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RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 7:40:05 PM   

Posts: 844
Joined: 7/22/2015
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As long as we're playing this fantasy "what if" game where every argument ends in homicidal rage, is it not equally plausible that the pair of arguing fathers could be armed with a knife? That one of the pair could use their car to run over the other? Or use a baseball bat to beat in the head of the other? Or are you attempting to imply that firearms somehow inject thoughts of violent murder into their owners, vaguely reminiscent of a Stephen King novel?

There were little league games with the very types of attacks you discribed this summer, but none I saw with guns.

Maybe guns have more willpower than he does. Mine have never even tried to talk me into anything like that, they seem to know that I, and not them, are in charge.

You may just have lazy firearms, apparently they're going around.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 81
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 7:44:32 PM   

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As long as we're playing this fantasy "what if" game where every argument ends in homicidal rage, is it not equally plausible that the pair of arguing fathers could be armed with a knife? That one of the pair could use their car to run over the other? Or use a baseball bat to beat in the head of the other? Or are you attempting to imply that firearms somehow inject thoughts of violent murder into their owners, vaguely reminiscent of a Stephen King novel?

There were little league games with the very types of attacks you discribed this summer, but none I saw with guns.

Maybe guns have more willpower than he does. Mine have never even tried to talk me into anything like that, they seem to know that I, and not them, are in charge.

You may just have lazy firearms, apparently they're going around.

Maybe all of mine came off of the anti-Christine line while the ones he knows came off of a Christine line.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to ifmaz)
Profile   Post #: 82
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 10:17:26 PM   

Posts: 3759
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It proves both ignorance of the situation, and it seems to imply that if you take the guns from law abiding citizens the criminals will politely give up theirs

It's been managed in other countries, JLF. Why couldn't it happen in the USA, too? Are the USA's criminal - and gun-carrying - element, of a different breed to those of other countries whose criminals once carried guns? Australia managed it - are Aussie criminals much nicer and less violent and murderous than American criminals, in some way?

And again we keep going around in circles with this same shit. And again it's not the same here as it is in the UK. The UK will damn near fit into Texas. There are 49 more states with their own governments, laws, subcultures and attitudes sprawling across a great land mass. We have in excess of 300 million freaking firearms in private hands. The ones you guys confiscated from your citizens were registered. Ours are not. Your laws would only exaserbate the problems.


I keep coming up against this question: Why is the USA *so damned exceptional* when it comes to guns? It's not like the UK, to be sure ... but it's not *utterly unlike every other country* - surely? Or is it?

It is unlike, at least almost, every other country. We have certain segments of the population that are violent and indifferent to life. As a people in general we are more violent then you guys in the UK and it's not because of all the guns. I mean just look at the difference in our popular sports. We like football and you guys like footsie ball We like our guns and it's probably why there are 300 freaking million of them.


"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world." Unknown

"Long hair, short hair—what's the difference once the head's blowed off." - Farmer Yassir

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 83
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 10:42:38 PM   

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ORIGINAL: jlf1961

.....the laws we have dont work because the fucking database and infrastructure to make them work is underfunded, understaffed and state and local law enforcement agencies are not required to input the data into the system.

I pretty much agree with everything you've been saying but I want to make this point. Even if we could fix the data base tomorrow, it would only be marginally effective. There are so many other things, and even things unrelated to the guns themselves contributing to our gun problem. One thing is plea bargaining. Too many violent assholes getting off too easy. And that straw purchaser asshole on another thread you started only got two lousey way less than adequet years. Considering someone was murdered with that gun he should be doing 15 to life. When we decide to lock these fuckers up they need to stay there. And there is so much more that compounds the problem.

There is only one short term solution to the problem, especially the public mass murder shooting problem but those guys don't want any part of it. Until they come around I'll just make a point of being prepared myself and staying away from places where no one supposedly has any guns.


"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world." Unknown

"Long hair, short hair—what's the difference once the head's blowed off." - Farmer Yassir

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 84
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 10:45:50 PM   

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People are coming down the street burning and looting and you think they can argue that they were minding their own business? That is insane.

You have to prove guilt. That is how it works in this nation. Or have you never heard of the US Constitution?


You think that if looters know they are libel to get shot they are going to tear a town apart, you think they are a lot braver than they are.

If they might get shot at, how about they pack some guns themselves? Thanks to those wimpy gun laws in some states, those rioters can get firearms just as easily as you can. You start shooting, they return fire. If you kill one of theirs, they are more likely to want some payback.

