RE: Healthy Submissives (Full Version)

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MuscleBoundDom -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 6:56:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar
To the OP: you really can't negate people taking stuff the wrong way, if you're going to start off by deliberately starting off with a holier than thou attitude...

I don't mean to come across as "Holier Than Thou" attitude.
However, health and fitness means everything to me. It's my preference. Please, no fatties.
If another Dom prefers women under the age 25, does that make him across "Holier Than Thou?"

For all those people who are making excuses for not being healthy, I wish you the best of luck. You're going to need it.

"Feel the burn. Love the burn. Live the burn." That's my motto!

Lucylastic -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 7:10:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar
To the OP: you really can't negate people taking stuff the wrong way, if you're going to start off by deliberately starting off with a holier than thou attitude...

I don't mean to come across as "Holier Than Thou" attitude.
However, health and fitness means everything to me. It's my preference. Please, no fatties.
If another Dom prefers women under the age 25, does that make him across "Holier Than Thou?"

For all those people who are making excuses for not being healthy, I wish you the best of luck. You're going to need it.

"Feel the burn. Love the burn. Live the burn." That's my motto!

and yet again, you come out with an insult smothered in "i only care about your health" bullshit, You chose to make it about fatties, you are the one with issues babydoll.

Im Fat... have been for five decades. And I would much rather be fat than a vindictive little fat shamer with entitlement issues because you cant find a fit sub who will worship you the way you deserve to be worshipped... poor baby.
My motto in life....Dont sweat the petty things, Pet the sweaty things....

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 7:14:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar
To the OP: you really can't negate people taking stuff the wrong way, if you're going to start off by deliberately starting off with a holier than thou attitude...

I don't mean to come across as "Holier Than Thou" attitude.
However, health and fitness means everything to me. It's my preference. Please, no fatties.
If another Dom prefers women under the age 25, does that make him across "Holier Than Thou?"

For all those people who are making excuses for not being healthy, I wish you the best of luck. You're going to need it.

"Feel the burn. Love the burn. Live the burn." That's my motto!


Everyone has preferences but I can't seem to find one who has the same as mine. Every female submissive I've met at the BDSM clubs and munches is older than 25, and doesn't care about looking younger. The few I know won't even use wrinkle cream no matter how hard I try to get them to.

No matter how much I preach to them about the importance of looking younger in order to be more attractive they won't get plastic sugary to look like they're 25 again. Intellectually they know they looked better when they were younger, but emotionally they don't do it. When I mention they should see a therapist they yell and scream and tell me where to go.

Why aren't they more concerned with not looking their own old age?

If a guy with an age preference came in and made that post, he'd get the exact same reactions your getting.

This isn't about preferences (those are fine) this is about your attitude of entitlement to impose your preferences on others who are obviously not interested.

Apparently the subs you're meeting have different preferences than you do. Your holier than thou attitude is clear in the fact that you feel that their preferences are irrelevant, and only your preferences matter, because you've decided that your preferences are superior over theirs.

dreamlady -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 8:06:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
Please don't take this post the wrong way. I'm just looking for answers....

Everyone has preferences but I can't seem to find one who has the same as mine. Every female submissive I've met at the BDSM clubs and munches are very overweight and not healthy.

Please don't take this reply post the wrong way, but I have a few gripes of my own.
I can't find a suitable match who has the same preferences as I do. Anywhere. [:(]
The kinky ones act like a bunch of lazy, receiving bottoms who expect me to do all the work.
The fetishists are. . . well, they're a bunch of one-trick pony fetishists.
All the men around my age are either out of shape, flabby beyond an acceptable range,
thin as a rail w/flat butts,
have small dicks,
are too short (or else too tall),
don't have pulling-hair worthy heads of hair,
shave their effing pubes to look like some little kid,
not to mention how fugly 90% of them are, with the intellect of an inbred cretin.
The ones who are buff (of any age) are self-absorbed narcissistic gymrats.


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
The few I know won't go to the gym no matter how hard I try to get them to go.

You are not their Master. You haven't earned the right to get them to do a damn thing they don't want to do.


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
No matter how much I preach to them the importance of eating healthy and daily exercise they won't do it. Intellectually they know it's good but emotionally they don't do it.

