10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (Full Version)

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SweetForDaddy -> 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 3:56:56 AM)

Have you guys seen this video: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman

It's about street harassment and is causing quite a storm of debate on YouTube. Would be interesting to hear the opinion of people on here.

DaddySatyr -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 4:24:19 AM)

I didn't get to view all of this video in response, but he seemed to be on the right path.

Some people have nothing better to do than to go looking for trouble and then, invent some, when they can't find enough. I grew up in New York city and in ten hours of walking the streets, I'll bet I'd get "one hundred incidents" of what they purport to be "harassment".

I will say that the guys, walking next to her were a bit creepy and I would view that as intimidating, if I were in her shoes.

Screen captures (and pissing on shadows) still RULE! Ya feel me?

Greta75 -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 4:35:54 AM)

I've seen it, and to be honest, I am quite shock. We have girls on the street dress way sexier than her over here, and not a single man here would harass her.

I'm shock because I didn't expect that to happen in the US. But what do I know, I do not live there.

shiftyw -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 5:03:25 AM)

I had so many things happen to me in philly that make this look tame.

Twice I had some guys whip it out and start masturbating. Once on the subway. He told me "thanks for the great morning" when I got off.

Another time this guy would not let me leave this Chinese food place without "helping me walk home", even after I insisted I was fine, he followed me to my doorstep.

Not to mention all the times someone will bring up my weight when cat calling me "I bet you're the grateful type!" "You look like TONS of fun."

We had construction next to our dorm for the first year, they took interest in my one friend, three of those guys surrounded her and started telling her how sexy it would be if she wore more skirts and dresses. Then they asked her if she wanted to run a train on them.

I think it's way out of hand, it's threatening, and unnecessary. And truly it has happened to every lady I know.
There is a way to meet someone without being a creepy weirdo.
All it takes in my opinion is some thought to figure out if you're being an asshole. Let the blood flow return to your head that does the real thinking and keep quiet.

Greta75 -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 5:05:46 AM)

Damn, you should make the video!

Wow! Sometimes, I live in the most sheltered country in the world. Men would never do that over here. But of course, if a man whips out his penis and masturbated, they would get arrested immediately. And pretty much, all that stuffs could be outrage of modesty, which is a crime in my country.

shiftyw -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 5:12:12 AM)

On a subway at six am he is likely not to get arrested. We were two of three people in a train car.
But really he should be arrested, and would have been had he not chosen to do that there. What am I gonna call the cops with? My cell phone underground, I don't think so...

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 5:42:36 AM)

I hafta say, most of that wouldn't happen here either.

I watched the clip several times and I'm fairly sure it just wouldn't happen.
I have never seen this sort of overt behaviour in many towns and cities across the UK.
Neither has the wife when she has been out shopping on her own.

Must be an American thing.

Greta75 -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 5:45:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: shiftyw

On a subway at six am he is likely not to get arrested. We were two of three people in a train car.
But really he should be arrested, and would have been had he not chosen to do that there. What am I gonna call the cops with? My cell phone underground, I don't think so...

In my country, especially if this a public transport, if a guy did that, you can push the emergency stop button, and everything will lockdown, and train station staff will apprehend them before they can escape and call the police. Infact, one of the commuters will probably do it for you already. Such behaviour is not acceptable at all.

It's happened many times on mere accusation of molestation by females, if a man feel up her bum or something. Now pulling out your dick and masturbating is a big no no.

And men here are very protective of women, seriously, if a guy did that, his gonna get held down by several male commuters until the police came. You'd have alot of help.

Also there is always a train staff on board roaming around, he will come and check what happened and take appropriate actions to get this man to the police.

SweetForDaddy -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 5:58:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I didn't get to view all of this video in response, but he seemed to be on the right path.

Some people have nothing better to do than to go looking for trouble and then, invent some, when they can't find enough. I grew up in New York city and in ten hours of walking the streets, I'll bet I'd get "one hundred incidents" of what they purport to be "harassment".

I will say that the guys, walking next to her were a bit creepy and I would view that as intimidating, if I were in her shoes.

This behaviour isn't just New York though, it happens all over the place. I've been followed down the street walking in a country lane. I had a car slow to a crawl and follow me for about a mile, with the guy trying to pick me up from the car window. More scary than in a crowd of people really, because there is some kind of protection being in a crowd, I mean its unlikely you will get raped right in the middle of a city street.

It's worse in big cities because of the population but its not exclusive to them.