Right now, very few carry firearms. But that can always change.


You do know that a large portion of the problem in Baltimore was that the mayor gave orders to give them room to destroy and that the murder rate since they handcuffed the police has skyrocketed, purely because people like you think the rioters need to be coddled.

Rioters are law breakers. I say jail 'em. Collect any evidence and try them in court. If they are found guilty either by their own accord or by jury; they are given the maximum penalty.

The large problem with Baltimore and other police departments is "not enough training". All your demands to cut budgets for a tax reduction comes with hidden costs at the government level. That training that might have prevented things in Baltimore? Cut. So that you could save any extra $0.15 on your taxes. There are hidden costs when budgets are cut. The people in those areas will eventually feel them big and small.


BTW while perhaps in PROM only white people own business, but down here we have a lot of businesses run by non-whites and they would be the first ones to start shooting looters.

Damn....quite the racist statement to make. If something happens that bad, blame the non-whites immediately and without evidence! Do you attend Klan Rallies? In each major riot, it did not matter the skin color of the person that owned the business; it was looted. People of each race had their businesses, homes, and even other property (e.g. cars) burned, looted, and demolished.

Which is often why we call in the "...well regulated militia...." to deal with them instead of 'morons with guns'. They tend to be a bit more organized.


You also assume that all the scum are black, again maybe in PROM but not here.

I do not assume one's skin color during a riot. There are videos have many different races looting different places.


So you can just forget trying to make a racial issue out of this.

I'm not the one making it about race.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 85
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 11:10:06 PM   

Posts: 15477
Joined: 2/11/2006
From: USA
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I keep coming up against this question: Why is the USA *so damned exceptional* when it comes to guns? It's not like the UK, to be sure ... but it's not *utterly unlike every other country* - surely? Or is it?

Well not "utterly," but it's a lot different from Western Europe and Britain...

And apparently, overall, we're happier too...

There ya go, glad to help.


(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 86
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 11:27:11 PM   

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ORIGINAL: jlf1961
No, you made an asinine remark to a situation where private gun ownership saved lives and property. A typical remark from someone who would clearly remove the rights of law abiding citizens to protect themselves and their property in a crisis situation.

No, she made very intelligent remarks that you apparently are just not mature enough to handle.

When you behave like an asshat, more people are less trusting of you and your ability with a firearm. So go ahead, and attack people. You just undermine things that much more. You want firearms? Behave like an actual adult!


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
The simple fact is that you and your ilk would prefer that the criminal element have guns while the law abiding citizens are restricted from purchasing them.

This coming from someone whom shoots down gun law bills so that the actual lawbreakers do not have to jump through more hoops to get a gun. The idea behind better gun control laws is to make it MUCH harder on the criminal element to obtain and traffic firearms. At the same time, restoring trust in good, honest, Americans with firearms.


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
This is clear from the fact that no matter how many fucking times the question "how are you gonna take the guns from criminals?" comes up, you people have not answered, presented a possible scenario or anything to accomplish this task.

Taking guns from criminals is a time process event. First, how does a legal firearm fall into a criminal's possession in the first place?

1 ) By legal purchase.
2 ) By shady purchase
3 ) Steals the gun
4 ) Trades for the gun
5 ) Buys the gun on the black market
6 ) Borrows from other family
7 ) Inherits (doesn't happen to often these days)

While we can place a tight level if restrictions on how firearms move from one person to another; there will always be the element of profit. That which turns good people into corrupted people. A gun store whom recently got shut down because 500 guns originated from them is an example of corrupted store owners.

There is not any one law that is the silver bullet solution either. It will take a number of laws working together. For instance, tying a tax that artificially raises a firearm's price does two things: Makes that firearm more valuable to be kept locked up, and raises the black market value for that gun. If a a firearm sold for $800, now its $4,000. Before you scuff at the number, think about how often people buy $800 dollar TV's verse $2,500 TVs. For most people, it will take a few months to collect that firearm. Leave an option open that a person could purchase the firearm without the tax increase due to potential threat(s).

Forcing background searches on every firearm purchase. Not just from stores but between individuals. This will help cut down on giving firearms to 'less than trustworthy people'. Also, if databases show individuals that have been committed due to mental/emotional illness; might cut down on mass shootings.