How's that working for you? It isn't, is it. Did they consent to your becoming their unofficial nutritionist/dietician and personal trainer?
Do you impose upon everyone in this fashion, or is it just with female submissives? With all the women you meet?
Being a Dominant doesn't mean you can exert control over every submissive. Being a certified personal trainer doesn't make others your ipso facto clients.

It seems to me you might have a Pygmalion complex, where you feel you are entitled to "transform" others into your idealized image of what a woman should look like.
Just because curvy women who are Zaftig or Rubenesque don't fit this personal ideal of yours, does not give you the right to go around "preaching" to anybody else about how to manage their own health issues.

There are plenty of men (roundabout 1 out of every 10) who go for BBWs. Around the same number want an anorexic/bulimic-type woman who has stick-figure body dysmorphia or who looks like she was interned in a refugee camp. Others want a musclebound Amazon woman. Every man is different, and if you want the female version of you, you should have been able to find one already in your local gym. Could it be that you aren't sized up to be fit enough by your counterpart gymrat-esses, I wonder. [8D]


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
When I mention they should see a therapist they yell and scream and tell me where to go.

Has it ever occurred to you that you might be the one who should see a therapist? Unless you are qualified to be dishing out professional advice which is not unsolicited, you are in no position to dictate what others should or shouldn't do with their bodies or in terms of their mental health.


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
Why aren't they health conscious?

Why are there so many men missing a sensitivity chip and lacking in basic social interaction skills? The same men who never fail to piss off the very women they are trying to impress and obtain for themselves. [sm=banghead.gif]


OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 8:45:36 PM)



I don't mean to come across as "Holier Than Thou" attitude.
However, health and fitness means everything to me. It's my preference. Please, no fatties.
If another Dom prefers women under the age 25, does that make him across "Holier Than Thou?"

For all those people who are making excuses for not being healthy, I wish you the best of luck. You're going to need it.

"Feel the burn. Love the burn. Live the burn." That's my motto!

I don't believe that anyone made any excuses for not being healthy, instead we explained why your approach failed and will continue to fail.

And you followed it up with an assumption that we're not healthy.

Between this thread, your profile, screen name and the proclivity for the gym...I actually would suggest that a therapist may help you gain some empathy.

DesFIP -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 9:03:12 PM)

And to add to what Oside Girl said; if you have PCOS doctors won't treat it unless you're trying to get pregnant.

And I'm fat because of my thyroid. But raising the thyroid dosage causes my anxiety issues to flare up. At which point I'd be on one of a variety of meds to treat the anxiety that all have the side effect of increased appetite and weight gain. Since I'd rather be fat and not anxious then fat and anxious, I'm not being treated to my optimal TSH.

Greta75 -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 9:36:23 PM)

The other thing that annoys me about the fat shaming bit. Is even someone as fit as Serena Williams gets fat shamed.

Not everybody is built to be slim. She is the perfect example of how she works out as hard as all her female counterparts and she's always winning, so clearly that's through alot of hard work, and yet she isn't looking lean like all the other female pros.

I was the third fastest runner in my school back then, and I mean including the boys in it. In my teens. Among women, I was first and represented school in nationals. I could outrun most regular men, just not the top ones. But I was the fattest girl in my school too base on my weight and my BMI was overweight. Yet the fittest!

And it seriously pisses me when people like OP paints all big women as unhealthy.

crumpets -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 9:36:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
Why aren't they health conscious?

I only read the OP, so, I apologize if either what I'm going to say is what has been said by others, or if it has been deprecated; but, since I haven't read any of the responses, I am going to give you my unpolluted opinion.

People are different.

Some think that the shine on their car and on their shoes is terribly important, while others think that the shine of their personality and strength of their commitment is important.
Some feel that education is paramount, while others feel that a sense of wonderment and appreciation are what make good partners.
Most, but not all, women prefer men who are taller than they, while others seek people who have similar tattoos in similar places.

Point is, people are different in what they feel is important, both for good chemistry and for physical attraction.

And, it gets more complicated.

People vary in the strength of their preferences on how they feel.
Yes, some are rather rigid in what they seek (generally, I find them to be the strong "J" types), who often, as you appear to do, base their preferences on a base rather assessment of mere physical size.
Others are more flexible in what they prefer (generally, I find these folks to be on the stronger "P" types), who often state a preference but who will strongly appreciate character and refinement over base physical attraction.

