RE: Healthy Submissives (Full Version)

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smartsub10 -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 10:08:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: dreamlady

"Unless you are qualified to be dishing out professional advice which is not unsolicited, you are in no position to dictate what others should or shouldn't do with their bodies or in terms of their mental health."

Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing.

You are the type of male"Dom" who has no business getting involved in BDSM, not only because you can't take no for an answer and don't respect other's boundaries, but for your own good before your predictably non-consensual Topping lands your buns of steel in jail. At the very least, you'll end up stepping on some Master's feet and get your butt kicked. (It isn't uncommon for an uncollared sub to be under a Dominant's protection.)


Those buns of steel would be appreciated in a jail/prison environment. [:D]

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 10:30:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
I don't mean to come across as "Holier Than Thou" attitude.

You do.
It's soo blatant that it's akin to a wet kipper across the face.
Your attitude reeks like a skunk in a sewer and preceedes you whever you go.


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
However, health and fitness means everything to me.

Very shallow PoV - and it shows in all of your posts.


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
It's my preference. Please, no fatties.

Say that in your profile - it doesn't need to be preached in these forums.


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
If another Dom prefers women under the age 25, does that make him across "Holier Than Thou?"

It depends how it's put across.
Communication skills are paramount and yours are sadly lacking by a wide margin.
Your posts and comments come across as sanctimonious preaching. Not good.


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
For all those people who are making excuses for not being healthy, I wish you the best of luck. You're going to need it.

Being slim and rippled isn't necessarily being healthy.
In the same way that being fat isn't unhealthy.
I view muscle-bound people to be generally unhealthy, very vain and self-centred and I wouldn't want to be like that.


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom
"Feel the burn. Love the burn. Live the burn." That's my motto!

Such a shallow person.
Male equivalent of a bimbo.

I'd much rather have a good, honest, decent personality, than a person more fixated on their appearance any day.
Shallow people are not nice people and are usually discovered and dumped like a hot potato.
Shallow people need all the luck they can get - not those that aren't physically 'perfect' in your eyes.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 10:37:02 AM)



I refer to my reduced carb lifestyle as a way of eating. The reality is that I need to to eat this way for life.

You can't do Paleo without reducing carbs.

And from the list of stuff you're eating, you're already on Paleo.

The main difference between Paleo and Atkins comes down to not obsessing about carb count, which is unsustainable long term.
You're found, just as we have, that the only feasible way to switch diets is when it's a permanent lifestyle change.

Lucylastic -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 10:38:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom

"Im Fat... have been for five decades. And I would much rather be fat than a blah, blah, blah...."
You should just say,
"I've made really bad choices in life and now I'm at an unhealthy weight. I've been making bad choices for five decades."

Why should I? Ive made some terrible decisions in my life, but being fat wasnt one of them, Im not going to try and tell you dont give a shit, your opinion would actually have to matter to me to discuss anything that intimate.
For a horrible fat chicks terrible decisions, Im feeling pretty happy with my life.
I dont need more than what I have now:)
I feel sorry for you honey.

OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 10:42:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar

And from the list of stuff you're eating, you're already on Paleo.

Pretty close. I eat dairy, beans (like black beans), I do have the tiny bit of sugar. But, over all it's an easy and relaxed way to eat once you get used to it.

Last night we went to Olive Garden. I had the salad and Seafood Alfredo with sauteed veggies subbed for the pasta. I did a small cheat and split a slice of Ricotta Cheese Cake with His Tallness.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 11:02:38 AM)


I eat dairy, beans (like black beans), I do have the tiny bit of sugar.

I eat dairy too. Especially fermented dairy, though I use cream in my coffee as well. No reduced fat dairy though. My husband doesn't because he found he can't tolerate if very well. But then again he eats beans, while I don't.

And neither of us are fanatics about sugar (though we are about avoiding corn syrup), it just so happens that in most of the stuff we end up eating, there is none. The little we get from food we do eat doesn't seem to matter much.

OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 11:05:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

Say that in your profile - it doesn't need to be preached in these forums.

BTW, I did find it interesting that his profile says he loves crossdressing.

OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 11:07:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar

No reduced fat dairy though.

Same here, although I switched to organic heavy cream because I found out the normal stuff has Polysorbate 80 in it.[:'(]

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 11:22:29 AM)




ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

Say that in your profile - it doesn't need to be preached in these forums.