Require gun owners to carry insurance on their firearms. Just like with a car that can do considerable damage; insurance is required on a firearm. If its lost/stolen, your rates go up! There are guns that were once owned by someone and 'magically' they show up at a crime scene. The previous documented owner has an alibi; So how did that gun 'jump' from the gun safe to a crime scene?

The problem the criminals will find is attrition. At first these and other controls will not seemingly do anything. Over time, those guns become harder and hard to acquire. Meanwhile there are many gun owners with firearms. So long as we keep an eye on potential 'honest and law abiding people' whom might do something criminal or 'break' due to mental/emotional illness, we should experience less shootings. If people take precautions with non-users (i.e. kids), hopefully we cut down on the accidental shootings. Finally, if you think you have a mental/emotional problem; go get help. If you need to give those arms to the police to keep yourself safe from it!

Realize, the question you prose is difficult on many levels. But it is answerable. Better that we (yes, all of us good Americans) figure this stuff out quickly. Since the population of 'ban 'em all' grows after each mass shoot every few weeks.


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
It proves both ignorance of the situation, and it seems to imply that if you take the guns from law abiding citizens the criminals will politely give up theirs.

You assume 'gun control = remove guns from citizens'. Yeah, that method doesn't work. The above suggestions have a better chance of working. As I stated, we will not notice things immediately. Over time, will see a reduction in criminals with guns while the 'good guys' still have access to firearms.


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
So, instead of answering direct questions about that aspect, you continue to attack the people who are responsible gun owners.

Funny, that when I ask questions, they do not get answered. Direct answers. No, I get childish answers. The sort that says to me "This person should not have a firearm because they can not behave like an adult". Right now, there is a considerable lack of trust in this nation. It grows every day. Not just on firearms, but on many other issues as well. Yet, I believe if we can tackle the issue with firearms, we might start restoring trust. If a person doesn't trust you with a firearm; they'll do what ever they can to remove that firearm from you. So what do you gain by giving them reason to distrust you in the first place?


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
And we are accused about being stubborn on the issue.

Belligerent, 'anger management issues', aggressive, paranoid, maybe even suffering schizophrenia. Even behaving like a child in the middle of a temper tantrum. Why do you think that's come about? Look at how you attacked, tweak. How does someone look at your post and say "This counter post came from a sane, intelligent, and reasonable person"? There are posts, like yours and worst on this and other threads. There are people that behave like you in the nation.

That you are being inconsiderate while demanding everyone be considerate of your views. You demand unconditional trust while distrusting everyone else. Trust, jlf1961, is a two way street. I would think someone on a BDSM site would understand how valuable mutual trust is with a partner. Particularly over SM! If you do not trust your fellow Americans, why should they trust you? That you have a right under the US Constitution? Look up the 18th and 21st Amendments. Think carefully.


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
In closing, if you do not have a solution to the entire problem based in reality, might I suggest you go find rock to climb back under.

I think the majority of Americans have plenty of good ideas that could form into solutions. Unfortunately we have to many weak-willed conservatives in Congress that will obey the NRA's whims. I'm perfectly 'OK' in inviting you to help me and other Americans find better solutions. The current firearm laws are simply not handling the level and complexity of problems currently experienced. We all agree on preventing the criminal element from acquiring firearms. But distrust is also hurting those with firearms that would never use their arms to create more crime. So we have to rebuild trust. That is not easy!

How would you rebuild trust?

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 87
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 11:34:44 PM   

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I keep coming up against this question: Why is the USA *so damned exceptional* when it comes to guns? It's not like the UK, to be sure ... but it's not *utterly unlike every other country* - surely? Or is it?

Well not "utterly," but it's a lot different from Western Europe and Britain...

What is defined as 'success'? Is having lots of money being successful? Raising a good family, success? Is being happy regardless of one's place, success? You talk to a hundred people and ask them 'what is success' to them; you'll get 148 replies!

An then bringing that concept back to the central topic, firearms, is equally tough to define.


And apparently, overall, we're happier too...

In this example you equate 'lots of money' as being successful. The two sets of charts, while interesting to look at, are not really connected to each other in reality, given what I stated for the previous thought process. Yes, the United States is a much more wealthy nation compared to many other nations. Yet, there are many individuals in those lands whom have a better outlook on life then some Americans. If we stated success is measured by college degrees and knowledge; would the United States still be in first place?