You should watch the whole video of the link you put up because the guy was really an asshole in it, I mean REALLY an asshole.

YouName -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 5:58:56 AM)

Depends on how you take it.
I was walkinng in the park a few days ago and beautiful specimen of human anatomy was walking beside me. Anyway we both headed over the road on the red light while everyone else except one homeless guy stayed behind.

So this guy jumps up to her and tells her it's like Christmas, that she made his day, etc.
He's just playfully flirting but in a humble way.

She smiles and engages him in a conversation, thanks him for the kind words and waves him good bye.
Really warmed my heart, stoping at the bridge all three of us were passing and looking out thinking about how well she handled him and how much better off they probably felt.

I really like the way she handled it. Let me tell you that she most certainly gets more comments like that than this girl in the video. It depends on how you take it.
Now some of the people in the video are possibly fakes, some have obvious personal confidence issues and others are just bad men. But about 50%, and probably the majority of the stuff she "didn't show" was polite and playfull no matter how fucking crude and lame they are.

Look, we live in a world of huge concrete colossuses and in cities like New York or LA people are really disconnected from the place that they live.
Chatting people up on the street (If there wasn't so much crime, rape and ill will out there) should not only be the normal thing, it should be a necessary element for the re-establishment of community. Just as it was done during the anonymous protests.

Am I taking this too far? ...Not really. I rarely flirt openly to begin with but I'm definitely the type of person who might strike up a conversation with you almost anywhere. And I think it's natural. People shouldn't isolate from each other because their neighbours and city&towns people live behind a concrete and metal instead of a wooden fence and a field of grass.

By the way, the parody is already out!

YouName -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:07:57 AM)



I've seen it, and to be honest, I am quite shock. We have girls on the street dress way sexier than her over here, and not a single man here would harass her.

I'm shock because I didn't expect that to happen in the US. But what do I know, I do not live there.

Generally speaking I think it's at least partly fake. Also, after walking for 10 hours she doesn't really look that tired. Sure...could've been filmed over a longer period of time but it would be logical to change clothes then.
So, bleh. Smells of attentionwhore : )

Although I know from a friend of mine that it happens to some and that she does get tired of it and I just explained one time just recently when I clearly saw it myself.

Lucylastic -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:19:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

I hafta say, most of that wouldn't happen here either.

I watched the clip several times and I'm fairly sure it just wouldn't happen.
I have never seen this sort of overt behaviour in many towns and cities across the UK.
Neither has the wife when she has been out shopping on her own.

Must be an American thing.

it isnt an american thing
its happened to me in the UK and in Canada. and worse, like Shifty was saying.. Ive had more than a few dickwads be more than cat calling idiots.
... its a damn sight more than creepy when someone follows you.
Im friendly when out, and have talked to a lot of people on chance comments, but im not exactly shy of giving a douchebag a tongue lashing.

Greta75 -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:33:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I didn't get to view all of this video in response, but he seemed to be on the right path.

This guy is totally out of point! Why the hell is he ranting about why is this woman complaining since good looks is gonna land her a wealthy dude who is gonna feed her and take care of her, like WTF? This dude is an idiot!

The problem with men not understanding is because men don't get cat whistles, and sexual harassment while walking on the street, not to the huge amounts that women get.

I wish gay men would be more open in hitting on men on the streets, whistling at them, telling them they made their day, then straight men would get it more! If they walk a day in a woman's shoes.

The point is, a man loudly and openly screaming his appreciation at your sexuality or beauty is embarrassing to me. And I think his intentionally humiliating me in public.

Also, such behaviour is often seen as uncivilized in my culture. No decent man would do that, and I am sure no decent Western man would do that to a woman he genuinely is interested in too.

PeggyO -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:38:28 AM)

It's definitely NOT an American thing. Here is a list of countries other than the US where I have experienced cat calling:

United Kingdom
The Netherlands

Greta75 -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:41:15 AM)

And the thing is, what kind of stupid man only say hi to beautiful people. Shallow. If his a nice man, then he'll say hi to everybody, all men and women on the streets as he goes by or who walks by.

This was not an innocent Hi, How are you.

PeggyO -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:45:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

I didn't get to view all of this video in response, but he seemed to be on the right path.

Some people have nothing better to do than to go looking for trouble and then, invent some, when they can't find enough. I grew up in New York city and in ten hours of walking the streets, I'll bet I'd get "one hundred incidents" of what they purport to be "harassment".