BTW, I did find it interesting that his profile says he loves crossdressing.

Perhaps that explains his lack of success with women at the gym.

Extravagasm -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 11:34:20 AM)

Refuse to legitimize this unsavory hissyfit in both directions. Instead replying to the OPs original preference: If you seek a height/weight proportionate sub, they're out there, OP. Some profiles request height/weight proportionate Doms too Lol. Learn to use the advanced word search functions. There's a heck of a lot more difficulty finding non-smokers among the 'adventurous' population than weight issues. Because the adventurous population does not reflect the general population.

BUT perhaps what you may really be satisfied seeking, is an overweight sub, whom you can train into shape (like OP's career). They are scarce, but exist. Having a profile on CM and CS longer than the other posters, I've reviewed at least 30 sub female profiles, that actually SUGGEST upfront, they are not opposed to Doms controlling their eating and exercise. 30 isnt a lot in 11 years but many more were out there, simply feeling that such demands were not sub-like. (It's why they come to your commercial business.)

Playing the odds, you would be better off, finding BDSM interest, among your fitness colleagues, rather than the other way around. For ethical reasons, go to other clubs and organizations, than ones you are affiliated with. Enroll in yoga classes, go to dance exhibitions, ballet, theater. Or use these as search words on CS. Lol remember no pain, no gain, no complain ;);) Carefully think through, what you want.

Lucylastic -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 11:48:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Extravagasm

Refuse to legitimize this unsavory hissyfit in both directions. Instead replying to the OPs original preference: If you seek a height/weight proportionate sub, they're out there, OP. Some profiles request height/weight proportionate Doms too Lol. Learn to use the advanced word search functions. There's a heck of a lot more difficulty finding non-smokers among the 'adventurous' population than weight issues. Because the adventurous population does not reflect the general population.

BUT perhaps what you may really be satisfied seeking, is an overweight sub, whom you can train into shape (like OP's career). They are scarce, but exist. Having a profile on CM and CS longer than the other posters, I've reviewed at least 30 sub female profiles, that actually SUGGEST upfront, they are not opposed to Doms controlling their eating and exercise. 30 isnt a lot in 11 years but many more were out there, simply feeling that such demands were not sub-like. (It's why they come to your commercial business.)

Playing the odds, you would be better off, finding BDSM interest, among your fitness colleagues, rather than the other way around. For ethical reasons, go to other clubs and organizations, than ones you are affiliated with. Enroll in yoga classes, go to dance exhibitions, ballet, theater. Or use these as search words on CS. Lol remember no pain, no gain, no complain ;);) Carefully think through, what you want.

Good post...ty

DesFIP -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 1:00:13 PM)



Oddly enough, the best treatment for PCOS is a reduced carb diet and being somewhat slim. PCOS is an endocrinic system disease, the same system that controls insulin and other weight control hormones. The reduced carbs even out the hormone spikes which fights insulin resistance, regulates menstruation and ovulation.

How do you get enough fiber in your diet without carbs? My IBS means I need a lot of fiber. I eat oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes. I don't want to live off of Metamucil, which is frankly disgusting.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 1:07:44 PM)





Oddly enough, the best treatment for PCOS is a reduced carb diet and being somewhat slim. PCOS is an endocrinic system disease, the same system that controls insulin and other weight control hormones. The reduced carbs even out the hormone spikes which fights insulin resistance, regulates menstruation and ovulation.

How do you get enough fiber in your diet without carbs? My IBS means I need a lot of fiber. I eat oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes. I don't want to live off of Metamucil, which is frankly disgusting.

High carb grain based diets require more fiber to be processed by your gut, because of all the unnecessary bulk they add to our diets that our bodies aren't designed to deal with. The traditional SAD diet has a lot of food in it that's high in calories and mass while being extremely low in nutrients (relative to foods our bodies are built to eat). All that extra mass requires extra fiber for processing.

SAD diets also have a lot of inflammatory foods, which Paleo style diets do not. Cutting out those foods reduces inflammation of the gut, which again in turn cuts down fiber requirements.

When you cut out the nutrient deficient bulk food, your gut has a much easier time, and you get more than enough fiber from the fiber in the extra fruit and vegetables you'll now be eating. When you switch from low-nutrient dense foods, to high-nutrient dense foods, everything your digestive system needs to do becomes easier.