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 88
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 11:43:02 PM   

Posts: 15477
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ORIGINAL: joether

The idea behind better gun control laws is to make it MUCH harder on the criminal element to obtain and traffic firearms... For instance, tying a tax that artificially raises a firearm's price...

Yeah. For everybody, not just criminals. Pure fucking genius.


(in reply to joether)
Profile   Post #: 89
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 11:50:18 PM   

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Bird brain pompas ass condescending crap.


"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world." Unknown

"Long hair, short hair—what's the difference once the head's blowed off." - Farmer Yassir

(in reply to joether)
Profile   Post #: 90
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 11:56:52 PM   

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From: Somewhere Texas
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Are you just too dense to follow the facts?

First I do not shoot down gun laws, I merely point out that the present gun laws are comprehensive enough that to further add to the Firearms laws is both unnecessary and needlessly expensive.

Second, I provided proof to support my claim that the number of mass shootings in which the shooter used firearms he legally purchased would not have happened under the present laws had the NCIC database been anything more than purely voluntary on the part of the state and local law enforcement agencies.

I'm sorry, but speaking on a purely logical point, adding to the existing number of gun regulations WILL NOT WORK IF THE SYSTEM TO PREVENT PURCHASES BY THOSE WHO CANNOT LEGALLY BUY GUNS IS NOT MANDATORY FOR THE DATA TO PUT ON THE SYSTEM.

Every gun law proposed short of those to make complete classes of guns illegal to own is based on the NCIC being up to date. I oppose any law that tells me what I can and cannot own in the way of firearms.

Furthermore, any law passed that limits the types of weapons for private use by eliminating certain classes of weapons completely is unconstitutional under at least 2 SCOTUS rulings, if not more. The present regulations that make certain classes of weapons require an NFA permit is probably borderline on the grounds of those two rulings.

As far as straw purchases go, I guess you completely missed the topic "About Freaking Time" that I started, in which a gun dealer was held liable for selling a firearm that was bought with the intent to put the weapon in the hands of an individual who was not legally eligible for gun ownership.

But please, feel free to ignore the facts and propose new legislation that wont work.

The worst thing is, and I have pointed this out as well, the legislators elected on both sides of the argument are fully aware of the flaws in the present system, and not a single one of them has done anything to introduce legislation that would fix the back ground check problem.

Liberals keep pushing weapon bans, and conservatives keep yelling "gun grab."

Bottom line is nobody in Washington is remotely interested in fixing the problem. For democrats it is better to keep letting you gun control supporters pushing for things that cant work or that are completely unconstitutional, that way they can say "We promise to restrict guns" and get elected knowing goddamn well that they have no intention of doing shit other than introducing some bill that is only going to stir the debate up even more.

Nor have you gun control preaching leftists woke up to the fact that if you stopped attacking gun owners for one goddamn minute you would find that 90% agree that something needs to be done.

All of these facts makes the gun control debate in the US a lost cause and tomorrow someone is going to buy a gun that should not be able to buy one and go out and kill someone, or a number of someones and the shit starts all over again.

I cant help but believe that some of the gun control supporters use the Gallagher method of scrambling eggs, one freaking hug ass hammer to smash the egg all over the freaking kitchen.

FYI, the thing about the NCIC not working which allows those that should not be able to buy guns to buy guns is not from a gun support group, but a gun control group.


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to joether)
Profile   Post #: 91
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 11:57:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: joether

What is defined as 'success'? Is having lots of money being successful? Raising a good family, success?

How a respondent defines "success" is irrelevant to the question.


ORIGINAL: joether

In this example you equate 'lots of money' as being successful.

You're delusional... I didn't equate anything with "lots of money."


< Message edited by Kirata -- 10/16/2015 12:03:38 AM >

(in reply to joether)
Profile   Post #: 92
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/15/2015 11:58:02 PM   

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ORIGINAL: joether

Which is often why we call in the "...well regulated militia...." to deal with them instead of 'morons with guns'. They tend to be a bit more organized.

Bird brain warped perspective on history pompas ass condescending crap.


"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world." Unknown

"Long hair, short hair—what's the difference once the head's blowed off." - Farmer Yassir

(in reply to lovmuffin)
Profile   Post #: 93
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/16/2015 1:24:18 AM   

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There ya go, glad to help.


And I'm sure that the straw man you were helping is immensely grateful, K.