If you get my subtle drift, I find you to be a strong "J" who is probably also strongly "I", which means you base your extremely strong opinions not on any fact whatsoever, but on your own idea of what is right, to you, and not what is for everyone else.

That you simply assume size and health are directly related shows your foolishness, and lack of sophistication, and your insistence that this isn't the case reveals your paramount lack of intelligence and balance.

crumpets -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 9:42:17 PM)


only now are we starting to see the "authorities" acknowledge how much damage the low fat movement has done to society.

I have been researching the Atkins method of losing weight, versus the traditional methods, and, well, it's complicated, but, in the end, biochemistry be damned, what matters is that we are of a weight consistent with our genetics, which varies, for each and every one of us.

What matters most is that we're comfortable with who we are, and, if we're not, then we simply need the tools to attain what we can, although, NOTHING is going to change genetic predisposition to, say, thick thighs, bubble butts, large or small or any particularly shaped arms, boobs, shoulders, etc..

Genetics determines MOST of our shape; the rest is that we are very "efficient" here in the industrialized countries, particularly in the USA where we have machines that do most of our walking for us. Even our bicycles are tremendously optimized for low friction motion, and our ready availability of pure calories doesn't help.

It's not an easy avenue to follow, where the best advice is to change your mother and father, as genetics rules most of our body shapes and sizes.

Bunnicula -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/25/2015 11:57:12 PM)

It all boils down to 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.

For example, I find your body type pretty repulsive. Seriously, it does not attract me in the slightest.

Now, give me a big bear of a man who can envelop me in his warm, safe arms and make me feel like he's capable of taking care of me and I'll swoon every time.

I don't want to be hugged by someone who feels like a badly-packed sack of breeze blocks.

sexyred1 -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 12:45:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom

Please don't take this post the wrong way. I'm just looking for answers. I've had a profile on this site and I think it's wonderful. I enjoyed the forums and I learned about the clubs. I actually met someone on this site and we tried to make it work out.

Everyone has preferences but I can't seem to find one who has the same as mine. Every female submissive I've met at the BDSM clubs and munches are very overweight and not healthy. The few I know won't go to the gym no matter how hard I try to get them to go.

No matter how much I preach to them the importance of eating healthy and daily exercise they won't do it. Intellectually they know it's good but emotionally they don't do it. When I mention they should see a therapist they yell and scream and tell me where to go.

Why aren't they health conscious?

Rolls eyes. And here we have a perfect example of a gym rat with no brains.

You aren't looking for answers, you are here to attempt to upset people. Worse than that, you do it under the guise of "concern".

It makes zero sense to have your preferences for slim and athletic, and yet when going to public events and munches you approach overweight women just to hassle them. On top of that you have the utter nerve to suggest to STRANGERS AT CLUBS AND MUNCHES how they should live their lives. Are you so insecure you can only feel good by putting women down for your perceived flaws? Your behavior is puzzling.

Not only are you socially inept, but you also seem to think you are a doctor with inside knowledge of medical test results.

There is no way to tell how healthy someone is based on weight. I know BBWs who go to the gym every day and their tests show great health on every score and I also have a friend who is thin, but has high blood pressure, cholesterol, is pre diabetic and can't walk more than a block.

Preferences are fine. You state yours in your profile clearly. Stick with that, because your behavior in public sounds sociopathic.

I never ONCE had anyone I dated say a fucking word about my weight because they CHOSE me for how I already look. Not to remake me in their image.

Oh, and all my men were gym guys, had great bodies who happened to love bigger women. More importantly, they would never offer unsolicited advice to people.

Try doing less crunches and more thinking.

OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 8:53:41 AM)



And to add to what Oside Girl said; if you have PCOS doctors won't treat it unless you're trying to get pregnant.

Or threaten to sue them and report them to the state...which is what I did. [:)]

Oddly enough, the best treatment for PCOS is a reduced carb diet and being somewhat slim. PCOS is an endocrinic system disease, the same system that controls insulin and other weight control hormones. The reduced carbs even out the hormone spikes which fights insulin resistance, regulates menstruation and ovulation.