Though, that's for the average person. You have a specifically medical condition I'm not versed in, so don't take that as medical advice, your case may be an exception. Although I do know of a lot of cases where people have been able to reverse and totally eliminate IBS symptoms by going on Paleo style diets, sometimes with a few small adjustments, and who are very pleased with the results. There's a ton of articles out there on IBS on Paleo style diets if you're interested.

PS: I don't know if this will be helpful for you at all, but I have an online acquaintance who has completely eliminated IBS symptoms by cutting out processed seed and vegetable oils completely, and switching to coconut and animal based cooking oils instead.

DesFIP -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 1:19:58 PM)

Half the world lives off of brown rice, high fiber plant food based foods.
I'm not eating tons of bacon or butter so I don't get your point.

Complex carbs are recommended. They're different than simple carbs like sugar and white flour.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 1:41:50 PM)



Half the world lives off of brown rice, high fiber plant food based foods.
I'm not eating tons of bacon or butter so I don't get your point.

Complex carbs are recommended. They're different than simple carbs like sugar and white flour.

Complex carbs are recommended because a US government commission at one point decided to recommend them because they figured out it would be a cheap way to make sure that everybody could afford 2000 calories a day. The recommendation was based against medical and scientific advice at the time and still is. They ignored several scientists at the time trying to make different recommendations, because they decided that the price of the recommended diet was too high for the American lower class to afford.

Half the world has lived off brown rice and high fiber plant based foods since the agricultural revolution, which is a fairly recent event in our history. The agricultural revolution has been called, by experts in the field "the biggest mistake in human history" precisely because -based on skeleton remains- people have gotten progressively sicker from it.
Pre-agricultural societies were taller, had zero instances of tooth decay, had zero signs of heart-disease and a whole host of other diseases that leave evidence in bones.

Time and time again the skeletal remains all over the planet show a steep drop in human health, and a steep drop in healthy aging in senior skeletons, the moment a society switched to agriculture and started basing large portions of their diets on carbs and grains (something unknown to humanity at that point).

The reason agriculture and carb based diets have been adapted by most of the planet is because it's cheap and relatively easy to feed large groups of people on high carb based diets. Much cheaper, and much easier than to feed the same number of people on a diet we'd been eating the 2.5 million years before that (we've been eating a carb based diet for only 10,000 years to give you a comparison).

American cattle is fed on grains now too, despite it being unnatural and unhealthy for them (to the point that they need to be slaughtered when they are, because their life-expectancy isn't much longer than that on a grain based diet, despite being years shorter from what healthy cattle's life expectancy is). We feed cattle grain, not because they need it, but because it's cheaper and easier than feeding them their natural diets. They survive on it till slaughter, but wouldn't survive on it for the duration of their natural life.

Just because a diet is cheap in providing you with the amount of calories you need to not drop death doesn't mean it's the diet you're built to eat, nor does it mean it's healthy, as the record plainly shows by the drop in human health when we switched.

Humanity thrived for 2.5 million years with complex carbs being only a tiny fraction of our diets. The traditional source of complex carbs in our ancestor's diets were green leafy vegetables.
You do not need them in anywhere near the quantities you're eating them. Nobody needs them in that amount of quantities.
You can cut any source of complex carb that isn't a fruit or vegetable out of your diet and your health will improve for it.
You are not built to get 50% or more of your caloric intake from carbs.

A high carb diet will make you survive, at least to a certain extend, because it's an easy way to get enough calories. It will never make you thrive, because precisely because it's so high in calories but very low in nutrient density compared to the diet you're built to eat, you will always run at a nutrient deficiency on it unless you eat an insane amount of calories.

Try putting in your typical diet in a nutrient calculator online. You will see that no matter what combination you use, if half of your calories are based on carbs, you will have a nutrient deficiency every single day.
Putting in the same amount of calories on a low carb, varied high natural foods diet, you will run at a nutrient excess every single day.

OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 4:11:25 PM)





Oddly enough, the best treatment for PCOS is a reduced carb diet and being somewhat slim. PCOS is an endocrinic system disease, the same system that controls insulin and other weight control hormones. The reduced carbs even out the hormone spikes which fights insulin resistance, regulates menstruation and ovulation.