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 94
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/16/2015 1:34:02 AM   

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ORIGINAL: lovmuffin




It proves both ignorance of the situation, and it seems to imply that if you take the guns from law abiding citizens the criminals will politely give up theirs

It's been managed in other countries, JLF. Why couldn't it happen in the USA, too? Are the USA's criminal - and gun-carrying - element, of a different breed to those of other countries whose criminals once carried guns? Australia managed it - are Aussie criminals much nicer and less violent and murderous than American criminals, in some way?

And again we keep going around in circles with this same shit. And again it's not the same here as it is in the UK. The UK will damn near fit into Texas. There are 49 more states with their own governments, laws, subcultures and attitudes sprawling across a great land mass. We have in excess of 300 million freaking firearms in private hands. The ones you guys confiscated from your citizens were registered. Ours are not. Your laws would only exaserbate the problems.


I keep coming up against this question: Why is the USA *so damned exceptional* when it comes to guns? It's not like the UK, to be sure ... but it's not *utterly unlike every other country* - surely? Or is it?

It is unlike, at least almost, every other country. We have certain segments of the population that are violent and indifferent to life. As a people in general we are more violent then you guys in the UK and it's not because of all the guns. I mean just look at the difference in our popular sports. We like football and you guys like footsie ball We like our guns and it's probably why there are 300 freaking million of them.

Lovemuffin, where I said that the USA is not like the UK, I hoped to impart that I did not think the USA was like the UK. I'm sorry I wasn't clearer in that respect, for feck's sake.

So, in what ways is the USA unlike *Australia*, for instance, when it comes to gun laws?

Or is your final sentence really what it's all about: "We like our guns and it's probably why there are 300 freaking million of them"?


(in reply to lovmuffin)
Profile   Post #: 95
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/16/2015 1:38:41 AM   

Posts: 15477
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From: USA
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And I'm sure that the straw man you were helping is immensely grateful, K.

How, specifically, was my post a response to a "straw man"?


< Message edited by Kirata -- 10/16/2015 1:47:57 AM >

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 96
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/16/2015 1:47:31 AM   

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And I'm sure that the straw man you were helping is immensely grateful, K.

How, specifically, was my post a response to a "straw man"?


You gave figures on a) 'Success in life is determined by forces outside our control' and b) on the view that 'fewer people in rich countries say today is a good day'. I had not argued, nor even suggested, views that oppose those figures.


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 97
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/16/2015 1:50:12 AM   

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And I'm sure that the straw man you were helping is immensely grateful, K.

Well then, trot out this "straw man" so we can have a look at him. It seems to me American attitudes toward individual self-reliance go a long way toward explaining my country's attitude toward firearms compared to Western Europeans and the British.


Whoops, I answered before your edit ....

Australia, K. Australia. Perhaps I should say it again, because Lovemuffin pretended not to see it either: I'm aware that the USA is not like Britain. And European countries are of a roughly similar size to the UK, and similarly densely-populated. So, yes, try Australia.


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 98
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/16/2015 1:55:12 AM   

Posts: 15477
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From: USA
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And I'm sure that the straw man you were helping is immensely grateful, K.

How, specifically, was my post a response to a "straw man"?

You gave figures on a) 'Success in life is determined by forces outside our control' and b) on the view that 'fewer people in rich countries say today is a good day'. I had not argued, nor even suggested, views that oppose those figures.

I gave figures (a, b) showing American attitudes toward individual self-reliance compared to Western Europe and Britain, which in my opinion go a long way toward explaining the difference in our attitude toward firearms. Wasn't that the essence of your question? That we seem, overall, to be happier in the bargain (c) was just food for thought.


< Message edited by Kirata -- 10/16/2015 1:56:44 AM >

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 99
RE: The Best Historic Argument in Keeping Guns. - 10/16/2015 2:05:45 AM   

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I gave figures (a, b) showing American attitudes toward individual self-reliance compared to Western Europe and Britian, which in my opinion go a long way toward explaining the differences in our attitudes toward firearms. Wasn't that the essence of your question?

Ah. This thread was about the history behind gun-ownership. This was why I didn't branch into 'self-reliance'. Yep, I'm aware that's a bigger thing in the USA than it is in many other first world countries, of course.

As for 'happier' ... Still not up there with Shangri Las like Columbia, Brazil, Nigeria and ... Uganda - countries not known for their freedom from corruption, murder, crime of all types? Jesus, *Uganda*? I reckon I'll just stay unhappy, thanks, K. ;-)


(in reply to Kirata)
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