MuscleBoundDom -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 9:18:26 AM)

"Im Fat... have been for five decades. And I would much rather be fat than a blah, blah, blah...."
You should just say,
"I've made really bad choices in life and now I'm at an unhealthy weight. I've been making bad choices for five decades."

"Unless you are qualified to be dishing out professional advice which is not unsolicited, you are in no position to dictate what others should or shouldn't do with their bodies or in terms of their mental health."
I am qualified to give advice. I know about health and fitness. I'm a fitness instructor at LA Fitness. People go about preaching about excepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior and it's all right for them to do that. People go about preaching that you should vote a certain politcal party and that's all right for them to do that. So I'm here to help people become healthy.

In clothes stores, the new XXL was the old XL. They do that so people won't feel embarrassed about their weight.

All these heavy set women screaming, "I'm a BBW! I love being big. There is nothing wrong with being big." But what they don't say is, "I'm more prone to diabetes and other health disorders."

They are the exact same thing as smokers who are screaming that it's all right to smoke. They don't tell you they are more prone to cancer and other health disorders.

Tax payers pay billions of dollars each year because people make continuously bad and unhealthy choices.

So all you people who are obese/fat, please, please, whenever you say, "I love being fat!" Please add, "I'm more prone to diabetes and other health disorders."

smartsub10 -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 9:33:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom

"Im Fat... have been for five decades. And I would much rather be fat than a blah, blah, blah...."
You should just say,
"I've made really bad choices in life and now I'm at an unhealthy weight. I've been making bad choices for five decades."

"Unless you are qualified to be dishing out professional advice which is not unsolicited, you are in no position to dictate what others should or shouldn't do with their bodies or in terms of their mental health."
I am qualified to give advice. I know about health and fitness. I'm a fitness instructor at LA Fitness. People go about preaching about excepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior and it's all right for them to do that. People go about preaching that you should vote a certain politcal party and that's all right for them to do that. So I'm here to help people become healthy.

In clothes stores, the new XXL was the old XL. They do that so people won't feel embarrassed about their weight.

All these heavy set women screaming, "I'm a BBW! I love being big. There is nothing wrong with being big." But what they don't say is, "I'm more prone to diabetes and other health disorders."

They are the exact same thing as smokers who are screaming that it's all right to smoke. They don't tell you they are more prone to cancer and other health disorders.

Tax payers pay billions of dollars each year because people make continuously bad and unhealthy choices.

So all you people who are obese/fat, please, please, whenever you say, "I love being fat!" Please add, "I'm more prone to diabetes and other health disorders."

OMG, LA Fitness?? Well. We all know the top notch reputation that "health club" has in exercise physiology and proper nutrition (not). How many degrees do you have in these subjects?
Oh, no degrees? Just exercise a lot and read about diet on the internet?
No wonder women tell you to go fuck yourself.

BitaTruble -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 9:37:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom

"Im Fat... have been for five decades. And I would much rather be fat than a blah, blah, blah...."
You should just say,
"I've made really bad choices in life and now I'm at an unhealthy weight. I've been making bad choices for five decades."

"Unless you are qualified to be dishing out professional advice which is not unsolicited, you are in no position to dictate what others should or shouldn't do with their bodies or in terms of their mental health."
I am qualified to give advice. I know about health and fitness. I'm a fitness instructor at LA Fitness. People go about preaching about excepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior and it's all right for them to do that. People go about preaching that you should vote a certain politcal party and that's all right for them to do that. So I'm here to help people become healthy.

In clothes stores, the new XXL was the old XL. They do that so people won't feel embarrassed about their weight.

All these heavy set women screaming, "I'm a BBW! I love being big. There is nothing wrong with being big." But what they don't say is, "I'm more prone to diabetes and other health disorders."

They are the exact same thing as smokers who are screaming that it's all right to smoke. They don't tell you they are more prone to cancer and other health disorders.

Tax payers pay billions of dollars each year because people make continuously bad and unhealthy choices.

So all you people who are obese/fat, please, please, whenever you say, "I love being fat!" Please add, "I'm more prone to diabetes and other health disorders."

So now I can go down to LA Fitness with your picture in my hand and out you if I so desire. How cool is that!