How do you get enough fiber in your diet without carbs? My IBS means I need a lot of fiber. I eat oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes. I don't want to live off of Metamucil, which is frankly disgusting.

Okay..first....I eat carbs. I don't know why everyone always thinks that if you're eating low carb, you're not eating any carbs.

I eat black beans, lettuce, cucumbers, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, onions, peppers, tomatoes and the occasional slice of apple or strawberries or raspberries.

I have no issues with fiber.

OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 4:28:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar

Try putting in your typical diet in a nutrient calculator online. You will see that no matter what combination you use, if half of your calories are based on carbs, you will have a nutrient deficiency every single day.
Putting in the same amount of calories on a low carb, varied high natural foods diet, you will run at a nutrient excess every single day.

Day before yesterday: 1803 calories - 138.1g of Fat (68%) - 58.6g of carbs (12%) - 89.7g of protein (20%)


1.5 coffee with 1.5 tsp of sugar and 1.5 Tbsp of heavy cream.
3 slices of bacon with 4 lettuce leaves, 1/2 of an heirloom tomato with 2 Tbsp Olive Oil Mayo
15-20 Roasted/Salted Almonds
1 FL Cup of homemade Chili (beef and black beans) with 2oz of cream cheese
5 Polish Petite Dill pickles
1 Chicken breast, bone in and skin on, Mock Mashed potatoes (Califlower, heavy cream, butter, salt) and garlic butter green beans

The chili bumped up my carbs a little bit. Normally, I'm a hair under 50g for a day.

Vit. A - 166% / B6 - 119% / B12 - 113% / C - 81% / D - 20% / E - 98%
Calcium - 45% / Copper 104% / Iron - 61% / Magnesium - 103% / Niacin - 174% / Phosphorus - 135% / Potassium - 52% / Riboflavin - 129% / Selenium - 124% / Thiacin - 59% / Zinc - 130%

OsideGirl -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/26/2015 4:42:51 PM)

Oh...and one of the best things ever....a year ago my mother gave me a Wolfgang Puck Pressure Oven. It's fantastic. A whole 11lb turkey took a little over an hour. It really makes it easy to cook meats, which removes the whole "I don't wanna cook cause it takes forever" whiny excuse away from me and keeps processed food out of my kitchen.

MuscleBoundDom -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/27/2015 10:44:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Extravagasm

Refuse to legitimize this unsavory hissyfit in both directions. Instead replying to the OPs original preference: If you seek a height/weight proportionate sub, they're out there, OP. Some profiles request height/weight proportionate Doms too Lol. Learn to use the advanced word search functions. There's a heck of a lot more difficulty finding non-smokers among the 'adventurous' population than weight issues. Because the adventurous population does not reflect the general population.

BUT perhaps what you may really be satisfied seeking, is an overweight sub, whom you can train into shape (like OP's career). They are scarce, but exist. Having a profile on CM and CS longer than the other posters, I've reviewed at least 30 sub female profiles, that actually SUGGEST upfront, they are not opposed to Doms controlling their eating and exercise. 30 isnt a lot in 11 years but many more were out there, simply feeling that such demands were not sub-like. (It's why they come to your commercial business.)

Playing the odds, you would be better off, finding BDSM interest, among your fitness colleagues, rather than the other way around. For ethical reasons, go to other clubs and organizations, than ones you are affiliated with. Enroll in yoga classes, go to dance exhibitions, ballet, theater. Or use these as search words on CS. Lol remember no pain, no gain, no complain ;);) Carefully think through, what you want.

Thank you for your comment. Out of all the comments I've read your's is the only one that I take seriously.

MuscleBoundDom -> RE: Healthy Submissives (9/27/2015 10:48:19 PM)


"Being slim and rippled isn't necessarily being healthy.
In the same way that being fat isn't unhealthy.
I view muscle-bound people to be generally unhealthy, very vain and self-centred and I wouldn't want to be like that. "

What part of the Universe do you live in?
I could quote article after article sayig that eating healthy and exercise is healthy.
But with the wave of your right hand you will say, "It's all rubbish."

I could quote article after article saying that living at an unhealthy weight will cause medical conditions, such as diabetes.
But with the wave of your right hand you will say, "It's all rubbish."

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