your best chuck norris voice" you wont keep your word.[8|]

Agreements have conditions and time limits. Do you understand that?

After all we agreed to is completed, they die. Pretty simple. Unless you think we have agreed never to kill them. Ever. Even if they fly the next planes into buildings in new york. Which would be beyond stupid on our part. Which is why I don't think we made that a part of it.

This is my second time explaining this simple thing to you. You like to play word games and misunderstand people on purpose. I won't explain it again.

TheHeretic -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:36:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: blacksword404
I won't explain it again.

We'll see.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:38:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx

Just about every news bulletin that ever hit the airwaves.
Or did you sleep through all of that for years??

Yes we have found that historically news bulletins are often less than accurate. Consider the case of the "tonkin gulf" incident. The u.s. went to war on that less than accurate "news bulliten"

Our BBC is far more reliable than your US nuze channels :)

truckinslave -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:38:29 PM)

If you have an open mind you might research the circumstances of his disappearance, his writings and statements immediately before his disappearance, and what many of the former soldiers who served with him have to say.

"Former" is a key word, for fairly obvious reasons

truckinslave -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:40:33 PM)


Which would be beyond stupid on our part. Which is why I don't think we made that a part of it.

Did you actually mean to imply 0bama0 has never done anything beyond stupid?

mnottertail -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 7:42:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: truckinslave

Are you aware of the outrages they had perpetrated against others?
Are you aware they aided, abetted, sheltered, and protected those who most certainly did attack us?

Defending the Taliban is an exercise in absurdity even for you

Are you aware of the outrages we have perpetrated against others?
We are not aware they aided, abetted, sheltered, and protected those who most certainly did attack us, prior to our putting the fucks to them.
You have any credible citations regarding the magic awareness that we are not seeing any credible citations of?

TheHeretic -> RE: Bergdahl (6/2/2014 8:01:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: truckinslave

If you have an open mind you might research the circumstances of his disappearance, his writings and statements immediately before his disappearance, and what many of the former soldiers who served with him have to say.

"Former" is a key word, for fairly obvious reasons

It's almost like they became disillusioned, ain't it?

There are damn good questions we are going to want to find the answers to, but first and foremost, Bergdahl was an American soldier in enemy captivity.

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