Maybe ease off on the treadmill and hit up a bookstore. Oh lower body don't use a treadmill do you. Ignore the fatties and pay some attention to those chicken legs. Your physical core came at great expense.

ShoeDivaManko -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 9:42:00 AM)

I couldn't even read through all the comments as MuscleBoundDom's inaccuracy about health and fitness was so palpable I decided to address him directly. Here we have a fitness instructor who does 4 classes a day and still kicks my ass in her cardio class. She is well over 300 lbs. Some are ectomorph, some mesomorph, some endomorph. Some people have disabilities that prevent them from physical activity. I'm sorry but there is no way someone with formal training about the human anatomy would think aesthetics= health.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 9:46:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: crumpets


only now are we starting to see the "authorities" acknowledge how much damage the low fat movement has done to society.

I have been researching the Atkins method of losing weight,

Stay away from Atkins. It's not maintainable long term.

Try Paleo instead.

3 years ago I switched the household from the SAD diet to the Paleo diet, not to loose weight but because I have a medical condition that excludes a lot of traditional foods of my diet. I switched everybody, because I'm the one who cooks, and I ain't cooking separate meals for everybody. The goal wasn't wait loss for anybody in the family, so we have done nothing to count portion sizes and so on.

My husband balked in the beginning (until I told him he could eat as much bacon as he wanted lol) but got on board because of my health. He's 90% Paleo (excluding eating out) and hasn't changed a single thing in his daily routine, nor changed the frequency of when he eats, nor counts calories, nor watches his portion sizes at all. Literally this man pays no attention to food whatsoever. He eats what's available when he's hungry (which means lots and lots of bacon and other meats for snacks in this house) until he's not hungry anymore.

The first year on Paleo he lost 45lbs. He went from 225, to 180, and is stable at 180 without trying. He fits back in his highschool jeans, and has for the last 2 years.

You can eat like this forever. Seriously... stay away of "patch fixes" like Atkins. If you're going to change diets you need to change it to something with long term sustainability. Try Paleo.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 9:52:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom

Please add, "I'm more prone to diabetes and other health disorders."

As should you.

Based on your pictures, you're deliberately long term keeping your fat percentage in a range that is chronically unhealthy and makes you prone to a slug of health disorders (diabetes being one of them btw, because a lot of the diets designed to get your fat range down that low can also cause insulin insensitivity).

You should add that disclaimer to YOUR choices, just as much as it applies to fat people.

dreamlady -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 9:52:43 AM)

"Unless you are qualified to be dishing out professional advice which is not unsolicited, you are in no position to dictate what others should or shouldn't do with their bodies or in terms of their mental health."

Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing.

You are the type of male"Dom" who has no business getting involved in BDSM, not only because you can't take no for an answer and don't respect other's boundaries, but for your own good before your predictably non-consensual Topping lands your buns of steel in jail. At the very least, you'll end up stepping on some Master's feet and get your butt kicked. (It isn't uncommon for an uncollared sub to be under a Dominant's protection.)


OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 10:04:39 AM)

I refer to my reduced carb lifestyle as a way of eating. The reality is that I need to to eat this way for life.

I cut out all wheat, even the low carb products. This lead to the discovery that I'm wheat sensitive. I do occasionally splurge have Dreamfields pasta. I've pretty much cut out all grains, every now and then I'll eat a Mexican dish that has corn.

For the most part I cut out artificial sweeteners. (I will have a diet soda once in awhile and will use Equal or Splenda in iced tea in a restaurant) I went back to using real sugar in my coffee, which lead to not drinking soda and lead to dropping the amount of sugar to 1 tsp.

For the most part, my eating routine is protein, good fats, green vegetables and the occasional fruit. I did start making my own mayo because I couldn't find any without sugar (or soy or canola), same with salad dressing. I eat eggs, eat bacon, I eat the skin on the chicken, I use real butter, I use heavy cream in my coffee, I eat beef and I eat real cheese.

My cholesterol is 209 - 130LDL / 64 HDL and my A1C is 5.2

I'm currently overweight by about 30lbs - had a medical issue that my Doctor called PCOS meets menopause (I can't take hormones) meets previously irradiated organs. It caused my weight to balloon rapidly last year. Once we figured out the issue and I got back on track with my WOE, the weight has been coming off....without spending 3-4 hours a day at the gym.

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