I will say that the guys, walking next to her were a bit creepy and I would view that as intimidating, if I were in her shoes.

Screen captures (and pissing on shadows) still RULE! Ya feel me?

Perhaps you might want to get the opinions of women who experience it as opposed to the opinions of guys who mansplain to us why we should view it as a compliment.

A few points from a women who has been the recipient of cat calls:

It doesn't matter what you wear. I've had cat calls wearing a parka, jeans and boots.
It doesn't matter how old you are. I'm in my 50's. I still get 'em.
It doesn't matter if you're fat or thin. I'm thin, but fat women get harassed to.
It's not a compliment, it's harassment.
If we should just "get over it" and "find something else to complain about", tell me, is that what you would tell your sister or mother?

And no, a man walking on the streets of NYC does NOT get harassment like that. Seriously, when was the last time you were cat called? For most women, it was probably some time in the last week. Yep - week.

Has anyone ever cat called you on the street telling you that your ass looked nice or that you should wear tighter pants to show off your dick?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you probably have never experienced anything close to what women experience daily. Perhaps find out what they're experiencing before you dismiss it so blithely.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:46:01 AM)



Depends on how you take it.
I was walkinng in the park a few days ago and beautiful specimen of human anatomy was walking beside me. Anyway we both headed over the road on the red light while everyone else except one homeless guy stayed behind.

So this guy jumps up to her and tells her it's like Christmas, that she made his day, etc.
He's just playfully flirting but in a humble way.

She smiles and engages him in a conversation, thanks him for the kind words and waves him good bye.
Really warmed my heart, stoping at the bridge all three of us were passing and looking out thinking about how well she handled him and how much better off they probably felt.

I don't see that you should have different standards depending on how they look.


Now some of the people in the video are possibly fakes, some have obvious personal confidence issues and others are just bad men. But about 50%, and probably the majority of the stuff she "didn't show" was polite and playfull no matter how fucking crude and lame they are.

Sorry, polite or otherwise, a lot of people just don't like their personal space to be invaded without an invite.


Chatting people up on the street (If there wasn't so much crime, rape and ill will out there) should not only be the normal thing, it should be a necessary element for the re-establishment of community.

I don't agree.
'The community' as such, is a collection of people you know; not strangers.
And chatting people up in the street is a definite no-no. Nooo fucking way.
Unwarranted attention without an invite is tantamount to harassment and an arrestable offense.


Am I taking this too far?



...Not really. I rarely flirt openly to begin with but I'm definitely the type of person who might strike up a conversation with you almost anywhere. And I think it's natural.

I don't.
I think it's very unnatural and usually not wanted.

Greta75 -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:47:25 AM)

NYC is just screwed up!

Watch this poor man being harrassed too by both men and women.


YouName -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:51:08 AM)

I was on a conference a few days ago and after it I'm walking up some steps. This dude comes up , it's like midnight. Freaking big hill with a lot of stairs. Casually started a conversation with him about that.
I promise I wasn't horny! I'm just weird @.@

He felt a bit uncomfortable but loosened up =)

But clearly these social rules aren't really sitting well with people deep inside. When a large group of folks realize they are feeling the same, explosions of social interaction occur. Such as when the train is late...
Or when the train is stuck for 5 hours with no food.

So why are people like this?
Well I've lived in small and large places and people are more friendly in small places where there is a bigger sense of community. It might actually be harder to get to know them as a friend or a lover but casual greetings and conversations are part of the normality.

I think people are scared of getting tricked, scammed or hurt somehow. And it does happen, people have attempted to scam me for sure!
One has even succeeded, but it was just a small sum. I understand women though, especially those who get this a lot.

Also when you're just seeing someone, know nothing about them, one of the few things you can engage with is either their walk, their looks or their clothes.
I'm not defending these guys, they lack tact. I'm just saying you she isn't the pinnacle to which to measure behaviour neither.

YouName -> RE: 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman (11/3/2014 6:59:16 AM)


Community' as such, is a collection of people you know; not strangers.
And chatting people up in the street is a definite no-no. Nooo fucking way.
Unwarranted attention without an invite is tantamount to harassment and an arrestable offense.

The problem is that we even have "communities" like New York in a way.
Communities are centres of culture and inhabitancy. Once upon a time such places were more well defined.
Back when kids played on the streets, when there were fewer cars, when the shops were owned by people who lived there.
Even in New York.

Then that place of residence was your community. And you had an invitation by living there. And if you didn't like it you left.

Things have changed. I get that.

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